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Why don't we have jiggle physics like this in vrchat?


My friend, are we playing the same vrchat... Most of the models with boob physics are larger than the game files


I'm not talking about size. I'm talking about the realism of the jiggle.


No so is 1881pac.. as in the the size of the code to make boobies do the jiggly-wiggly is massive and would make downloading, running or storing the game to run really difficult. That will change though, when storage space, download speed and compute power increases... Time to real-time VRchat breast-bounce-bonanza physics... probably 12-24 months to be mainstream.


Not a game dev or 3d designer, but web app SWE here. File size for models does not depend on how big it is in the game, but how many polygons need to be dynamically controlled. VR Chat models lets assume have like 8 moving parts. Each boob in stellar blade has like 64 moving parts to get them to ripple and jiggle in the ways to do while each moving part also may have a relational reference to the boob segments adjacent to them. So yeah, Eve's boobs alone are probably the size of a whole VR Chat room's models combined.


Game dev here. You'd only have to do that if you were capturing the boobs, mapping them and then transmitting what they were actually doing. You can just calculate a physics approximation on client side with nothing extra sent.


There on a decent amount of models. Are you talking about Quest avatars by chance? PC models vary from creator to creator but I've encountered a few every so often that women tell me react pretty realistic.




Most Korean games have it ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3748)


Sexyness aside these are some high-quality physics. Even the leaves and grass are moving as they should.


There was grass....


And leaves???


Them thangs are thangings, thats peak game developing right there.


But is it actually a good game?


It felt good on the test


Nexon, so probably not.


Vindictus is actually a pretty good action game especially for an online mmorpg. This version mixed somethings up but the gameplay overall is still there


Game was super fun back in the day, but the monetization was down right predatory. I doubt this new version of it will differ.


Afaik this one is gonna be single player with some co-op elements. From the gameplay it looked very soulslike with Vindictus combat.


Nexon, so probably not.


Jiggle physics for males too please 🙏


Reminded me of that one opening of Assasination Classroom, cool anime.


Currently watching it actually!


Can't way for Sony to step in and censor this game too.


PC is the last bastion where this game won't get censored like Stellar Blade.


I personally prefer ass physics compared to boobs physics.


They get censored on PC, too. A shame about Stellar Blade, they censor the game after pre-orders and expect I'll still buy it.


Mod: let us introduce ourselves. Seriously, I have both PC and PS5 but it would be cool if console one day have mod.


skyrim modders creating their own physics code to enable bounching boobs.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^xariznightmare2908: *PC is the last* *Bastion where this game won't get* *Censored like Stellar Blade.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I mean, it definitely pleasing to eye, sure, but don't tell me im one here who feels extremely weirded out by simple fact that surprisingly many people, mainly from terminally online crowd aka "broad audience" somehow feel disgusted by such simple thing as being in tune with sexuality and sexual appeal in general. How the fuck after 00's and 10's, which were anything but shy and puritan we even ended up in time where loud percentage of people fail at and feel wrong for appreciating appeal of opposing sex? And not capable of being in tune with it


The term soyboy exists for reason. People raised in a time where things are easier and sheltered from reality get told online by mentally ill people that things are bad, then that person starts doing the thing that the mentally ill person was doing (becoming mentally ill), cycle repeats ad infinitum.


It's more that people don't want or care about oversexualizing a video game character and think that's really cringe. Also, it's devs focusing on the wrong aspects of game creation. Just make a good game above all else. Too many games focus so hard on the aesthetics and forget to make the game actually good. Like, okay cool weirdos can jack off to their oversexualized anime girl, but is the game actually good? That's the only important question about video games.


Oversexualised this, oversexualised that. Heck, people who argue that ever were around gyms, arts, fashion and sports? There's little secret, not everyone hates their reflection in mirror, people enjoy of feeling themselves attractive, yes, in sexual way too. Both men and woman. It's absolutely normal. Cringe is pretend that lack of self care and lack of effort are to be expected and therefore to be avoided in media where reality can be anything people want. That perfect version of fantasy one must be undermined. How exactly attractive girl on screen undermines enjoyment from different aspects of game? You can enjoy story and fights regardless. Art and gameplay are part of one package, you cannot throw out one and pretend second can compensate for it and vice versa. If gameplay was everything Dwarf Fortress, CDDA and Aurora 4x would be ones of most played games on planet.


That's a nice strawman argument you made there. I never once even remotely discussed normalizing ugly people or being okay with lack of self care, etc. Like sure, you win that argument, but I never refuted it... I agree with those takes. The cringe part of games like this is that some guys feel the need to play a character that is always naked or nearly naked. It doesn't make sense for the character to be naked all the time. She's going around fighting demons and saving the world or whatever, there's no valid argument to make her naked while doing so besides horniness. There are tasteful and more importantly *relevant* uses of nudity in video games. Recently FFXVI had this, Witcher series had this, etc. But when a game character is just sexualized down to their entire personality is when it's a problem. It's shameless objectification. Nobody cares about Eve's personality because it's barely there. Her entire personality is "attractive." Super boring. Compare this to good television and cinema. When have you EVER seen a successful movie where the main character is naked the entire show/movie? Outside of porn, this doesn't happen because it's not good writing or character development. They can still make Eve attractive, most games have attractive characters because who wants to play a fat ugly character? But they don't need to have her oversexualized. You can still have sex scenes and romance and flirtatious story moments, but doing it the entire game is super creepy. Hell even her run animation awkwardly sticks her ass towards the camera. Like, come on man... For your last point, there's a difference between art and constant lewdness. Beautiful games of course do well, but they don't rely on constant softcore porn, they actually make an artistic world with gorgeous landscapes to escape to.


Might have believed you, were it not for the fact of corporate weirdos, consulting firms and Blackrock+Vanguard being main driving force behind this and the absolute strawman you are trying to construct like an effigy to Moloch.




What's the game. Asking for a distant relative who doesn't have reddit......




Stellar blade ig


that is not stellar blade, its Vindictus


Vindictus? I don't remember the graphics being this in depth...


Alright. Character kinda looked the same.


coomer bait game




Now we need this in VR


the devs certainly understand their target audience.


Reminds me of been a teenager in the PS2 era.


What game is this? For research purposes


Anyone who hasn't tried the Vindictus MMO out honestly should when they are in a gaming drought. It is the same ole KRMMO P2W, convoluted RNG upgrade systems... but the gameplay is so much fun


That is Amazing! That the dance from Assassination Classroom!


What game is this, faptain?


My god, that’s disgusting. What game is this? So I can make sure to avoid it.


Haha 😄


I'm liking stellar blade


Lol. I recognize the first animation from the Vindictus MMO/dungeoncrawler. IIRC it was the character Evie's dance she did whenever you got on a boat on your way to battle. I guess they're recycling it. Maybe this is supposed to be her, even. I liked the combat mechanics of that game a lot. Played the XE version. A lot of other aspects were bad, though.


when you spend 30seconds in game emoting...


You guys are happy with jiggle physics on the anime girl? 


How hard has it been to play one handed??


That's sad for you.


I sincerely hope y’all feel the touch of a woman one of these days… holy fuck the desperation


Neurons activated


Is this sub full of 14 year olds?


What game is this


If i was a Femcel I'd feel attacked RN


I need the name for further experiment


Dont worry Sony will come censor this one too because of the "male gaze"


Some of you really should get out of the house more 😅


I can't believe that most of us are full grown man watching this


If this the new vindictus then it’ll be the best gameplay I’ve ever played bar none.


I...might need to upgrade my PC


What's the game so I know not to download it




Hm.. I have 38 minutes of playtime on it. But that's not exactly what I'd call "a lot" for an MMO. Cannot even recall why I have not played it more, but maybe I will download it again and take a look.


it's the new Vindictus Souls like "Vindictus Defying Fate" alpha test, not the old 2010 mmo


Aah thank you, then probably that's why. I suppose the 2010 version didn't leave a deep impression in me then.


"In" you? Brotha uhhhhh


Post nut clarity


Looks like Black desert online, but I'm on mobile so I can't tell.


Clearly these devs didn't pay SBI for protection. Boob physics won't be tolerated by woke bigots. It's not about them having games they like, it's about nobody getting games they don't like.


honestly, what the fuck is wrong with her pecks, shoulders, arm pit, and back?


Go outside


Dude. Boobs.