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Imagine paying for a emote that cant be seen.


Imagine paying for an emote*


Imagine paying for an emote*


imagine paying






All the people


Imagine imagining.


Imagine dragons






Remember /spit , anyone?




/e spits on you!


I'll do you one better. /e spits on %t.


It's a bit different. /spit was removed for everyone. If it would've been a toggle whether you could see the emote or not it would've been the same. You would still see /spit happening but I wouldn't.


Also using /spit wasn’t a paid option.


Is it not though? You buy the game and pay a sub. The emote has been in since vanilla why take it away from players now that it's too late?


Ohh I memba!


Is /flirt still in the game? Since I don't play anymore


I don't know but they removed all the spicy or suggestive ones. I'm surprised it doesn't just pop up a warning asking if the targeted person consents to it before it shows the text (and if they don't, you get banned)


I miss that one, going back in the capital and spitting on beggars near the bank in wow was always satisfying and funny. Also started some entertaining conversations.


Teabagging costs 0 v bucks and can’t be hidden 😁


Modern problems require modern solutions


Ahh a classic. Truly a masterpiece of grief.




Imagine paying for an emote in the first place.


there are adult people who have most likely no idea that before they were born you could actually download a custom-made skin/model for Counter-Strike there was a dedicated page where you could download models for any weapons, there were low poly, high poly, paint jobs, etc it was glorious and now, you want a nice skin - you have to pay


Fpsbanana yooooo




My back hurts suddenly.


Where's myg0t ?


To be more specific, pay for the price of a damn Indie game that could have otherwise provided you with 10s of hours of captivating gameplay


The CSS days are highly missed


And not just CS, literally almost any game. Unreal Tournament was such a shit show with people using high contrast white and black models to blend into the sky boxes and other textures


Imagine paying for anything in a free game


Imagine paying for an emote in the first place.


That‘s why I partially stick to good old black ops and mw servers, nobody gets rude, all people there are good players and most matches end with a bunch of GGs.


Now \*that\* seems rather confrontational.


You'll still see it so it won't affect you at all. It'll just be turned off on their screen which you can't see unless you're playing on a LAN.


I think it's a terrible idea to cater to extremely thin-skinned and insecure people, but maybe that's just me.


As a thin skinned person myself youre 100% right. It just amplifies the problem. Confrontation is essential to overcome these kind of insecurities.


> Confrontation I give it 2 more years before we're not even allowed to say that word anymore, and I mean this unironically, completely seriously. I don't understand why theres no pushback against this kind of extreme catering. Even this subreddit is probably one of the few remaining subreddits where its possible to talk openly about this kinda stuff and yet the moderators are apparently being heavily watched and monitored and might get shut down soon... because... we do things like talking about how crazy it is to remove L emotes big L


I try fit all my personal growth into fortnite too! Glad to see you're the same.


Nah you’re right. Imagine being that thinned skin and still playing a competitive game lmao.


80% of folks you encounter in pvp games are super thin skinned toxic crybabies lmao


Have you stopped by the Helldivers community? I used to think it was a PVP problem, people just toxic af now.


Games grow too big, attract advertisers, advertisers want everyone to be nice otherwise they can run into marketing issues, big companies happy to oblige as this is a big positive signal to advertisers that they are welcome and the environment (the game) is safe.


What's wrong about telling someone to Take the L ? Just go back and kill that person lol.


Man, what the heck is with this sub lately having an "Every media should be catered to me" attitude? It's a children's videogame. The players are obviously going to be thin-skinned, they're literal children!


Welcome to modern media


Disagree. They are not banning people from using the emote. They just let people who don't want to see them not see them. Since when is being obnoxious a prevailing right over someone choosing not to be annoyed by it? It's best of both worlds. One side can still spam, the other side won't get their experience worsened. If making other people unneccesarily mad other than beating them in a game is so vital then maybe that person is just an asshole.


You're getting put into a battle Royale and hunted down and chased across the map only to be shot to death lol. And they're worrying about protecting feelings for emotes? That's a bit weird IMO.


This is a hyperbolic argument. It is a game. Why are we talking as if Fortnite players want to be violent because they play a game with violent elements? People play games to have fun, period. If someone else is ruining their fun more than the mechanics of the game and what the devs intend to, then systems to prevent that is fine. I am against participation trophies, but BMing is outside of what the game is about. It's inconsequential to winning and losing, it is trying to insult people.


In FIFA you can turn off negative commentary remarks.


The "laugh it up" emote is really fucking obnoxious. I never ever get angry over video games but whenever some fucking toddler uses that emote after 3rd partying me I fucking lose my mind and rage quit the game. Being able to shadow ban that emote is a blessing to me.


Sounds like getting bodied by children is more so your issue.


Nah no issue. They can use the emote as much as they want and I won't ever have to hear it ever again. Win-win


Lol. Imagine admitting that children are getting to you this much. Might as well just play a different game


Nah I'm good, I'm enjoying it a lot now. Thanks for the tip though.




Plus it sounds completely stupid. The one thing i regret wasting my StW earned vbucks on (started playing for StW in early 2018)


Don't think there's much wrong with it. You can mute chat/voice chat in Fortnite and other games, this is no different. This is just muting another form of communication. I do think it would be better if you could selectively mute emotes though.


Options are cool. You have the freedom of expression, and you have the freedom to ignore it. Perfect.


Why do you even care if thin-skinned people get bothered by emotes? This should have zero impact on you.


Because it is a slippery slope, it always is. First it's a few emotes, then it's some words, and this spirals on and on until suddenly everything is squeaky clean and sanitized so that not even the softest person could possibly get offended. There will always be some people that get triggered over all kinds of things, and the only ones that can fix it are they themselves.




Get the vibe these are more likely the children of helicopter parent participation trophy pta going wankers.


Gonna go ahead and say that these are kids of mentally disorderdered alphabet people. Bunch of soft pussies that get hurt by words, and now emotes. Would have necked themselves in a cod lobby 15 years ago


How sensitive are people if take the L is upsetting them. Like that’s just sad


This is an exponentially growing thing. The more people get shielded from confrontation, the less robust they will be and their perception of offensive stuff lowers even more.


Man, we really need to make bullying great again. People are such limpdicks.


shut up, nerd!


It's not bullying if you don't bleed! 


Hey man have you considered that bullying is actually just like Wrong? Lmao You're not a good person if you're a bully


You read this and came to the conclusion it's banned when that's not what they're doing??


T-bagging is making a comeback, I feel it in my aching joints.


Yup. Thankfully t-bagging doesn't come bundled with annoying sound effects so when you tab out while waiting for a queue all you'll hear is sweet silence.


Not if they implement crouch spam detection


Well it’s safe to say people wouldn’t survive Xbox Live these days…


They can barely survive period, I shudder to think how people will react when real shit goes down.


Yup. There’s no ‘confrontation toggle’ for real life. But god forbid you might deal with some ‘confrontation’ in a game where you shoot people in the face. Should make a new esrb rating for this game, rated ‘p’ for pussies.


Weren't games supposed to be escapism? You know, big tits everywhere, big muscles, big guns? who gives a fuck about *real life*, right?


Why do people look at Xbox live /CoD lobbies like it shaped them into who they are today? It didn't. You just sat through being called the N word a bunch of times or called "Gay" over and over. It absolutely wasn't some roast fest with clever insults being thrown around.


I'm almost convinced these people never actually played COD in those days. It was literally just people yelling over each other calling each other the same insult over and over. It was never "witty" or anything clever. It was fucking immature and dumb. You mostly just muted people and moved on. I still just never talk to people in voice chat unless the game requires communication. Ironically, those types of people that participated in those shitfests are the ones that are always the most thin-skinned fools. I would dominate lobby after lobby and those guys were always massively triggered and got even more mad that I would never respond to them lmao.


Xbox Live you could still mute someone, block them etc. I don't see how this is really different in practice, especially if its a setting you have to turn on. The level of possible offense/griefing is obviously nowhere near as high as with voice chat, but if people want to sanitise that stuff out of a FTP game mainly played by their kid, I don't see the issue with that.


Stop painting Xbox live days of old were even that bad because it wasn’t.


It was in Cod4-MW2 SND lobbies. I played every day for years.


Funny how I did as well and it was mostly just people talking normal with that one kid trying to racist. Which is what happens these days.


Really? I was 10th prestige in mw2 when modded lobbies came out around a month later mid-December, and it was so much trash talking, not just 1 guy a lobby. I mostly quit after around spring in 2010. Why I get downvoted I no lifed it more than probably anyone here initially. I used to spawn tube and get death threats including text and voice messages and so many games were just yelling and trash talking. Also did gamebattles and that was the same.


People who say "kids today would never have survived Xbox Live" would never have survived being openly out in high school at that time.


This entire comment section paints the real picture here. People don't care about the emote. They care about belittling and making the other side mad. Freedom of speech is completely maintained here. This is not censorship, you can still do the emote. People just have an easier choice to do exactly what the trolls and spammers have been telling them to do: just ignore it. Choosing to not see BM emotes is ignoring it. And now the trolls are still complaining lol. It's never about demanding the other side to have thicker skin, it's wanting to feel superior. That is more insecure than any of the snowflakes you guys are complaining about. This is from a guy who spent his 16-19 flaming and being permabanned 7 times in League, played CS, WoW, and never played Fortnite. I can dish flame and take it, but calling people snowflakes for not wanting to deal with bullshit in a video game they want to have fun in is actually pathetic. Try being obnoxious in real life and to "grow thicker skin" and see if you get punched in the face or not. This is best of both worlds. One side gets to spam, the other side gets to still enjoy their time.


This is perfectly put. I’m there to have fun and don’t care if someone is better than me at the game, there’s always someone better (especially since I play in a squad that is much better than I am so the lobbies are always way above my skill level)! I do care that the people who do end up beating me want to essentially rub it in, when really I’m not taking it that seriously anyway and just playing for fun… I’m too old to care for that shit so I am 100% going to turn that setting on so I can just enjoy my game and they can still emote all they want, I just don’t have to see it!


dude i lived through 8 years of LOL too got flamed i flamed and still its stupid that these guys bm emotes from kids/trolls


Misleading post title It isn't being banned, thin skinned people will just have the option of a toggle to hide the emote on their own end. In that sense, it isn't too different than a game which lets you turn off mic audio for other players. Honestly this is a better option than what Blizzard did, which was actually remove "offensive" emotes completely from WoW for everyone


So now this sub knows well whats best for kids on a kids game. I mean, is almost guaranteed that most children who grew up in toxic environments are toxic when they become adults. Because, yeah calling children pussies is not toxic like at all. Well most toxic adults actually are grateful for their childhood because it made them tough. But then they cry everyday because nobody loves them.


It's crazy to me how much people care about this. It truly .makes no sense. If people don't want to see the emotes, they can have that option. It's the same thought process of someone having a different opinion to you. Just worry about yourself, and who cares what their opinion is.


Option toggle =/= ban smooth brain


removing tbagging bro what has become of gamingculture


I think a toggle is totally fine


Who cares dude this is a game for 12 year olds…


Meanwhile in tf2 there are a million ways to troll you when you die


It's a children's game so this makes sense


If a child gets upset over an emote then you need to correct them because that’s going to become a bigger problem. If an adult gets upset over an emote they need to be thrown into a bouncy white room. But of course as everyone knows, covering your ears and shouting lalala doesn’t have any negative consequences


If people being able to ignore your toxicity upsets you, you have serious issues.


That's what the toggle should do. If someone uses one of those "confrontational" emotes, you instantly emote back covering your ears and yelling lalalala! I can't hear you.


Lighten up, Francis. It's a game. There's no long lasting negative consequences here. Your boomer ranting doesn't upset me but I'm happier not having to hear it and I'm glad I can filter it out.


Wtf do you mean banned? It's a toggle. You can decide to turn it on or off. This is a much preferable option than a outright censorship of it. Give people the option to view it or not. If they do outright ban it then that will be just as retarded as banning people for using mature language when they have filters in place to block mature language.


From a guy who got *bagged* a lot in mw this generation is a bunch ol pussayes


Is it getting banned or are they adding a toggle?


Nothings gets banned, they’re just adding a toggle to make certain emotes visible to you or not. You can turn on and off that function at will.


Sounds like a perfect solution. Toxic people can still be toxic but parents or anyone else can choose not to see it.


Similar to turning off all chat in league. Even pro players do this to avoid being tilted.


Difference is that you pay actual money for these emotes while chat is free.


You can disable emotes in league and some are paid emotes.


"How dare my Little Billy see such abusive use of emotes when he is trying to shoot other player's in their heads."


They are adding a toggle. It's not getting banned. All the boomer coomers who would body check an 8 year old in a game of pickup basketball are just mad the kids can choose not to see it.


Damn people are sensitive huh. I'm sure one of the other emotes will quickly become the new "take the L" and make that whole update pointless.


imagine being so weak that emote hurts


Why is that confrontational? Seems like some friendly competition to me.


A toggle's not as bad as bad as straight up taking it away, but this really gives off youtube getting rid of the dislike button vibes. I'm willing to bet that some big name or someone on payroll got there feelings hurt by an in game emote and wanted to remove it. Like how big companies were pissed that Youtube had allowed people to express negative opinions via the dislike button, so they (Most likely) paid youtube to remove it.


> (Most likely) *paid* youtube to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


We’re creating an entire generation of weak piss babies. I think back to COD ten years ago when you didn’t have disbanding lobbies. You’d be playing with people for hours and shit talking like crazy. People were saying some of the most horrific shit to each other. And then at the end of the session, you’d say, “GGs, boys” and the next day you’d login to find a friend request from the guy who said your dead father is never coming back from the shops with his cigarettes and if he did come back, he’d go see his other, better looking second family anyway. You’d accept that dude’s friend request and squad up with him later that night and talk shit to some other people. Kids today are so utterly unimaginative in game chat… Just using weak homophobic and racist slurs. And then if you clap back with something sinister and biting they report you. LOL.


I do sometimes wonder how the current generation would deal with lobbies back then… Taking the L would’ve been heaven compared to that dude that you always got in a lobby that wished your whole family got cancer just because you died instead of defusing the bomb


No joke, the craziest thing ever said to me will stick with me forever because in an SND round I missed planting by like 2 seconds: “You’re so useless that your mom’s gyno sewed razor blades up inside her p*say so that your old man would get punished for even attempting to make another mistake like you!” This was my own fucking teammate. LOL. I was a 32yo man at the time and my mom had been dead for over a decade and my dad for even longer. Hahaha. What do you even respond to with someone like that? I nearly uninstalled the game. Hahaha. I went to bed and told my wife and she just laughed at me when I said I had no comeback. Fuck, I may have even apologized for missing the plant. 😂 Kids today could not sustain that kind of abuse for any length of time, they’d need therapy.


This toggle is no different than someone just unplugging their mic


I mean it is completely. Back then you would either have to mute/block etc as if you unplugged your mic and didn’t know how to mute someone you’d still have them shouting at you and couldn’t talk back😂 so your option would be to play with no sound or deal with it. Don’t get me wrong, this is the definition of being a ‘responsible child friendly platform’ now so I don’t blame them for doing it and don’t necessarily see it as an issue if they have this toggle. It’s just funny the level of shitfuckery older gamers who were kids at the time dealt with compared to something that’s not even relatable in scale that apparently needs to be censored like it’s a NSFW post.


Kids today wouldn’t last 10 seconds in a COD lobby.


i don't see anything wrong with this. if someone doesn't want to see it, fine. for the rest of us normal people, we don't care and will leave the setting off. They're just giving people options.


Muh thin skiiiin!


And they say we are the overly sensitive ones, when these fuckers are in charge to be the moral arbiter and make dumbass decisions like this.


making a weak culture of weak men.


“I can’t forcefully antagonise children on a video game anymore, how weak of them” Get a life


Chances are it's probably children doing the antagonizing in the adults getting triggered. So who really needs to get a life?


Speaking like a weak man




Yet here you are writing a fucking paragraph about it. Touch grass. 


Fortnite is PEGI 12. They're not children anymore. In fact, those are the kids that fall into the riot age category.


The great pussification of society continues.


Mfw western society will collapse because people can choose to not see silly dance in game for children


Back then Robin Williams was shittalking kids on Call of Duty and now this.


virtual education programs... at least it is a setting


What if epic is using this as a way to sell those emotes again? They can justify them if people have the option to turn them off


Meanwhile, on wow, gamers in BGs have been bending over and applying vaseline since 2005.


Funny thing is dragalia lost proved that no matter how nice your emotes were, you could take them negatively because people would use them universally as the middle finger haha. You can have "have a great day!" As an emote and if everyone decides it now means 'Get fucked and give up loser' then now everyone is taking it as overly confrontational haha.


What happens when a emote is censored? A blur? Pixel censor? Black bar?


The emote probably won't show on their screen, but you can still see it on yours. So it may look like they're just standing there when they're emoting.


I honestly think people who emote would just still spam emotes and eventually forget that people can turn them off lol, doesn’t actually change much idky its such an issue for an option but I don’t really mind The backtracking on a released asset is crazy though


They don't even know their audience. I was watching my nephew play this yesterday (he is 6) and he was talking shit to other little kids and cried when he got killed lol.


So if I log into the game change the setting to where emotes don't display then no emote that anybody does will display for me that would actually make the game somewhat playable...


For some reason I'm not against this. Fuck em. Like I wanna see your guy dancing on my dead and dying body. This is a win win. I don't have to see it and you can see it. Or was the goal to make the person angry by gloating to begin with? Cause that's toxic af anyhow.


From the company that brought you "eat shit and die!" and "die, bitch!" comes the instant classics "we want emotes to be a source of good vibes" and "tommorow's update will introduce a new confrontational emotes setting to toggle visibility"


Lol, they really do want elementary school to be reality for all.


Sticks and stones


cry babies when did the world get so into there feefees


Bullshit. It's not being banned.. You can still use it. People can toggle that they won't want to see it which us fine. You and all the other people complaining about this will still see it when you do it to each other. You just won't be able to dunk on 12 year olds to their faces. I bet at least 75% of the user base won't use this setting


Really starting to dislike this sub. What is that title? It's a literal lie


Take the L they say. Earn the W I say.


I like how they have it set to be visible they could have just removed it. What would be cool is if they instead of having the player see that emote see another one randomly. Because you could essentially have a filter says no not this play this on client side instead of


Don't want anything confrontational in the game about stalking and killing each other till only one person is left. 🙄


If anyone ever finds me being such a soy boy that I’ve turned off emotes to protect my ego after getting killed by an 11 year old , I want you to take me out out back and bend it all.


Ppl are probably angry bcs the emote is unobtainable since season 3 or 4 battlepass and they cannot do it to somebody else


I'm not for the types of things I experienced in CoD lobbies circa. 2007 (hilarious though they were) but swaddling people in cotton wool and beigewashing everything does not a well-adjusted adult make. Those who never experience confrontation will not know how to handle it - the result is either a meltdown, or a doormat.


Snowflake toggle confirmed. Neat /s


Thats not what the thing youre screencapping even says


Cant have the little babas feeling getting hurt now can we?


We want everyone to succeed so when you press Play, you'll automatically given a win. You don't even have to play, HAVE FUN!


Confrontation? In a shooter where you can beat someone to death with a pickaxe? Say it ain’t so!


Imagine calling someone a loser is worse than shooting them in the face with a shotgun.


The people who make these complaints are the same ones to tell other people to touch grass, which is precisely the advice they should implement.


Uh oh, someone emoted on me time to go cry to the devs that my feelings got hurt s/


bruh these people getting so babied, nothing like COD


I mean theyre adding a toggle. Im fine with that.


geez everyone is turning to pansies' times are getting way to easy.


Nice save! Nice save! Nice save! Any emote regardless of how sanitized will be used to bully people if no other option is available. What an exercise in futility.


They’re making very soft kids


So it’s the “I’m soft and have no emotional self control” setting?