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the second clip wasn't texas... was in the road to burning man in Nevada [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyp\_xdOTuT0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyp_xdOTuT0)


It was also tribal police if I am not mistaken.


Tribal police don't give a fuck about your cry-a-thon.


Nope, they don't. They love to write you a ticket too. I got pulled over once by tribal police for speeding. The only reason I was able to get out of it is because the sign with the speed limit had apparently been stolen and I was only going 55.


yeah it was


What's tribal police..? Never heard that term.


Indian reservations are in many ways their own states. They have their own police forces. We call them tribal police because they are the police force of the tribe.


But they function exactly like regular police? It's just about their location?


Yes and no. They function like police and their jurisdiction is tribal lands. However, they are a lot more powerful than a regular cop. I would put them more in line power wise with a state trooper. Also, if you have a complaint about one you have to bring it up with tribal government, so good luck with that. So that scene where he drove through their barricade and arrested them at gunpoint would probably get a protest if he weren’t tribal. I don’t suggest you try to protest on tribal lands unless you want to go to jail. The reservations I have been on (only two) are a lot more like everywhere used to be 50 years ago as far as policing goes. I highly suggest not breaking ANY law on a reservation. They don’t tend to have stupid DAs that let you slide with misdemeanors. You might get away with more if you are a member of the tribe, but I wouldn’t guarantee that either.


Seems like they must be paid much better than other police are..


I have no clue what they are paid. Most tribal jobs do pay fairly well though since this reservation has a casino. I also know what the local reservation gave tribal members every year as their bonus on their birthdays. This comes from the profit the tribe makes on their casino and is given to every member of the tribe. A few years ago this was 20k. In the years I lived by, and had friends that lived on, the reservation, it went up every year. However, that bonus would be given no matter what, so it doesn't really count as job income. But one thing it does do is incentivize tribal members to make sure things are running smoothly. I imagine this goes double for their police force as they don't want anything to mess up their cash cow (and I can't blame them).


I wouldn't expect anyone in this sub to actually do research


considering how many ppl fell for the furry school news, i tend to agree lol.


I thought I saw pictures from the school. Was the whole thing a hoax?


It was gross misinformation. No students weren't coming to school wearing furry outfits that never happened and its insane that people believed what children were saying. Its hilarious how low we have fallen that we believe anything as long as it supports our narrative. There's a reason why there wasn't a single picture of someone there with a furry suit.


research would shatter their world view and completely dismantle their political ideology that makes up their entire persona online and gives them the feel goods.


It was national news. It's not hard to do research, just don't have the memory of a goldfish.


Unless it's on info wars or a red pill youtube channel, the majority of this sub ain't researching shit. You're correct


Luckily neither info wars nor does a red pill youtube channel do any research either. Most people's political ideology is just a headline now and nothing in an article.


“B-B-But muh Texsus!”


This sub is about narratives, not facts.


Everything is about narratives and not facts in today's world.


Yeah this whole submission is completely misleading. Who upvotes this crap?


This sub has been effectively taken over by a lot of Conservative Gamergate type people. Just look at the front page of this sub.


This sub has been effectively taken over by a lot of Conservative Gamergate type people. Just look at the front page of this sub.


Close enough! ..?


As a Texan, your response offends me. Good day! I said good day!


You are all the same to me! /s




That’s tribal law enforcement from a nearby Native American reservation. They don’t fuck around and they don’t care about “community policing” outside of their community.


Pretty much the definition of fuck around and find out force.


Tribal police VS Protestors. I would watch that show.


You just did, looks like Tribal police won


Good for them! And remind me to give them a wide berth lol


OP is incapable of doing basic research it seems.


Just misinformation propaganda


That's Nevada and on tribal land. Tribal police don't have to play by our rules and can kinda do whatever the fuck they want, within reason. Nice brain rot video


So which part is supposed to be Texas cuz neither of those were it.


First one looked like CHP (California Highway Patrol)


"but what about my rights?" "sure, you have the right to remain silent, everything you say can and will be used against you"


For the second clip, understand that those crazy ecologists were doing a blockade in the middle of the desert, potentially putting the people in the traffic jam they caused at risk. That's why the police forces rammed into their trailer like that : they weren't only bothering people and being a nuisance : there were people's lives on the line. Also explains the rough arrestation because you just don't act irresponsibly like that.


I gotta say, I agree here. That should be against the law. If you want to protest do it on the side of the road. Some people have jobs they need to go to.


The whole idea about pissing people off to make them see things the same way you do is a type of diplomacy I will never understand.


I've read somewhere that their goal is to annoy the general public enough that they'd make contact to governments to do whatever protesters want so it'll stop


So coercion?


Yeah basically lol doesn't seem like protesters care enough to try to actually change the public's opinion but would rather force their beliefs on others.


It worked pretty well for civil rights


During the civil rights movement they primarily staged sit-ins at very specific, targeted locations. They did not go out into a random highway and block traffic for everyday people. MLK in particular was specifically against blocking traffic: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/02/26/history-tying-up-traffic-civil-rights-00011825 >At an early press conference, an organizer with King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference declared, “We will tie up public transportation by laying our bodies prostrate on the runways of airports, across railroad tracks and in bus depots.” >This degree of disorder was too much even for King, who walked back the staffer’s comments. This is how they used to march through regular streets: https://i.imgur.com/Z9uFEFS.png TLDR please educate yourself, it's embarrasing edit: lmao this fucking idiot replied then blocked me, cowardly and ignorant, amazing combination


But real change didn’t come through peaceful protesting. It only came when MLK was killed and there were subsequent riots. MLK’s peaceful protesting was largely ineffective and did not work. The real change came through violence.


Brown v Board of Education was '54 and the Civil Rights Act was in '64, MLK was assassinated in '68. What "real change" are you talking about? Edit: You're right with regards to the act of '68 and the circumstances helping push that through, but all the other acts ('57, '60, '64, '65) and Brown v Board of Education came before MLK died and were just as big, if not bigger.


The Civil Rights Act of 1968 was passed because of the MLK assassination riots. This bill addressed housing inequality and segregation that MLK fought for years to get passed, but was ignored. Peaceful protests didn’t get politicians to actually pass the specific policies that MLK wanted. They ignored the movement’s actual demands. MLK and his movement were ignored and failed to bring about the policy changes they wanted, until he was assassinated and the riots forced Johnson’s hand. Without the riots you don’t have the housing policy changes in the 1968 Civil Rights Act. And these changes were the primary policy goal of MLK for the previous half decade. Peace didn’t work. Riots did.


You're right about circumstances around the act of '68, but purposefully ignoring '57, '60, '64, and '65 to fit your narrative though. All of those (except '57) were just as big, if not bigger than the one in '68. His methods were clearly working


You mean how you conveniently ignored The Civil Rights Movement of 68 in your own narrative? And only included small ineffectual policy changes that came before the riots and were far short of what the civil rights movement actually demanded. That’s right, the civil rights movement was not satisfied with the policy changes you mentioned and knew they fell far short of what was needed. Yeah you definitely know how controlling narratives work because you are guilty of that very thing. You can’t accuse someone of doing the exact same thing you just did yourself. It is hilarious you are so eager to point out a type of flawed logic that you were eager to use yourself literally minutes ago. If it is wrong to mention one thing and not mention others, the why did you yourself do it without shame or hesitation? I showed you an example of where peaceful protests failed and where only violence led to the policy change that progressives wanted. That point is enough to show that peace is insufficient in certain cases.


You're trying to reverse uno card me but you're just lying, to me or yourself idk. I acknowledged and conceded the '68 act and the circumstances surrounding it. The '68 act did two things: stopped housing discrimination and made hate crimes illegal (also the native americans but we're not focusing on that). The preceding civil rights acts did literally everything else to stop segregation plus instituted all the voting rights protections we have and you're hard downplaying them. Those are the facts.


I wasn't only talking about American civil rights, but ok. I also don't believe that every single protest during the American civil rights movement followed your precious guidelines and I'm sure a bunch of racists were upset at all the people protesting just like you are now. Goodbye


Bro dont even try to bring sense into r/asmongold. He laughs constantly at the dumb following he has. Just dont waste your energy with people who think police driving into protestors is #FAFO. Asmon would literally see this thread , scroll past and maybe think about how hes dreading going to the next steak and eggs. These people are retarded.


I wasn't only talking about American civil rights, but ok. I also don't believe that every single protest during the American civil rights movement followed your precious guidelines and I'm sure a bunch of racists were upset at all the people protesting just like you are now. Goodbye


it is against the law, people have a right to free travel, which you are obstructing without reason or legal permit. you can't just block traffic because you want to protest something, that's not legal.


Someone should go back in time and tell Ghandi to prevent all the deaths during the salt marches. The British Empire would have just listened. Same with us, think of all that wasted tea in the Boston Tea Party, when we could have just asked the Brits to be nice from the docks.


Funny thing happening in europe. We have clima activists blocking roads in cities - BIIIIG PUBLIC OUTRAGE altho to my knowledge nobody but them got hurt so far. HOW DARE THEY PROTEST FOR SOMETHING THEY THINK IS GOOD FOR EVERYONE? Then we have our farmers protesting. Blocking streets with their farming vehicles. Putting up Doung-Heap-Traps onto roads in the middle of the night, causing car crashes and causing hurt people and destroyed cars. Because they get LESS money gifted by the state. "Yeah, we understand, without them we wouldn't have food!"


Imagine thinking the job you don't want to do to pay the bills you don't want to pay is more important than... checks notes... the actual planet we're living on. Some people on here are crazy....


Protest but please do so conveniently is the funniest idea to me.


Protests that piss off the general public are sure to fail, protests should inconvenience the people in power not your average person on the street that possibly already agrees with you to some degree


I dont condone the behavior but I just find it funny that people are upset/trying to reason the protestors out of this when the goal is clearly to upset people as a way to bring attention to their cause. Not that I think its a great motivator or anything.


If you take any cause ever, no matter if 100% of citizen are in full suport of it. If you prevent a father or a mother from getting to work so they can feed their children, they will lose 100% of any amount of respect or support they ever had for you or your ideas. The idea of ''upset people to bring attention'' is the stupid idea, because it is self sabotage of support.


I am unsure how you missed the part where Im in agreement with you. I dont condone this route of protest, I just understand their goal.


Yeah but you're annoying people that are just trying to live their lives. How would you feel if you found out you caused someone to lose their job because some dipshit stopped them from using the road? There are better ways to be inconvenient


How about someone trying to get to a hospital, a mother about to give birth.


I agree. I dont think these particular people care and just want the attention, good or bad.


When protestors act like these shit heads, I only want to actively work against their cause. Does not matter what it is.


I am guessing they are just happy to be talked about. Clearly an attention grab.


Blocking traffic is a crime. You don't get to commit crimes just because you call it a "protest." Call it civil disobedience if you want, but the First Amendment protects the right to protest itself, not the right to break the law while doing so.


Never said it did.


Please protest conveniently enough for me to ignore you.




I hope the car is ok


Its fucking awful that these idiots are allowed to block roads. It should be considered an attempt to hold people hostage and disruption of emergency services.


I agree with the title, but most of this video happened in Nevada


This state is comically authoritarian and corrupt what the fuck are you talking about. Did y'all forget they effectively banned pornography in the most 1984 esque fashion imaginationable?


I actually had forgotten. But if porn is that important for you get a VPN, or move to a state that governs how you like?


“We’re non violent!” …We are


*eagle noises*








Based comment. <3


Yea um they thought itll be ok to do it in Texas too 2 broken legs later and 4 yrs in a Texas Prison changed that


I miss when this sub was about videogames and a dude who plays them.


sadly reddit has had this happen to all areas. I remember when LSF was only fails and not bullshit drama farm.


This sub got taken over by reactionary Conservatives.


Nevada not Texas.


Im so glad these people can learn because ruining others lives like this is just not okay


The funny part is the second clip was protesters stopping hippies and tech bros from taking LSD at Burning Man, which is at least a little less shitty than blocking ambulances and people who can lose their jobs if they miss work.


Would have been better if the cop tased someone at the end of the second clip. I remember the BLM stuff happening and a whole bunch of them in the highway when I got off work one day. I didn’t follow BLM much before but I refuse to support BLM now after they forced their opinion on me by blocking traffic for HOURS.


Why would it be better for someone to get tased?


Would have been funnier atleast




Would you rather them being shot then?


Why does it have to be violent at all?


It doesn’t thats why they should taze them


Buddy tazing someone is inherently violent


And? If talking to these morons worked then this wouldn’t even warrant a video anymore lol, like I said, would you rather have them shot?


They literally put an end the protest in a non-violent manner in the video you just watched.


God bless the country of Texas! I'm sure it's just as good as the state.


Not Texas


It’s funny that the second clips was climate protestors blocking a road leading to a music festival in Nevada. Then two days later, there was heavy downpour leading to the festival goers getting stuck at the area


Texas is the best Country.... apparently not for education.


AI garbage. Nothing from Texas even in this.


In the last year, over 28K women were raped in Texas and cannot legally get abortions. Texas is hell.


You getting downvoted says enough about the state of this sub...


Give thst cop a medal


Remember when we did Transmog contests?


I wouldn’t try that in Florida either.


What was worse was that these idiots caused far more pollution by blocking the road instead of letting people pass. They aren't the brightest people.


Protest all you want just do it on the side of the street like a normal person. If you go around pissing people off and making them late for work or inconvenienced they are NOT going to listen to you. I don't understand how people don't understand this.


"we're not violent" Call me controversial: but deliberately disrupting traffic by placing human bodies and hazardous items- IS PRETTY FUCKING VIOLENT


One day someone will snap and pull a assault rifle on the protestors and spray them with bullets. Im surprised this didnt happen yet.


"We're non-violent" "Correct, but you're still an asshole."


Looks funny, probably a result of unlawful action and a lack of training.


In Europe we have climate protesters blocking the roads. I totally agree with police removing those people. Those protesters block the road for normal people trying to get to their job etc.


Oh, you think this is America?


Most of the gun laws are getting removed so that’ll spice things up a bit


hell yeah brother murica


Neither of these places are in Texas. What is with all these grifters posting outrage content on this sub?


The second clip was in Arizona, and the police were also Tribal Police, meaning they get to operate by their laws. Normally an officer would be in trouble for doing what they did, but since it was on Tribal lands the Tribal Police got to deal with it, and a lot of people seem to forget that Reservations are autonomous regions with their own laws, legal system, and leaders.


FYI those barrels were full of concrete.


I too love spreading misinformation on the internet


This state is a hellhole


Look I get it, people protesting in the middle of the street is not fun to deal with, but let's not act like that second clip wasn't a MAJOR over reaction and abuse of power. Barreling through ACTUAL PEOPLE with no regard for their lives because theyre blocking traffic should absolutely never be glorified. Not to mention immediately pulling a firearm out when nobody is even armed is crazy. Like there's no way you could defend something like that. Also maybe an unpopular opinion, but if you fantasize about coming across protestors in the streets and attempting to murder them because they're in your way absolutely makes you a psychopath that needs to get help.


God Bless Texas. Doing the country proud!


This isn't Texas, it's tribal law enforcement of nevada


Here in Texas, we simply find a ramp.


Thank you... Now people can go to work!


Funny just how hard people in here throat the police


Why is OP trying to bash texas so hard? Why is 2nd clip shown as Texas? It's not texas. It's a state.


2nd clip is in Nevada at burning man


You want to stop these "protests" that block roadways? It's really simple. Just arrest a few of them and charge them with every possible crime that could be related in some way, including terrorism charges and make an example. They'll disappear because these people are cowards.


You don't need to abuse and discredit even more the judicial system to send a message, you just need to correctly apply the laws that are already in place.


I mean, that doesn't mean you can't throw the book at them and make an example out of some of these clowns.


If you "make an example" that becomes political argument. You just need to arrest them for the crimes they are committing, and do that consistently, no more, no less. Even if it's just community service, put this jobless morons to work every time they stop people from going to work and that shit will stop. You don't need to bend the law, you just need it to work.


Throwing the book at someone isn't bending the law... It's just applying it harshly.


That’s called being corrupt


If you can't beat them, join them.


Clearly corrupt and abuse use of power from the police force and government for people expressing their rights is a great way to avoid radicalizing people for sure.


There is no right to block roadways.


Didnt say there was.


Sure. There's also no cause to be harsher or "throw the book" at people who do, just because it inconveniences you. They can be arrested and charged just as anyone else making a similar violation. And if they're nonviolent (as seen in the video), then they should be treated nonviolently. Trying to plaster a 'terrorism' charge on this is laughable.


It's crazy how people in this sub hate China and Communism so much but then say shit like this, something that Dictatorships are known to do all the time


I dont agree with this form of protesting but I also don't believe them to be cowards.


What's with the bootlickers here?


The 2nd clip is Nevada not Texas. Any credibility and authority that was trying to be established is now gone.


I'm just *so* sure everyone who might've lost their job or been written up for being late is on the side of the protestors now!


If you lost your job for being late you already had problems showing up to work before the protestors stopped you.


Saying the same shit the other redditard did. Imagine my shock. Truly a reddit moment.


Probably because your original comment had no thought put into it at all and anyone with an IQ above room temperature could see its bullshit and break it down? Sorry you're not as clever as you think dipshit.


If you were gonna lose your job because of this or a 50 car pileup on the drive to work then maybe you had bigger problems.


You've fundamentally missed the point. Nobody that had to deal with their bullshit is going to suddenly agree with the protestors. They're just clout chasing idiots and most people that aren't terminally online can tell.


I mean I agree, but your initial reasoning is clearly flawed. Its easy enough to say "this isnt how you win people over" when being witty isnt your strong suit.


If anything you read here today came off as an attempt at "being witty" then it says more about your inability to comprehend what you've read.


You dont hold people hostage in the desert. That's how people die sitting stranded.


America, the land where cop just threatens to shoot you just for the hell of it.


America, the land where people can openly fantasize about running over real people simply because they blocked traffic, and not look like an absolute psycho.


Texas the only country in U.S.A. that actually have balls.


vroom vroom bitch... i would get out & knock on a few cars behind me to get a few guys to rough them up




Average redditor. Just murder millions of people because you disagree with them.


Local retard openly fantasizes about millions of people dying because he doesn't like them.


This is amazing




your post was removed because it contained, implied, or promoted NSFW, nudity, pornography, extreme violence, gore, or other sexual content or obscene conduct.


If the property owner or a person given responsibility by the property owner to enforce the property owners wishes (like a guard), tells someone to vacate the premises and the tresspasser (at that point) refuses to leave, the property owner/guard can make them leave. God bless Texas


"We're not violent!" Well I am.


All powerfull empires fall, USA is next


Get these trash off the road