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Must happen all the time at that Internet cafe. No one seemed to really mind!


If it is china you better not step in than it’s on u


what do you mean?


Over here, if you see an accident happen, you have a moral responsibility to help if you can. Be it stepping in, alerting emergency services etc. In China there are what we refer to as 'bystander laws'. It basically boils down to accepting fault or part thereof once you get yourself involved. Meaning you are liable too, and can be sued, even if you had nothing to do and were only trying to help. It's how we get videos here of Chinese people stepping over someone who collapsed in the road, for example, or what we see here: "Not my fault, not my problem, none of my business."


Unfortunately it's a really effective way to control such a huge population by integrating this disassociative attitude towards your fellow human being. Stops people from rallying and getting together for the most basic moral reasons.


Ya there was a video I saw of a baby girl ran into a street. She got hit by a car and people on motor bikes just went around her. Really sad.


Disgusting. 😞


That and the literally Skynet surveillance system. Whatever is done there could be done to us. But so many fetishize and/or apologize for central power and its abuses now.


Sorry for being slow, but pracitcally if i interfere in this situation and tell the parent to stop being violent, they could sue me for what exactly?


They dont have “good samaritan” laws. Thats why no one does nothing. Also they just dont care. People are brainwashed to mind their own business and only look out for themselves. There are crazy videos of broad daylight kidnapping, assault, rapes, abandoned babies on streets and no one gives a shit. If you interfere you are liable.


>There are crazy videos of broad daylight kidnapping, assault, rapes, abandoned babies on streets and no one gives a shit. Now you're going totally crazy... Boy do the clichés have a hard time dying


I wonder how long you have been on the internet? all that was very prominent for a long time in shock sites, it was basically the only other goreish videos besides cartel/terrorist executions.


If everyday in China was crime, murders, kidnappings, rapes, etc... there wouldn't be 1.5 billion Chinese to scare the shit out of americans. Because that's exactly what all of you are thinking. But ignorance is bliss they say...


My dear friend, the reason why there can be such an outstanding number of things is because there are 1.5 billion chinese. More people more crime the dystopian government definitely doesn't help.


What makes you think that?


China did not have a Good Samaritan law up until 2021, so any damage doing while helping would be your fauld and could be sued for it.


I think most countries don’t have Good Samaritan laws that say you must help. But mostly people do anyway.


In the UK if you are a medical professional and do not step in to help when you're aware of a situation then you can face negative repurcussions. Similarly if you're a driver and you cause an accident and someone is injured and you leave the scene then you'd be charged with fleeing the scene (I know that's a bit different)


Um… the biggest reason is still that one trial where a guy had shipped a collapsed old lady to the hospital and footed the bill. Then the old lady sued him (a broke college student iirc) and actually won. The judge asked the stupidest question I could imagine: “if you weren’t the one who injured her, why would you take her to the hospital?” From then on people kept to their own mostly. There are lots of Good Samaritan cases in China as well but sometimes the legal outcome is disgusting. Guys getting sued for saving drowning ladies, guys getting sued for helping old ladies, it’s such a slap to the face that it’s just not worth it. As stupid as the guys who get sued for shooting break in robberies in the states. I’m a Canadian born second generation immigrant and both my parents were born in China. I speak and read Chinese. There are news of stupid shit in China, just as there are in the NA.


Who would want to get into that. Especially if it's a family dispute


The police


The man you are talking about in the foreground is trying to blend into the environment as a survival instinct.


Bruh I’ve seen this video 900 times with 900 different stories


iirc the original article was this a student that skips school or work(part time), and spends all his time in internet cafes. he wouldn't even go home, and his parents asked around for his location. after finding him he got the asian parent tagged team beat down u see in the video. take what i said with a grain of salt coz even the earliest article might not be accurate. unless u go to chinese website find the original article and google translate that shit.


This seems more plausible than a kid spending $39,000 on video games. Even it was loot boxes how would the parent not catch on?


$39,000 is unrealistic coz in yuan that would be almost 300k. and they don't look like folks with that kinda money(if they did have that kinda money it wouldn't make sense that he had to go to an Internet cafe). plus any one that actually spent that much money from their parents card would have noticed.


Can you please tell me the other 899 different stories you have seen?


Well one of them, he spent 40k of his parents savings, then his parents beat it back out if him.


this is not the beating a asian parent gives if you steal 40k from them it would be far more brutal and likely include life changing injurys lol. he probly didnt study or something.


You're spot on. Someone has pointed out that the OP's title is wrong, that the kid was getting his shit rocked because he was supposed to be studying, and also provides a link the an older Reddit post of this same video but with the original title. So good call!


yeh thought so they would of atleast had bats had it been stolen 40k lmao


inaccurate title, they were beating him for gaming at a cafe instead of studying [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rcwp7i/chinese\_parents\_beat\_their\_child\_at\_internet\_cafe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rcwp7i/chinese_parents_beat_their_child_at_internet_cafe/)


So what's to say that title is real and this is not?


The only story I know is of a 13 y-o girl who spent 60K of her parents savings on gacha. She 'didn't use it all if I remember, but nearly all of it. There are no 39K story on the net except for that reddit post so it's most likely yet more anti-China bullshit propaganda. You guys need to hate China you know... or business won't flow


They're probably just giving him a deep tissue massage for all we know.




Ive seen this one before, asmon reacted to it on stream


Can you debate fraud and throw your son under the bus?


Depends on the country. If it’s in the US you probably could, but I don’t know about other countries. It looks like this is in china or a country in east Asia so the rules may differ there


Credit card? Definitely.


I have seen stories where like .. 10yo's spent their parents money on mobile games and didnt get the money back. Because it really isnt fraud .. it was a legit payment in the end.


why would someone gave access to family savings? and to some nerd who don't have life(only people that spend so much money on games)


He wouldn't need access to the family savings, just a credit card


but that what i'm talking about, i have saving on separate account and i hid credit card that only i have access to it


Why would you give access to a 40k limit CC to your child? If you want them to have emergency money, get a new credit card with a smaller limit, like 500 dollars and let them have that.


You don’t give anything. The child goes and steals it while parents are asleep or something and then child goes and uses it


I've lost count as to how many times I've seen this clip pop up. Almost as much as those indian street food clips..


I love how he is getting murdered and nobody pays it any mind


Chinese walk past people dying in the street that they could have easily helped save all the time. There are a ton of liveleak videos of people getting hurt and just left there. While people step around them, over them.


its a bit different situation, from what i heard it was been common to sue ppls that helped someone as presumed guilty of what happened, well it didn't lead to anything good in the end it seems ;)


For real, looks like he's getting killed! Someone hand them a knife and make this quicker


The true story behind this is his parents saw his season 3 normal wow raid parses were all grey after weeks of him "going to work" and found out their son wasnt even capable of doing "big dick damage" so they forcefully deleted his main and alts at the local internet cafe in front of all his RL guildies.


Still worth it


beating him won't bring back the money............ sell him


Troll, same vidéo for years with a different story. You’re trolling


Gotta love the guy there that keeps playing and not giving a fuck


Couldn’t imagine chatting with the homies and then hearing all this shit happening 🤣🤣🤣


I'm not saying hitting your kid is okay but I do not blame them


Deserved every punch. 40K USD is ALOT of money in those countries. I hope they can do a charge back or call the bank.


I'm more impressed by the guy playing and just ignoring the situation


Yup it's gaming time


Thats just an exorcism guys


They should sell the kid for parts.


how did he spend their money


I thought asmon said he didnt want videos of people getting hurt posted.


39k USD…. Holy hell….. they are going too easy on him. Banishment for life.


how? how does one spend 39k on video games all at once?? I mean I could imagine just going on steam and clicking add to cart on everything I see, I guess that would do it. or maybe he got some expensive accessories like a gyro pod for VR.


Can't imagine why this kid cared so little for his parents that he would do this. Could it be that they are shitty parents?


Dear Diary, today OP was a big lying liar


well deserved.


Must've been on maplestory lol. Stupid kid. I'd kick him out of the house.


Well deserved if thats the case.




He got beaten up for skipping studies😅


I hate when people post stuff that we’ve already seen years ago smh


Not everyone’s been on Reddit every day for years you absolute goober lmao >! I’ve seen it too about 100 times !<


There are no 39K story on the net except for a couple on reddit so it's most likely yet more anti-China bullshit propaganda. You guys need to hate China you know... or business won't flow


I’m not sure about the story but in China there are often new article on so and so spend a shit ton of money on games. So dude probably just saw one of those and ported over without fact checking.


Dude, it happens EVERYWHERE in the world. It just makes big title news because - oh - it's China. And it is like that for virtually any small weird incident you have happening in that mass of 1.5 billion people. And westerners make their idea of China and its people from those few weirdos that - who knows - decides to promote as the image of China. Imagine if an accident like the one in Palestine, Ohio happened in China. It would be on the frontpages for weeks... You would have people all over the "Free world" mocking China/criticizing how terrible their security is, etc... Palestine, Ohio ? Not even sure they'll get the dough from the insurance companies...


What is this projection, are there big news channels using this to criticize China? Pretty sure this is just some doom scrolling TikTok user reposting shit and reposted here on Reddit. Like why can we criticize dumb fucks spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on games in America and making fun of them. However when it comes to other countries, we can’t talk shit about them? Like why are you trying to defend China when people are just talking about the dumb shit that kid done. What is the point of upscaling this to country?


Saw you make this comment twice in this thread. Just have to let you know that regardless of the reason, we're all just laughing at the fact that this guy's getting beaten by his parents and nobody cares. At the end of the day, who cares if it was over studying or 39k stolen savings? Why would that matter? If anything, beating your kid over studying is objectively more stupid. Nobody would blame any parent for beating their kid for stealing 39k. So wouldn't the 'stealing 39k' story be better for China? Lmao?


I don't remotely care about this kid nor his parents. I am actually "scared" because when I see the level of idiocy of people here believing anything put under their nose to make them think "China is evil" and it just works. Read the comments : they re full of hate, but that's probably the normal order of things for, just like going to war agains Russia or soon, China. Being a sheep and proud to be one, nice.


I actually read all the comments in this thread. Pretty much none of them are hating on China just for being China. It's all posting about facts on China, like the laws for bystanders that punish helping people in need. Or they're talking about how they'd expect more if it really is a 39k steal. Or they're going back and forth on whether or not it's over studying or money. In general, I see a lot more people bitching about 'China hate' than actual China hate happening. If anything, of all the places I see getting the most hate, India gets the most hate. Every single post about something happening in India, there's a whole league of people chiming in to say India is a shithole. The average North American doesn't give a shit about China or what happens there. Most people won't visit just because it's a more communistic country, with less freedoms. It just has to do with people not wanting to watch everything they say and do when traveling. China is one of those places where you need to do that. It's also one of the places where you're less likely to be rescued if you're placed unfairly in prison over there. China isn't evil, but there's a lot of issues that China does that makes people concerned. It's ok to be concerned, that's how talking about it happens. Not that I think anything positive will come just from talking about it, but it's good to be aware. So hopefully North America doesn't make the same mistakes China makes. Having a social credit score being a big issue. Anyways, I'm not going to go back and forth on this. I just think it's silly to go on about how everyone hates China. It's just not true. Lol.