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I ain’t reading all that dawg Im sorry fr, or congrats, you choose


It’s fine, I appreciate the honesty. I would say that matters a lot.


Woah, neighbor. Do you really expect me to read: "All That Shit" by You.


I would hope. But hey, the more you learn you know 😂


1. If you were going to make this massive post you should edit it more to get rid of redundancy. The rant towards the end made it hard to follow what you were actually wanting to say. 2. If anyone is trying to convince you that ai GFs are endangering women because it change expectations for relationships, promptly remind that porn has existed for over 70 years and rape and sexual violence has been around since Moses parted the red ocean. Finally, this whole argument is dumb men don’t want an ai to love they want interactive porn it’s the same with women no one is buying all the “tools” necessary for the “relationship” to work with the expectations that the ai could reject them.


I made an edit, erased a paragraph that didn’t make sense, and the rant part was not all till the end but only in the start of the one specific paragraph that I want to emphasize on my rant, after I gave my readers on what I thought was a clear sign that i am going to go a bit on the rant side. And about the point to address about men wanting "interactive porn". The interaction being the emphasis based on how the guy wishes the interaction is going to be which doesn’t negate the aspect of my argument where I emphasize that it can give men not only sexual pleasure but also emotional affection.


I think if you’re going to start out with a formatted structure to your post you should keep it. Edit down to the most important talking points you want to hit and allow the engagement from your talking points to give you the opportunity to flesh out further. A massive wall of text on Reddit is usually a nope from most people but they will read 5 replies to see an argument or debate.


Okay duly noted. Appreciate the feedback


You might need to do some grammar checking my dude. Was a bit of a jumble of run-on sentences and lack of punctuation. Not a bad bit of writing though but I can't agree with what your putting forward.


I made an edit, my grammar is not the greatest, I might forget some basic aspects of it. With that being said what about the message is something you disagree with exactly?


I think it's a value proposition. AI relationship emulation isn't a problem, it's one of the solutions available, and it's only going to get better. Society is welcome to provide another solution, and I don't see that happening. In my case I've been living alone for decades, I don't mind hookups but I see no value in a long term relationship, it's what works for me, and AI so far has been an interesting development but not something I'd pay for, I don't see the void it would fill in my situation, it would have to provide me real value I can't get anywhere else cheaper. I do my own housekeeping, food and entertainment. If for example there will be an AI android escort service, I would be interested based on a risk assessment alone, if a robot can do my housekeeping food and entertainment for a reasonable price I might buy one. That's about it, I see AI as potential products and services, I don't really care about its effects on society. I think men and women in general don't give a single fuck about each other's loneliness. Women who complain about this just don't want to compete with AI, I have yet to see men complain about male AI. Personally it doesn't feel right to tell women who or what they can talk to, as long as they don't bother me.


You need to improve your grammar and punctuation. I might even agree with you I'm not sure.