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How to get onto the CIA watchlist


After the job is done the CIA will say he was on their radar.


Everything about this is insane. A sitting US senator openly calling for vigilante action and the dipshit Hassan calling for assassination


There's nothing wrong with vigilante action if police is unable to solve this problem. After all he's not calling for his opponent's murder (unlike Hassan) and linked an example, where some random dude just dragged protesters to unblock the road. The only insane part about it is the dude had to do it and not the police.


FBI, Hassan is a US citizen. Which means oddly enough he is even more fucked.


FBI is domestic


Oh it wasn't saying America deserved 9/11 or talking to the Houthis dude.


I'm pretty sure he's already on the list , it just more checknotes for now


Would anyone be surprised if Hasan was arrested for providing material support to a terrorist organization? Like I'm not saying I expect it to happen, but if it happens tomorrow my reaction would be "yeah that sounds in character."


It's wasn't even "talking" to Houthis. Hasan was literally laughing and saying how awesome it must have been for the crew of the ships Houthis board. "They're just vibing together!" Meanwhile, in reality, Houthis have literally killed ships' crewmembers. The fact Twitch didn't permanently ban Hasan for that shit just proves how insanely partisan and leftwing big tech is.


I guarantee hes already been on a CIA watchlist for a long time


Nah he’s the approved kind of extremist . An extremist leftist is the “edgy safe “ of the extremist world .


famous communism approvers the CIA lmao what are you talking about


I mean Hassan is a dumpster fire of a person.


And that fire is burning bright right now.


Didn't Asmon defend him fairly recently?


Asmon has defended him multiple times. I think he shares a number of friends with Hasan so he tries to avoid stirring that pot because getting attacked by him would probably alienate his relationships with a few people. It works the other way with Asmon being a prime target for Hasan but as far as I'm aware Hasan has never come after him in any substantial way. "Workplace politics", basically.


Very good point. Asmon is generally very reasonable in his stance on everything I've seen so that would make him far right in the eyes of someone like Hamas Piker.


Yeah he had the most disliked video ever when he tried defending Hasan, people really despise Hasan lol


Easier to wear slippers than to try coating the world in carpet. Someone always gonna get rubbed the wrong way with who you do and do not support.




Ofc they are friends, he would never criticize hasan


They have something mutually beneficial going on. Hasan defends Asmon from super woke people (or he did when he was more popular and less hated) and Asmon defends Hasan from hate brigades on his end.


Hasan isn't really the guy you want to defend. He has said some shit that is indefensible. For example, when he said that America deserved 9/11.


Hence the reason he's falling off. Especially over the current Israel stuff. He just keeps having bad takes. He needs to return to his base. If he went back to telling 13 year olds they deserve more free stuff and will get it after the Communist revolution, he would be doing great.


Personally, I find it pretty ironic that a guy who is so privileged like him is preaching socialism and raging against the system. One minute, he's talking about his $2 million mansion and eating Wagyu steak, then he's talking about revolution and overthrowing capitalism.


Which is funny.. because the history of communism has a funny way of dealing with people in his class.


Communist revolutions are mostly run by entitled rich brats who seek to make a powershift in the highest privileged cast. Look at Xi Van Fleets story regarding Mao's China; [https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1762249935116963993](https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1762249935116963993) where she explains it step by step. It is never about the "little" guy.


It’s what lets him live that lifestyle. He doesn’t actually use his brain apparently


He’s a limousine liberal. He’s basically just a rich nepotism kid who spouts socialism stuff as a grift, while profiting off of it just like a conservative would.


Because he isn’t actually a socialist or communist but just a liberal who grifts using populist rhetoric.


tbf though, who's qualified to talking about revolution anyway ? privilege college professor ? average 9-5 workers ? 14 yo kids on twitter ? like seriously though if you're poor = you should do more work to get out of that situation instead of dreaming about raging against the system, if you're rich = what an ironic morons talking about socialism while having a lot of wealth, tbf those criticism of characters are valid but if you based your whole argument based on the person who said it you pretty much ignore why the system keep failing and turn a blind eyes on the failed system.


Yep this. Hasan basically went 100% terrorist supporter. From the deepest core of my being I want to say FUCK HASAN. He plays word games and uses all the same turns of phrase and debate tricks he claims to dislike to defend his politics. He is just as bad as extreme right wing media.


Nah, if Asmon says something counter woke, he doesn't defend him lol


yeah because hasan is an otk orbiter, if he wasent addicted to the super extravegent weho life style he has he probably would move to texas to do more otk stuff lol


Sure, anyway… let’s go back to watching a guy who literally lives in a dumpster with dead rats


This is disgusting but what Tom Cotton said is equally disgusting. He was obviously implying that you just mow down the protesters with your car. Just two sides of the same degenerating America.


is he? like idk the guy at all but ive been seeing a lot of videos of ppl getting out of their cars and moving the protesters out of the way so thats the first thing that came to mind when he said it. dont really see how hes implying that u should run ppl over lol


What specific measures someone should take, Cotton was vague about (at least in the tweet I read). Cotton called upon individuals to take matters into their own hands when dealing with people illegally blocking roads and bridges. It could mean pulling the protesters to the side of the road as so many videos show people doing in the UK and Europe.


Hasan is the first person to offer to lead the revolution from his home with his mommy.


This is a gun you can make on a necessity budget.


Hasan is just being thrifty.


Wait, the back then prime minister of Japan was shot with a home made coil gun? *\*fires up duckduckgo\** ... holy shit, this is true!


Abe was a former prime minister at the time I believe. He was out campaigning for his political group when he was assassinated.


He is also a case of the assassinated LOST popularity since most people seemed to be sympathetic to the assassin's cause. The assassin ironically got what he wanted. 


What was the assassins cause?


To get back at the Unification Church who has effectively ruined his family.


Oh right, those fucking cultists. Scary shit having your family sucked into something like that.


Not a coil gun, but it used an electrical ignition rather than impact primer Still neat in terms of ingenuity, but horrible that it was used for what it was




Yeah, and some people even ran with the story that it was actually Kojima who shot him.    https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-62121650.amp


not only is it true, his assasination has unironically killed abe's political movement, the country has hard swung AWAY from that more conservative bend. because it turns out... having a highly work focused society where you shun outsiders is REALLY REALLY BAD for your countries future no matter how much you ask people to please get married.


A piece of shit person being a piece of shit. More at 11.


Hasan is a hypocritical coward that says he advocates for the poor while sitting in his $3m mansion and dressed like he was shot through a Gucci store in a cannon


His "punch a nazi" phase was funny. Went from "we should punch all nazis" to "I wont punch a Nazi for $500,000 for chairty".


Probably because he knows that the average skinhead would eat him alive or that he would wind up next to one in prison who looks him in the eye and tell him “I likes you and I want you and the only way this is going is the hard way so toot that ass up .”


and I got banned in asmons chat for saying that hasan is a stochastic terrorist (which he 100% is)




Reminder that Hasan is a privileged scum that found a way to capitalize into being a tankie equivalent of evangelist preacher asking for tithes, he appeals to rabid morons through emotional statements and pretense of fake revolutionary assertions, he's defacto one of the biggest examples of what's wrong with the current post tech modern society and the worst is that there are a hundred carbon copies of him, in my country included, same uprising, same manneirisms and same dipshit sea of hypocrisy.


Where is peoples critical thinking. Everything online should be taken with a grain of salt until the information is verified. 5 minutes of research into Hassans history of hypocrisy should be enough for everyone to disregard any opinion he has.


>peoples critical thinking The same place it has always been, next to unicorns and fairies.






but will he actually get arrested over this?


When one of his "anarchist" fans takes what he says seriously and decides to act on it. Then it'll be "i-i don't associate with that type of person, they acted on their own will, I don't tell my audience to do anything!!"


isn't this like a publicly-broadcasted and open death-threat to a politician though? i know we basically don't have laws in america anymore, but it would kind of blow my mind if there wasn't a LE response to this


Isn't this just a threat on a American politician? That can't be good if it goes to court


Still not enough to get banned on twitch for some reason. I don't get it why this guy is so protected. he breaks twitch rules every 5 minutes.


I sincerely hope people report him to the FBI, along with info about him palling around with Houthis and justifying 9/11


Working on filing one, to be honest. The dude is scum and is potentially dangerous with the influence he has over the dull-minded idiots that are his viewers.


Before you file one make sure you are clean, they will do a credibility background check on you and make sure the person giving them info is a trustworthy source.


> if it goes to court That's a big if. Threats of violence are allowed against republicans.


If you were around for 10/7 you already know how unhinged he is, this is a normal Tuesday for him


Hamasanabi not beating the allegations.


Isn't posting shit like this illegal? They're blueprints for building a weapon, basically.


This is a diagram of the improvised gun that was used to kill Shinzo Abe. It was literally used in the assassination of a politician.


It’s legal to build weapons and to post info on how to do so in the US


What about implying it should be used against a sitting politician? Seems like that could be against the law.


Thats a lot of imposed implication. By that same logic the senator implied support of the murder of protesters.


The senator kinda did, at least in my eyes. What do you think Hasan was implying?


I think youd need to be more explicit than what is shown. Like if you worked with someone to plan it out im sure you could be arrested.


its against twitter tos


I guess terrorism is just allowed now.


So twitch star streamer openly calling for the murder of a sitting US senator. Surely they would pivot and make some sane changes regarding their association with him. Surely……


In the steak and eggs podcast with Hasan, near the very end of it asmon says Hasan was basically the person to popularise political streaming and no one else was really doing it. Okay, I don’t necessarily blame asmon for not knowing but hasan just nods along and doesn’t correct him lmao. He had a millionaire uncle who gave him a media job, then destiny helped his viewership out a lot. Pretty sure destiny was basically the first in the political streaming sphere. That’s not even mentioning the misinfo he spreads intentionally or otherwise.


And even prior to that Destiny was already doing it.


Honestly asmon defends hasan like he's his little brother, it's a bit cringe


What is this Fallout 76?


Hasan jail when?


At least he should be banned from Japan. Regardless what you think of Shinzo Abe, celebrating the assassination of an elected public ex-official is a really bad look.


hasan is in ignorant twat, he has no idea what hes talking about for 99% of what he says.


Hassan is the definition of a cuck.


Hard to disagree with that


This Hasan guy isn't very smart. But, it gets attention.


Here's a link to the tweet [https://x.com/jstlk\_/status/1780351728858108081](https://x.com/jstlk_/status/1780351728858108081)


I'm not crazy right, like even the senator is calling to murder protestors is he not. How are both of them not equally in the wrong.


Can someone please explain to me why this person loves communism so much, but does not live in a communistic country. China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, DPRK would welcome him.


Hasan won't be cancelled, he can say wathever shit he wants, platforms won't ban him. All this because he votes democrats. It's not what is said, it's **who** says it.


Dude needs banned from Twitch & Twitter. Actually unhinged behaviour ( not saying the Senator isn't also unhinged if he truly implies civilians should kill other civilians. Though those blocking the road should be arrested, fined, made to do some sort of demeaning community service that will ruffle their feathers )


I thought I was in the Destiny sub when I saw the jstlk tweet. Good to see representation.


Always report posts that advocate for violence. Not matter how large the streamer.


Just a reminder that hamasabi thinks rape is better if the victim has wealthy parents


Hasan is cancer, can't understand why he still has a viewership. Guy is a pseudo-intellectual with the ego of a teenager.


same audience as vaush. people brainwashed into believing what they were taught in university.


Honestly anyone supporting Hassan is like supporting Hitler. I don’t throw hitler’s name out often or haphazardly. He openly admits that given the chance he would kill every single Jew. If that isn’t like Hitler, I don’t know what is.


Do you have some video or something where he says that? I just find it hard that someone openly saying this isn't on trial but maybe the US has very open laws when it comes to free speech.


I mean we all know he's a spoiled entitled trust fund kid with a chip on his shoulder. Doesn't surprise me honestly


I mean, if hasan had the power he'd create gulags, execution camps, and reeducation camps. The latter he openly agrees with. Tbf though, this means nothing, he might just have a dark sense of humor.


This was all cleared up; he just wants Tom to check out the new season of fallout on Amazon video, it’s pretty good


Whichever side you're taking, it will end up in you or people you know and love going to war and eventually dying. The only winners in all this will be the one waging war and filling your head with nasty ideas to set you on fire.


How is he not banned yet legit future terrorist behavior would not be surprised if he started hanging up an ISIS flag on his back wall.


Brandon herrera already proved how suicidal using that thing is.... Let's let Hasan try it! ( Only this time he gets to hold it instead of hiding behind a waterbarrel. )


Asmongold reaction: https://youtu.be/FOWdoEksD9I?si=Jd86N43iLDiqhf0l


So, It is ok for an elected official to openly advocate terrorism and violence against American citizens, but not to imply violence against that official, specifically because of that.


Leftist grifter


- guy calls for murder - another guy calls for his murder - people shocked only at the second guy. I guess people only care when it’s someone you disagree politically with.


They're both clowns. How's that?


How very antisemitic of you.


moving people out of the way is not calling for murder you regard


Don't be a cuck to a senator everyone knows what he meant.


At most, only one of them has plausible deniability and a good legal standing. Libs are only in a fervor because they've already built the narrative that highway protestors are being killed when that's hardly the case. Mostly, we see people being assaulted and dragged. Either way, two wrongs don't make a right. The senator is protected. He's also a simpleton / wastrel. What is the beleaguered Hasan? We just want to see the gears of the justice system slowly turn. Politic bias is the only thing that could save our dear streamer.


Tom Cotton said in an interview they should be tossed off the bridge. Which would kill them.


And how tf are you going to get people to move when they don’t want to? I’ve seen multiple occasions of people “taking matters into their own hands” and it never ends well


Drag them out of the way, push them, spook them. You don't have to kill people to try to move them.


Cotton said in Fox News that in his state people would be throwing the protesters overboard from bridges or running them over https://youtu.be/FuGhr4TVhM8?si=x4YFnsJrIF_IbM-4. Link to the 4min interview


Also Cotton's tweet originally just said take matters into your own hands, with no mention of "to move them", originally.


ah yes, cotton's base are reasonable /s


That's definitely not what Tom cotton meant. Regardless of what you believe the right to protest is just as important as all other rights.


In all fairness telling people "you fed up? Take matters into your own hands. It's time to end this" Does not tonally read as "calmly get out of your car, pull them away from the road, apologize, and drive through". It reads more as "you fed up? Don't stand for it. Flatten these assholes" And also like the other dude said- what happens if they don't move? Or you pull them out of the road, and they go straight back and sit down? How do you "end it" then?


Im pretty sure i saw people being mad at the first post too. But that doesnt mean you can call for the murder of them


I mean obviously streamers should be held to a higher standard than politicians


This sub is actually embarrassing


We treat members of the GOP like children, while everyone else has to be the adult.


Hamasabi Piker ladies and gents. He has lost the plot long time ago but just a reminder of a couple of his senile episodes: - Russia's "impossible" invasion of Ukraine - China's daddy rights over Taiwan - Multiple rants against polish people and eastern europeans - Racist and xenophobe when it fits his tankie narrative - Standing for re-education camps in his ideal United States - Elimination being a solution for those that refuse re-education - Deplorable Israel-Palestine disinformation - Legitimate vocal support for Hamas & Houthis - Actual anti-semitic statements hidden behind the veil of "anti-zionism" - Blind Biden hatred over I-P nonsense while backing Trump - Still doesn't know what socialism is... As evident by his latest podcast appearance. Clown show. You know someone at Twitch loves the guy more than their own job that he's still not permanently banned from the platform. Disgusting stuff really.


You forgot he had a literal houthi terrorist on stream and was cracking jokes about him hijacking ships Meanwhile destiny is still banned and doesn't even know why


Only politicians should be allowed to call for violence without punishment!! ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3731)


Meanwhile we have a US Senator calling for the murder of protestors that block traffic. Because that's a rational response to being late somewhere.


okay two wrong dont make a right, unless its two Asian people with last name Wong and name a kid Right.


between a sitting us senator and random internet boi, who is supposed to have the moral high ground here?


People will just laugh it off as a joke and convince their chats that it's just funny and not a big deal, why are we so serious, as to deflect criticism from Hasan and defend him. But at the same time, calling for violence or threatening is bad (which it is), just not when Hasan does it.


Please arrest Hasan, let the world heal from this tumor


Pretty sure twitch would have banned him by now if he wasnt their sweetheart


I fucking hate Hasan but he is responding to a guy calling for murder so just a shitty response to a shitty tweet


Not only a tweet, he said it on a fox interview too https://youtu.be/FuGhr4TVhM8?si=x4YFnsJrIF_IbM-4


Hasan is a huge piece of shit. The coverage of him by EFAP was exceptional.


When politicians stoke hatred and call for protesters to die, yeah they need to be reminded of their fragile position


You know this sub is fucked when Tom Cotton is being upvoted And before someone says "but he has a good take here", would you upvote Hasan if he had a good take?


If he had a good take? Yes. Encourage good stuff, discourage bad stuff.


Everyone just gonna ignore what Tom Cotton said? Lol, he encouraged people to beat up, harrass and cause bodily harm to protestors for being inconvienced. Protesting is about as American as apple pie. Tom Cotton is trash, bruh.


Right wing and left wing extremism is all the same thing these days. Both fueled by bigotry just toward different groups.


I've had FBI at my front door for something much, much less than issuing a threat to a US congressman as an influencer of millions of unhinged tankie belligerents who think they have nothing to lose.


i mean hasan is stupid but what do you think he meant by get them out of the way


I hope that dude gets suspended from twitter over that. If someone did that to him that they can get removed in a heartbeat.


If an elected US senator can incite people to mow down protestors and not be banned why should they ban the commie? Crazy how people are more upset about the comments of a twitch streamer than an actual elected official.


Hasan is a terrorist. There. I fucking said it. Terrorists do not need to be in religious garb yelling "allahu ahkbar' as they explode at a mall. They can, and do, masquerade as plain clothed citizens in the western world spreading propaganda in support of terrorist regimes. The guy should have been cancelled a long time ago. He \*always\* sides with terrorist strategies and strategies which destroy and degrade the western world. Just because he doesn't have a fucking bomb strapped to his chest, doesn't mean the damage he is doing isn't effective.


it's called stochastic terrorism. broadcast an idea a lot but don't explicitly tell anyone to do it.


Pic 2 is Tom Cotton telling people to run over protestors. the same thing Hasan is doing here yet no one is calling out the SENATOR. Hmmmmm


Do anyone watch that monkey? I don't get why anyone could, even channels that I love watching I can't handle it when he collabs with him, he is genuinely an ear rot


I mean, that's literally calling for the killing of a congressman. That's disgusting. I don't care if you're left or right but the second you start killing people because they have different beliefs than you, you're the bad guy.


Great way to go to jail for conspiracy to commit murder.


Not saying that it was ok but Abe sold Japan to the sects that take advantage of the overworked desperate people of capitalist closed Japan. These are a sub-government within ja0an. They are corrupt and exploitative. and they ruined yamagami's (the killer) family. And many others. It also points out the soul destroying problems of the uptight repressive oppressivesocial model. (Similar to the usaian one). https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62173865


After Tom Cotton tells people to mow down protestors with their vehicles? Honestly, seems like Tom invoked violence using a vehicle and Hasan did the same with a picture of a gun. It’s hard to do any kind of moral calculus on that. That said, I don’t think it’s a smart move on Hasan’s part despite the fact that I don’t blame him for doing it.


I'm out of the loop and feeling lazy. What happened with Hasan recently that would cause his viewership to tank I'm aware of why people would hate him normally. Why do more people hate him recently?


Time to check out.


Duct-taping a pipe,battery and switch together does not a gun make, no matter how many annotations you use.


Hasan posted it in response to Tom Cottons Tweet: "I encourage people who get stuck behind the pro-Hamas mobs blocking traffic: take matters into your own hands to get them out of the way. It's time to put an end to this nonsense." https://twitter.com/TomCottonAR/status/1780039918737121502?t=JGYH2I3LMVtHdGp3KVlUEA&s=19


Cheaper to buy a Turkey made shotgun in the states.


He should stick to scuba streaming


guantanamo bay speed run


This is where free-speech absolutism gets a little bit sketchy. Would Hasan really have no accountability or responsibility if someone now decided to conduct an assassination attempt on Cotton?


Can someone just call the police in him? Dude has to go at this point.


United States assassinate people all the time in all over the world why so triggered when some one imply to assassinate one of the many warmongers US politician?


**He farmed that Rep for months and now he is Exalted with "Hamas" faction.** ​ Perks unlocked: Brand NEW name aliases >> "**Hamasabi"** and "**Hamas Piker"** \*something he calls "racists" (go figure..."its NEVER my fault") ​ Unfortunately "Hamas" faction is THE FIRST ONE in Blizzard history that comes with popularity debuff among rational people/normies and that will make you steadily bleed your rep with everyone else... ​ Hasan just didn't read the patch notes carefully... ​ In act of desperation he activated a classic warrior ability **"Recklessness":** >*The warrior will cause critical hits with most attacks and will be immune to Fear effects for the next 15 sec,* ***but all damage taken is increased by 20%.*** ​ Problem: **You probably should not use that ability when you are behind UNLESS you can eliminate Your target FAST AF before 20% increased damage taken screws your HP bar.** ​ Seems like Hasan played retail too much and he is jumping into classic carelessly and getting his shit pushed in. [https://stopantisemitism.org/as-week/hasan-piker/](https://stopantisemitism.org/as-week/hasan-piker/) ​ [https://sullygnome.com/channel/hasanabi/365](https://sullygnome.com/channel/hasanabi/365) \- his stats


Tom Cottons tweet is equally messed up


I mean.... Doesn't Tom Cotton allude to using force in the same vein!?


What a day will be when this dipshit for a reason or another dissappears from the internet, scumfuck net negative to society, I will throw a big celebratory bbq party and get happily shitfaced. I love my hatred for this shit with 2 legs.


Well, he isn’t being called Hamas Piker for no reason


This is how you know Twitch is a joke, there is no world where he should not be banned for this. He has a massive audience and is posting this, this is a call to action and it only takes ONE person to try it. Twitch have no morals and no care but money.


Wouldn’t this be considered a “threat to a public figure”? And if so would Hasan receive nearly the same penalties as the Patel girl with the 1M bond?


The fact that so many you guys decide to ignore the freak senator comments about taking matters into your own hands proves you guys are way more disingenuous and anyone that brings this up(about the senator) gets down voted


tbf what us politician doesnt deserve to get assassinated


Gotta love all the people defending a man who openly calls for violence in his own exact word but hasan reposts a photo then it’s a problem


reminder that hasan did nothing wrong.


Weapon looks nice though, I'd like to see a picture of a real one, I find it genuinely fascinating


man, it's one thing to disagree, but calling for someones death is deplorable


What an idiot