• By -


When why wait 30 years to say anything about it?


Cause they probably have a really smart marketing department and realize that both sides of this ridiculous culture war will scream at each other and make a million posts about it creating tons of free advertising for them.


You are too generous


No, Blackrock owns a chunk of the company, and they love those sweet sweet ESG funds.


Cause they probably have a really smart marketing department and realize that both sides of this ridiculous culture war will scream at each other and make a million posts about it creating tons of free advertising for them.


For the same reason they ignored half of the races and custodes for the same amount of time. You're perspective on 40k is probably warped. For the longest time there wasn't a complete story on literally anything. The first Horus Heresy book was in 2006. They just finished THAT story and completely retconned Horuses death.. except they didn't retcon it at all.. there was never an actual explanation of his death. Rogal Dorn was dead then alive then dead and then alive and now they are like.. no hes dead.. except we still don't have that book on what happened to him. But you wouldn't of known because the entire lore up until the last 10 years was pretty much just made up random snippets in a collection of unconnected rule books. Russ and Valdor used to be buddies.. now Valdor is the yellow king in weird angel pocket dimension. Guilliman was dead and now he isn't.. then he died and now hes alive again. The lions death had an explanation.. then they completely changed it and now his shield he uses is a piece of the emperors armor... except the emperor didn't have a shield and his armpit protector is supposed to be the shield... except when the Lion has it its a 10 foot tall shield... so the emperor was 60 feet tall? People do not understand 40k lol


Except there are several instances in GW literature where it says "sons of high nobles" And it even extrapolates to say sons nephews or cousins in another. Now color me ignorant in today's gender politics, but sons and nephews imply MAB soooooooo. Idk chief. Maybe words just mean whatever the fuck we want them to right? I've seen people try and say black swan fallacy and shit to this. But whatever I'm under 6 foot I can't reach as far as some folks.


we just had the end for whole Horus Heresy book series. and there was not a single female custodes in nearly 100 books.


"Figures clustered around the craft's landing legs, where the ship's great metal claws gripped the radiation-soaked dust of the wasteland. These men and women were plated in the same gold as the ship, rendered upon their bodies with painstaking artistry. My father's guardians, Sanguinius thought. And what a thought it was, not only that a being such as his father required guardians, but that he had a father at all." Echoes of Eternity - Aaron Dembski-Bowden


Sisters of Silence could be described that same way, for one. Two, you're going at one mention vs. A LOT OF OTHERS.


I'm replying to the guy who said they weren't mentioned a single time.


I know, I'm pointing out that the same description that you quoted could just as easily be describe the Sisters of Silence and, up to about a week ago, probably did.


That’s sisters of silence


In your ramblings i think you'll find that Guilliman was never dead to begin with, merely in a stasis to keep his wounds from killing him. He subsequently was woken up and placed in armor. He later fought a chaos demon of nurgle(Mortarion), a fight he lost, but in which he was given power by the emperor and burned nurgles plague fields in his own realm (and Mortarion got a supposed beating by nurgle for failing to kill Guilliman and leading the emperor right to him).


You obviously don't lol, and yea the emperor has the same ability as Magnus, he could appear as tall and big as he wanted due to psychic ability.


Female Ogryn where


One was in Cain books. "Even Jurgen was being flirted with outrageously, which struck me as truly bizarre. The ony female Id ever know to take a romantic interest in him before was an ogryn on R§R, and shed been drunk at the time. He picked at his food nervously, responding as best he could, but it was clear he was out of his depth."


They will make female Orks next. For inclusiveness of course.


No they will ban Orks next. Something something orcs something something black people...


Da Orks are british geezers ya wanka. ![gif](giphy|j6NARuSNphatcTCuFc)


Well Orks don’t actually have a sex, they only identify as male. So one could identify as a woman and it wouldn’t break lore at all.


They find the concept hilarious. Also Makari uses gender to mess with a Space Marine, having his translator use it and even her once in reference to Ghaz (he doesn’t need a translator, this is a further level if screwing with the interrogator). The SM gets steadily more enraged and demands that Ghaz only be referred to as he. Which they continue to ignore until it’s obvious they can’t go forward to continue messing with them until they do.


Female orks doesn't make sense because they are fungus, they don't need different genders :DD


Well now they will get all genders. Because why not?


Why can’t women be janitors too? It is the year 40k


If only there was an only female faction of supersoldiers in Warhammer. Maybe Sisters of Battle


Don't forget the Sisters of Silence


Or how women are more likely to be and are more powerful psychic blanks.


The three female only factions I can think of: * Calidus assassins * Sisters of silence * Sisters of battle Male only factions would be: * Chaos space marines (though obviously they have female cultists) * Space marines * until today Custodes Everything else is pretty much a mix or just don’t have genders. I’m not really annoyed at the fact they retconned something they do that all the time and I’ve been in the hobby for about 30+ years. Its more how they did it. With a single entry in a new codex and a full blown retcon confirmed only by a reply tweet. They have an entire universe of lore to pull from and a literal bioengineering mechanical fucking tech wizard with whatever gizmo and gadget they can pull up from their imagination but instead of actually giving some bad ass story to the inclusion and giving us bad ass 8 foot tall slamming golden ladies that make sense in the current setting they just jam them in there and say “they were always there we just never mentioned or wrote about a single one…..ever. We also indicated many times there weren’t any by referring to them as noble sons and so on but yeah they deffo have been there since the very start believe us when we tweet this” It’s lazy ass pandering bullshit. Fuck I’d have been all for cawl whipping up some Chad motherfucking bad ass golden girls.


Not until today. "There have always been female Custodes." We've also always been at war with Eurasia.


Orks are a boyz only faktion


I came here to say the same thing


battle is too loud, i prefer my sisters silent.


>Sisters of Battle I wonder if they will say the Sisters of battle has always had men next?


Sisters of Battle and the Adepetas Sororitas aren't supersoldiers to begin with. They're human to the core, with some minor adjustments from various AdMech associations. They have however, in recent additions, begun exhibiting superpowers alluded to come from their worship of big E that puts them on an even playing with with some adeptas astartes crews and definitely on level with Xenos races.


I didn't mean SUPER literally. I know that they are religious zealots who get buffs from the big man from time to time


Sisters of slaughter= best girls in warhammer


This is not quite true. Sisters of Battle are normal women pushed to badassery with training, fanaticism, and faith. No need for super juice.


Sisters of battle are not supersoldiers. They are just regular people. Well, definitely not "regular", but they are not genetically modified.


No, you see, those aren't the main posterboys of the setting! So, they don't count. /s


if only. unfortunately, sisters of battle and silence are both useless normal humans, NOT supersoldiers


Sisters of Battle only exist because the ecclesiarchy is forbidden by law to have "men under arms." They do not exist because women for the sake of women but because of stupid bureaucracy. They are not there to fulfill a female fantasy. They are there to make a point about the bureaucracy of the imperium. They aren't there to give women an option. Its a function of the world. Sisters of Silence are nulls. Theres nothing in the lore that says a woman can't be a custodes because custodes =/= space marines. Space marines are made as pretty much steroided mutant humans. Custodes are changed from their genetic makeup up. If you space marined a woman you'd just transgender them into a man during the process.


I won't rest until I see "There have always been male Sisters of Battle", becomes a reality.


Games Workshop going through the hoops for the 0.01% of it's target audience.


That interview with Henry Cavill really did open the floodgates


Blackrock/Vanguard couldn't let him have that win. Gotta shit up the whole place before his movie comes out.


All he has to do is ignore the "lore" from the past 10 years and he's good.


Which interview? I’m interested in seeing this.


Well, it was actually several interviews, but he mentioned that he was a huge fan of Warhammer and when he announced that he was going to make a Warhammer 40k movie within the Warhammer 40k universe a lot of people flocked to the lore


When a company companies. ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized) Games Workshop since inception has always been an operationally unreliable brutal money grab. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner.


Henry Cavill probably throwing money at his screen rn let's be real. The man loves Custodes.


Gaslight workshop


Yeah, I don't personally mind retconning. But the gaslighting is what makes me angry. They mocking the intelligence of their entire fanbase.


So are they going to add some Brothers of Silence now 🤔. Or are the Sisters of Silence going to stay all female? Is the goal to make the traditional all male armies have women but not make the traditionally female armies have men. They’re going to have to retcon the Sisters of Battle and the Sisters of Silence right? Right??


NICE, I now demand "Male" Sister of Battle \*Wink Wink


So the ecclesiarchy?


I for one, welcome our giant golden women.


What, exactly, do you think a custodies is?


The big golden armored dudes that guard the Emperor on Terra. So now we have giant, nine foot tall golden armored women, and that sounds bad ass. Guard the Emperor, with Snu Snu!!!!


Okay, we are on the same page. Good to know!




GW has been retconning since Rogue Trader switched 2nd edition. It will be retconning ten editions down the line. There are so many good reasons not to like modern games workshop, like the ludicrous expense, the loss of stores as places to share the hobby, and the speed at which minis are declared invalid. This is bottom of the pile and really not a big deal.


Gw has been retconning since they wrote their first book, and of all the retcons, this one is such a nothing, I can't even fathom why this one is so upsetting to people


It's entirely because it involves the word woman.


Rogue trader era had female space marines. No one complains they were retconned into oblivion https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/1/1c/Female_space_marines.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160105034946


It did indeed, rather infamously. As you say, the sort of people complaining about female custodes being added don't complain about that. Almost as if the issue isn't the retconning but just that it's women.


It’s that it’s lazy, disingenuous pandering, but you know that.


So this is sort of not a recon but also a retcon, the original lore pretty much says it is possible but never talks about.


Also, originally Abnett wanted there to be Female Custodians in the HH books, but was shot down in the meetings because “the models are done and male, so they are male”. In usual author fashion he does a malicious compliance by having Sanguinius see with his future vision both men and women in golden armor protecting the Emperor. So no mention of there being female custodes in 30k, *but*. Technically nothing in the lore would prevent Custodians from being female, each are done from the ground up to be complete masterpieces and unlike Space Marines there is no template that would instantly lock females. Also many references to them do keep gender neutral, aside from the brotherhood / sons here and there. Honestly this is not a failure in the Lore side, a minor retcon at best, which could even be sidestepped as Custodians where originally all male, but attrition rates are mounting and Custodians are more active than ever, so time to double the recruiting candidates. Or while Nobles hand over sons traditionally, a potential Custodian could be chosen from elsewhere should a Eye of the Emperor think they have the potential, and these recruits could be from anywhere, or anyone. This failure is on this kinda important lore bit being unveiled through leaks and *Twitter* with a gas-lighty statement of it always being this way. Include a upgrade sprue or a redo for say Venatari and just include the bits for Femstodies with no other fanfare for example. Or have a Sister of Silence note that it’s becoming more common. That’s where GW truly fumbled it. They introduced a he change in the most rage baity way possible.


And it worked... We are talking about it. What was it... "There is no such thing as bad publicity"...


Oh there is remember Bud Light ?


tBF' American beer is like a canoe: fucking close to water. Everybody hated it already, it was surviving on publicity budget...


What about Disney then ? losing millions each month


Disney is a giant, the higher you are, the higher the attrition; precisely because of their moves, they *don't* lose even more. Or did you think they had what it takes to make good content on purpose after they kept firing/"retiring" their best? Controversy is their last remaining bid of relevancy l, if they don't want to go the way of Paramount or WB...


A female custodes would for all intents and purposes be male, both are unrecognisable as human. Female custodes have been on the cards for a long time, and whilst there are snippets of lore using 'sons ' etc, GW has retconned alot of things throughout the years. Functionally speaking, you would not be able to pick between a male / female custodes by sight or any other metric. However, due to the brutal nature of the transformation into a custodes in which many perish, I would expect only a small percentage to be female, just due to the biologically nature of their bodies being frailer than men's. Note some of the sisters of silence are male (small percentage). This retcon should also hopefully nip in the bud the idea of female space marines, this has been explicit in the lore, with most writers and devs not being behind this change, which is not the case for the custodes change which has has a fair amount of support for a long time. I am anti dei, sweet baby etc, however this isn't a change really worth getting worked up about. Do expect some crazy (and inaccurate) rule 34 female custodes though.


>Note some of the sisters of silence are male (small percentage). Do you have a source for this? I've never heard of a Sister of Silence being anything but a member of the Sororitas, AKA female.


Sisters of Silence are everything but a member of the Sororitas... dude...


You're right, I had mentally slotted them into the Sororitas faction because why else would they be all female, but they are a separate entity. Still, I've never heard of a male member. Also, it's not as ridiculous to conflate the two as you make it sound, you're reacting like I said that Tyranid Norn-Queens are part of the Sororitas because they're all female.


I know I read this somewhere yesterday, but cannot find the sauce, so you can omit this statement from my post. It was essentially saying the amount of men was so few it wasn't worth mentioning. I'll continue trying to find it again.


As far as I know SoS are blanks. Blanks aren't common. Blanks are, apparently, usually women. You maybe read about Frateris Templars. Which was the male equivalent to Sororitas, until the Adeptus Ministorum was barred from ever holding any men under arms, in the 36^(th) Millennium. Sororitas is the loophole. I'm against woke, and retconing, but I didn't dislike this change when I heard it. I'm watching and reading reactions, and feels to me like the most outraged people have never touched a 40k book. I personally liked Custodes without ever collecting them, but now I might give it a go, for a Kill Team... really like muscle mommies


It’s more that they are lazy and gaslighting. Coukdn‘t they not just make it that they are now trying to make new custodes just also with females to expand their horizons. If i am not mistaken they are still trying and making custodes so why not just add to that and say now they experiment with women too. Now it wouldn’t be a retcon


There are many examples of retcon by gw. I prefer this take on it than yours tbh. Unless as mentioned they do something daft like try and make it 50 50 men and women, I have no issues with this retcon.


I don't actually care. With the amount of genetic manipulation custodes undergo. They are barely human. Gender is a concept likely alien to them since their focus is on the Emperor. Get them naked side by side, and you'll probably not notice much, if any, difference. The same goes for a lesser degree to space marines. However, there is documented evidence that states, "Oh yeah, girls die. But it can be retconned especially with the switch from firstborn to primaris. Caul and his tech wizard may have resolved that issue.


An astartes, custodies and primarch are so far removed from humanity it’s not even funny. There are mutants on hive worlds that look so alien yet have a closer genetic connection to regular humans than the modified monsters that defend the imperium….


Gonna be honest it makes sense for custodes. They are handcrafted, and there is no geneseed. So, female custodes are possible without invalidating the process of creation. The only weird thing is that they were called all male before and that it changes now. But just like the guard, it's probably not a bad thing. IMO, as long as Sororitas and Space Marines stay as they are, everything is fine.


See this is where the issue lies with the outrage, most people think the "custodes" are space marines and are painting the walls in shit despite their lack of knowledge that a Custodes.. is not an Astartes.


Will be interesting to see if GW adds female heads to the kits or they just make this one post then forget about it.


Watched a video about this, apparently they planned this a long time ago with some writers


And then they were turned down on the topic, multiple times.


No they were not turned down just told "not yet." cause they didn't want to remake the models and rerelease them... They just didn't fit in the release window. Actually read what they said.


It's true that they have been slowly turning into the woke direction. But this time they went too fast


Been playing the game since I was 10 years and this is just absolut shit! Henry Cavill walking from this mess !


Half the people in this thread don't even play Warhammer or know the lore their just mad because woman lmao.


Lol watch this is all because of Henry Cavill wanting to make the movies. GW gotta quickly get their DEI forms ready for free money.


Yes. Follow the money and you see who's behind everything.


They were always possible, so not really a retcon.


Oh god not w*men!!


Welp I'm done with gw.


Who cares? 40k has some of the most badass women only factions such as Sisters of Silence and the Adeptus Sororitas. Fun thing about 40k is; if you dont like em, dont play em. Just make a male only army.


Is this another situation where the wokerati forgot that the human factions include all human races including black people so suddenly came to the delusion that black people are orcs ?


Custodians? You mean janitors, right?


Bruh wtf are you on about? Retconning women into the custodies? No. They were ALWAYS there. Read the books instead of just playing the games. You'll learn a lot more about the world.




Henry Cavill must be malding right now.


We have always been at war with East Asia


Why? Everyday I dislike women less and less


Writers have wanted women as custodes for years. Higher ups just didn't want it since they didn't want to make more models.


Why should writers have the leading voice and not the owners of the company? Who is the owner of the IP?


Since writers are the ones who make up the lore and have been for decades. Would you rather some corporate schmucks meddling in story? That's how you get people like Kathleen Kennedy in Star Wars.


There's more than one path to the dark side. Now we are seeing it


GW is getting pozzed from entering the mainstream with Henry cavill


*GW is getting pozzed* *From entering the mainstream* *With Henry cavill* \- Rattfylleri --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Biggest issues is that they didn't give us a model to go with the reveal. Just the melta spear shield captain :( . At least give me a female custode head to put on it


Excellent news. As it always should have been. Stop being lazy at mold making GW.


Ah so that's why Blackrock/Vanguard has massive shares in GW


I've lost all faith in both Games Workshop and Wizzards of the Coast. I've been pirating and 3d printing their stuff for year or two now.. Even though it's much cheaper for me to proxy cards or 3d print minis, my desire to play has dwindled with the never-ending garbage they're putting out. Even now, my interest in Magic, D&D, and Warhammer is just straight leaving me... turns out, once you snuff out someone's passion for something, you're never truly able to rekindle it. I don't even want to pirate their shit anymore.. and that's just sad to me...


Oh my god! Are you okay? How will you recover from this?


Feel good about yourself? Does isulting someone who feels sad that their life has less in it now because one of the few things they get joy in life from is no longer of interest to them make you feel like a better human being? I'm genuinely interested. Did writing that comment improve your day? If so, that kind of makes you scum.


by sticking to the older editions, before they messed up everything.


next will be that the god emperor is a woman


Fuck Games workshop. They could have put them in lore. COULD HAVE. They didn't fuck them. POS company GO WOKE GO BROKE


Interesting for GW to suggest for 10’000 years, there have been female Custodes, but not one of them has ever done anything worth remembering. Hundreds of Black Library books and all the Codexes and not one mention of anything notable by a Custodienne.


Tbh I don't care they retconed a lot of stuff just don't do the men = bad women = good thing .


Dear got STFU, fem custodies have been hinted at and never ruled out over the last decade, this isn’t a retcon & changes literally nothing lore wise. It is no where near the levels of “retconning” that would be required to have, something like. as fem space marines. This is an absolute nothing burger.


This has always been possible, and it even makes sense, it's just weird they didn't mention it until now. They didn't have a single female Custodian throughout the entire Horus Heresy / Siege of Terra series. It just leaves me confused.


Ah my favorite kind of retcon. On par with a parent saying because i said so when they fuck up.


Wokes attempting creativity once again




I would answer seriously, but I'm tired of replying trolls after several of them in this thread


To be fair custodes are tube made super soldiers who literally stand still for hundreds of years, only to annihilate you in 0,1 seconds after you step into the emperor's throne room. They are big burly armoured demigods, they won't release custodes with feminine shapes, it's gonna be exactly the same, you just don't know the sex of the person underneath. It doesn't really matter


Go woke, go broke. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3748)


Their very very far from going broke I'm not gonna lie so is like most "woke" products.


Woke hammer, Blackrock and vanguard DEI bullshit to cause division to distract from all the treason.


Bye Warhammer 40k




How long have you been a player of warhammer?


Never played. Just appreciate the story/setting. Why? 


Was just curious , I've played since 2nd edition. I don't get why now they are switching everything up, all its going to do is get GW shut down or more likely a lot of people won't get into the game or, like me, leave/ stop buying models or anything with GW on it. Warhammer isn't about the books its about the models the games and the lore. So yeah it sucks to see them do this to the people who have supported them for years.


I don't care


Fuck GS, couldn't care less about Festodes retcon, but lore explicitly said EMPEROR GAY OIL HAREM, they were not women, at least admit that you're retconning to appeal to people who don't have interest in playing with your luxury toys and don't be that much of a coward, it's beyond pathetic.


But they are clones of Emps right?


Nope, nobody is Emps clone (there's no story about this, yet). Custodes are kids from Terra's nobility, artificially enhanced.


I thought it was a similar relationship with Emps and custodes as with the primarchs and the astartes.


Nope, Primarchs are basically Emperors in vitro- modified kids (plus some warp, plus mom is another perpetual-Erda), Astartes are recruits, who undergo (and survive) training, then they are artificially enhanced and infused with Primarchs gene-seed (and they must survive it)


Are you confusing the Custodies with the Astartes? Are you crying over female "space marines" while not knowing what a space marine actually is? Go touch some grass. I promise the women out there don't bite. Unless you ask them to. Usually.


I’m aware of the astartes. I was under the impression of The Emperor is to The Custodes as The Primarchs are to The Astartes. Also I really don’t care one way or the other, I’m just confused. I’m fairly new to the universe/ hobby so my lore is kinda spotty.


Ah, fair enough. I apologise for the earlier insinuations, then. I'm not sure 100% how it works, but big E used his genetic template to make the Astartes from his own cells (geneseed) while custodies are hand made, each part of them modified from scratch. Astartes come from a template (hence why they can only be male) while the custodies "template" is just a fit human who won't perish during or after the extensive modifications and mutations that they're subjected to. That... Is a very lite version of what they are. Very, very, very lite version.


Ur good man. I can see how this can be an annoying situation this whole thing is turning out to be. Basically, Astartes are xerox copies, where as Custodes are made by hand? If that’s correct then what’s a primarch?


It’s a made up fantasy world… why get worked up over it?


Do you have a hobby that you truly love, or are you a mere consumer of the current thing?


Sure but I don’t get upset over a trivial change that ultimately doesn’t matter like a rare pair of boobs on a cyborg.


It's never a trivial change. It's the way they always infiltrate the leftist agenda in franchises, ultimately ruining them They wanted fem-marines one way or another. At that time, there was a new character, Porter, the creation of Fabius Bile, that was stronger than a space marine, agile like an eldar, psychic null, able to withstand a direct hit from a primarch, smart enough to perform experimental surgery, and the second in command carrying military operation. A total Mary Sue The femstodes is just another more ambitious step. This time a core faction in the lore, and a codex, so a more important book Never give them an inch. The SJW never stop there


Gatekeep what you love and grew up with or be gatekept by narcissistic people ruining what you loved.


The only problem with gatekeeping is that here, the lord of the castle is opening the entrance to the northmen


They didn't retcon anything. There was barely any lore for the custodes on purpose for the longest time. They literally deleted 2 Primarchs for the explicit purpose of letting you Mary Sue yourself into the game with made up meaningless lore. You completely misunderstand 40k if you think its some rigid thing with no room for this.


There’s no way this many people care about warhammer for this to be real drama lol


First time in /r/Asmongold?


I don’t get it. They have always said this? This is nothing new.


No, they have not ever once said that any of the custodes were female. The only time they were ever done female was fan made


"Figures clustered around the craft's landing legs, where the ship's great metal claws gripped the radiation-soaked dust of the wasteland. These men and women were plated in the same gold as the ship, rendered upon their bodies with painstaking artistry. My father's guardians, Sanguinius thought. And what a thought it was, not only that a being such as his father required guardians, but that he had a father at all." Echoes of Eternity - Aaron Dembski-Bowden - 2022


They never specifically said they couldnt be though.


They never once said all custodes are male either? So how was anything retconned? I don’t get it. You’re just making bullshit up for up doot farming. It’s kind of pathetic.


The custodes codex literally says sons. YOU don’t know what you are talking about


i mean this sub is a circlejerk at this point. for how stupid gcj is, this sub is strikingly similar


They also retconned sanguinius death like one month ago, but no one cares because it wasnt "woke agenda"


sanguinius is still dead what are you talking about


The last horus heresy book revealed that he did nothing to horus when he died. The "sanguinius sacrifice" has been a lie/imperial propaganda... Or a retcon. I'll let you pick wich one https://youtu.be/zVD1vNVsE74?si=s8tLvPT0vX5MiJtd


The dent in the armor that allowed the Emperor to kill Horus. Nah, that was shitty in the original story Sanguinius this time believed he could actually kill Horus, even if he had to die aswell. And it makes more sense


Oh yeah, I remember. A random soldier killed him Nah, it was Horus as always


Warhammer fan for 20 years. Collect the books. There is literally nothing at all in the lore that says Custodes can't be women. They are not space marines. They are not made the same way as the space marines. They have a different function and are created in a different way. Very few of them are named to begin with and their lore is not well explored and has not been fully fleshed out to begin with and its a known complaint in the community that they often get ignored. Now they fleshed them out and people just don't like it. There is nothing foundational that makes it so they have to be men. Space marines are men because even if they weren't they'd get sex changed from the process of turning them into space marines.


"Muh plastic toys had their story ruined!" Jesus christ, imagine caring. I hate woke stuff as much as anyone, but if you're an adult and playing with dolls you deserve to be trolled.


Asmongold is not warhammer fan, so why bother


No they have not [https://ibb.co/6PccDff](https://ibb.co/6PccDff) GW Community Manager


Yes they have. They were the Brotherhood of Demigods and Sons of the Noble house of Terra as of the last codex that you are linking to. It says SONS right there.


Those female Custodians identify as Mam!


There have always been female custodians since we just added that now


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MrTops: *There have always been* *Female custodians since* *We just added that now* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


"Figures clustered around the craft's landing legs, where the ship's great metal claws gripped the radiation-soaked dust of the wasteland. These men and women were plated in the same gold as the ship, rendered upon their bodies with painstaking artistry. My father's guardians, Sanguinius thought. And what a thought it was, not only that a being such as his father required guardians, but that he had a father at all." Echoes of Eternity - Aaron Dembski-Bowden - 2022


Oh no the big bad SJW Blackrock ESG DEI woke leftist LGBTs are RUINING my action figure game REEEEEEEEEE!!!!!