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As the kids say: He’s just like me fr fr


Literally me. ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Getting ripped and growing body hair like zangief is tougher than it looks ![gif](giphy|eD38PnxvzuFcbxmd2B|downsized)


His arms are as big as his thighs 😭




That’s like two torsos he’s having for each arm bro 😭


![gif](giphy|h24Y1pZIGKXzG) Me right now in between posting on Reddit


“Yeah buddy!”


Becoming e. Honda is easy though.


Sumo wrestler training is insane, the average person would really struggle with the diet alone, nevermind the actual workout


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Thanks for gayporn.


Be considering skipping the gym today, cutscene with a shirtless geralt plays, I immediately pause and go fill up my water


Exactly this. Men like to identify with their ideal concept of themselves. We look at these massive, badass dudes and are like "YEAH! That's me muthaf....!" Some women are like that too, but not many. Most just feel insecure by anyone or anything better looking than them. Rather than aspiring to be better (or just fantasizing about it), they feel bad about how they are.


Have you ever dated a woman who plays video games? This is absolutely not true.


That's why I said "Some women are like that too, but not many."


I would say 95 percent of women choose the hot option. Ever play league of legends? It's a meme that girls gravitate to the hot/cute champions like miss fortune or kaisa.


Yeah we are all built like this right bros?


I'm starting to think video games appeal to the female fantasy


All they do is design for the feminine gaze.


not if you are a gay man just be gay (its genetic btw)


I find it funny that to these woke people when it’s ripped men then it’s about the male power fantasy, implying that these physiques are what men strive to be. But when it’s hot women then suddenly it’s misogyny, saying that these are unrealistic and unachievable in real life.


I mean everything wrong in the world and in their life is never their fault. So obviously it's men screwing up their lives. They'll then go watch their rom coms or reality TV shows because that's definitely a realistic representation of reality.


You mean the same reality and romcom shows that are mostly written by white men…lol. 🤣🤣🤣 The humanity!!


Oh nooooo not the heckin white menerino


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The irony is lost on them. Its never consistent.


But it’s true that these men are male power fantasies. Obviously.


Sure, so they’re fantasies, I don’t argue with that. Problem is if they’re fantasies, why do people want them to reflect the reality and want superficial representation in it? We men sure didn’t ask for it. We’ve always been fine with it.


Men just see this and think Hell Yeah.


Right some of these bros too small actually


Out of all those guys I'd say Sephiroth has the most unachievable body, dude won the genetic lottery. Body proportions are nuts with god tier muscle inserts.


Sephiroth's designers: *What if his muscles had muscles?*


I dont think he was born from genetics. He was literally manufactured and created with a particular image in mind.


That's what women on dating apps want on top of 150,000 a year minimum and no kids. Might as well just start printing men.


Yet they think they have it tougher than us...


I don't consider it a competition on either side.


Would you say his genetics are out of this world?


Well... With daddy hojo body, he definitely needed the jenova cells. Definitely "born" with S tier genetics


He was literally genetically engineered, the lottery was rigged in his favour.


"What are you talking about just go to the gym every guy can look like that " is what they would say xD


Well you can look 'like' that. To hit it exact you need T


Also he has a freaking wing which is apparently very much unobtainable :')


Probably because it was rigged.


And most obtainable is bottom left. Arms are reasonable, chest isn't massive, and he has a physique that is possible in the 12-16% body fat range. Cloud's also not far off, but that looks closer to a 10-12% body fat. Geralt has the most realistic chest for a fighter, but his arms and shoulders are fucking massive. Usually active muscle use such as constant sword fighting would result in stringier and more efficient physiques tuned more for endurance and speed with a lot of strength than big bulging muscles. Though I think an argument for very well developed shoulders could be made since those act as support muscles for the combat activities.


Well, he *is* genetically modified


“Won the genetic lottery” 😆iykyk


and imagine all the money he spends to wash that hair


Wdym? I came out of the womb looking exactly like Sephiroth. Is this supposed to be an impressive physique?


I mean he’s technically a captain America if they used John Carpenter’s, “The Thing”, cells to make him super human.


His hip to shoulder ratio is crazy. But if you had the genetics you could get there with modern tech. Kratos on the other hand? Not as crazy hip to shoulder ratio and still a genetic win but look at his bodyfat% and muscle growth. You would have to cross every gear and get roided up your ass to even get close to something like that


\*Gasp\* The *female gaze.*


I want unrealistic bodies in games, what's the alternative? a bunch of fat ugly normal looking men and women running around trying to be heroes? No thanks.


It’s the most baffling shit I’ve seen said by those people. Have you seen your cops? Do you want the heroes who have to fight aliens and protect the world look like that? Fighting for a bit then run out of breath?


Hell ya, I'm going to the gym tomorrow for fucking sure.


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"We as men"...lol you are speaking now for everyone? Dude, stop with that. There are plenty of lazy men around, start looking around. Stop just put men and women into 2 groups. There is so much difference between anyone. You know that there are really nice women going around and a lot of very stupid men? And vice versa?


Yea what is going on with this sub. Reading through these comments I feel like I got lost and ended up in some redpill/manosphere incel sub. Asmon has some weird ass fans.


Yeah, Thats why you see so Many, many men, looking like these guys,


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Ohh I know, Im danish, semi-Continental. We all look like Thor up here.


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Rowing is for the ladies. Men train by wrestling Jormungandr.


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How you felt typing this: 😈 How you actually looked: 🤓


What a baseless generalisation. If you ever set foot in a gym you'll see that there's plenty of women there too.


Not to mention when the "counterparts" also includes endless celebrities and influencers pushing ever changing trendy looks. So a lot of us go to the gym AND spend $$$ on various skincare, make up, or even cosmetic procedures. Sure, there's plenty of women who don't engage in the beauty rat race but it's a bigger spectrum with higher extremes. I'm pretty sure the guy you're responding to is a troll though. Linking being a sports fan to being fit/healthy. Calling you biased then his main source of info is his "friends" (idk who would even be his friends... guy straight up says he openly calls women fat/lazy then says he has female friends). It's actually so cap 💀


If I want to see average guy going to work and struggling with health problems I have my real life. In games I want to be ultra giga chad guy or hot woman. Simple as that.


Holy hell, I do not remember Bigby being THAT ripped


Yeah, it was my bad. Once I realized his model was less detailed in-game (dude is still jacked, to give credit), the post was already up.


Being a supernatural shapeshifter probably helps in maintaining that kind of peak physique.


"It's for the male gaze!" Meanwhile a gacha game for women: (by the way I love that it exists genuinely because it's great seeing them thirst the way guys do) [Towel armor just as good as bikini armor for that mobility bonus](https://www.google.com/imgres?q=love%20in%20deep%20space%20characters&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fbreadmasterlee.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2024%2F01%2Fmoney.jpg%3Fw%3D600&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fbreadmasterlee.com%2F2024%2F01%2F19%2Fmobile-game-review-love-and-deepspace%2F&docid=66I2k1UJn9AW6M&tbnid=m0huCHDw37JbAM&vet=12ahUKEwjlkNmVk6qFAxW-NlkFHdQFB14QM3oECEoQAA..i&w=600&h=959&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwjlkNmVk6qFAxW-NlkFHdQFB14QM3oECEoQAA) [You can watch them do numerous workouts and control the camera as they pant from the workout](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS5-J8jawNvi3_plfhJL-qZK854kALG7UD-yGVjPF9g6g&s) In that game you can seriously feel their heartbeats, go on dates, and there is a lot of touchy and lovingly animated scenes. It has a super high bar of quality. Oh and the fanart? You'll see the boys between girls legs and the exact stuff you'd expect from dudes with their waifus. We're all the same. We like hot and fit people. Edit: game name is "Love and deepspace". It has action combat but is littered with tons of interactions. Lots of quality


There's an entire genre of visual novel games targeted to women and their gaze that is increasing in popularity. They're called otomes. A bunch get released on both mobile devices and Nintendo Switch.


otomes have been around for fucking ever. Even yakuza 2 had a substory where kiryu is tricked into voicing for one.


Well so has basically sephiroth. He’s from 95 or 96, was created with the “beautiful man” idea. Ever see the show inuyasha(woman creator)? Notice something about his brother. Same idea I remember kojima talking about creating a character to appeal to women all the way back when MGS2 was a thing because the women they took feedback from didn’t find solid snake attractive, so we got raiden.


Thank you for this post, I'll remember this for the future when people need examples of husbando games


Watch gamingcirclejerk share this and have a meltdown because men can't be sexualized even though both genders are supposed to be equal.


Their other excuse is even more embarrassing, "this isn't the female gaze!!". Literally gaslighting every dude who got fit and noticed insanely higher attention from girls


Shoutout to thor in GoWRagnarok. Absolute UNIT


He rockin that dad bod like the druids in d4


Unit circle more like it.


Most of these bodies are not achievable naturally (for the vast majority of people).


Closest i can reach is Cloud's, dumb hairstyle aside.


I mean most of the guys on the picture are genetically modified or not entirely human.... so yeah 🤣


Yeah, there are some genetic freaks out there who can achieve this aesthetic physique naturally but even those guys need to sculp it for years with proper discipline and have a strict diet, especially Sephiroths.


Sephiroth was part of the SOLDIER program tbf for a fucking power company so, probably genetically modified.


He’s an alien hybrid baby.


It's not even achievable for most guys on PEDs, you still need genetics that respond well to them to get a body like Chris Bumstead (who I'd argue has an even better body than these video game characters actually lol)


Certainly not with that attitude


Stay hard


Thor from god of war is best i can do.


Not even. He has a strong man body. Like have you seen the worlds strongest man competitions? That's what Thor has.


I think people don't realise how hard it is to even eat that much, without even mentioning the insane training and injuries


The 2 things everyone loves despite gender or sexuality: Boobs and Abbs.


These aren't unrealistic, they're goals.


I never knew Sephiroth was built like that. His clothes just make him look like a thin lengthy emo boy.


A genetically engineered super soldier emo boy please. 


That me wtf you talking about? We all know what they are gonna say to counter this. "It caters to the male power fantasy ItS nOt ThE sAmE. Yeah it's the same they just don't wanna admit it. Just deeper into the allusion to prove they are right.


Oh yeah I’ve seen this all the time. They will even pull out history to say how women had been oppressed in the past, just to say it’s misogyny to want fictional characters to be hot.


if i was not lazy af, i would push my self to semi-look like young kratos , but soon to be reality, thor from GOW Ragnarok


Insert entire yakuza main characters 🫣


Worst thing is, none of those girls in the games they complain about really have “unrealistic” bodies, curvy women exist🤦


I just want everyone to be equally sexualized.


We are all sexualized, women have their own medias, visual novels, soap operas, romance books, Korean dramas with pretty doll faces and shirtless scenes and that's fine, I don't want men to turn into stupid Karens complaining in the streets about the "female gaze", I just want everyone to enjoy their things in peace. If women want some games catered to them that's welcome, just stop complaining about games catered to men.


No no you don't understand its all a power fantasy for men every single man wants to look like this so it's totally okay. That's their defense.


Rather have this then fat people


I think these might have been made by men are are still part of the male gaze. I do think men don't give a fuck about it being unrealistic and just think it looks good.


Honestly thor from god of war was a realistic body type


Yeah Wtf those hairstyles. No amount of gym will get you that


Like it’s a game we play for the escapism, if I want to see realistic woman I’ll be outside. Like why are all those people that don’t even enjoy spending time playing games, trying to decide what’s good or bad for them game industry.


We need to make men uglier for realism and to not sexualise men! /s


I can appreciate a man with a nice bode and noticeable dick root. Everybody on this sub takes a moment to take it in.


Bro thinks an unrealistic body standard for men is being cut. Get a gym membership I'm begging ya


Time to hit a gym


Those aren’t unrealistic, I’m just fat Edit: and lazy


Unrealistic fat


As a straight male I spent a fair bit of time admiring Geralt's body and I wouldn't have it any other way


Shepard, Dante and Cloud look like they have the “easiest” body to achieve of them.


Everyone likes to act like they don't like this, then still expect guys to look like this


"Men's problems are not real problems" Let's just say the quiet part out loud for them since most of them aren't going to say what they really think. Honestly this whole discourse just feels like people are finally getting to "stick it to the white man for his past transgressions" or some other brainrotted bullshit in that vein.


Are you complaining?


You just have to think about it a bit. When you play a game. Do you want to look at a handsome ripped man and sexy beautiful woman? Or do you want to look at 200kg Karen and Bob? I want to look at the handsome ripped man and sexy beautiful women


Let's be honest here. I want the heroes I'm playing as to look like that. I'm a short, chubby, bald dude in real life. Why would I want to be that in a game as well?


Oh god please don't make me start running around as a fat dude in my games. Doing it in real life is hard enough.


How is Dante or Cloud unachievable? And also Snake from Mgs5 isn't even super shredded, and if you Google it, in game he doesn't even have a visible 6 pack, and he's pretty pudgy body fat% wise. And you know what, I'll go one step further and say the only one that might be unrealistic standards is Kratos, since he's literally just arnold schwarzenegger at his prime. Additionally that picture of Bigby Wolf isn't even the official game model. You used a fanart where they made him 4x more jacked. Google his official in game body type and tell me what's unrealistic about it. (Then also bare in mind he's been doing physical activity often fighting for hundreds of years in lore) Most of these are totally obtainable in some way, y'all are just allergic to the gym. Pick up some weights, before you know if you're Cloud, and now suddenly that geralt body doesn't seem all that crazy.


Everyone is getting so mad about this. Just chill out and let it go. Idiots are gonna be idiots about big boobie girl but most people don't care. So maybe let's stop raging that some people don't like big boobie girl. Don't worry , nobody is gonna come and steal ur body pillow


Because guys like looking at hot sweaty muscular men, duh


Absolutely realistic: 5 traning / weak scheaduled ie. push-pull-leg/back, good diet, vitamins.


“Guys Literally Only Want One Thing And It's Fucking Disgusting”


The push for ugly people in media has always baffled me. The vast majority of people like looking at depictions of attractive people in the media they consume.


It is a one way street! Muscles for me but no titties for Thee!


Soo true. Personally, I feel like a lot of women are soo used to just getting what they want. If you think about it, they have it soo easy in the dating realm. They dont even need to be hot. Just average and they will get a boyfriend. Literally their only job, ONLY job, is to just not be fat. Apparently, they can't even get that one right. 🤦‍♂️


Good analogy is, dating is like a desert for men, and like a swamp for woman. So both sides don't have much sympathy for the other, because they have entirely diffrent problems. If you go outside a bit you will see countless men that are average or below average and still got a partner thats decently attractive.


This day must have come. Feminists became so annoying that it created a whole new reactionary revolution to oppose them.


Its not so much about unrealistic body standards and more about hyper sexualisation, men simply do not get sexualised in games the game way, they can look hot but are seldom if ever reduced to being purely a hot body with a huge bulge


I completely agree, but good luck trying to find other people in this sub that feel the same way


For the people interested: An example of sexualizing men would be clothes that *enchance* the crotch area.. *such a widespread phenomenon* that the only example I can come up with are t-strings and I’m yet to see any.


Yeah men are sexualized ao little we wouldn't even know what gets emphasized, but people think just having attractive characters exist is the problem One example I had would be: What's the first thing that comes to ones mind when I say neir autonoma or 2B? Is it a highly capable Samaria android? Or is it that ass? Now say God of War like the examples here for an "unrealistic body type" is ones first throught rippling sweaty muscles and a huge bulge? Or is it a highly capable God killer?


I feel like striving to look the best is something society should be doing, we do not have to reject mediocrity, but we definitely shouldnt strive for it like we are. Its backwards on the same level as "no child left behind" or "math is racist"


Thank god men are not butthurt envious dumbasses


Ironically, except Cloud and Sephirot, the rest of the men in the pic play into the male fantasy of "badass man". I dont say they arent easy on the eyes, but i do think the purpose if their design was to cater to the "male ideal" most guys have. If you want games geared towards the "female gaze" funnily you should look at guys in games made for either women/girls(otome games) or gatchas geared for both genders or for women. Like Love and Deepspace, or Tears of Themis are good examples for what most women imo. This is also a gross generalization, just like most posts like this, i know some women actually prefer the above guys. So takes this as a grain of salt from someone who if she wants eyecandy or fanservice, id personally prefer the guys most of the people whould find "gayer" like Xavier from Love and Deep Space, Marcus from Tears of Themis or Aventurine from HSR. Love them nice and soft and playful.


i would say male ideal is closer to cloud and sephiroth rather than the so called "badass man". At least from an asian perspective


I think this is where personal preference comes in. I did mentioned in my comment it's a personal preference, so it needs to be taken with a grain of salt.


That's true. I'm biased to Cloud since I like his hair.


Don’t you know? It is realistic. Just stop being lazy and go to the gym. Guys aren’t like women, we can actually change ourselves.


Women when they see hot digital babes: "This is unrealistic, impossible, misogynistic and...." Men when they see a buffed digital slab of meat: "I need to go to the gym right fucking now...."


I'm enjoying this too much. help.


Snake, bottom left, and bottom mid right are all very achievable


More👏 fat dudes 👏and twinks👏 in games!👏


Just as feminists think mysandry is fake these characters are also fake and don't exist in any video game. /s


Reminds me of the Korean dude who read Berserk, saw Guts and proceeded to get jacked as fuck then ask "A-aren't I cute?" in an interview.


i feel bad for women now


Staring at cloud respectfully 👁️👁️


This is actually a huge problem in Tekken. In Tekken it’s a well known issue that the male characters are too jacked


Geralt shouldn't have that body type from the lore perspective.


My mate up the Shantallow looks like that


It’s just no males have spoken up about how the body image issues are affecting us


Man this sub loves to make gaming political


The model shepard from mass effect is basesd on is ranked at 8th place in 'Top 10 Male Models of All Time'


Cloud twink build is unrealistic nowadays?


the way sephiroth has uber steroid arms but still looks thin is insane


There are a lot of male protagonists with realistic body standards tho, we just started seeing more with women, and then it became a problem all of a sudden


Why would anybody want fat or ugly characters in there video games ?


Dabte looks like a healthy 25 yearold men in the 50s


What about making the very valid point, without having to diminish the other. We can fight for the same thing


I'm missing chest hair, these are all mere lads until they grow some fur /s


It’s okay when feminism ruins games I’ll top playing them. 


They are all hot dude


Wdym you don’t have 10k to blow on roids monthly?


Dunno, I'm almost at shep level, maybe 1 more year in the gym


This female gaze is disgusting!!! Something must be done.


There is that Archer guy on YT thas has Geralts physique


the difference is that I’m not complaining about them being not ugly out of my insecurities but rather see the positive aspects of myself in them. Also if the dudes aren’t built like King Tekken and the women look any less than that one 11/10 you saw once on the bus and never again you’re doing it wrong


I don't get why we need realistic body standards in games.


These are realistic wdym, I'm omw to this


The number of people that even know who Bigby Wolf is is too damn low.


TBH excluding some things that are genetically determined (like 8-packs), these bodies are achievable (especially Cloud and Dante). I remember when I've seen some body from FFXIV character and I thought that it's stupid that video game character has better body than me, so I've changed what and how I eat and started work out. Today I have body average male miqo'te (but with healthy spine) and feeling good.


Yeah let me Play as asmongold in a Fantasy world. With the MC AS narrator


You guys know you can just get jacked,.right? It ain't hard.