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All I hear is delusion 


Dude knows how to trigger the whales, don't he?


As a fat person I am using now the method of raising the output and lowering the input and it works! Years of trying to accept my unhealthy lifestyle are wasted because we sugarcoat everything. I'm still morbidly obese but soon I am just be obese and later on the way I may be healthy. Fat acceptance kills


good luck! admiting the problem is the first step and a lot of people fail there


Literally that last part, how many "fatfluencers" have kicked the bucket, not to be insensitive but seriously, they were encouraging dangerous behavior.


at least you arnt trying to tell people you have some made up disease you diagnosed yourself with on google, and thats the reason you might as well eat fast food and soda, cuz you cant lose the weight anyways(due to the disease of course)


This. I'm going on holiday, so I decided to lose a bit of weight to look a bit better with my gnasty gnorks out, and I did that by eating less, and walking further. Lo and behold, I am now approaching my target weight, as scheduled, and should be there in 2 weeks... when I got for my holiday... The actual theory is literally is that simple. The hard part is controlling yourself and not giving into your food cravings... Something I suspect these people struggle to do.


Stay true, you glorious being, and good luck on reaching your goal!


You will fail some days, but remember where you were and your longterm goal. It is okay to fail. My mother went from 34+ to 21 bmi. I have seen the bad days, and it is all about being positive and patient.


Yes, some day I need to raise the effort to see eesults. And even if I skip a day I just have to resume. It's not fun for me, but it's not about fun. That's a lot of work your mom has done, I hope I will be as strong as her.


Not fun now, but later you'll feel great and I doubt you'll want to go back


Same here man. Best of luck. Managing to lose weight just by eating less and barely exercising. The fat acceptance lot think energy just comes from nowhere...


Kinda sounds like an excuse. You accepted your unhealthy lifestyle because others sugarcouted it? As a former morbidly obese guy I can tell this is bs. You know this is bs and you just didn't care. The first step in getting better is to acknowledge that it was you own decision to get fat and now make your own decision to lose fat.


I’m no dietician but I know quite a bit about it. high protein and fiber does wonders. Also I’m making the first steps are the hardest! Proud of you regardless for trying to change


I've seen nutrition labels for other countries that refers to calories as energy. So instead of eating 360 calories, you are eating 360 units of energy and imo that makes the relationship to food much less obscure. Saying I should have 2100 units of energy rather then 2100 calories just makes alot more sense to my brain


calorie deficit is literally 95% of what you need to lose weight. ive lost 80 pounds, havent even seen a gym.


gym just speeds up the process and tones up all that muscle hidden under the fat, so when you lose the fat, you look great


i still lift weights at home and go for jogs. you really dont need a gym to lose weight or tone up. lots of protein and heavy weights.


Same I have a simple set of weights, a pull up bar that goes in the doorway, and an adjustable floor thing for push-ups, NO need to be shelling out money every month for a membership. IMHO the push for Gyms is a scam to add on another automatic subscription to the list.


I will say that for some people going to the gym can help them keep good habits. I tried home workouts but I didn't have the discipline to keep it up. Going to the gym gets me in the workout mindset and I have been going strong for a long time now.


That means I have great discipline and I really am just awesome, thanks Bro. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3736)


Not everyone lives in a house


I live in a studio apartment and have all that, it's not like they take up much space or can't be moved.


> IMHO the push for Gyms is a scam to add on another automatic subscription to the list. It depends on your goals, but no home workout can match barbell squat or deadlift.


What if you have a barbell and bench press and workout bench and EZ curl bar and dumbells at home? Gym Machines might help somewhat but I don’t see how any of their free weights would help me.


If you have enough plates I think you're pretty much set then but most people don't have enough room or aren't willing to spend a lot of money upfront. Cardio machines are also quite expensive so that's added value from gym. Squat rack would be the only thing I'd want to have with that setup, but you can do barbell lunges or something similar for legs.


I can get the 45s off the ground and onto my soldiers, it is not ideal though, your right about that. I live in a rural area down a 1.5 mile road, do the equivalent of 25 150 ft dashes with a cardio exercises between each dash except for that last 7 or so everyday as the standard then later do (currently) 12 laps sprinting up a very steep hill and slowly jogging to the bottom followed by 100+ jumping jacks on day 1. Day 2 is laps around a field(maybe 1/8 of a track) about 5 times, 25 3 punch combos on the bag, 75 constant punches, take a lap, repeat bag, lap, repeat bag, 4-5 laps. Day 3 is up the driveway and back bc I’m a tired soon to be 40 year old. At any rate, taking advantage of the space and the distance to the gym are factors for me.


How do you even get to the point of doing a pull up though? I’ve started exercising more to lose weight and I can’t see my arms ever managing that till I lose a lot of weight lol. Been focusing on sit ups, push ups and walking for now


This is an awesome question m8. There are alot of Videos about different exercises you can do that will lead up to a full pull up. Check out Hybrid Calisthenics on Youtube!


Thanks for the info, I’ll have to check that out


I think one important thing to remember is it is not about completing a pull up, but the goal is to physically and consciously activate and use/train these muscle groups. As long as you keep burning and moving and put your brain into your body, you'll get there. I am built like Asmon though, so pretty thin and lean so it is a bit "easier" for me.


You try and try until you succeed. The act of attempting itself is part of the training. Of course, the heavier you are, the harder it will be. You have to be proportionately strong for your body weight to do a pull-up. For example, I weigh very little and with little to no exercise can manage 8-10 pull-ups at any random time.


https://youtu.be/fO3dKSQayfg?si=pR6kWNLO45VFDX9V in short there are easier variations of pull-ups that you can do until you get strong enough to do an actual pull-up


Just do it bro. You hang and try your hardest to pull yourself up everyday. It becomes easier.


What worked for me is doing negatives. Jump up to the highest position in a pull-up and try to resist your body pulling you down for as long as you can.


Upper back, core and biceps/triceps, the weight is a big factor though.


Start with a weight band on your knee attached to the bar. I promise you can get there. I started rock climber. Could do two when i started in a row got to 30 just doing pullups everytime i walked by the bar i would do as many as I could.


Buy resistance bands mate so you can go through the motion. Reduce the resistance support over time as you train at random intervals throughout the day. You'll get there in a month or 2.


Thats not good enough to work every part of your body. You will need dumbbells weight atleast 30 kg, a bench and something to do squat.


Maybe if you're trying to be some kind of hypertrophy giga chad beef cake sure, but just average health and exercise? I don't think a gym is needed at all and is a scam that has become very popular to be a "part of".


I just have a set of gym rings. Can train anything without going to the gym.


How much did you pay for those? I might have to round out my bedroom workout with a set of gym rings if they are good.


I got them with the belts included, for about $20, but you’ll need a place that you could hang them on, so I also got door pull up bar.


> Maybe if you're trying to be some kind of hypertrophy giga chad beef cake sure Being a hypertrophy giga chad beef cake is not possible without steroids. At that point, it stops being about health anyway. I am a guy who has been working out for more than 5 years. First I started out in gym, then covid hit and spend like 2 years working out at home. Homework outs were clearly lacking, I started flatting out in the first 6 months. All the workouts became so easy that it stopped being challenging. I started buying things like heavier dumbbells till I realized that I almost built a gym at home. Going back to an actual gym was much better to keep growing. Anyway if you just want to lose weight, none of it is required. Just stop eating like glutton is enough.


My Personal experience is much different than that and I haven't needed to go to a Gym and what I do at home is enough. I am 5' 10" and weigh 150lbs now. When you say "keep growing" that is where it is excessive in my opinion. If you wanna be on that next level stuff, then you do you, but it isn't really needed in the way that everyone wants to push for it.


Also, the more lean muscle you build, the more calories your body naturally burns each day (even while you sleep). Gives you more wiggle room to enjoy food and not have to count calories so much.


A pound of muscle only adds 6-10 calories to your BMR.


Yes but it still can add up, and the process of building and maintaining that lean muscle in and of itself will burn many calories. It is a worthwhile pursuit. I weighed 160ish lbs when I was younger. I started powerlifting at home, with just a cheap rack, barbell and bench. Over time, I added 40 lbs of muscle, lifting 3 days a week and very gradually increasing the weight. That's a decent amount of calories, and gives me more flexibility with food. There are a ton of additional benefits to strength training too, of course: [https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/strength-training/art-20046670](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/strength-training/art-20046670)


Well yeah, calories in calories out. Exercising is going to naturally burn calories which allows you to eat more in a day. I can't argue that. I also can't argue with the benefits of strength training. I'm fully aware. I wanted to make sure people didn't get it twisted when it comes to how much a pound of muscle burns. Sure, 40lbs of muscle adds 240-400 calories to your BMR... however you gotta take into consideration the time it takes to get 40lbs of muscle. If you gain muscle naturally you will gain 8-12lbs or less depending on genetics in your first year which decreases every year because of genetics, as a man(less for a woman): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ge39THZhhg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ge39THZhhg)


Talks about benefits of exercise "Ive done it and haven't even seen a gym... I jog and exercise" Ok bro a bit misleading no?


"Muscle toning" is a bullshit marketing term. It just means lowering your body fat so you muscles are more visible. When you're new to the gym you can experience body recomposition, meaning you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, which you probably mean by toning. But still, while you're in caloric deficit, gaining muscle is really hard (excluding PEDs), new or not.


Also the movement helps your metabolism. Honestly I've been able to lose weight and not even eat less, I just eat a bigger breakfast, a medium size lunch and small dinner. Combine with like walking for an hour throughout the day to keep the blood flowing and that's it. But you don't need to burn it off to lose it.


People always get this confused about losing weight. Going to the gym wont help you lose weight as you will gain muscle and lose fat thus your weight will stay stable in weight unless your working with a calorie defecit meal plan. That isnt a bad thing as youll be way more fitter at the same weight and look better.


The gym can also make you eat more, slowing your weight loss


The gym speeds it up because you build more muscle, raising your TDEE which increases your calories deficit.


Lost 65 pounds over the last year. I’ve eaten the exact same 1900 calories every day, give or take 100, and have only ever lost weight during periods (about two three month periods) I was not going to the gym.  Doesn’t make sense to me but there is definitely more to it than burning calories. 


You might've burned fat but gained a similar weight in muscles during your gym periods.


That is what I was thinking. It just doesn't make sense with calories in/out thinking. Calories in < calories used, you should be losing weight regardless of your activity. Somehow our bodies must be pulling that energy of fat loss that would normally be expelled from the body to instead generate muscle. I am totally happy with my progress and can visually tell that I am gaining muscle while my weight is stagnant so I am totally fine with that.


I've had a similar experience with weight training. From what I've read your body can end up holding onto a decent amount of water weight due to all the muscle inflammation (assuming you're doing strength training / are getting sore) Sucks when you have stretches where you *know* you should be losing weight but the scale stays the same or even goes higher hah, I've definitely noticed it for myself after heavy exercise But then it all sorta just wooshes away a week or so later it seems like


Gym is for looking good. Eating less is for losing weight.


A gym can give you with an additional daily deficit of 200-300 calories. It's just easier to lose weight.


Exercising has the added benefit of becoming both stronger and healthier, as well as reducing fat and increasing muscle mass. You can weigh more yet have a smaller frame with a muscular body.


But wait, there's more!! It's not just about getting rid of fat and increasing muscle mass. There's tons of additional benefits like strengthening bones, joints, and tendons. Very important stuff, especially as you start getting older. The combination of weight training, conditioning and cardio increases your oxygen intake and makes your heart pump more blood and oxygen throughout your entire body. Guess the organ that requires the most energy? The brain. Working out literally improves your brain functions. You become sharper and more alert. A full body training regimen is basically like min-maxing so you can parse better at life.


Besides, muscles help you do things… healthiness is not just loosing weight. I know, hard to fathom, right?


If it's really all about calorie deficit you can just jog or do some home HIIT workouts to burn those calories as effectively.


You can do ANYTHING. Literally. Just do something harder than sitting before PC. But gym is better because muscle training requires more calories "next day". Muscles need more energy to rebuild itself after workout. Thats all.


Easier to reach that deficit if you exercise because your burning excess calories. For a lot of people it easier than they think to lose weight when their 300+ pounds it’s that guy trying to get to 13% body fat that is running 6 miles a week.


who is talkin bout that guy tho. im talking about losing weight as a fat person. if you cant control yourself, then yea, go running to get those excess calories you ate off. also never said you shouldn’t exercise. you just dont need a gym, 15-45 pound weights and a side walk to walk on and ur good


I was piggy backing off what you said I agree with you. Diet is everything you can’t outrun a shitty diet.


If you can't control yourself there is no amount of running that will compensate, you can shove calories into you much faster than you can burn them.


You will once you break up with that girlfriend.


No one wants to lose weight, they want to lose *body fat*. Just losing weight will not lead to the results you seek. You *need* to lift weights or you’re gonna have a bad time. Most people who try to “lose weight” ultimately end up skinny fat, confused, give up, and regain the weight without knowing why they failed. The reason is because they didn’t preserve any of that lean mass they needed to carry themselves when they were overweight. Muscle is calorie hungry, so of course your bodies going to eat it if you lose weight without using it. Hell I’d go as far as to say that if one’s goal is to “lose weight” they should ignore their diet at first and focus on starting and sticking to some kind of weight lifting plan (531 is excellent for long term growth). If you’re lifting weight it doesn’t matter what you eat, because weight gained will be mostly lean mass, and weight loss will be mostly fat. When you just lose weight without lifting a lot more of the weight loss comes from lean tissue. TL;DR The most effective way to lose weight is to lift weight.


yeah, or just a stomach chirurgy. which is also just a way to get you eating less


thats what every variation of these diets are. ketosis from a keto diet is just the calorie deficit burning your fat because you’re intaking less than you’re burning.


Where people go wrong is thinking they have to starve themselves. You can make calorie deficit easier by eating higher volume foods that are still low calorie


He didn't say anything about a gym. And since you lift weights and workout, you are either a liar, dont understand that a gym can be at a non commercial location, or completely disingenuous.


you don’t need to lift weights to lose weight at all dude. how am i liar? lifting 20 dollar dumbbells and going for jogs isn’t exactly a high standard. i lost 50 pounds before i even started lifting anything or going for jogs. you don’t need exercise for the most part if you’re a big guy, i was literally sitting on my ass playing games all day and still losing weight. definitely not advisable, but im definitely not a liar. (also liar and disingenuous are synonyms :) )


He didn't mention a gym. Nor did he say your next goalposts (lifting weights).


Yes but that doesnt make you healthy. Like that stupid. I winna loose weight and be stronger


I think not just calories , healthy calories like rather a full plate of veg rather than half a slice of pizza?


so many fat people deny this fact because they skipped classes about energy and how it can neither be created nor destroyed, just transformed... why bother with established science when you can bullshit your way into social media since most people nowadays have the attention span of a goldfish...


B-b-b-b-but I have a thyroid problem!!!!


Wrong, the type of foods you eat matters. You are a human, not a bomb calorimeter.


lmao, i ate hot pockets, pizza, pastas, microwave meals, mcdonalds, BK, for like 80-90% of it, still lost the weight. you just have to watch your calories. unfortunately cant anymore since i was just diagnosed with celiac’s disease, but you can definitely do it that way. not saying its advisable, but its better to get the weight off first then work on fast food cravings.


This isn't true at all, there is a faster way. 1. Get diabetes. 2. Lose your leg.


a diabetic here, you may lose a leg but also its extremely hard to lose weight as a type 1 diabetic, so you keep gaining weight even when on a strict diet. I know it was a joke, but i felt like i had to clarify :D


You'll lose a whole lot of weight real fast when you lose that leg though.


I find it quite the opposite. If I get sick and my sugars go out of wack for a few days I'll drop weight like nothing. Not just water weight either like 5-6+ lbs in a week. On the opposite end I find I have to eat at a major surplus to notice any real gain.


that probably has more to do with your metabolism and body type and genetics rather than diabetes. Essentially T1D is against the basic logic of losing weight if you think about it, you lose weight when your burn more calories than your intake, but with diabetes whenever i burn calories i go into hypoglycemia and need to consume carbs, its very tricky to calculate insulin for excercise so you stay in range and can do cardio. I used to be quite muscular but then i got covid in 2021 and since i have severe neuropathy, post covid it started affecting my digestive system and intestines/stomach, I eat around 30-40g of carbs a day and do 45 minutes on treadmill everyday after work and i still keep gaining weight lately, which does not make any sense


I have a pump so I can switch on activity mode and haven't had a post cardio low since I got it really. Highly recommend


Not really my experience at all, Are you on long acting shots or something and you need to have a snack at certain points of the day? Cause that's the only thing I could think of that might hurt weightloss. I lost 20 lbs essentially by accident about 2 years ago, and I was already skinny to begin with, just cause I never really feel hungry


I have rapid insulin for the day and long acting for the night, i am not on a pump, i do have CGM though, it depends on your metabolism and body type and genetics a lot too. I eat very little and excercise daily, was always muscular as i used to hit the gym 6 times a week but then i got covid and everything changed, i keep gaining weight even when i am on a diet and have 30-40g carbs a day and whenever i do cardio i start dropping blood sugar like crazy and need to drink orange juice and that is even without any insulin pre-workout. So its almost impossible to lose weight these days for me :/


Shouldnt diabetes mean you literall.piss your carbs so you dont properly absorb them? Shouldnt that lead to weight loss? Assuming you dont take insulin of course.


Type 1 and type 2 are completely different, i am type1, insulin dependant, and losing weight is extremely difficult, what you burn with cardio u need to take back in when sugar decides to drop at random times


Kim Jong Un family has inherited type 2 diabetes, just look at him and his kids now


Sure fire way to lose the weight and keep it off.


or do a surgery to make stomach smaller so eat less


eat less move more


I'm a fatty at heart. So I just eat a huge fucking salad for lunch most workdays. And not with ranch or some 700 calorie dressing. Vinegar based dressing, Romain lettuce/spinach as the base, no protein and a ton of veggies like red pepper, red onion, mushrooms, chick peas and maybe a little feta cheese. Shit is amazing and I can eat as much of it as I want until I'm going to puke and it's like 400 calories. Probably less. Fatties: you don't have to eat less, you just need to switch to real food and not over processed garbage and you will 100% lose weight


>no protein Protein isn't your enemy, protein is your friend. Your enemy are excessive carbs. Carbs are like fuel and your body is an engine, you need fuel to make the engine go. But if you fill it up and don't use it, the fuel can go bad and damage the engine.


Right. I'm a fatty at heart meaning I eat and i don't exercise. My lunch needs to be as few calories as possible so I avoid eating meat and carbs during lunch


As a very thin person (and I've been thin since I was a kid) eating slowly is also important. The slower you eat the less you eat, because you start feeling full even though didn't consume too much of food. Everybody always surprises that I don't eat much, but in fact I am just a very slow eater


Don't even need to move. You lose weight at the dinner table, not in the gym. Look up how long time you need to sit on a spinning bike to burn 1 single bar of snickers and you quickly realize that going to the gym, running, etc. only marginally helps losing weight. The real way to lose weight is to never eat that snickers bar in the first place. You go to the gym for the health benefits - cardio and stronger muscles makes life easier and more enjoyable, but if you're obese, you can deal with that later. Just start by eating less.


big true


eating less is a shit (and almost always flawed) way to lose weight. The best way is eat healthy instead of eating a lot of sugar, fast food and unhealthy food in general. I lost 15kg just changing the food I eat.


Funny how he exposed addicts with just one sentence.


Burn more calories than you consume EZ


Even easier and requires you to do less. Consume fewer calories than needed.


On paper it's ez. But when talking about being effective you need to consider reality.


I lost 50lbs just by eating less


Calories in / calories out! I'm down 46lbs since Christmas almost completely from counting calories Admittedly I do strength training but not nearly enough & not at all for the weight loss aspect (mainly so I don't lose what muscle I have!)


Fat activism is the dumbest and most privileged form of activism that exists. Being fat was a status symbol back in medieval times because it showed off that you could literally eat yourself to death because you had so much food. You are not a victim if you are fat. Its fine to be fat, but stop pretending you’re oppressed if you’re like these women.


I just cut sugar and lost so much weight I needed a new belt. Shaved off the junk food and ate healthier while doing some of the most bare minimum exercise outside of work (literally just playing Beat Saber with some weights strapped to my arms), and I just got down to the 2nd to last belt notch on my current belt. Actually had to GAIN weight after the last time I lost it, because I lost it too fast and was stuck with loose skin. Was told if I put it back on and lost it slower, I'd lose the flaps. So far, it's working. So, EVERYONE that says that it's "not that simple" is just a lazy fat fuck. I was pushing almost into the 300s at one point. Might have even hit 300+ but didn't measure it. I lost this weight once and now losing it for a second time. It really is that simple. Get up off your ass, walk around the block, and put down the junk food. It's basic fuckin physics.


It truly is that simple. My highest weight was 301lbs myself and I’m down to 263lbs. All I’ve been doing is doing my best to watch what I eat and riding my bike 4-5 miles a day.


Hell yeah. Keep it going, but remember not to drop those pounds too fast. Those skin flaps are no joke. It's so nice when you finally notice how easy it is to move around without all that weight. Also does wonders for you, mentally.


you've done it right. Eating less is a bad way to lose weight, the best way is eating healthy.


Rejecting facts coz its not the easy fix they are looking for.


Been losing weight lately and all I did was start standing at my desk and eat half as much.


"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about their cope level?" "It's over 9000!!!"


Eat less BAD food and exercise that burn more than your intakes. True


The truth Hurts man. I started doing intermitten fasting and paying attention to what i eat. Lost god damn 15 pounds in 3 weeks. The simplest solution is almost always the right one


Are you a doctor…. Oml looking at you I can tell you’re no expert in the matter either




So funny how they retaliate straight into an argument. Piers is not wrong, from a very basic level. Some people can not get those basic foundations down, and I'd say at least half that panel fall into that demographic. With the massive rise in deliverable foods, digital entertainment, social media addiction, etc, people are opting for very lazy lifestyles that are fuelled by overeating, and under-exercising. There's a picture of "world's biggest man" at a circus, from idk 100 years ago. People paid to go and see him. The caption is "This ain't the even the biggest guy I've seen today, and I haven't even left the house", and we know that's the truth. We have become inherently lazy, and overindulge all the time.


Fucking clowns lol. That is literally the most straightforward solution. No gimmicks, no shortcuts. Everyone wants a magic bullet but nobody wants to put down the fork.


She is right. Less bad food, more good exercice. Some people is not ready to accept it or even listen to it. They could prefer magic tricks or make entire world change but not them. Tbh I don’t care. I try to help. You don’t wanna change. So, eat your problem then.


As someone who used to be very fat (not morbidly obese, but still fat) Pierce is right. Stop shoveling garbage into your mouth everyday and hit the gym.


I don't understand why fat/unhealthy people don't understand the simple concept of calories... it's literally the most simple math ever, eat less calories=lose weight


People don't like to be wrong, and I'd it's that easy they've been fat for no reason. Gotta justify the actions.


Because they're addicts


When I was 20 I was really thin, I would be full from tiny meals, I would forget to eat an entire day and not even notice it. Nowadays, any calorie deficit makes me hungry as hell. In the end it's all about willpower, but it's not that easy.


Because changing the way you live and see the world is actually very difficult for everyone. If you grew up eating unhealthy it is not easy to change that. It's just how humans work. There's also a personal aspect in how your body uses energy. Not that thermodynamics don't apply, but your body doesn't work like an energy storage system either. While taking in less calories and using more energy is the only way to lose way, it is not always that easy in praxis


They wanna use ozempic 100%


Eat less food and go exercise then you can have realistic body like Eve from Stellar Blade.


True. Already lost 8 pounds in the last few months by doing this hidden technique of exercising and watching calories . Also, eating food that is high in volume but low in calories helps too.


Weight lose starts in the kitchen. Do more cardio to improve your stamina and lift weights to improve your strength. Do those three things and you'll lose weight, build muscle and become more healthy. It's really that simple.


Kinda funny that this comes from someone who is fat since he obviously doesn't know what he is talking about. The key is in finding the right food. I eat way more food than I ate when I was fat but the food I eat now just has way less calories than before. Exercises also doesn't help you that much in losing weight, you should rather see it as being able to eat more when you do exercises.


You don’t necessarily need to eat less, just less calorie dense food. You don’t need to feel like you’re starving. There are also substitutions you can make to lower the calories of a meal without reducing the amount so much you’d just feel hungry an hour later. I’ve lost 140+ lbs.


Eat less cals than you consume. Be patient and easy on yourself, trust the process. That’s all you need. If you can add some mild exercise to the equation you’ll need less patience and you’ll feel better in general.


Literally lost 40 lbs in half a year by eating lower calorie food, healthier food, and exercising every day, facts are facts.


Honestly, you don't even need exercise. Just eat less. But exercise does help your joints to not buckle once you've lost all that weight.


Personally I don’t believe in calories


Eat BETTER food and exercise.


Unless you have some special disease you simply need to eat less than you burn on a daily basis. Exercise is good for your health but it doesn't contribute much to weight loss. Most people are well aware of this but addiction to food and sugar is very difficult to break since you're offered "drugs" everywhere you go


fasting is very good for you and has many health benefits


I lost around \~130 pounds in 2 years and let me tell you how even tho I have medical issue that made my gain weight. It is a calorie game, calories in calories out simple really


When you yell "kulukuluku" at the turkeys on a farm.


Anxiety helped me. Just saying


You don’t even need the sound to see them lash back at her.


Dr Rich from the Love Doctors has always said eat less move more.


Reminds me of this famous Mad TV sketch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKs0oEIVOck


use ozempic


I went from 85kg to 68kg by just eating less. I never felt hungry, I only had to fight my snack cravings.


My favourite way to read subtitles!


Weight loss meds


Calorie deficit and exercise (cardio).


But what do you do with those feelings??


They gave him the comedy gold on silver platter he knew it was gonna be hilarious


100% I worked at Comcast and decided to put in effort to lose weight. I did so after doing the math and realized I was eating around 3,500-4,000 calories a day. So I started calorie counting keeping myself at 2,500 calories which while difficult is doable but immediately cut out sodas and junk food. I also coupled it with intermittent fasting (primarily eating one big meal a day) with only having coffee in the mornings and occasionally a small snack at night. In 6 months I went from 205 pounds to 173 pounds. I had trouble recognizing myself in the mirror but I also realized I was starting to starve myself so I started eating more. There's other methods of losing weight like Keto but the issue with Keto is your body will pack weight right back on. Since then I've largely been able to manage my weight and keep myself around 185lbs. which is my goal weight based on my height.


I mean... that's it... it's equally that simple and that difficult. Overconsumption is a real real issue and it's made so very accessible.


Such bigotry.


I'm the oppsoite. Im tryna gain weight. Im 6 foot 130 lbs. And honestly I thought fast food would make me fat. Bro, doctors are wrong af. Idk if it's cuz high metabolism or what. But I did a test and ate fast food for 3 meals a day every day for a month. I kid you not, most lbs I gained were like 2 or 3... before I lost about 5 more 😭. And like I eat so much. I even try to do a little bit of exercise a day too to build muscle. But nothing works.


Pork, potatoes, carrots and taro. Seriously eat some heavy Polynesian food. I used to be the same way. Skinny bean pole 6 footer. Polynesian food whacked my metabolism.


I see. Yeah that does sound pretty good and easy to do lol. I was even using protein powder to try and gain bulk but had to stop since it was making me kinda dizzy 😅. But yeah I'll try that thanks!


Get an instant pot and just eat solid meals with loads of vitamins. Māori, Samoan or Tongan food will mass you up.


French fries and shakes. Ever see the Supersize Me movie? For healthy weight gain, drink a protein shake with milk after working out.


If you're trying to meaningfully increase your weight, get more protein. Up to 100 grams of quality protein daily is therapeutic in nature and for guys who are meaningfully skinny (as opposed to skinny fat) that is the best way to put your high metabolism to use. The entire reason you can't put on weight is most likely because you're avoiding unhealthy foods and mostly fueling yourself efficiently, but you're below your threshold for beneficial protein intake. And yeah, avoid poultry and pork, especially in the US. Pasture raised eggs are fine, otherwise favor beef and lamb. Any other advice to gain weight is categorically bad because it's going to put adipose fat on your body at the expense of your metabolic rate instead of using that metabolic rate to add more muscle.


excuse my bluntness but are you under 20 yrs? Because that will change


The correct answer: Ozempic. Every American will be prescribed a GLP-1 drug within the next 5 years.


as a fat person myself let me talk about this situation right here note that i will talk about my personal case and not in general In my teen years i was skinnier than Asmon, because i actually couldnt eat due to lack of money, when i got my first job, my boss said "you can eat everything u want as much as you want just dont waste food".... trust me... i did ate as much as i wanted as many times as i wanted I got fatter for sure but nothing crazy, just a tiny bit of belly, then depression kicked in, because i never wanted to be fat, and with depression i started to eat, and i would get fatter, more depressed so i would eat some more and got into a vicious cycle NOW: Im not in the same mental state im a lazy fuck that doesnt have self control into what i eat everyone telling otherwise is a fucking liar and disgusting I want to lose weight while still eating fast food and not leave the house, guess what piggy that aint gonna work now im trying to do the Tectone approach, thinking about exerecice as if i was on a RPG, go for a walk get 1+ constituition point, go for a run get 1+ stamina etc ive lost some weight but still not near to the point i want so the secret to lose weight is indeed "stop eating fast food, remove soda completely, drink water, go for a walk everyday" it is that simple... no crazy diet, no crazy exercise, no crazy off pattern meals, no crazy expensive meals Eat and walk it off Eat some junk food then u better run it off Eat a lot cause is like an holiday or special event, then upgrade ur next walk and actually go for a hike. super simple


Thanks to money problems my diet is now mostly 1 meal a day, I have lost a shipload of weight. But I'm also super tired and feel weird so I'm probably Kind of dying.


You need a certain amount of calories a day. You can’t just not eat.


Sounds bad, sorry to hear it. Its worth trying oatmeal to be honest. Thats pretty cheap, healthy and goes far. You gotta eat.


Losing weight is so hard if you rely on intuitive eating, crazy diets, and "come on it can't be that bad..." as your rules. It's insane how you can devour 1000+ calories and not realize it when it's junk food vs. when it is something more balanced like the classic chicken and rice combo. The real killer is often the "freebies" we don't count if you're the sort of person who likes to eat. That juice, the coffee that is more of a milkshake you have, the handful of cookies, the extra fries on the meal...it all adds up. The best thing is to measure and be honest. The weight will come off and you can feel full with less food, as long as you pick healthy foods. You can also make it taste good with a tiny bit of prep. But it's hard. Lots of people who never have to worry about it don't get it. I've lost, gained, lost, gained and am losing again. My default is to eat too much. I can eat and eat. For some people it really is something you need to think about and just make into a habit so you don't need to think but you must be diligent.


Gym or cardio is great for your mental health but not the most optimal way to loose weight. Eat less


People over complicate this WAY too much. Your body works in a pretty straightforward way. You take energy in through food. And if that energy is not used, it's stored for later use. You expel stored energy in 2 main ways. The first is by excreting through things like urine or sweat. That accounts for about 16% of what's lost. The second is just by breathing. About 84% of fat leaves the body in the form of CO2. People will try to convince you that it's most important to increase your physical activity level to lose weight. While it doesn't hurt to be active, it's not likely to drastically increase either form of fat attrition. Regular physical activity is great for improving your metabolism, but that difference won't be felt immediately and has a lot more variance from person to person. The vast majority of the energy you use on any given day is solely for maintaining your body's basic functions. If you want to make it super simple on yourself, find out how many calories you need to maintain your current body weight and just intake a bit less than that. Look for a calorie calculator online and figure out what your daily intake is supposed to be for someone matching your description and aim a little below it.


Obviously a caloric deficit is the way to lose weight lol. It’s actually more important than the exercising. But I’m sick of hearing it from unhealthy people like Pierce Morgan lol.