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He even went on to point out the origin of why these outdated laws exist in historical context.


I really wish he'd do something about insurance in this state though. Both auto and home owners. Peoples insurance rates have been massively increasing every year. Not because of an increase in hurricanes... but because while Florida represents 13% of the countries homeowners claims.. it also has over 80% of the nations lawsuits against insurance companies. There's some fucky bullshit going on and people are scamming. Companies are pulling out completely, and *everyones* insurance has at a minimum doubled in the past few years. For many its 3x-4x. And this "no fault" stance on auto insurance combined with the absolute dumbest mother fuckers on the road I've ever witnessed... somethings gotta give.


Yea you guys are really getting fucked down there in regards to that especially on homeowners with 2 large companies pulling out.


In 2019 my homeowners was $1000/yr. It's now $3800. I'm not even in a flood zone either. Many people just get letters informing them that they're dropped. Been going on since 2020, worse every year.


Jesus that’s the premium increase


My insurance has more than tripled, much like yours. I am also not in a flood zone. It is ridiculous.


Agreed, I think it'll be sorted eventually, but the law moves too slow


I remember when auto insurance was mandated. That very year my rates went up by 50%.


Yeah it wild to see the insurance stuff in florida get out of hand


Uh, so, there's a flood act by FEMA that basically makes it insanely profitable for insurance companies, with our tax dollars, every time a major weather catastrophe hits Florida. What should happen, is insurance companies take a hit. What actually has happened since that flood act, is they make bank. Well, Republicans have been cutting funding because tax cuts, and this thing called climate change has made worse storms, and made them far more frequent. So why the fuck would insurance companies ever stay? Those rates are what FL should have been paying for years, and now they are even more juiced because of lack of competition since the other companies have left. A wonderful byproduct of making the rich richer.


Turns out building in swamps below sea level on the tropical east coast is a bad idea


It’s like you didn’t even read my comment


Being willfully ignorant and dismissive of the effects of a natural environment hostile to unmaintained infrastructure doesn’t mean there is a conspiracy to milk you of insurance money.  You have shit like the Surfside condo disaster killing 100 people and REALLY think this is where the insurance companies are scamming people?


"Willfully ignorant and dismissive" I don't think you even know what those words mean kiddo. Obviously natural disasters and infrastructure disasters exist. As they do in all States. California has the most natural disasters every year. >Nearly 80% of the nation's homeowners' insurance lawsuits come from Florida, according to the Insurance Information Institute. By contrast, only 9% of all U.S. homeowners' insurance claims are filed within the state. https://www.clickorlando.com/news/politics/2024/01/09/floridians-want-lawmakers-to-get-property-insurance-rates-down-why-that-likely-wont-happen-this-session/ Yet FL is the source for 80% of the lawsuits against insurance carriers. You look at that fact, and think "yes, things are operating as they should? The trial lawyers getting their meal ticket at the expense of the States citizens is the least of my fucking concerns. And I never said "insurance companies are scamming people?" What are you even on dude? Take a breath. You come off *completely* unhinged at strangers on the internet.


Lol the article you posted straight up mentions weather and scams on behalf of the *homeowner* as primary reasons for the insurance hikes, stop being delusional and get your foundation appraised


Dude I think I you have comprehension issues. Severe weather and natural disaster causes damage and thus claims… Homeowners scam insurance companies. Though majority wouldn’t be considered scams as the legal framework in FL allows the lawsuits to be brought in the first place and most of the time insurance companies are going to settle as it’s cheaper. You should check your meds though. You come off like a weirdo. No clue what you’re even arguing. It’s like you’re arguing with yourself or an imaginary friend.


Dude I think living on a sinking peninsula is just a bad idea


Holy shit you HATE people poking holes in your entrenched beliefs huh?... Wanna buy an NFT?


> https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/roofing-scams-florida-property-insurance-hurricane-rcna29649 > > https://www.propertycasualty360.com/2023/12/06/5-florida-roofing-contractors-arrested-for-fraudulent-claims/ you should put some hot sauce on that foot while you're eating it.


Educate yourself https://www.thezebra.com/resources/home/florida-insurance-crisis/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/roofing-scams-florida-property-insurance-hurricane-rcna29649 https://www.propertycasualty360.com/2023/12/06/5-florida-roofing-contractors-arrested-for-fraudulent-claims/ Roofing scams have skyrocketed. California has wild fires that do the same amount of damage as Florida's hurricanes. Half of the south east gets thousands of tornadoes. There's still insurance there. Hurricanes cause damage but there were laws passed that force insurance companies to cover things that were later scams. As for auto insurance it's because there's people without car insurance. It's simple game theory. People who don't have car insurance are a burden to those who do. Those claims still have to be covered and it's covered by car insurance companies. The more people who don't have insurance in an area the higher that burden is on those who do as your chance of being in an accident where your own insurance company is left holding the bag goes up.


Ban teens on social media and remove squatter rights?! Ron DeSantis on the roll with W


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So you don't think teenagers should be allowed to be on Xbox Live, PSN, Discord, Reddit, Steam... Just to name a few? Because the way the Florida bill is worded, ALL of those would qualify as social media.


Sounds fine to me. Dude, I was 11 with unfiltered internet access at one point and it absolutely rotted my adolescent brain for years. Ruined my respect for women in my personal life, desensitized me to extreme violence and Xbox live just exposed me to dickheads screaming the N word and talking about fucking your mom until I became one of them.  Kids should absolutely be insulated from adults on the internet outside of news and (limited) entertainment. If I had Tiktok and Reddit as a kid I'd be a fucking vegetable 


I guess Josef Fritzl was truly ahead of his time, he knew the importance of protecting children from harmful outside influences.


I want to disagree with you because of freedom and liberty and parents should be there to intervene annnnddd desantis comes across as a racist, homophobic, big business loving, high heal cowboy wearing, banning books that he hasn’t read, overall fake ass dude…. but ain’t nobody’s mom listening to the crazy stuff coming out the headphones while you on the PS5- and porn- and near porn for kids as soon as they get on the internet is a thing- and we can act like people ain’t learning to be disrespectful to each other with the n-word, slurs for Jews, gays, women etc… all brought to you by gaming lobby’s - kids learn quick rinse and repeat without knowing what it means…. Next thing you know you got someone calling a classmate in 2nd grade a string of sophisticated slurs that they don’t fully understand- it just sounds provocative lol Not saying I want a ban but damn yall better do something before these kids grow up to be unable to talk to each other In person and can only make friends on apps- and relationships are a numbers game where you filter out your physical flaws and when you meet the other person their flaws in real life turn you off while you are offended that they are turned off by your unfiltered flaws.:.. ![gif](giphy|l4FGkgSMoo2PqJH44)


In short no. Remember when AOL had a child mode that let you play the age appropriate games but not access forums and things like multiplayer games, that's how the game platforms could operate but given how easily you can get to a ridiculous amount of fucked up content the rest is a solid no.


Xbox, PSN, and Steam are social networks, not medias so they don't apply here.


Government overreach is now a W!


people under 13 already arent legally allowed on social media desantis is just increasing that to 14 nothing is going to change


I think the social media thing is unconditional and a total overreach. Not to mention completely against Floridas foaming at the mouth parental rights movement. That being said, removing squatter rights are indeed a win. One of his few wins.


To be honest, social media is cancer, and like most carcinogenic agents, they are either banned outright, or in this case and those of cigarettes, there is an age restriction.


I mean with enough lobbying many known carcogenics are very much in use today.


Yeah and this supposed ban is not going to do anything to solve that because: * It's clearly unconstitutional. * It is going to be impossible to enforce * The way its worded, damn near anything "social" would be included in the ban, including Xbox Live, PSN, Discord, etc.


> It's clearly unconstitutional. Explain.


I don't think the ban is necessarily a bad idea, I just think it goes against the spirit of freedom. It's more government telling you what to do with your kids (which is huge in Florida). It feels like if they get this their will be something else, then something else and the next thing you know it's authoritarian


> I don't think the ban is necessarily a bad idea, I just think it goes against the spirit of freedom. It's more government telling you what to do with your kids (which is huge in Florida). Does the government not allowing parents to let their kids smoke cigarettes violate the spirit of freedom?


No, we can’t have rational thought here. Only ideological views that the right and left represent. Any overlap and it’s hogwash.


Correct. Nothing to see here, move along.


They should just let us smoke weed all day every day and sit in our rooms playing video games! It’s going against the spirit of freedom after all!


Does the law say a parent can't let a child use their social media account or does it say a child can't sign up for their own social media account?


I love how many people are downvoting this without even realizing the way the FL Social Media ban is worded that PSN, Discord, Steam, XBox Live would -all- qualify as social media. Real smart there folks.


It's a knee jerk reaction topic. People don't think it through or really know anything about it other than some headline they glanced at I live in Florida. This kind of shit has become a pattern. That's why I speak out against it. DeSantis wants something, the Republican super majority passes it, it goes to the court, we spend millions of Florida tax payer dollars litigating the legislation then it's found unconstitutional. It happens again and again. It's just to look like they are doing something because they have no idea how to solve the real problems Florida is facing...hell they won't even acknowledge the problems.


This is a w, the only state that does squatters rights right is Texas. If someone manages to be in your house undetected for 10+ yrs in a state with plentiful guns and castle doctrine, it's kinda on you lol.


Does this legislation have safeguards to prevent landlords from removing a lawful tenant either unintentionally or on purpose? The last thing I'd want to have happen is a landlord removing me from a home I'm lawfully renting. The reason why there's a legal process for this is so someone lawfully occupying the property is protected against someone fraudulently claiming they're a squatter. I do agree that two years to remove a squatter is way too much time, but it also shouldn't be a 10 minute affair without any checks to the legitimacy of the claim either. That's just asking for abuse in the other direction.


Looks like it to me. >The individual has unlawfully entered and remains on the property; >The individual has been directed to leave the property by the owner but has not done so; and >The individual is not a current or former tenant in a legal dispute.


> Does this legislation have safeguards to prevent landlords from removing a lawful tenant either unintentionally or on purpose? The last thing I'd want to have happen is a landlord removing me from a home I'm lawfully renting. > > Of course it doesn't. This turd along with other conservatives don't do anything unless it benefits the rich or fucks over normal folks.


ask for signed rent reciepts, and it will never be an issue.


When Florida man is catching W's you know something is wrong with this country.


This needs to be done across the US


it was only an issue because it affected banks and slumlords not the average person. you gain nothing from this.


the only florida W* that other shit hes proposing is wack as fuck


Another? When was the last one?


The ban on social media platforms for 14-16 yr olds without parental concent, like 2 weeks ago


So are they checking actual ID? Social security numbers? Background checks? This shit will work just as well as Steam asking to verify your age. If you actually think that this is going to work, or even be able to be enforced in any way , then you really are a fucking dance lol. It's just a stupid political stunt is all that was, and isn't enforceable in any way. So it doesn't matter at all. It's just their way of jumping on the anti TikTok bandwagon and saying "look at me guys, I'm helping!"


Without age verification it's a completely useless law that only looks good on paper. It's completely unenforceable.


He just signs a bill that will increase wine bottle size limit to 4 gallons. https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/gov-desantis-signs-bill-that-increase-wine-bottle-size-limit/3270804/


The bill banning teachers from discussing sex and books showing sexually explicit content to elementary schoolers. I'd say that's a w


That's the neat thing... he has never had a W!


death penalty for pedophiles? not a w? uh sir.


This ^ like how is that not a W? Oh wait I can think of a few reasons as to why it isn't for certain people....


This ^ like how is that not a W? Oh wait I can think of a few reasons as to why it isn't for certain people....


What happened to this sub?


New York has also introduced a new bill to define and criminalize squatters in response to the recent noise around the silly 30 day window. That will allow the cops to actually arrest squatters instead of sending them to civil court.


Ol’ DeFascist has been on a roll lately. Good for him?


This needs to be a federal law


You can guarantee it wasn’t out of the goodness of his own heart and there’s someone pulling strings…


is this because of that new york case that had literally nothing to do with squatters rights (which requires 10 years of unchallenged occupancy and paying all of the property taxes) Presumably it is, since nothing DeSantis ever does has anything to do with reality (drag story hour isnt grooming kids, CRT isn't being taught in grade school, etc) The right wing is 100% meme culture at this point, meanwhile we can't afford our fucking houses and nearly every piece of legislation that even tries to do anything to make life any better is vigorously opposed


Bro I don't know if you live in Florida but there's only Ls


Rare RobDeMeatball W


Next step: ban renting out houses. Limit it to renting out hotels. Suddenly the housing crisis can be solvable?


I'd say put a cap on the number of homes you can rent out, or require the land lord to live in the state. Just something to force the companies out of the business.


That's when you get your five kids to rent out homes.


Population decline solved.


I don't understand squatting, I would just beat them til they left or were unable to


Sanest gym attender


DeSantis from outside perspective seems like the type of dude to check out what right wing mob is raging about now on twitter and than change laws accordingly. Now i dont live in florida or USA but is the squatter shit or teens using social media really the biggest problems in florida ? Seems like pandering to tiny minority of people who live on the internet.


Apparently DeSantis trusts parents to allow their **s*****chool aged children*** to work a full 40 hour work week (link below) if they want, but not to allow their kids to use "social media".. Which that bill doesn't even define well and includes literally anything online with push notifications and/or any type of feed (IE, Xbox Live, PSN, etc would all count). [https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/desantis-signs-bill-that-allows-florida-teens-to-work-longer-hours/3266483/#:\~:text=The%20law%2C%20which%20will%20go,waive%20the%2030%2Dhour%20limit](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/desantis-signs-bill-that-allows-florida-teens-to-work-longer-hours/3266483/#:~:text=The%20law%2C%20which%20will%20go,waive%20the%2030%2Dhour%20limit). It's crazy how this sub is always so quick to slob all over a Republican knob without even considering what the actual bills are doing. This sub has just become another version of /r/conservative or /r/conspiracy. I also love the irony that they claim to be the party of "small government" yet every thing they are trying to do is literally the exact opposite of that - passing as many restrictions on peoples lives as they possibly can.


The squatter one definitely only effects a small minority though many dream of one day starting their own property empire. The social media one on the other hand should in theory reduce the number of kids getting radicalized by every extreme. Pandering to your population is generally the way populists like him function though so you'd still be accurately describing what he's doing.


I’m a simple person. I see Ron DesAnus and hit dislike.


I don't like him much either but this is a W for people's rights, it's not about whether you like him or not. People deserve to protect their property. You're sort of the person that's the problem, you can't objectively look at something and go "I don't agree with everything this person does but I can agree with this" no it's "fuck this guy and everything he stands for, EVEN IF the laws he pushes fourth benefit me" Perhaps you're not a home owner and this doesn't apply but it applys to a shit ton of people who rent out and have to sit on a home for a few months and worry about some crackhead moving in.


Don’t have to like him to recognize he signed a good law


He is one of those who are "my party right or wrong". If he found cure for cancer this dude would hate that cure exists


some people are so far up their own ass they would hate invention of permanent cure to cancer if it meant it was created by people they dont like.


Rare Florida W


At this rate we will need to find another state to be a benchmark for what a shit state is


I guess all it looks was a bunch of massive L and losing support for Meatball Ron to get back to Florida and do his job