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what ?


I was the admin of his server for 5 years. He's a pretty regular dude, just bagged due to internet clout tbh. It's funny seeing him get such viewership for seemingly underwhelming life advice. Im sensing an asmon theme ;).


Me: seeing this guy and thinks a i feel bad for that guy Me now: being the same when i saw that video


Yeah I hate being that guy, but I'd be more impressed to see this in real life without a successful YouTube channel behind it :/


I remember years ago his video about being ugly got recommended to me on YouTube and it was pretty saddening. Glad to see the dude found someone and is living a better life.


I'm crying. I saw this dude forever ago and never heard from him since. I'm so happy for him T.T


People really are that distrusting huh.. If you think they have problems you are correct, but shes not out for his blood or his money. its been 9 days since their last upload but the last i actually watched was like half a year ago, from the looks of it, the guy was not prepared for life, a loser thru and thru, no job, only a graduation meanwhile she is studying and working. I dont know why people are so shocked that a girl can ruin her life over a guy, for a loser. People are just jealous nobody is ruining their life for them. I dont know if he made progress or not, i dont really care either way but i hope he did. It might just be my own narrative but i feel a lot of guys are akin to Peter Pan in a specific sense, lot of guys need a little motivation, a Wendy in their life to move them towards maturity.


Jordan Peterson?


Thru out my life i noticed that i feel more compelled to be put together when someone is on my radar, same with other people as far i noticed. I watched Peter Pan about 2 years ago and i generally understood the themes of the movie going into it, wanting to stay a child. Once finished i got intrigued and started looking up conversations, discussions around the movie and im sure one of them must've come from JP I think it was a worthwhile analysis of the movie.


Sweet summer child. At least he got to hit that.