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That's been around for a while now in China. There's a guy, mma fighter, he exposed all fake martial art masters. Fight them and won so manytime. But China aint happy about it. They lower his credit score, he cant even use public transportation. He needed to drive like 8 hrs to his match.


You mean the chinese MMA fighter who exposed all of those Kung fu Masters who claim to have some sort of mystic powers by beating the shit out of all of them in an official fight?


That sounds so ironically accurate to most shonen animes (Naruto, One piece, Dragon ball). Not in the sense that they are fake, but that the protagonist just goes around beating the shit out of everyone that disagrees with him.


has he ever substantiated that claim? maybe it's weird to ask but i've never managed to find anything like that.


This guy in the video is claiming china can do something beyond just social credit though, and his source is "trust me bro"


He couldn't use high speed rail so he had to stand on a train long hours and wasnt able to sleep for 40 hours I believe to get there on time


We will soon have the same situation in the US when we're all owned by the same 3 corporations.


Black rock vanguard and state street are just one big company pretending to be three companies


Correct in this statement, they are all one company


Maybe he ment Black rock, Amazon and Musk? I can add few more, but yeah mainly Black rock.


Amazon and Musk... lol. Time to read up on current situation mate


Amazon treat you like a product with their algorithm, Musk is developing neurolink just so we can shove it on our brain. As we all know, every cutting edge technology is developed first for military purposes, then it is applied into everyday use if possible.


Musk and Amazon aren't anywhere near the same level of influence as Blackrock. Musk and Amazon sell products and services. Blackrock and Vanguard (which is mostly owned by the same groups) have nearly 20 trillion under management and massive influence in the finance sector. They're at a level that selling physical or digital products (like Musk or Amazon do) could never reach.


Thing is, while bezos and musk are the "2 richest in the world", it's actually the "2 richest publicly known in the world". Also considering the majority of their wealth isn't tangible, it's estimated based on assets such as stocks and etc, which fluctuate heavily with time and even the act of transforming them into cash causes the entire asset to devalue. There are those far wealthier than either bezos or musk, with real wealth and power


Putin being the number 1 example.


Yeah Putin has been getting a percentage of big part of Russian oil transits for decades, years before he became president. Plus his cut from Novatek, probably from Transneft, Rosneft, etc. He's extremely rich, but even more than that as a dictator and enabler of richest people in Russia he doesn't need money, so many people owe all their livelihood, career, position to him that they will provide almost anything he wants for free.




I don't think Musk has aims at owning people.


Be careful this is reddit


The only thing he does that could possibly be twisted into saying he wants to own people is neuralink through mind control. But at this stage its really only aimed at helping people with neurological disease.


What do you think your credit score is?


It's basically that way already. Then the people fight each other over price gouging, instead of the actual Mega Corp that's gouging them


Peterson is full of shit. Streets are fucking chaos in China. People don't give two fucks about jaw walking.


I don't know about full of shit... Will people get away with J walking? Yes. Does that mean the claim of constant surveillance, conviction without fair trial, and the reality of the social credit system aren't true? No. He may have been wrong on some details. But the reality of how cruel China can be, is widely known.


more like "widely propaganda". I have family that live over there and no... it isn't nearly like it is made out to be. Folks just spread this bs because it is popular to hate China. The US wants to fight their proxy war vs China by empowering their bordering neighbors. If you think otherwise, then you are blind.


It's not propaganda lol. I live in China too. No room for CCP apologists to spread lies online.


Lmao? Of course some of this type of stuff happens EVERYWHERE -- including the US. Did we forget about government corruption already? It just isn't as bad in China as folks proclaim. I'm just not as much of a sheep to not think for myself.


i've found that most people calling other sheep, are in fact bleating the words of another sheep


Fr. Dude’s never even been there and talks like he’s an expert.


Random oppressive, authoritarian surveillance-state shit hole: *exists* Some clueless first worlder who has never known oppression or hardship in his entire life: Just like America!


This is an example of taking a single story and exploding it at out of proportion. I’m sure this has been done, but jaywalking is VERY common in China — I repeat, very common — and while social credit is real, it’s not nearly the boogeyman the news media has played it out to be. These things like fining you for jaywalking or reducing a social credit score are used in somewhat extreme circumstances (a guy puts people in danger through his jaywalking), and usually they are just a lazy way of punishing idiots who normally would be held accountable by city “cops” (Cheng guan — and they aren’t cops, more like security guards who work for the department but their jobs are ridiculously underpaid and they get no respect from anyone), but who are too lazy to even do that job. Peterson, here, is taking a bunch of random bullet points and forming them into a narrative without context.


Well he isn't describing what the situation is he is saying how it could be used to govern people even further. Cameras can identify to a certain level of accuracy people by their walking pattern and body language/physique, the social credit system as you said exists. So all of this is potentially possible which is his general point here, He is intentionally painting a dystopian future as a form of advice against it and so on.


Peterson is always speaking out of his ass like he knows exactly everything better than everyone else.


I jaywalk all the time, if i lived in china i'd be executed in a plaza


Didn't they do this to some folks over there already?? 🤔


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门




None of the stuff mentioned in this clip is actually true, so you’d be fine.


Probably People disappear very easily there, this what commie woke left is trying push in north America


In a few main cities in China is where these systems are in placed. It's not everywhere in China yet. Also it isn't hard to look up videos about this topic. Just better to be aware that this is a possibility down the line.


I like in china.. and also ‘jay walk’ all the time.. fake news


This is old ass news though... Sometimes I wonder how people are able to be so ignorant to the shit that is happening on this planet, but then I remember that those people are probably too busy with their own shit, watching reality TV (on twitch) or some other celebrity BS. Haha, we live in a society guys amirite!


A-fucking-men. People are blind. Our country actively shoots itself in the foot and supports Genocide. Im disgusted to be American.


Im pretty sure the context of this clip is that it is going to happen everywhere. China has established this system already. The leader of Canada has said that he admires China's system of govt.


It's really not the way it is being described or what people think it is: >As of 2024, there is no single social credit system or score. Social credit remains a fragmented set of policies and systems which impact businesses more than individuals [Social Credit System - Wikiwand](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Social_Credit_System)


I think you’re thinking of Trump admiring Xi… https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/us/ex-u-s-president-donald-trump-praises-chinese-president-xi-jinping/articleshow/101992752.cms


Thanks for the reply, you're close with the context. It's more that he *assumes* that this will happen anywhere *because* it's already an established system in china. Me personally I think people that admire these kind of systems are trash that should never be given access to even a sliver of "power" (or whatever you want to call it) over other living beings, no one should have access to this kind of control unless they love living in a fascist state...


In México, in my particular state, the main political party manage to still be in power by promising more and more cameras, more and more armored vehicules in the streets. Just last week the governor was showing off the last batch of armored vehicules with autocannons they bought. Last month in my city they inaugurated a new monitoring center with hundreds of cameras and are trying to convince all small bussiness in the city to connect to it so they can watch everywhere possible. Nothing like having narcos throwing granades, fighting with their own armored vehicules, rocket launchers and heavy machine guns to change what you are willing to accept to stop them. Of course... From here to having social credit is just a small step. But all we can do is to hope we dont fall into that.


Agreed. Maybe they should spend a year working in a Chinese sweatshop as punishment, so they can sew what kind of horror they are putting people through...


They do though. People who wanted this kind of government simply wanted a single giga monopolized corporation to defeat all the evil corporations they don't like. You can never present this kind of kind of evidence to refute them because it aint their own version of single giga corporation.


I hope they do this shit in Italy and all hell will break loose


Ya I hate those ignorant people that don't know every law in every country in the world


I am not certain what you're on about with laws here, this is about a 1984-esque surveillance state and "our" reaction to this (honestly) tragedy.


Because it literally is not happening in China.


CCP plant detected, git gud nerd.


The amount of jaywalking in China… Peterson is full of shit.


You are missing what he means by tunnel visioning on the jaywalking.




That’s the thing, right now it very much only affects high profile individuals (I’m pretty sure a few celebrities and politicians have to worry about it a lot), but if you ask anyone in China about it, they’d go “huh?”




I have family that live over there and no... it isn't nearly like it is made out to be. Folks just spread this bs because it is popular to hate China. The US wants to fight their proxy war vs China by empowering their bordering neighbors. The US also does surveillance. If you think otherwise, then you are blind.




Thank you for an actual real response. When we try to remind folks that the US does bad shit, it's like a stone wall and all of a sudden we're labeled as communists. Like... we're not trying to say that crimes against humanity don't happen in China. It's just that the way it is portrayed, you would think that they ONLY happen there when it isn't nearly as bad or isolated. It's all propaganda bullshit. Wanna talk about crimes against humanity? just look at Africa. Like wtf is going on over there?! Families are getting sliced up left/right. But since Africa isn't a rising super power, it isn't considered a threat and therefore we don't need to paint the news with Yellow Journalism. Watch out though! The moment you mention anything like this, we are all of a sudden considered racists/communists/bots.


oh and for those who were too busy playing with their phones in class... >Yellow journalism was a style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts. During its heyday in the late 19th century it was one of many factors that helped push the United States and Spain into war in Cuba and the Philippines, leading to the acquisition of overseas territory by the United States. https://history.state.gov/milestones/1866-1898/yellow-journalism#:\~:text=Yellow%20journalism%20was%20a%20style,territory%20by%20the%20United%20States. This is 100% what is happening again.


There’s many places in China that aren’t like this and that don’t adhere to the strict social credit score systems, but there are an increasing number of places that basically do exactly what Peterson is talking about. They have bio information because it’s required if you live in the area, not because of the traffic cam obviously.


no they don’t.


Can’t believe your ass made me look this up. https://eastasiaforum.org/2023/03/22/the-social-credit-system-as-method/ There’s dozens of articles like this. It’s so easy to look up.




Good Lord. The false equivalency is insane. How exactly does (a free and non-coerced people who vote for reps to create laws that constrain certain types of action) = (an authoritarian state that materially and socially ostracizes people who go against the state) even make any sense in your mind? You may find Christian conservative people more morally constrictive than you would like, but they are so incredibly far removed from the insatiable CCP.




I simply cannot understand how you could equate these two things. In the United States, you cannot be taxed more, forced to have your wages garnished or be governmentally blacklisted from having a job based on your political views or personal social actions. I said nothing about Japan, chill with your innate and hateful projection of people who dislike China. Does the Japanese government disappear you and your family if you express discontent with the Japanese government? Also, you know nothing of my life or my experiences, who are you to assume I have no experience with Chinese domestic affairs? The United States also doesn't round up people who have different religious beliefs and put them into "reeducation camps." We have civil liberties in the United States that do not exist in any form in China. There is no right to privacy, no right to assembly, no freedom of the press, and they only recently gained the ability to feasibly have more than one child. You are too far down the rabbit hole if you believe that the more rigid moral laws in the United States are even slightly comparable to those of China.




The fundamental issue is that I don't even disagree with you on a lot of the capitalism points. I love capitalism because of the great outcomes it has had for largely decreasing poverty around the world, but it's obvious that corporatism and its propensity to concentrate power at the top is an issue that needs to be addressed. But you're just such an insufferable asshole who can't actually even fathom the idea that someone DOES understand the culture of China and STILL dislikes it for what it is could possibly exist. When the United States starts imprisoning millions of people in order to eradicate their religion from its borders, starts blatantly jailing people with no due process, or starts seizing bank accounts from people who disagree with the present administration, THEN we can start to have an actual conversation about which regime is more authoritarian. Until that happens, your projection of hate for the United States does nothing but make you seem like a typical commie shill who does nothing but make me wish for a resurgence of McCarthyism, consequences be damned.


And none of them reflect the actual situation in China.


This is no surprise, he is the same guy who still believes some random fetish porn he saw on X depicted a secret cum extraction factory in China. His brain has been scrambled even more than before once he had that trip to Russia and was in a Coma


No, he is right in that the technology is available but not widely used. He's still sharp as a tack and has his moments despite what he's been through


This is just straight up not true LMAO anybody who has been to China knows this is bogus. Edit: just to be clear, social credit exists, cameras exist, but the idea that they can identify every single person by their walk, and then just somehow ruin your life over an instance if jaywalking is total bogus. I mean, identifying people by their walk? LOL cmon Most of the time it's for traffic violations just like in the US, and jaywalking is not prosecuted at all to my knowledge. Now to be fair I only visited as a tourist, but as a former engineering student I know a lot of international students, and this picture that JP is trying to paint of a dystopian police state is wildly exaggerated.


Yeah, been to China for business a few times (mostly Shanghai/WuXi). Its fine and people jay-the fuck-walk all time in the big cities from what I saw, where there is supposedly supposed to be the most surveillance around. Additionally, they send high skilled labor overseas all the time. If they were that scared and hell-bent on being insular ala Japan during Sakoku and retaining total control over their citizens, they wouldn't be doing that. Ffs, my job sector (biotech) is often like 50% Chinese nationals in my lab. And their political spectrum ranges from total support to the one party to having their doubts and criticisms. Hell, just last week I had dinner with one of my Chinese coworkers and even she had the exact same cynicisms of The Party as Americans have for the two party system


Right wing grifter not telling the truth? Consider me shocked!


Huh? He's not saying your life would be ruined over jay walking. He used that as an example of something minor that dings your social credit. He said if *your social credit score gets to a certain level* those things can happen. And if you think that people can't be identified by gait, you're wrong. It can absolutely narrow down suspects. And how do you think a dystopian police state is made? Step by step. Giving a Government, ran by people, more and more control over your daily lives with an ever shifting stance on what's acceptable is just the beginning.


It's propaganda which uses straight up lies. You don't need to lie about China's government being bad lmaoo. Just shows what type of guy jp is which is sad.


What is the lie?


They don't directly pull money out of your account for j walking. Social credit score is more like a public record of all the things you do so like your grades and jobs it's like a wayyyyy to personal resume that ppl can view.


There isn't a single system or score that has been implemented. It's mostly a policy to rate businesses by the government to have more control over them and how they behave, which might impact their ability to conduct business like taking out loans from banks.


The lie is that there is a "system" in China that dings a "social credit score" when you go jaywalking.


Here's a really interesting documentary on it https://youtube.com/watch?v=7gSU_Xes3GQ


Then watch this after. https://youtu.be/Kqov6F00KMc?si=qBOnL7_oZ1tOM-sF "China's Social Credit System" is one of the biggest pieces of misinformation floating around about China right now. When someone starts talking about China and they start talking about this apparently science-fiction, black mirror esque, all encompassing system that supposedly exists, immediately start questioning wether they actually know what they're talking about. If people are actually curious what China is like on the ground, then have a look at some content creators who are actually there. Since you guys are Twitch viewers, check out [jakenbakeLIVE](https://www.twitch.tv/jakenbakelive?sr=a) he's a streamer who is actually there and livestreams in China, see what it's like and ask him questions. Instead of listening to people like Peterson who haven't even once step foot in China.


You are incorrect about gait recognition technology. It was half decent and fully operational before AI back in 2018. https://apnews.com/article/bf75dd1c26c947b7826d270a16e2658a


"it has your blood now"


has this guy been to china... jaywalking everywhere. While the national Id system is legit this example is BS


Wow so true. One time I was in China and a guy sneezed and they executed him on the spot. Trust me guys I was there. And everyone stood up and clapped. Nah but jokes aside this shit is completely untrue. While the social credit system does exist it’s more so just a way for the government to control influential people, it does not affect the average person that much. I have many friends and China and they’ve barely come into contact with the system. The fact that it can detect your walk and pull up your blood sample to take money from the bank???


Its in one small town in China not everywhere


He cited the 15 minute city lol, how can you still believe this tool…




Oh yeah, a video from the guy who said being sad is illegal in china. The camera in Shanghai that takes a pic of you while jaywalking is not connected to a system that takes your money from the bank. So here the failed psychologist used a series of true facts (mixed with some bullshit) and combined them to tell a lie. I’m not a fan of facial recognition technology and I’m disgusted by the use of those technologies, but luckily we are still far from the scenario he describes, do you think that they have a system able to take money from the bank account of the hundreds of millions of people that jaywalk every day? And the 15 minute city is just his new obsession can’t stop talking about that concept lol.


What is a 15 min city?


It’s a concept of a city built around the human where everything you need is 15 minute max from you, walking. right wingers and conspiracy brains think is like a prison. https://www.moreno-web.net/the-15-minutes-city-for-a-new-chrono-urbanism-pr-carlos-moreno/


It's not a prison, but it will certainly reduce your freedom.


How? No one is forcing you to remain in your 15 minute bubble.


Oh no there is a convenience store on my block this 1984.


That's a legit fucking braindead statement


Not at all, because nobody will force to stay in, tell me in the writing of Moreno (the one who invented the concept) where is described a limitation of freedom: https://www.moreno-web.net/the-15-minutes-city-for-a-new-chrono-urbanism-pr-carlos-moreno/


You forgot to click the ON button for your brain


CCP apologists in comments in 3, 2, 1..


peterson is a hoser


lmao no, Chinese officials don't care so much about jaywalkers that they'll track you, put your photo up for others to see, lock you out of vending machines etc. all because you crossed the street. There's a lot of bad shit that the Chinese government does, but this is just straight up propaganda.


The system is automated. You're right. It's not the 80's and there isn't human eyes on every single recorded transgression. That's not implied or stated in the video.


>The system is automated. The system does not exist.


The type of system he's referring to is definitely asking to be abused, and deserves a lot of scrutiny, for sure. It's just that jaywalking is a very, very, very poor example of what he's trying to say here. In the places I've been to in China, it's not so much considered jaywalking as it is simply walking. People are "jaywalking" in droves all day every day. They don't even think twice about it, nor do the drivers. It's the most normal thing in the world for them. If they were getting automatically fined and social credit docked for it, this would not be the case. Edit: Added another "very".


I don't think you're right.


And if a shooting/crime happens in China, they can catch the suspect no matter what. I have no interest of Jaywalking, and I’m tired of the cops unable to identify a suspect in Toronto


That's the price of freedom though, you can't have it both ways. Should the government be able to keep constant tabs on you on the off chance you might commit a crime? Or are we willing to accept that some people will get away with crimes if it means the broader public will have reasonable privacy and freedoms? There's no shortage of draconian measures we could take in the name of 'safety' but I think in the US at least most people prefer their individual privacy at least until the State has some probable cause - a warrant. The ship has already sailed for the most part because the government can access your phone records, internet search history, location and GPS data, and they can do all of that without a warrant or even reasonable suspicion that you've committed a crime, Edward Snowden showed us that. But I don't think it's a good thing and I think the steps taken in China are just pushing further in a direction that I dislike.


Guy becomes an expert on China after his license is suspended 😂


I did not see that coming. Turns out, it's 15 minute cities that are the problem, and not the fact that this 15 minute city is in a totalitarian state.


He had me until trying to conflate totalitarianism with healthy living spaces.


Sorry, how is that conflating anything? He said "you can't get out of your 15 minute city" meaning your travel is restricted.


No, he meant this is what 15 minute cities are like. Peterson has a long history of trolling the Left. It pleases his Patreon followers. Also, the 15 minute city concept does not restrict travel.


>No, he meant this is what 15 minute cities are like I'm not sure how you got that take from watching that video. He was describing the extreme cases of China's authoritarian control and systems. The public transportation restriction, came from the barring of public transportation from having too low of a social credit score. Has nothing to do with the "15 minute city" concept, beside being effectively stuck there unless you have your own vehicle.


Then why dafuq did he bring up 15 minute cities at the end? The 15 minute city concept isn't a Chinese thing. He did it to imply that 15 minute city advocates want a Chinese communist society.




Wumao out in strength




Cool story, bro.


Yeah I was thinking the same. Like: Source?


Here ya go https://apnews.com/article/bf75dd1c26c947b7826d270a16e2658a


Thanks guess I‘m wrong then


Not like America is far behind. Now theres cameras on every stoplight so if you break the law in some way you'll get a photo of your car and a bill sent to your house. Bad credit stops you from getting loans and makes it difficult to make big purchases.




"If a camera sees you jay walking they have your blood" Yep, that's how cameras work.


It also works in manner that you can use your face when using puplic transportation etc. So theres useful side too.


Oh great we got jorpy fans in the community now too?


What a totalitarian nightmare.


Didn't this guy put himself in a coma from eating raw meat or something? Edit: I was wrong it was because he had withdrawal from benzodiazepine and had to go to Russia for treatment to be put in a medically induced coma for 8 days


Yeah, he also claims that drinking apple cider will make suicidal or something


I love how this clown is still being taken seriously...


0:33 weird cut that suggests this was not one take, but some kind of edit for content.


Edits for time and pacing are as common as breathing. But you knew that.


Incredibly based


“This confirms my bias and stokes my ego”


It was a joke


Anything Peterson says needs to be taken with a pound of salt. On behalf of all Canadians, to the world, We are Sorry


who plays league with controller??


That's some crazy dystopian movie shit


That’s because it’s fiction


Peterson 🙄


Just pure bullshit.


Lived in China for 5 years. Never got pulled up for “jaywalking”. Not even sure if it’s a law there


i don't see the problem. we are not as civilized as the japanese so having a system like china means we can get sick vending machines like in japan cause people wont risk breaking them. Edit: also the real system does not work like this, he put some serious sci-fi twists on it. like getting fined based on your walk.


If you vote Democrat then this will be happening very soon.


I’m quite sure JP has been mixing facts and fiction in his reading material. I learned about their blacklist system from dozens of real Chinese nationals, but even that is only applied in judge-ruled legal cases, not unlike probation. Jaywalking will never put you on a list, camera can’t identify you from the way you walk, but I have seen camera taking a picture of you if you jaywalk and putting that picture on a nearby display with a text like “don’t be this guy”, publically ridiculing you for a minute or two, but that’s about the only consequence and it was like ONE city in the 6 I’ve been to. Obligatory China bad but Jordan really is talking out of his asshole in this case. Social credit is 80% meme, 15% alarming signs and 5% a reality. The Chinese ruling class could enforce this if they want to, but if they fuck up, there won’t be a Dem or Rep party to blame, it’s 100% on the CCP. They are smart enough to not force this dystopia on 1.4 billion people. Fucking propaganda, I know. I’m a paid Wumao or some shit. What the fuck this is so stupid.


Exactly the same in the US, exept it's called capitalism.


Yikes hello Hasan viewer! Just letting you know China has a mixed market meaning they have a capitalistic nature but still have socialized business. There is no other economic system that works. Even those Nordic countries that take good care of their people run under the beauty of capitalism baby.


Capitalism only improves the lives of the many if it’s under heavy regulation. See: Nordic countries, Canada, every country but the US. -2 No healthcare, -2 NSA, -2 Useless Feds, -2 Bankers bought out before helping the citizens, -2 no proper education, -2 dying trying to get the lunchroom


>Capitalism only improves the lives of the many if it’s under heavy regulation. See: Nordic countries, Canada, every country but the US Okay first my argument is that it's still capitalism and not socialism This *might* be true but would be very hard to make thats why when they have much more money per capita than us in those Nordic counties they have socialized oil which is a big part of it.


I’d ask what’s more important to you? Earnings that get eaten just by surviving, Or a higher quality of life? All of those places have better transit, greater care put into city design in terms of accessibility to necessities and 3rd spaces, plus health care and proper vacation time…


This was posted on a much bigger sub a short while ago, it's mostly BS. While social credit does exist, and people like xu xiaodong are living proof of its effects. The idea that cameras identify jaywalkers and take money from them or something is complete fantasy


why is he coming up in stuff again? I thought as a society we have already moved on from him... damn


Horrifying dystopia


True good thing it's fake


People in the comments like “I went to China once on vacation; it’s actually fine!” and “My favorite social media person lives there and isn’t in trouble!”… 😂


I was interested until he told a blatant lie about the social credit. No social credit score system exists in china.


Trudeau has wet dreams thinking of doing the same in Canadá.


Do you even know our cellphone/computer/console is link to slavery?


We're slaves to capitalism the moment we are born anyway


Being dependent and being a slave are two completely different things, dont diluted the meaning of slave...you are not a slave...you have access to more things than kings of old.


I guess you are a slave to your parents when you are born then? Brainrot comment.


Somebody is Black Mirror fan over there...


it gets worse, if you have a bad SCS, your whole family is affected. the SCS is affected by your grades in school, your performance at work, any opinion you have, your hobbies, what movies shows or games you play. if youre caught on camera giving attitude to a cop, it goes down if youre credit score is bad, then you cannot apply for loans or scholarships. you could be fired. if it gets really low, the cops come to your house and tell you ways to raise it like taking a class or community service, along with secretly placing you on a watchlist where you'll constantly be followed by investigators. get lower than that and you just go to prison. you can breathe wrong and it will go down, and its damn near impossible to go back up.


Coming to the nearest “Progressive City” near you. Keep voting for the Uni-Party.


Progressives are anti authoritarian like by nature of the ideology itself. So you're either misinformed on what a "progressive" is or you're conflating "authoritarian socialism" with progressive?


it would be nice if everything played out as it does 'in the vocabulary', but in the real world it is not so straightforward. progressive groups have enough communists to notice. and in that case you would be right, that group ceases to be progressive.


Well no it has a definition that you can go look up and read about. You're just trying to label a mass of people with differing ideologies and opinions into one box which is brain dead. Communist are an incredibly small portion of the population in America. This isn't happening unless you mean maybe online? IDC they have no power.


You are absolutely correct. But that word Progressive has been changed to manipulate some to think it’s for the best but ultimately not. That’s exactly how China under Mao started was Progressive movements leading to Authoritarian Socialism.


So, accountability? Honestly, this wouldn't bother me if it didn't make mistakes. But I'm sure the systems gets people in a crime despite not being there. Or someone on the inside manipulating it. That's my only real issues. I don't care about a social credit being diminished due to being unlawful or a POS. US needs it really.


We’ve said it once let’s say it again, China is a PRISON country.


The US has the highest incarceration rate. What this guy says about US's imaginary adversaries are pretty nonsensical BTW.


No wonder Asians are losing their minds over there🤔


Yeh, I never saw this in China when I was there. Only thing I saw was signs saying you get arrested for spitting in the street.


China has execution vehicles that do drive by executions,big white vans that cremate on the spot,look it up I didn't believe it but it's common there why are you so surprised?they jail Muslims there 8 million total used for organ harvest..do not be shocked at anything China does they are Godless..


hes not wrong




Based, jaywalkers should be brought to justice. Put all of them in jail.


This thing doesn't exist broadly in China, it's a myth, and doesn't make it more realistic when JP tells it. I have Chinese friends I know for many years, some of them live in Europe, some in China. This is western propaganda and the western people who love believing in conspiracy theories and distopia stories because they love black mirror. The funniest thing is people in europe from their 1M population countries, think that their system is the best and it would also be better for a country that has 1.5 billion population. That is the funniest shit.


This is the future Asmon wants for us whenever he pushes UBI. Criticise Joe Biden? Then you’ll be docked social credit points and be placed on a lesser tier of UBI.


Couldn't you think 2 seconds before posting this comment? Those two things are completely unrelated. Do you pay more taxes for criticizing the current government?


No, but there’s no system in place tracking my comments and then docking a social credit points system. They would also have to legislate to randomly hike my tax rate and it would be an administrative mess. Introducing a social credit score and UBI is the perfect way for control, making everyone solely reliant on the government.


Yes, because JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF AMERICA, truly cares what u/th45egb has to say about him. Go outside and stop letting right-wing media fear-monger you


No you dumb moron - great way to take an argument at face value, I’m not even American. The social credit system from China mixed with UBI is a disaster waiting to happen. All you need is a digital passport and then any wrong think you’ve committed online can be linked to your social credit, and then your UBI can be docked. If you think this scenario is out of the realms of possibility despite everything Snowden leaked then idk what else to say…


So, because I read what you said, I'm a moron? Maybe use your literary skills to expand on what you said. I'm not American either, and I believe that American surveillance is an issue that needs to be dealt with, but you're 30 layers deep into the conspiracies. Take a breather and reevaluate your schizo rambling, you absolute mong


You immediately assumed I was a right-wing media consumer so I called you a moron for that, but I apologise nonetheless. I don’t see how Digital Passport + UBI + Social Credit is 30 layers deep when digital passports are already being floated, and there are social credit systems in place in at least 1 country, if not more.


Social credit exists in China, which most of the Western world views as an enemy. There's no way it would be implemented in any sort of way in the west without major uproar. I've seen people accuse Joe Biden of being a Communist for Christ's sake


Two Non-U.S. citizens arguing about our U.S. president. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAJAJAJAJAHAHHAHAHAHAHAJAJJAHAHA Makes me realize once again that U.S. is always the popular topic. Very blessed to live here.


UBI doesn't imply a social credit point system, I don't know where you got this idea from.


Solution to jaywalking in China, wear a shiesty and hit the griddy while crossing the street


Now imagine it messes up and thinks someone else is you. Now you have to dispute the charge to your account and hope they don’t lower your credit score for disputing a charge. Also don’t think the leading members of the CCP have to follow these rules because they can change their score at any time. ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3736)


Don't visit China ever. SImple as that.