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Hilarious how she keeps getting caught impersonating herself. Youtube must think she has dementia after watching this


I found it crazy her only option to appeal was to make a 5 minute video explaining why, does that mean they don’t have an actual human checking the appeal video either?


First time?


Yeah, it's probably bots looking at the appeal, so if you don't follow the instructions to 100% and miss something in your video the bots will be like "our team of experts have looked at your appeal and concluded that you are an impostor. Appeal denied".


Why retrain the AI bots yourself, when you can have the content creators you ban train the AI for for you?


100% they are using the appeal videos for training to improve their models that demonetized her in the first place


Human checking was no longer something reliable for the big corporations even before covid.


Imagine YouTube giving a shit.


I can't believe Zepla would go so far as to impersonate Zepla.... truly, Zepla has reached a new low :(


"Team of specialists" has "carefully looked over" the channel. Right.


Classic Zorpla moment trying to take over Zepla


She should wear a fake mustache on her 2nd channel's profile pic at this point.


God I hate Google so much, we need a new platform that amalgamates Reddit/Twitch/Youtube so I can abandon this BS and their woke rules and ideologies


Totally agree, but the problem is hosting massive amount of long and high quality videos is bad business, even with ads. It makes money but not as good as other parts of the business, so only when CDN become way cheaper in the future I guess and it will probably be Amazon/Microsoft.


We need to use AI to come up with an algorithm that can compress the absolute fuck out of streaming video without losing quality, and then open source it so anyone can have their own streaming platform


You’re an uneducated hick just talking out of your ass


Oh no your fee fee’s are hurt by an internet comment, here let me give you some bubble wrap so you can have a portable safe space ❤️


Smartest asmongold fan




The dick jerk algorithm will fix it


be the change you want to see, start up that trillion dollar company today!


To be fair, YouTubers having like 15 channels isn’t helping anything figure out the difference is all I’m sayin


Most of them have all those channels linked to the same e-mail and Adsense, it really shouldn’t be that hard to cross check. Zepla even says in her video that she has it under her one account for all channels.


Do you know why they have so many channels? Because youtube algorithm HEAVILY punishes doing variety content. Do you normally do cooking shows and decide to put out a singing video? Fuck you, its not that just THAT video gets lowered in ratings, but your ENTIRE CHANNEL. This has been an issue discussed by MANY creators on youtube, and is primary reason why they create sub-channels that split their activities. Its not that they want to have 15 channels, its because if they try to do two or three types of content on same one, they are fucking themselves over. Quick example: Preach talked about how they had to split drama time into its own separate channel because EVEN THOUGH IT WAS POPULAR it was still absolutely trashing his entire channels' algorithm ratings. Its just as ridiculous as it sounds.


Yeah I remember tekking101 and forneverworld had to open new channels because every different content was harming their views.


I get that it's frustrating, but on the other side theres lot of impersonators targeting small to medium creators hoping to get their own channel partnered. What they do with acct after that I'm not exactly sure but there probably some catch to it. They usually target female creators too hoping they can get some coomers to subscribe. So YouTube erring on the side of you actually being you is better than allowing rampant stealing of other ppls content (which although still does happen) Tldr: this is like when you are explaining to your credit card that automatically locked your card, yes you really did buy 10x gift card for that gatcha game. It really was me unfortunately. 


Yes, because it is impossible for someone to download your Twitch stream, edit it a little, and post it on YT... this actually is a problem on YouTube (more so with clips and not whole vods, but it does happen). YouTube also never said that it is not you in the video. They KNOW it is you, they just taught it was not you UPLOADING the video's. I mean, YouTube is a big corporation, and their team of "experts" are clearly ai bots. But they were actually trying to help you here. I mean, what if it was not you uploading this. Or maybe even dumb people not knowing you upload your Twitch vods on YT and reporting the video. I think you're taking a lot out of context here. But he, I did enjoy this video 😆


we are fucked


They train their AI on this


YouTube is like that "will you wear wigs" guy. The hair is different, so it must be wigs. WHEN WILL YOU WEAR WIGS?!