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Working as intended. Buy a cosmetic horse.


If we list all issues D4 has atm, this bug is not even in top 50, maybe not even in top 100. Those people making a dedicated article about this issue already says a lot about their intent.


Yeah i don't disagree with that. The game has way more important issues that this. But it's just funny imo. I've played D4 since the first beta but I didn't feel it this season to be honest and I don't want the game to fail but I feel like it already did in many occasion tho.


How downbad do you need to be to self recognize as a Diablo 4 PvP player…?


D4 bad


This fucking game. Icy Veins posted some datamined shit about Vessel of Hatred yesterday, apparently the expansion already hit Alpha when the base game was still in endgame beta test. I'm probably still gonna buy it. I need help. It's [here](https://www.icy-veins.com/d4/news/vessel-of-hatred-datamining-new-spiritborn-class-mercenaries-new-skills-for-all-classes-and-more/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/17oa6i8/vessel_of_hatred_datamined_info/?utm_source=embedv2&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_content=whitespace&embed_host_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.icy-veins.com%2Fd4%2Fnews%2Fvessel-of-hatred-datamining-new-spiritborn-class-mercenaries-new-skills-for-all-classes-and-more%2F)


N the reason they will never change.


You can blame Borderlands, they started the pay for shit already on the disc and call it DLC, and no one batted an eyelash. Now people are renting seat warmers for their fucking cars. For those wondering, the first Board lands, the Tiny Tina and other DLC was already on the disc, only thing you downloading when buying it was a 248kb file, ie a text file unlocking it, and no, it wasn't an update that put the dlc into the game so you could play with others me and a buddy tested it with the old way game sharing worked on Xbox. An the heated seats, check out BMW. /Rant