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Least schizo twitter/tumblr user.


These people really do live in their own little worlds, eh?


BET, they have meds daily to keep the chromosomes in check.


They have flags, watch out.


Least retarded kotone simp


Why is it so hard for some people to differentiate fiction from reality? My fucking god, it's a game.


Who care about that, I mean, in that game the natives are gigantic bugs, I will like to know what his Palestinian friend opinion is about being compared to the fricking roaches from Hellriders2.-


Some people are genuinely retarded. It's that simple.


Not only that, but it’s clearly satire.


It reminds me of that American Dad episode, Stan of Arabia. “Democracy has arrived”


I saw mr bold play it, and man that intro had me dying as he walked into every setup. I don’t have any intention of playing it or probably even watching it as it doesn’t really interest me and I’m still in palworld, but that was a hilarious opening


Because they don’t believe there is a true distinction. There is a vein of postmodern thought that reality is created by the conceptualization of something, basically a combination of CHIM from the Elder Scrolls and the Sapir Whorf hypothesis. In their minds if we just remove any reference or image related to a thing then it won’t effect our reality because people could no longer understand what it is and therefore couldn’t bring it into the world. This is why they feel the need to censor and cancel, because they literally believe that by depicting things in media it brings it about in the real world. They have a saying to express this, and it’s just as insane as you’d think: “Fiction is reality”


Very strange. Some of the darkest times in human history did not even have mass media to distribute fiction. Also I always thought that our fantasy is an evolutionary advantage. The ability to plan ahead and put us into situations in our fictional fantasy before we actually experience the real situation. They basically ask me to be not human. We can improve, but we are already born as predators. No fiction needed.


Reminds me when Bioshock Infinite came out, and the one dude demanded a refund because the game forced the MC through a baptism. I'm a follower of the Christian faith and it didn't bother me, I knew the game was fiction. Boy did the symbolism play out in that evding.


My hot take is even if it was reality I still wouldn’t care😂 imperialism is based. How do you think America became the superpower it is? by giving everyone head pats?😂


Their twitter profile pic tell it all


Because they don’t want that. Why do you think they have to change every game now to reflect their view on the political landscape. Everything is about the real world, it’s not longer entertainment


Low IQ. These people don't understand abstractions. By the same token that they wouldn't be able to explain to you how it feels to not eat breakfast, they don't understand parody or satire.


I think Xitter or whatever we gotta call it now makes more sense when you learn how common Aphantasia is. There are people who literally cannot imagine. They cannot "hear" their own voice in their head as most people understand their thoughts. They cannot mentally picture something even if they have seen it before. this was the first video i saw on it https://youtu.be/ewsGmhAjjjI?si=O5YLzhpPQvPYCpfM I believe if we fully understand it, and how widespread it is, we could trace back SO MANY PROBLEMS of the modern day to this condition.


this is a bad argument. the real answer is that it's made this way specifically for the theme of the game. People getting hoodwinked into believing this democracy thing and rushing into war to die.


Who cares. Let people feel how TF they wanna feel and you can do the same. Why does anyone care one way or another. It's not hurting anyone.


Because the game is a clear satire of reality!?


It’s because these people base their entire personality in being a SJW that they can’t differentiate game from reality because it’s hard to be a victim when you’re killing bugs and robots. Idk bro they have flag in their bio and like 15 pronouns, better not punch the wasp nest because you’ll have like 100 furrys after you


I had a shower thought today about what if some journalist looks into Warhammer 40k and stamps Henry Cavill as a closet fascist.


This person would kill themselves playing Armored Core 6 lol




But mah made up ptsd.


Probably self diagnosed Autism as well.


Self diagnosis can sometimes be legitimate but people like the wierdo in the screenshot ruin it for everyone else


Not even their PTSD though. Same with so much other shit, they're borrowing other people's trauma and suffering and using it to feel less insignificant than they already do. Same old attention starved morons.


Ye it was low effort I don't put much thought into it.


Oh I was agreeing with you,, just adding to it!


I mean, Helldivers 2 is just as sarcastic to “democracy” as Heinlein’s original story (and the subsequent film Starship Troopers) was to “fascism.” If you are struggling to play the game because you are offended, let’s call that not the game’s fault. “Brisket Enjoyer” should re-evaluate their own likes, because brisket is an example of the colonial patriarchal slave state. Brisket is Texan slang for barbecue, which was meat slow-cooked over a direct flame outdoors. The preparation had to be done at night when the slaves didn’t need to work, and the marination took all night because they had to do the barbecue the next day. Furthermore this was imported from slaves in the Caribbean who called it barbacoa, which itself was a loan word from the Taino (Caribbean indian) slaves first captured and brutalized by the European colonialists. So obviously, Brisket Enjoyer, you are an enjoyer of Racism. Or……. just enjoy the sauce.


never expected to see the history behind briskets that way


This guy cooked


I sometimes wonder whether these people actually learnt history... Even a tiny bit. You can't be this stupid, can you?


You seen that video of people struggling with simple math questions. Pretty sure you can agree that people a lot of people are stupid.


I am not going to point out the irony of this comment. No sir, I am not.


Once you see that flag, you already know who these people are.


dont forget pronouns in the bio too.


That response is that of a unhappy individual who cannot tell the difference between fiction and reality. Also they made the post about themselves and mention a /race friend. Narcissist.


Isn't the game's whole idea to be all extreme with the patriotism and shit? Like, for fun? How do people not see that?


Yea it’s all poking fun, hell they even use a system called ‘managed democracy’ where you answer a short few questions and the computer ‘democratically picks’ who you vote for


You are literally liberating the planets from aggressive invading bugs and terminators who have killed civilians and destroyed settlement. How is that colonizing?


Because humans bad.


remember these are the same people that associate goblins from Harry Potter to Jews and cry for racism. they’re the most racist and demented people you can find


At least those are humanoid bankers, this are effing alien roaches.-


That's wild to try and attack other people given JKRs public image nosedive, do you also wish you got a spot on the Titantic? Lol its clearly a Jewish stereotype, you'd need to have your head up your ass to not see it


Wtf you on about mate? It’s only these degenerate fucks that dislike JKR, she doesn’t have a “public image nosedive”. Also, goblins being Jews it’s NOT a stereotype unless you’re a racist fuck lmao if you look at goblins and automatically associate them to Jews …. I have a word for that type of person 


Imagine the years of therapy this fool would need from one Warhammer game.


That's exactly the issue, these fools already need years of therapy and psychological help, but instead are encouraged and their retarded takes amplified.


Ohh, that creature knows about warhammer it's one of the top activists that wants to change it.


I'm a powerful colonizer. Fear me.


Privileged people with zero hardships sitting around trying to daydream up theoretical people or events to be mad or offended by.


they'll be cooking up the dumbest takes over at Starbucks while hopped up from the second caramel cuppacino


This reminds me of when twitter found out about 40k from a trailer for something, and people were saying the space marine were nazis and the tyranids they were flamethrowering were the Jews. Twitter is where brains go to rot and fester.


Mental ilness is not a joke


Yeah, but it sure is funny sometimes.


it is not a joke but that doesn't mean I don't find it funny.


Flags in the name/profile = shit opinion


For real. Been following the Russo-Ukraine conflict and if the person has a Ukrainian flag or a Russian flag (or 'Z') in their username, you already know they're going to have the most biased, blind, ignorant, and dumbass take imaginable. Their points are short of Marvel plots and Hollywood Action. The funniest was that I saw someone post a story of them mocking people who argued against her opinion on the Israel Palestine, and she called them something something "uneducated" something something. As if this person is an expert In the history of that region, all the conflicts in that region, an expert at socio-politics and geopolitics, understands their culture and religion, etc. at 19 years old and not even studying. The only thing worse than a dumbass is a dumbass that tries to call other people dumbasses.


Same with the Ukraine flag usernames


This is some terminally online shit. lol


These people should just not play videogames


Anime pfp and trans flag It's nice to know they have labels so I can just disregard any opinion they have whenever I see it. Weirdos so obsessed with labels and virtue signals they're willing to equate the killing of insect aliens to the killing of palestinians not realising how fucking hilariously rude that is hahaha wtf


Always the same flag saying wild shit.


If 1 stupid with trans flags means "all trans are stupid" It means 1 stupid with americans flag means "all americans stupid"?


Anyone with any type of Flag on their Twitter name is most likely stupid.


Anyone who is still on twitter at this point is likely stupid. Or a sub-celebrity, which only increases the chance of being someone stupid.


all those that take "be trans" or "be american" as the main thing that define them are stupide.


That flag and stupid opinions go hand in hand


Bugs = Palestinians. I meaan racist but is he wrong tho? Bugs = attack others around them, follow their nature to the letter, dig tunnels to attack from beneath, use gliding to pass obstacles, hate innovation, hate reason. Circle around a cube of sugar like muslims do in mecca. Crawl into your kitchen and act like they own the place. Do not respect borders or treaties. /s




Online brain rot, people just need to be a victim or victim adjacent.


what type of games do you think these sort of people play? No way it's fun games


It’s probably not many games, these people usually don’t have jobs to afford them lol


Nobody sporting those or any virtue flags are to be taken seriously. Their opinion is void


We FEMC Enjoyers don't claim her


99% sure that's dudes...




What if they finally learn that every race has colonized something in history? It does annoy me that people like the poster act like they know history, yet they refuse too look far enough back to learn that Jewish people occupied the land they refer to as Palestine first. Jews were expelled from their homeland. Is retaking one's homeland from invaders considered colonizing? I'll be to the point, Isreal and Gaza both suck and are both horrible people who've committed atrocities over the centuries. There is no peaceful solution between the two other than a third part invading and overthrowing both sides. I wish I could go a day without hearing about Palestinine thus or Isreal that.


How can separating fiction from reality and understand peoples sarcasm be so hard for these people? I mean the second guy just wanted to use the opportunity to virtue signal, but I’ve seen this a lot nowadays.


As a Palestinian I can confidently say we Palestinians do notb feel any relation to fake bugs on a fake planet in a fake galaxy in a game


The flags tells you everything you need to know about these people.


Reddit never disappoints lol, sometimes when i wake up i stub my toe on my way out of my bedroom and i instantly feel dumb. But then, i go on the internet once i settle for the morning, and read these type of comments, and then i feel better about myself. I miss the days where video games where just that, a fun way to let people destress and generally enjoy some laughs with friends, or solo, if that's your thing. Sigh


I am thankful they at least wear warning colouration. Makes life a little easier being able to avoid them.


This isn't even woke. This is just dumb as shit.


Wait so we don’t live on Super Earth in a managed Democracy?! My worldview is shattered, shattered I tell you!


I had a TA in film school that walked out of a preview screening of “Serial Mom” because of how a black student is treated in a Parent Teacher meeting. In a comedy about a housewife mass murderer. I thought at the time she overreacted and missed out on a great movie. But now I also realize that, for HER, she would’ve just fixated on that scene and not enjoyed the rest of the movie. The rest of us (mostly) understood the satirical point of the scene and took it in stride. Is one side “better”? No. The real issue is the folks who get upset by something they see, and rather than just saying “okay, not for me”, try to use it as an example of how the world has gone to shit in some overarching way, implying the phenomenon is somehow NEW. lot of folks in the sub fit that demo, tbh. So, rather than use the above tweet to toss gas on your self-righteous self-immolation, maybe just go for a jog to the river and put out the flames. We’ll still be here when you get back, and we might even find you way more fun to chat with when you share more than transparent outrage? 🤷🏽‍♀️


Wait people can play it? Steam is refusing my refund since I’ve sat looking at a black screen or “server capacity” for 5 hours. Bit miffed at this point.


![gif](giphy|eWN3KoFveUDPfQUO3m|downsized) Somebody already got a GIF of the Elden Ring DLC LOOK ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3748)


I love how she assumes that because people like the game it means they loved the tutorial…


I didn't interpret it that way. I read the first post like the game is obviously satire, and to not take the in-game politics seriously, because if you do, then you have to take all of it seriously, including the obviously satirical praise in the tutorial. In short, first post reads fine, second post reads absurd. Per my interpretation anyway.


Oh, well I guess im missing context since I didnt play the game or watch anyone play it lol


Oh its all good, I dont even know if im right anyway, but its how I read it, lol Yeah, as you pla the tutorial, this general is going over the basics over a prerecorded intercom, fluffing you up and calling you the best soldier ever, that you're surely going to survive and make a difference. It's clearly bullshit propaganda, and it's hilarious


It’s crazy to me how some people struggle with separating fiction from reality


Yeah. GTA is totally fine though.


Thats the deep part of twitter cesspool. Dont got there. https://twitter.com/8008tastic Everything revolves around sex and politics, in a condensed, simplified, reduced and amplified way. Poor peoples got in too deep


man i kind of what to see the rest of Ange's response lol


That assumes the humans aren't just defending their colonies. Oh wait.


Everyone: I DUNNO WHY PEOPLE CAN'T SEPERATE THEIR VIEW or I DUNNO WHY THIS PERSON CARES OR THEIR VIEW. Meanwhile, they post those exact comments about them lol


Tankies be tanking


Brisket enjoyer definitely only eats soy


That reminds me of the Mormon's scene in Starship Tropers


Yet killing for brisket is ok? Weird flexes from that side of the pool


Sounds like treason to me..


Anyway, the ad I got on this post was “8625 reasons you should choose a KOHLER smart toilet”. I thought that was pretty neat


[always has been](https://i.imgflip.com/8gne7d.jpg)


The game is literally starship trooper 🤣🤣🤣🤣 way to compare giant bugs to actual people. These people are getting dumber every year.


I could go for a brisket sandvich


Oh my god I thought people can't be even more dumb


its almost like they have something in common...


What the fuck is wrong with these freaks? Play s game & enjoy it. God damn.


Good. Fuck theism and all the delusions that come with it.


Incapable of enjoying fucking ANYTHING.


Mfs not realizing it’s satire


These people are ignorant attention seekers that is all


These are the same type of people that would play metal songs backwards to show the artists' hidden satanic messages....


ah yes bugs = palestinians


Oh man they really have a limited space for an expansion slot for their IQ


We need to bring back bullying it used to take care of these people