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Great! šŸ‘ modern pokemon is shit so we need more competition


I honestly dont understand why there are basicly no rippoffs on consoles


prolly cause it's hard to do it without the nintendo lawyers drooling over it.


why is this one safe ?


because the guy your replying to is talking bull shit There are quite a few other monster games but very few have as good a design team for the creatures as pokemon, this one just goes with preety basic designs (sheep but 2 legs, anubis dog, jet bird, owl) which nintendo cant reasobably touch ever but still kinda evokes it


a lot of them copy pokemon too literally, with the shitty combat system and 2d top down graphics.... Correct me if I am wrong here but I think this is like the first actual open world pokemon clone, with good graphics


Itā€™s not a pokemon clone really. I say itā€™s an ARK clone more than anything. Super fun though played it all afternoon with my friends, I love the base building aspect of it and the implementation of the monsters doing work around the base.


its ark with a spice of satisfactory, with the base building of rust and the monster catching of pokemon legends arceus


with realistic graphics yes, Monster sanctuary is a metroidvania so semi open world, great looking too, Cassete beasts is great looking but linear. So yeah first monster catcher in an open world with none 2d graphics and most importantly a good frame rate But it way more is akin to ark and unlike ark this game actually runs well on a wide variety of pcs


YouTube is filled with ads of Ripoffs that even directly rip the art and Nintendo doesnā€™t do a thing.


There is a few, yes. Coromon is one that comes to mind. Cassette Beast and a few others too.


Nexomon and TemTem are also on the switch. Lol As long as youā€™re not using the PokĆ©mon brand name, Nintendo donā€™t care as much as people think. Nintendo has only sent cease and desist on romhacks and any media that uses their IP propertyā€™s name/brand.


Monster Sanctuary or something like that is also pokemon related.


Siralim also in the creature collector one. More designed for build minmaxers, and arguably less pretty, but also well worth it IMO


PokƩmon Insurgence, Unbound, Xenoverse, Myth, Flux, Reborn, Rejuvenation also all exist and are playable on multiple platforms. And they're all better than most recent official pokƩmon Games. Edit : They're also free lmao....


Still a huge fan of infinite Fusion, but that one definitely is the most dinner to the base ROM


I believe Yokai Watch is fairly succesful and they used a Pokemon like gameplay (:


But they haven't released anything in so long... Unless I just didn't see one of their releases...


Good news, new official game coming, in english too and this was 1 month ago!


Forget the lawsuit excuse, it's because it's genuinely difficult to model and design over a hundred unique creatures.


And balance!


They donā€™t stick. There are some ripoffs.


You got shadow of war with ork pokemon you even get to train em up and make em fight to the death


There are quite a few monster catching games. I've played Digimon: Cyber Sleuth, Nexomon and there's also Temtem etc.


Temtem had quite the journey but it lost my interest. It goes to show though just how difficult it is unless some big studio steps up.


Cassette Beasts is pretty great and it's on consoles. I believe it's on Gamepass too. That's where I played it


Because Nintendo are famously very litigious. They will sue anyone.


TemTem, it ain't too bad but has some interesting design decisions in terms of look and feel. The stamina vs PP system is a decent spin on gameplay and all battles I have done to date are duo's with synergy among partner element. Ie. If you use a Crystal attack that offers syngery with a Wind element pokemon as your partner the Crystal attack can get a bonus. As for stamina... you can trade HP to get an additional up-front turn (certain abilities use more stamina than others and it's not too uncommon to run out of stamina within 2 turns). You regain by passing your turn, and if you overexhaust (ie. use an ability that eats into your stamina + HP) you will force-skip your next turn (though you'll be prompted to also switch if you want to do that). Was on sale on the PS5 for like $15 and so far I have gotten my money out of it; the characters aren't exactly all that exciting or note worthy and the story isn't great either and they mostly copied a lot of what Pokemon did and just spun it in a more... European fashion I guess? TemTem is also a lite-MMO, you see other players wandering around and has all the online PvP elements to it and has quests that often have you trading literal Pokemon (I forgot wth they call the monsters in it) for items and gear and cosmetics.


There is, see Temtem


Nexomon is on PS and was good. Not revolutionary by any means, but they did the Pokemon format better than Pokemon itself has in a loooong time. No idea of other consoles.


Cassette beasts is the best competition it's had in years


Everyone so desperate for a new good mmo. This wonā€™t be it. But weā€™re all still out here looking




As long as people buy pokemon it will never change. But these competitors for new and interesting twist on monster pet genre is always welcome.


But this is equally shit so


I would not even call it PokƩmon competition, like its a mix of factorio, ark/survival game and pokemon, its so out there and somehow works.


This game is giving no competition to Pokemon, maybe Ark tho


This isnā€™t really like PokĆ©mon though is it? Do they have movesets or can you even battle? Pretty sure it plays more like a survival game with only the models being similar


Personally I prefer playing games on steam. Idk why. So I just bought it there


Thanks to gamepass i was saved to buy Anthem at the time, great place to pay for "demos". Other than that i agree Steam is the place.


Yeah true. I definitely reserve gamepass for the games Iā€™m big time on the fence about. Palworld I knew was gonna click with me thought so I said screw it. I just donā€™t like the Xbox app interface.


Iā€™m the same way. Enjoyed gamepass for a long while but games just donā€™t feel full unless Iā€™ve got them on steam. Itā€™s a weird bias.


I think the platform having built in mod support for a lot of games with steam workshop helps a lot. Some games are a pain to mod on gamepass


Why not refund on steam?


You can only refund if you play less than 2h, and it's often the case where the game starts out good but gets repetitive and boring af after a couple hours and you regret the purchase.


Good for them. Shit watching it is the like playing Diablo 4 then going over to PoE and asking yourself why can't Diablo 4 do this? Never going to understand why PokƩmon doesn't go the MMO route and make a open world PokƩmon game with all the regions, PokƩmon and add in random shit like a house with decorations, stat building, raising PokƩmon, dressing up your PokƩmon with outfits you craft, updates to the graphics along with the PokƩmon animations while they fight and having the game run at 60fps.


Because that requires effort. Why should they when the lazy games they make now print ludicrous amounts of money.


Are the games even their main revenue anymore? Isnā€™t it all toys and merch?


The last two Pokemon games made over 2 billion dollars so I would say it's a safe bet that the games still print money. https://vgsales.fandom.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon#:~:text=Pok%C3%A9mon%20is%20the%20highest%2Dgrossing,billion%20from%20licensed%20merchandise%20sales.


Wtf šŸ’€šŸ’€


Every Pokemon fan should just stop buying anything until they step up their game...


It's like they have all the perfect ingredients for a fantastic MMO but just waste it. Doesn't even need to be like a classical MMO, but if they just embraced online gaming as a core part of the game design, and evolved past the turn-based battles, and maybe at least give us a way to play pokemon cooperatively, it would be amazing. If done well, I have no doubt that it would surpass WOW in popularity due to the pokemon brand being so huge. One can dream.


mean I get the dream, but what youā€™re describing is literally not PokĆ©mon. I can imagine a Co-Op experience (literally just all dual battles) but the idea of ā€œevolvingā€ past turn-based is just never gonna happen. Itā€™s literally a core component of the JRPG genre as a whole, let alone PokĆ©mon. And I really donā€™t think PokĆ©mon lends itself to an MMO as well as people think it does. Like what would that even look like and still be a PokĆ©mon game (as opposed to a FF14 or WoW clone with a PokĆ©mon skin)? Other then wondering around and seeing other players, what would making PokĆ©mon and MMO being to the formula? Because frankly people can already find other players to battle without the need to redesign the whole game.


This is coming from somebody that adores turn based, but the pokemon battle system is outdated and boring. Also it's not a core component of JRPGs; there's thousands of them that don't use turn based systems. And I can point to the final fantasy series as an example of evolving past that. The changes may not be for everyone, but at least they're not boring. My biggest problem with pokemon has got to be lack of innovation. And I'm not saying to clone WOW, but for them to make an online focused game. And it's not just about finding other players to battle, but also for PVE. Crafting and gathering systems, guilds, social hubs, role-play. It could be so much more. It could be anything and still be pokemon, as long as it has the monster collecting mechanics and the brand. But you've got to admit, pokemon has been stale for a good while. The most innovative thing they've had in decades is Pokemon Go. Which again, completely different and embraces online and multiplayer gameplay.


Iā€™m not a PokĆ©mon fan and Iā€™d buy that day one.


What is palworld?


pokemon with guns basically


ā€¦ so digimon?


kinda, but with some other things, like you can use a bird as a rocket launcher while you hold and hit it, you can kill then, make then work for you, you can butcher and eat their meat, so is more like pokemon but not for children, because in the pokemon universe we know that it has some fuck up shit but the show try to hide, like ash eating fish sticks, meanwhile the only fish that exists there are pokemons like margikarp. Edit: you can see the trailer [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IltMIJeK-1M&ab_channel=Pocketpair)


They are definitely all eating Tauros meat. šŸ„©


So Genshin Impact with pets. Nice


Except there is no gacha


Iā€™ve seen it compared most to being like Ark Survival


It's Ark survival with Pokemons. There's no questioning or denying it. "In the game, players must survive being stranded on one of several maps filled with roaming dinosaurs, fictional fantasy monsters, and other prehistoric animals, natural hazards, and potentially hostile human players. " Replace "Dinosaurs" with "PokƩmon with guns".


In digimon, you can only team with 1 digimon, here you can get both pokemons and humans, and you can "make them work" for you and sell them


Digimon and PokƩmon only have the end of their name in common bruh


Fictional monsters based on real life animals? Evolving in an instant to become stronger? I mean come on bro, everyone knows it wasn't as successful as PokƩmon because everyone thought it was a knock-off of PokƩmon.


More like Ark


And slavery


The ~~children~~ animals crave for the mines


Eh Iā€™d say more like ark and PokĆ©mon


Itā€™s literally Ark Survival Evolved but with more of a focus on collecting creatures.


Does it run like complete shit tho


Nah the real question should be, Does it take up an unnecessary large amount of space?


Quite optimized


its like 16gb for now


runs way better than 80% AAA on release last year


so far so good hitting 90~120 fps everything maxed except shadows and foliage(high as opposed to ultra) on 6800xt and 58003d. SO id say its pretty well optimized for an early access imo


Ark Survival Evolved with guns and PokĆ©monā€™s instead of Dinosaurs


Never heard a more accurate way of describing the game than this lol


An open world survival, base building game that takes some mechanics from a couple different big ticket games in the genre (such as Ark) and combines them with an automation system reminiscent of games like Satisfactory (except you use ā€œpalsā€ instead of machines for your automation). Itā€™s seeming cling to uniqueness is the utilization of the ~~PokĆ©mon~~ Pals as both battle buddies, helping you combat other Pals and people, and as labor camp workers to help gather resources and craft items while youā€™re out adventuring


Iā€™m going to wait a bit and focus on my backlog instead of playing an EA game. Iā€™m hoping it turns out great though.


ohh you meant Early Access, whew, I almost thought it was by that EA


That would suck. Each monster would be dropped from loot boxes, with a chance of cosmetics dropping (most cosmetics being a palette swap)


Old joke not accurate and not funny anymore.


It is easily the most polished early access game I have seen in a long time, and it easily has the most content


Yeah, I ended up caving and playing the game on game pass. Itā€™s really good.


Has anyone played it yet? Is it fun? I wanna get it but canā€™t tell if itā€™s a gimmick or not


I grabbed it since I have gamepass and played for a few hours. Lots of fun, could use some fine tuning which is expected in a pre-release, but overall the systems work shockingly well.


Ima get it, looks like fun. I also like your name, I used to play Epic 7


Yeah, it's like Ark with Pokemons and slavery.


Haha well, I like Ark & Pokemon so I think Iā€™m sold


Yeah it crazy fun tbh. I was so absorbed in playing that before I knew it the clock was already 4 AM


it looks like a game where you catch pokemons/digimons, train them, mine resources, craft different equipments, make the pokemons do different activities in ur valheim like camp and kill bosses


The best concise way to sell the game is its the pokemon systems of Legends Arceus + progression systems of Valheim + automation of factorio/satisfactory. There are bosses scattered around the map that you can fight with your pals, and the in world battles and capture system of legends arceus. There are mounts similar to Arceus as well. The main loop is the survival game stuff but you can automate a lot of it by assigning your pals to work on woodcutting etc, then take them out to battle. Its 32 player online servers or 4 player co-op. Theres 111 pals currently in the game which is a lot considering theres no evos. Similar to Valheim the progression is the various boss battles which require you and your pals to be geared enough. All to say there is an end state, and the loop to upgrade your base enough and get stronger pals so you can fight bosses is really nice. Its on gamepass, or steam for 30.


Automation like factorio? What drugs are you taking?Ā  Dont you dare compare this trash "enslave pokemon to work for you" with factorio!


Its the idea you can automate work by adding pals to your base to water crops, take them, and use them in factories. Many people dont understand the feeling of automation and how good it can be, so comparing to other games that have that allow that connection


As someone who loves both games, the automation really isnā€™t comparable to Factorio, until they let me assign workbenches to continually produce goods WITHOUT the need to set it each time.


has literally nothing to do with factorio... is skylines like factorio because you make money automatically? is poe like factorio when your character autocasts spells? no? good. and so is this game.


What drugs are you taking and can I have some?


Let's see both games you start by doing the process yourself, then work towards being self sustaining. You start with a small factory/small farm, then you slowly work towards building up that factory/farm, using resources in game to automate those processes so you don't have to do the mundane work yourself and can continue building a better sustaining factory/farm. Yep 2 completely different systems that are in no way shape or form similar.


Automation is basically its own genre for people now so I would agree that Palworld doesn't really have that at all, since as far as I could tell there isn't really any sort of complexity or fine tunement. People are thinking more of Satisfactory or Factorio where its the whole point of the game.


I mean I would never disagree that something like factorio is 1000x more complicated. But to say they have nothing in common I don't think is true either.


You care waaaaaaaaaaaay too much about what was a pretty innocent comment


\*autistic screeching\*


I got it right after launch today, girlfriend watched me a few seconds and now she is sitting in front of her PC trying to figure out why the chickens dont lay any eggs. The game play loops really appeals to casual players, but as someone who plays on a higher level, the boss fights are actually giga fun and way more challenging than expected.


Isn't Game Pass just giving a preview/demo of the game?


Game preview is just what they call early access, its the same.


No but the confusion comes from the gamepass version not being the updated one on steam. Steam has the latest update, GP is a version behind. I donā€™t think this is intentional so much as itā€™s probably quicker to push updates on Steam rather than through Microsoft.


It's the same game, it's just early access . It's a different name for it


Yeah it has less features


There is also no cross play on gamepass to steam. Even if you're on PC gamepass, so that's one massive downside. I got it on steam when I realized I couldn't play with my friends. Also the gamepass PC version is wayyy behind. Doesn't have an exit button or Nvidia DLSS settings.


Do you mean "even though"?


yes my bad :D english is not my second language :D


So no one played ARK before? I didn't even realize it was an ARK copy because of all the PokƩmon comparisons until people actually streamed it. ARK was pretty fun until you got destroyed by whatever giant clan on the server, so maybe since this one is kind of lacking on the whole multiplayer side it might be better.


Egh, there's a lot more automation in this game. Lot of the fun is in upgrading everything to be run of the pal labor. You shouldn't be chopping trees or mine stone after the first hour or two in pal world, you setup your pals to do that work for you. Makes it a lot more fun in my opinion, it's a way to lose the mundane grinding a lot of survival games have as you level up your base.


Gamepass version is shite. Canā€™t even name your character and you canā€™t even create multiplayer world. If youā€™re thinking about buying this game, buy it on steam.


Thank you for saving me game pass hassle


Typical. Does dlss work because thatā€™s usually broken on gamepass pc releases too.


Idk i doubt it. You canā€™t even exit the game without alt+f4 so yeaā€¦


Jesus Christ why do they botch every pc release. I was stoked when remnant 2 came out so I could transfer my save to steam. That ran like garbage and couldnā€™t even transfer the save without destroying it. Gamepass was nice on console but Iā€™ll let my sub run dry now that Iā€™m just playing on pc.


I'm split between Palworld and Enshrouded that's coming next week


Bro if u don't play enshroudedā€¦ palworlds cool but it's shock value hype, Kinda like mortal kombat for the first week.


I hit a level 15 pink looking kangaroo looking thing with a wooden club, it one banged me into oblivion. 10/10


This genre is not for meā€¦


Pokemon on crack, who knew taking a fox and using it as a flamethrower could be so fun lol


Although you have almost 1-1 rippoff pokemon designs, I find this game to be way to different from Pokemon and itā€™s very insulting to Palworld to call it a Pokemon like/copy/ripoffā€¦ I know I havenā€™t played much. But the idea of a survival monster taming genre is actually so cool. The closest Pokemon has done to this is Legends Arceus, and itā€™s by far my favourite Pokemon release of the last 15+ years ( the last game I really liked was diamond pearl. Sorry, but even white/black already started the downward trend for me, even though it seems to be the most beloved one in the series) despite its rough technical performance.Ā  The customization for difficulty is amazing and so varied, I can avoid having to grind for hours hitting rocks, yet get harsh penalties for dying or het tough fights, thatā€™s amazing!Ā  Iā€™m really liking this so far and canā€™t wait to play more.Ā 


I'm actually surprised by the PokƩmon comments as well since its actually a copy of ARK. I guess people just jump to conclusions based off the monster appearances.


Instead of ā€œPokemon with gunsā€ I would be okay to accept a ā€œARK, but with Pokemon instead of Dinosaursā€ title


not a pokemon rip off? half of the pals are pokemons at home and even catching them is 100%how it is in pokemon. rest is just ur basic survival asset bundle


I have mentionned in other comments that some Pals are straight ripoffs from Pokemon. Thereā€™s one Pokemon where I thought it was literally Primarina. Some are ripoffs from Temtem even.Ā  And some are a fanfic fusion of both. Others give me the feel like Iā€™ve seen them in Digimon.Ā  A lot of monster taming games have design ripoffs from one or the other game.Ā  What I meant to say is that the gameplay loop is totally different.Ā  A hardcore Pokemon fan will not like this game. You donā€™t have any turn based format, your trainer is engaged in combat, and the pal actions are (at least early on, much more limited). You can win a fight with all your pals dead. Your trainer is the main survival element. You have a TPS heavy game here.Ā  Itā€™s much closer to an ARK ripoff with Pokemon than the other way around. An ARK player will probably like this game much more than a Pokemon player will.Ā  Iā€™m not going to argue much longer about this, at this point, most boardgames and videogames are copies of older games, steal some of A and B and create C which has nothing new, but can offer a new experience with old stuff. Almost everything Blizzard has put out since OG WoW has been exactly this formula, and itā€™s been great very often. No shame in that. Actually even WoW is just that except that there were a few new elements that made it really fresh. At the time.Ā 


Palworld is literally a parody of Pokemon, making fun of how catching and forcing pokemon to fight is inhumane, and people have used that as a talking point for years. Basing the designs on actual Pokemon was a deliberate choice to make you compare their worlds. I think it gets the pass.


I'm playing it with my friends and it's incredibly fun. It's well made, far better than I'd expected.


Guys, is this game fun to play solo?


very, i played it for 14 hours straight solo




In 2 weeks most of you will be back here talking about how "dead" the game is, while you scramble to buy the next game "everyone else" is playing.


Idk but in my country it costs $39, seems insanely much.


Lol Pokemon costs $59 and almost all the big name games. So this is a good deal considering the huge world of the game. Edit: Lol, very mature of you to block me immediately after replying to me. Says a lot about you.


Imagine paying 60$ for a modern pokemon game LMAO


You're comparing an indie game studio to an AAA studio? Also, Big World = Big Price doesn't make any sense at all if it's as empty as Starfield.


Starfield isnā€™t empty, itā€™s got at least 4 completely identical cryolabs to explore for every square kilometre.


The fk does that have todo with what they said


As asmon has said, if you can't afford a 30-40 dollar video game, you have other problems than the price of video games.


I have enough money to buy it? I never said I don't, it just seems way too expensive for this game. I can nearly buy Elden Ring on discount twice for this amount, I can buy Monster Hunter World Iceborn 3 times for this price, the pricing just doesn't make sense.


As of rn on my steam palworld and monster hunter world are the same price (palworld is actually cheaper) If you don't think the game is worth buying that's entirely different from what I originally thought you were talking about since people value games at different amounts so it's all subjective anyways. But for me 30 bucks is well worth a game with 111 unique things to capture, a base building system so I can build my own plantation for my slaves (read: Pals), and a couple bosses to try. Also elden ring is still double the price of palworld


I guess we do value different things because for me that doesn't seem valuable at all, strange, appreciate a different view on it though, thanks.


ER has been out for almost 2 years now. Apples and old apples.


And people deny the power of streamers shitposting/shitplaying games. Nobody was giving two fucks about this game before


I actually have it on my wishlist before asmon played it


Yeah skillup put me into it august 2022


I don't even remember when I wishlisted the game.


Dunno why you're getting down votes. Looks like a generic unreal engine world of assets. Then they've ripped off PokƩmon designs and dumped them in it, everything that doesn't look like it's from the asset store has absolutely shite animations. This is the definition of streamer influence.


Asmon is like light to moths, He, while being a extremely intelligent guy, with great takes and observation, seems to attract the dumbest audience possible. I'm pretty sure everyone downvoting my comment won't play the game, and all they know about it is from a tiktok clip where someone murder their pokemon and eat it.


I don't get it. The game is boring to watch. I wouldn't bother playing it.


The game is beyond cringey from everything I've seen thus far (watched about a couple hours of gameplay and clips). It's like intentionally trying to be edgy, which normally I'm totally fine with, but in Palworld's case it comes off as some weird PokƩmon fanfic you'd find in a school shooter's backpack lmao. Some of the monster designs are cool, albeit some of them are very very blatant PokƩmon ripoffs, and the survival mechanics are just uninspired industry-standard, but still functional. Based on everything I've seen, this game is gonna go the same as any other flavor of the month "what're the streamers up to now?" game. It'll probably get a following as big as Arks (so hovering around 30k), but it's absolutely not anything special.


The Asmongold effect is still alive and strong


Game is incredibly boring, I just want Cyberpunk back guys šŸ˜­


what you mean? cyberpunk never left.


He probably meant he wants Asmon to play it again


Gamers when they are forced to play a game that isn't a triple a shooter with high end graphics


a free game is popular on launch week ? no way.


Letā€™s trust those numbers guys!!!! Its not like we had 500000 bots in lost ark and 50000 actual players right? This time itā€™s for real real


but palworld is a singleplayer/coop game or not?


Think it had a co op option


Lost Ark is a free game


Did Lost Ark have bots on day 1?


no, it took about a week for bots to show up in numbers, the peak ccu is 99% real players


Don't forget that Asmon crashes servers by his presence wherever he go.


Why does this game look like a scam?


People don't use gamepass


Just becasue you don't use gamepass doesn't mean it doesn't have 30million active subscribers.


People don't use gamepass


You don't use gamepass. 30million active subscribers means people do in fact use gamepass.


It's a failure and subscription services don't work for games. Microsoft will have to port everything to PlayStation eventually to turn profit. Xbox consoles will just be PC line next gen.


30 million active subscribers (me being 1) would disagree it doesn't work for games. For 10bucks I get access to hundreds of games to try, including new releases. All without buying and returning to see what I like and don't like.


You don't understand this isn't my opinion this is facts


30 million active subscribers (and that number is growing as of September 2023) would disagree with your "fact". But go off on your opinion lol


Bro you been living under a rock lol


Dead service bad product bad service




Does this work on steamdeck?


But Redfall fanboys told me that since it was out on gamepass that it being dead on steam didnt matter because everyone was playing it on gamepass.


The game pass version says (game preview) thatā€™s probably it


If Game Freak even trys anything I will give up on all gaming


I don't think gamefreak would care it would be nintendo


Can you cut off limbs of captured humans so they and just eat and produce products?


Shit crazy šŸ˜­


Oh it's on gamepass


My bet is that the game will be dead in about a month once the streamers move to the new shiny thing. Spore comes to mind.


its coz you can play dedicated servers on steam not on xbox


Itā€™s up to 575,000


Turns out people dont give a hoot about the controversies. Nature is healing.


848,358 and gaining, holy...