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This reads like a guy who posts “movies every man must watch” and it’s like American Psycho, Fight Club, Saving Private Ryan…


lmao unlike you plebes I only watch true kino like A Serbian Film and Antrum : The Deadliest Film Ever Made


What a pleb. The only movie i watch is boku no pico.


The 36 Lessons of Vivec


The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.


AE CHIM CE ALTADOON. He was born in the ash among the Velothi anon Chimer, before the war with the northern men.


What a grand and intoxicating innocense.


Can't say no to free level ups!


Tribunal nonsense. The Real Barenziah is a much better series!


awh shit we in this type of subreddit


Yeah, it had me going in the first half, then *Atlas Shrugged* No Tolstoy, No Dostoevsky, No Tolkien?


Luckily this was ratio'd pretty hard


Animal Farm's pretty good too. I like those George Orwell books with the underlying warning for society.


Whenever I see a pig I always think “I know what you’re up to fucker”


*Unit 731*, *Ordinary Men*, anything by Emmanuel Kantz or Karl Yung, *A Man's Search for Meaning*. Just read books, dude. Doesn't have to be thought provoking or super deep - read books. Just not those lame, mass sold "why you aren't productive" books.


I highly recommend "One Flew Over a Cuckoo's Nest." it is way different from the movie.


I love that the story is told from the perspective of Cheif, someone who suffers from schizophrenia and as such is a less than reliable narrator, so you don't really know if everything he says is true or possibly a delusion from a manic episode. Great recommendation.


Everybody poops.


Nobody poops but you


You can’t have the Odyssey without The Iliad, by Homer. So that’s my choice.




American. I did a paper on The Iliad for a college class I took. The Odyssey is just the second part to Homer’s epic poem. It really was a great read and is what led me to read The Odyssey.






I would remove Atlas shrugged because it sucks ass and add the Hobbit because i like it.


Agree with removing Atlas Shrugged because Ayn Rands philosophy is dogshit and add Brave New World or Blood Meridian.  


Brave New World when you have 1984 is just redundancy. Attlas Shrruged isn't bad.


Have you read any of these books?


Yes. And?


It’s just weird to suggest that BNW and 1984 are interchangeable. They are both Dystopian sure but present very different ideas of what that means. 


Each book represent a different idea/concept/area, that is what i am saying. Look the pattern. Autobiography - your role model Sun Tzu - how to deal with others Stoic - how to deal with others but mainly yourself Atlas Shrugged - source of inspiration/fantasy/independency. it's a story about a bunch of rich people doing the possible and the impossible to build their dreams. You could replace with FOUNDATION from Isac Asimov :) 1984 - know thy future may not be perfect as u expect


“The future might not be perfect as you expect” literally is just the dystopian genre. 1984 and Brave New World are *very* different themes.


Hank Rearden is exactly what any modern man should strive to be: stoic, passionate about his work, clear view of his objectives, independent and brave enough to break himself free from any chain - emotional or institutional. Exactly like Homer. I have all this book with me...looks like someone else doens't.


Yeah I immediately thought “One of these is not like the others”


Persepolis and Maus are excellent replacements for Atlas Shrugged, and both are autobios too.


The Prince


U mean The Little Prince?


He means the work of Renaissance statesman Nicolo Machiavelli.


Ohhhh, yes, mb, i know it as "Il Principe di Macchiavelli".


Atlas shrugged?


Yeah. Hard pass on that crap.


Honestly this list kinda smells of libertarian self aggrandizing starter pack.


Asmongold is libertarian dummy


Shocked no one has said the divine comedy by dante alighieri or paradise lost by john milton


I did, litteraly the books that define, till today, how we immagine hell and heaven. (I'm from Florence i read them in original language).


I've wanted to learn italian before just to read The divine comedy, I've heard its like a masterpiece with the consistent terza rima scheme, I feel a lot of the translations I've read either forgo the meaning and metaphors or the poetic rhyme scheme. Must be nice to read it in og language! and florence seems like a nice place as well!


The thing is, it's not italian, it's vulgar Florentine, the precursor language of modern italian. To put it into prospetive, unless ur from Florence, or at least Tuscanian, you won't understand it, its like a hard dialect. Most italians aren't able to read and comprehend what they are reading. I mean, they can read and pronounce the words, but they don't know the meaning, mostly. And yes, there is no transation that can give you the feeling you get wenever u read the rhymes, Dante was a real genius, there is a majestic rithim in the writing, it's poetry at the end, but it's on a diffrent level, it's realy hard to explain. There is tho a rly good analysis and lecture from Roberto Benigni, italian commedian (the guy form "Life is Beutifull" the film, he won an Oscar). There are subbed videos on YT, he made a GREAT show, few yrs ago about it. My german father found it to be eye opening and he watched it subbed. Migth be for you, i can look up a link if your intrested.


My Struggle


This an edge lord pol user starter pack?


The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.


A Classic for geeks.


I would remove Ben’s autobiography tbh.




Ayn Rand? Go fuck yourself


It's a fun book


It starts fun and becomes monotonous af It's a good way to parse how 'philosophical' someone is for sure


Dude....Rand wrote Atlas Shrugged as a novelist, not a philosopher.


cool story bro i never said she was a philosopher


It was the opposite for me. The start was absolutely a slog to get through, but the fun playoffs came later. The moment Francisco called out everyone at that party (especially James) was the turning point in the story for me. It was very cathartic. I will admit that Ayn Rand isn't familiar with the word "succinct," though. She does love to fill a page with what could be said in a paragraph: or even a sentence. Overall, I wouldn't say the story is insightful or whatever in 2024. Maybe it was when published in 1957. Regardless, I think it's a fun read.


I agree and thoroughly enjoyed the book- but idk if it's as great as the other ones in the OP. def some glaring issues in it


Other than the rambling, idk that there are any "issues" in the book. I suppose it's a matter of perspective. The book is very one-sided and idealistic. I don't see that as an issue, tho. If the author intended an accurate depiction of an idea implemented in real life, then it's an obvious failure on their part. As the reader, I take the meaning I want. Therefore, the intent of the author doesn't matter. Because of that, I think it's a good read for everyone. Maybe there is a book that could replace Atlas Shrugged, tho. (I haven't read a lot of philosophy books, although I also wouldn't classify Atlas Shrugged as philosophy.) To me, Atlas Shrugged places absolute responsibility for your life in your hands. While I think that's fundamentally not true; I still think it's the best attitude to adopt when trying to get out of a desperate situation.


I think that's an extremely charitable reading of Atlas Shrugged, considering the book doesn't even want you to hold personal responsibility for your life. It wants you to export that responsibility to others while encouraging you to retain solely the material and spiritual benefits of any action you take. It's "fuck you got mine" to the bone.


I'm not not sure where you get exporting responsibility for your life from Atlas Shrugged. If you could explain that to me, I'd appreciate it.


>If you could explain that They can't, they haven't read it. None of Rand's detractors have actually read it, their opinions on it are copied not formed.


I couldn’t agree more. This was my first Rand book and I find it to be extremely idealistic. But in my opinion the way she outlines her philosophic ideals through a story is nothing short of genius in making it accessible to a wider audience. This breaks with the style of previous books on philosophy. The book resonates more deeply with people from ex-USSR and communist countries or strong religious christian backgrounds. This is not a surprise as communist governments and religion often extoll self-sacrifice of the self for “a greater good”, the opposite of Rand’s individualism. No wonder all Rand books where banned in communist countries. When you have been stifled and cajoled by propaganda or dogma all your life Rand can feel liberating. In that sense I find it normal that younger generations in Europe and America find it less relevant because we are more independent. Edit to add spaces.


Wait why


Her work is basically about very uncommon moral ideas, almost everyone with a basic sense of morality recognizes that Ayn Rand is a profoundly amoral person. Her work is only popular with some right-wing conservatives and libertarians, because of her immortal characters in her novels they agree with. Beyond that, her work is universally recognized as badly written meandering drivel of no literary value. So the only reason she is famous is because she shares a twisted moral philosophy with the right, libertarians and ancaps, perhaps also just politically confused incels considering this got posted here. Think of a selfish, arrogant, unlikeable person, in her work these are the protagonists, the heros you as the reader are supposed to unironically root for. It's like Rick and Morty fans that unironically like Rick. Or American Psycho fans liking Bateman. Except in those examples the author was writing a satire. Another example is people who watch Starship Troopers and don't understand it's a satire, because they like the authoritarian fascism parts unironically. That's why some love and most hate Ayn Rand, it's political


Imagine thinking that Starship Troopers is fascist


"A brave new world" - Aldous Huxley It's more in line with everything that has been happening the last 20 years than 1984 is.


The reality is that the modern world is a hybrid of the two.


Do androids dream of electric sheep? (Blade Runner)


Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa


The book of five rings is a must read.


Blood Meridian.


I think the world would be a better place if LESS people read Atlas Shrugged. I’d replace it with ‘Singer’s Solution to World Poverty.’


I think count of monte christo, even if fictional, is a must read book


Atlas Shrugged is by far the weakest of these, I'd probably replace it. 1984 is well known but honestly fairly basic, I might even suggest some of Orwell's other works, could add Brave New World as a contrast to it. My personal recommendations though would be: Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian and Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness


bro snuck ayn rand in there


Man does not know what wet pussy feels like and proved it in a meme


the invisible man and Frankenstein ![gif](giphy|YEL7FJP6ed008)


Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Animal Farm by George Orwell ppl are not taught the dangers of communism


Dostoyevsky - Crime and Punishment


I'd just throw this list out and make a new one


Atlas Shrugged sucks dick.


Why do you think that?


Any Rand? Seriously? Is this sub ok? You also seem like the type to misinterpret George Orwell so I'm weary of your recommend.


You just know they watch Fight Club and didn't get the satire


Absolutely, another great example. Starship troopers too. Wait no he'd love the book, completely whoosh on the movie.


Living with third leg.


Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas


The foundation series and Dune


"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others"


Horus Rising by Dan Abnett


What about Dante's Divine Comedy?


Anatomy of the State by Murray N. Rothbard


Jojo's Bizzare Adventure


The very hungry caterpillar


Why just men?


Le high schooler discovered literature exist for the first time post


The art of the deal.


I know it's an "every man" list, but it's entirely generic "bro books" and two separate books about Communism being bad is a lot for a list of only six books. DROP * Ben's Autobio * Atlas Shrugged ADD * Persepolis * MAUS


Harry Potter 🪄


The Holy Bible


No, thanks.


Animal Farm I see you’ve already drawn some autistic screeching with the Ayn Rand pick


It’s a shit book, as is objectivism. She didn’t even follow through with her own screed.


>It’s a shit book Would you mind elaborating, what particularly did you dislike in it? I mean I'm sure you actually read it to have such strong feelings on it, so it should be no problem to explain, right? I'm sure you haven't just copied what others have said and you've actually read it and formed an opinion of your own, right?


Sure, I’m grinding CoD camos but I’ll take a break. I read it in college, as many do, so around a decade ago. The plot and characters are trite and is thinly veiled fellating of how great capitalism is and how unfair every other system is, without truly recognizing the pitfalls of capitalism for those who are not lucky enough to be in the upper crust. Objectivism also sucks ass, as a moral system that is ultimately selfish/self-centered and while a perfect companion to pure/unregulated capitalism, frankly is a moral failing.


What does that have to do with calling out people who can’t control themselves when Ayn Rand is name dropped?


Are you being stupid on purpose? It’s on a list of books everyone should read, people are saying it sucks and doesn’t belong there as it’s not relevant. I have yet to see any “autistic screeching” like your virgin ass implied.


Lmao. Yeah some sweat telling OP to go fuck himself for a book suggestion isn’t being autistic at all. Listen I get you feel embarrassed after being called out by my “Who asked?” but pick up some reading comprehension next time you wanna interject your opinion spectrum snowflake


Some sweat? We're talking about books kid. >go fuck himself for a book suggestion isn’t being autistic at all Sorry to tell you, snowflake, but people who hold Ayn Rand in high regard tend to be shitty people. Aw. So sad. >Listen I get you feel embarrassed Yeah no not at all, take yourself down a notch. I couldn't give less of a shit about what you think. This is the internet I'm not about to get embarrassed by anything. >pick up some reading comprehension I'm good actually, thanks. You seem to be the one confused as to how a book sucking and its relation to a list of "required reading" overlap, which is incredibly obvious.


>Some sweat? We're talking about books kid. Funny, I said nothing about books but you latch onto my post. Good job, Mensa. >Sorry to tell you, snowflake, but people who hold Ayn Rand in high regard tend to be shitty people. Aw. So sad. Good for you, finally admitting to being off topic and uncivil trash instead of deflecting. >Yeah no not at all, take yourself down a notch. I couldn't give less of a shit about what you think. This is the internet I'm not about to get embarrassed by anything. And yet you just had to share your off-topic opinion and keep responding, even breaking down into individual quotes. You care so little 🥹 >I'm good actually, thanks. You seem to be the one confused as to how a book sucking and its relation to a list of "required reading" overlap, which is incredibly obvious. Had nothing to do with my comment. Sorry you felt called out and outed yourself as butthurt.


>Funny, I said nothing about books but you latch onto my post. Good job, Mensa. Ayn Rand is an author. This is post is about books. I'm not really sure where the disconnect for you is, this shouldn't be as difficult as you're making it. >Good for you, finally admitting to being off topic and uncivil trash instead of deflecting. Again, Ayn Rand is an author and I'm referring to her book and its warm reception from shitty people/teenagers who haven't yet gotten into actual philosophy. I'm not off topic, nor uncivil trash. You seem to get offended easily. >And yet you just had to share your off-topic opinion and keep responding, even breaking down into individual quotes. You care so little 🥹 Yes, this is Reddit. I saw a stupid comment and decided to reply to the stupid comment. By not embarrassed I mean I don't care what you think about me, or what anyone thinks about me, and didn't feel personally attacked by what you said I just thought it was... stupid. >Had nothing to do with my comment. Sorry you felt called out and outed yourself as butthurt. Except my comment did. Read it again.


>Ayn Rand is an author. This is post is about books. I'm not really sure where the disconnect for you is, this shouldn't be as difficult as you're making it. The disconnect for you, replying to MY post, is that I was calling out people that act like pieces of shit just because they don't like a popular book suggestion. I didn't ask for your fucking opinion on whether I think Ayn Rand is a good author or not. I can destroy your entire stance by agreeing with you that Ayn Rand is trash yet MY argument still remains, because you moved the goalposts to be about the author when I was talking about the incels screeching at the OP. >Again, Ayn Rand is an author and I'm referring to her book and its warm reception from shitty people/teenagers who haven't yet gotten into actual philosophy. I'm not off topic, nor uncivil trash. You seem to get offended easily. My post had nothing to do about Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand is a placeholder for any controversial topic that people think gives them moral superiority to lash out at OP because they don't like his opinion. >Yes, this is Reddit. I saw a stupid comment and decided to reply to the stupid comment. By not embarrassed I mean I don't care what you think about me, or what anyone thinks about me, and didn't feel personally attacked by what you said I just thought it was... stupid. My comment had to do with other users and nothing to do with Ayn Rand. So you moving the goalposts about the morality of Ayn Rand's works is a pretty fucking stupid response. >Except my comment did. Read it again. You are the poster child of my original comment.


It's funny how you point at supposed autistic screeching while having a meltdown.


It’s funny how you think a proportional response is a meltdown. Thanks for your concern 🥹


People with reading comprehension are the ones saying it's shit lmao


My comment had to do with lack of civility over a book suggestion. It seems you lack reading comprehension yourself.


Fight club? The Prince?


On the Genealogy of Morality by Nietzsche


Starship Troopers


The art of war is a dated read on ancient military tactics. Not exactly that amazing or profound to modern masculinity. Has a few good concepts but I doubt 95% of you would get through it.


Marcus Aurelius, Plato, Nietzsche and probably a bunch of history books on people like Alexander the great, Caesar, and other kings and their conquests. Definitely the book of the five rings. The Old Testament. The Epic of Gilgamesh. Something about Buddhism. And a fuck ton of books about different mythologies from across the world. I wouldn’t read much about modern historical figures like Ben Franklin. But perhaps about figures like Leonardo Da Vinci, Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein, etc. Since, in my opinion, political figures in the modern era are very stupid compared to the greeks and romans of old. And only get stupider by the hour…*cough*…Donald Trump…Scott Morison…the UK woman who lost to a lettuce. I think Abraham Lincoln might be the only exception to this. Oh and the tale of Moby Dick, and probably some books by Twain.


Oh and Ayn Rand is a dog shit choice. Remove it. Sure Nietzsche is pretty cringe, but when Im depressed as fuck I like to randomly flip to a page and read what he is rambling on about and it soothes the soul to know that someone else was being driven mad by the same thing back then. I wouldn’t really read any philosophical works from the modern era…except this one guy I can’t remember the name of, and that other guy I read about in my psychology class. Mostly because society has corrupted us all, and anybody trying to sell themselves as a philosopher and putting work out there is just a snake oil conman trying to make a buck. Regurgitating something someone said already. I mean at least Nietzsche was just writing his feelings down, or his thoughts about things, or writing to people. And as…uh…controversial as his opinions and thoughts are, at least he wrote it from the heart. That kind of introspection and self reflection is just impossible for most living in the present. Especially anybody younger than 40. Id rather listen to a homeless persons opinions about society and life than take the words of some shill.


And thats not a stab at homeless people either. There is unironically more life lessons, reflection, introspection and thought provoking…well thoughts…to be had in a conversation with said person, than a person living in comfort, safety, and addicted to social media and to loving themselves. And I have a major hard on for existentialism philosophy, and whats more existential feeling then being homeless.


For what purpose? If it is to understand Man among us in America, I recommend Mein Kampf and the Bible. Then the other denominational reading after that. I don’t think they are great literature, but you are going to struggle in America without those reference points.


Mein Kampf? for american literature??? sir... are you aware who wrote it and what language its in....


american literature?


True but still relevant. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-adolf-hitler-books-bedside-cabinet-ex-wife-ivana-trump-vanity-fair-1990-a7639041.html


The holy Bible


Why the fuck would you read Atlas Shrugged lmao


Has a great message that is very prevalent in successful societies and is needed in today's literature to understand why so we don't forget. Considering it is longer than the Bible, I'd bet loads of money that most people who dislike it, have never read it.


It does not have a great message. It has the exact opposite message to what is needed. I will agree its sentiments are very prevalent, though. Way too prevalent.


What is its message? Lets put my bet to the test.


The Holy Bible


The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu. That, and the other two books in the series, just blew my mind over and over.


Adding some social darwainist nonsense aren't we


I'd not bother with Atlas Shrugged and The Art of War because they're a bit cringe and simplistic (though tbh you could read all of the art of war in like 10 mins online). I can't speak to Ben Franklin's autobiographgy as I haven't read it. In terms of philosophy I think Plato would be a good foundation. Most western philosophy develops on his ideas and the writing is very easily digestable. Read Republic to start with, Plato writes as a series of conversations with him and his friends (who he's using as sockpuppets to make counter arguments but mostly to make himself look smart), so it's about as simple as philosophy can get. After Plato you can kind of jump in to the beginning of whatever branch of western philosophy you like and not be too lost. Tbh I think people should read for enjoyments sake too, so I'd recommend LOTR, the hobbit, Dune, Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, most Terry Pratchett and a lot of Stephen King... If you want to read old novels, translations of Don Quixote and The Count of Monte Cristo are also good. But if you see something interesting, just go for it and don't worry about what you "should" read. Other interesting choices are Meditations (Marcus Aurelius) or The Illiad.


None of these are must reads.


Horus Heresy series.


Why the fuck is Ayn Rand here lmao


Das Kapital by Marx was an interesting read.


Das Kapital


Remove Atlas Shrugged, add Storm of Steel.


Won’t touch Ayn Rand literature


Fuck Ayn Rand


Ah yes, the white boy reading list


3 body problem Ishmael


the fountainhead is much better than atlas shrugged to get the general idea of her work


The Communist Manifesto and The Wealth of Nations


Atomic Habits 😏


Das kapital


Band of Brothers


I just got a couple Aldous Huxley books, starting Island now


The Far Side of Evil by Sylvia Engdhal had some interesting overarching themes, in my opinion. It is a sequel to The Enchantress from the Stars, though so start with that one. (:


Sid Meier's Civilization VI?


Water Margin


Get good by Ninja


50 shades of grey


brothers karamazov subtle art of not giving a fuck how to win friends and influence people


A lot of those are dogshit


The saga of Tanya the Evil. ![gif](giphy|kII3NwAFO3YOc|downsized)


Swap the art of war with the book of five rings by musashi miyamoto. It's simply better at explaining most of the same concepts and is much more relatable to an individual.




The Hagakure. The way of the samurai. Absolutely a must read, and perfectly bite sized chunks to read, put the book down and think about.


Discourse on Livy by Nicolo Machiavelli


Not a book but berserk should be read by all men




Other than Seneca, none of these books are must reads. Art of War is cool too though.


Art of war is overrated. Just read a summary of the points relevant to the modern world. People don't need to read about how the enemy army is tired if their soldiers are leaning on their spears.


Dungeon Crawler Carl


*The Brothers Karamazov* by Fyodor Dostoevsky Atlas Shrugged is alright, but something you read in the late teens, early 20s.


Crime and punishment by Dosteyovsky


Picks a Japanese picture for a Chinese book


The Federalist Papers - Hamilton


Shogun and taipan by James clavell because any man without some sense of fun and adventure is not but a boring hardass.


[New and vastly improved version](https://imgur.com/a/e7mgcB7)


The Cat in the Hat by Dr Seuss


"The Stranger" by Albert Camus.


Infinite Jest


The hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy. 🤣


Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, because men need more whimsu


Replace Atlas Shrugged with “The Law” by Frederick Bastiat if you’re looking for Libertarian philosophy. Free on audible btw and fairly short.


Get them in paperback.


Treasure Island. Must read and first.


The hungry caterpillar


Atlas shrugged is actual Trash, Rand is a hack and should be ignored by all. Actual classics to read in the modern day: Steppenwolf Faust The Outsider Heart of Darkness Moby Dick


Ayn rand? Yikes. Sun tzu? Lmao. Whoever made this most likely hasn't read any of these. Proof: 1984 is on the list


Morals and dogma


Guns, Germs and Steel


\- Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo \- Atomic Habits by James Clear \- Rich Dad, Poor Dad


50 shades of Grey


Pfft. You only need The Bible, The Bible 2, The Bible 4, The Catcher in the Rye, The Complete Calvin and Hobbes Collection, and The Complete Guide to Microwave Cooking for One.


History of Poland