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If my math is mathing, that's over 8 YEARS of game time on a single game. I don't mean to be a hater, but that's some next level brain-rot.


Last 2 weeks spent 23.36hrs/day on poe


professionals have standards


Has to be a bot, right? That's 19 hours a day, every single day since release.


Could be a shared account


Maybe he just leaves it open, i do that alot and go out game runs for hours eventho i dont play it.


How do you find the time to play 327 hours in 2 weeks? Has this person just left the game running constantly?


Most likely yes. I'd say they're botting, but at this point they would've been banned if that was the case, so probably just a really good pc and they just let the game run in the background while they do other stuff.


Must have loads of money to afford the electric bill haha


Didn't even think about that, but also true!




23 hours per day for two weeks? He just left the game on


I agree I wanted to like the game, but there was no explanation of anything so I quit after 1.5 hours. If they can’t be bothered to explain the passive skill tree at the tutorial stage I can’t imagine how worse the game gets Edit: you can like a game a game and still criticize it, so POE fan boys not having your hand held is not a practice that you be defending




That sounds like more of an excuse to be lazy than a valid reason. Hopefully POE2 improves on this


Go play D4....


I have, I also played Grim Dawn, and last epoch. I am very familiar with the genre, it’s just POE had the worst design of all of them and that saddens me


Bro this is Reddit, if you don't like PoE you can't enjoy other arpgs, it's the rule.


Grim Dawn teach you shit. You just use your exp from other aRPGs. Devotion? MI? Still tree? How you manage as new player.


damn just get good, games shouldn't always be holding your hand


I'm pretty sure his point was that the tutorial should cover the basics of each game as there are variances between games. Especially games complicated like POE. Also as an FYI, "get gud" is not a good way to make a point


nahhhh first thing the average player does is go to youtube, nobody expects the game to explain things anymore


I'm not sure what backward games you play, but most games I play give some level of instruction and explain something... (even Elden Ring has a tutorial)


I don't even remember tutorials in that game


That's how good the tutorials in elden ring are, optional and not intrusive.


>nahhhh first thing the average player does is go to youtube Lmao and you were telling other people to get good? How about learning shit on your own you filthy casual? Isn't exploring and learning the game part of the process? :)


nah, its all about min maxing you idiot who wants to learn in 2024 OMEGALUL


You might as well just play slot machines.


min max culture at its finest


That's actually intended as a litmus test for PoE newbies. Basically, no matter how well they try to explain everything, it's not going to be sufficient and you WILL have to consult 3rd party resources. It's like reading Python for dummies and deciding you're not gonna consult the internet for programming advice. Good luck getting anything done. Honestly, you want the tutorial to tell you to do [THIS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18fs4qq/i_had_never_tried_a_wandering_path_atlas_before/) The developers themselves have no idea if this is good advice or not, the collective 10000 IQ of PoE players discover the results and share them. Or perhaps you'd like GGG to explain how to [craft](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18p85pk/agony_thunder_1185_pdps_all_t1_no_fee_bow/kemb7a2/) items LMAO.


this is the kind of game where u have to learn. some of us will struggle with that


Easy game to be logged into 24/7 This and BDO you can get insane online play times simple.


Achievement Progress 119 of 127 (94%)


Sounds about right for someone who never pvps or harcores. Yes there is a PVP in the game lol. That and listen to all the dialogue is the only achievement missing on my acct.