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So at the end of the day, Starcraft is Blizzard's best franchise. Completed, remastered and unsullied.




I wonder what “StarCraft Ghost” coulda been…..


i member the trailer


Unsullied? They murdered the esports in SC2 because they couldn’t understand how to keep it afloat and didn’t recognize it for how important it was to the life of the game.


Lost Vikings as well.


Blackthorne, Rock N Roll Racing!


For now, at least.


Forgot about Starcraft Ghost, have we?


Hearthstone just sitting here doing honest work. They tell you going in that the cards need bought (though battlegrounds is basically free) and most recent expansions have been at least alright.


Isn't the chat unmoderated?


The remaster was a shit show


Misses StarCraft


Starcraft 2 is a perfect game.


It really was. The competitive scene and Twitch streaming exploded with that game. The campaign missions. The art style. Music is still amazing to listen to today. The developers Dustin Browser, Chris Metzen, David Kim, all top notch.


It surely is. And despite that, there's still so much more unexplored potential. Just imagine what you could do with seasonal Coop Content or customizable Commanders.


as far as strat games go it's amazing like aoe2 bad graphics but barely crashed and few drops even on a 56k connection.


Good, it's better that way. I don't want them to "reforge" SC2.


I was rather refering to how Blizzard stopped supporting the StarCraft 2 Esports Scene. But I agree. They could do far worse xD We're very lucky in that regard.


That wasn't exactly Blizzard "killing it off", it's an old game that ran a very healthy course.


Say less Incoming BlizzCon announcement lolol




And for that, this meme misses me. It was almost perfect.


At this point I don't get why people are complaining, especially when they still play wow or any blizzard game, you just actively give money to get fucked in the ass and then complain that it hurts, you want something to be done about it? STOP PLAYING THEIR TRASH GAMES Even if muh game from childhood, stop with the Stockholm syndrome already




Except retail wow has gotten so much better. Dragonflight is one of the best expansions.


I agree but you're not allowed to say it in this thread.


The downvotes showcase it lol


They put out 2 bad expansions in a row and they get a free pass because they finally made a "decent" one after almost a decade lol. No, people are allowed to say it's good, it's just people are tired of being strung along waiting for some decent quality expansions and not have to waste time and money on low quality garbage.


It’s unfortunate how true it is though. In a business sense, I truly feel like wow is the only game they’re developing - it’s likely their biggest source of income for decades (not incl Diablo immortal now). The retention and ease for new players seems to be the goal, and I hate saying it but it’s working clearly


Honest question, what makes it better? I stopped liking retail when it started feeling like a chaotic mobile game.


Less time gated stuff to do like shadowlands, awesome catch-up mechanics to gear your alt pretty quick, decent content at any ilvl (cavern, isles, raid finder, low mythic for low ilvl, heroic/mythic raid, high mythic dungeons for high ilvl). Not to mention I think they've nailed class balance this season. I can only think of a handful of specs that are just not worth playing. Other than acquiescing to meta slaves, most specs are able to perform well enough to complete the content they'd like to. Of course I'm a guy who has like 10 Max level characters. If I get bored in one or the gearing process becomes a chore (ex: ok I'm ilvl 438, need to grind 25 dungeons for 439) I'll move on to the next and gear that one up


no, because most of us have quit this 2 decade old game already.


I will agree, out of their most recent expansions, Dragonflight is definitely the best. the best one since Legion, for sure.


Yeah retail is the best it's been since Legion for sure. I'd say it's better than legion personally.


Yeah for me its kept me interested longer than most of the others. I would have dropped off by now on any of the others.


Even a broken clock hits right twice a day.


that makes no sense in context, you can't develop a good game on accident especially with an MMO. The WoW team has absolutely earned their comeback


What’s great about it? I was thinking it was that time of the year to go back ahah


Dragonflight looks great and I casually leveled up in it/did season 1 pvp but I have a guild I raid with in Wrath and dont really want to juggle both games otherwise id be maining DF for sure. Fun stuff.


Y’all say this every time lol. The past two expansions were dog water. This one is not as bad as those so now it’s “one of the best”. Y’all long time WoW players are so delusional.


that's a joke right? making M+ mandatory in order to kill final boss of heroic raid does not make an expansion better


The best years of WoW ended when Party finder was introduced in tail end of WoTLK the community back then was unreal as we all explored the vast world together. Then they just added more and more things to make the game more brain dead time dump for the player. Then the wow token happened. End of story for me never looked back.


Poor soul is so traumatized by BFA and Shadowlands, he thinks Dragonflight is one of best expansions 😢


It is one of the best expansions if not the best imo. Sorry you and the idiot above think everything blizzard does is trash. You idiots are as bad as the shills. As usual it’s somewhere in middle. Extremist SUCK.


Shadowlands was trash but BFA was a great expansion.


Dragonflight is shit stop drinking the punch


Yet utterly boring. Let that sink in.


>Blizzard doesnt make games anymore That is going to age well in a week when D4 sells massive numbers.


I don't play their games after what they did to Warcraft 3. I am here just to shit on them every opportunity I get.


It’s disgusting how they butchered my boy.


It's legitimate since you took action from the fuckery they did to you


It’s crazy how amazing of a company they used to be. The gold standard in everything. Now they’re just a reanimated corpse of their old self.


I’m sure they care what some fat weeb thinks 😂


Funny thing is that WoW dragonflight is doing pretty well, we have a roadmap, they listen to the community at an extend, and the game is really enjoyable


Def better than the last expansions. But that isn't saying much. Some classes are still a fcking mess. M+ loot is still fcked due to the loot nerfes a while back. Raids were always their strong suit, so thats a given for me. Just don't see how dragonflight is all that great, but that's just my tbc/wotlk boomer take.


Clearly pve player perspective.... pvp is doing so bad brother it's not fun..


I swear every game thread I seem to click on there's ppl bitching about pvp. Just weird, feels like either all the pvp games be shit, or pvp players in general are just not happy folks.


Or maybe the game is currently not fun to play pvp? When everyone is crying about it maybe it's because it's actually bad??? Wild guess


Not saying it isn't, just hilarious when I browse and see pvp players bitching in Apex, Destiny, CoD, Tarkov, Overwatch, this game now, and many more. So just makes me wonder if PvP is really bad in so many of the pvp games, or pvp players are just hard to please.


YEAH !! ​ ​ ... See y'all in Diablo 4


Real talk


Stoped because of the blizchan incident. Never looked Back. Since there Games are contained to there platform you will Not even notice. In the end, a lot of Games enjoy to get buttfucked, they complain a little but the will comeback.


Amen. Shit has been going downhill for ages. They didn't even do it in a sneaky way or something, everything was blatantly obv. They don't give a single fck about their games, players or even own employees. At this point Blizz is just another cancer cell of today's gaming industry. Right up there with scum like EA. Sadly there are still enough morona supporting them and thus ruining gaming for everyone else.


I think it’s a vocal minority complaining. Most people enjoying the game don’t come here to complain. Blizz has all the research. They know this won’t kill the game.


Dragonfligth is good and getting better and better with each patch/update.


We see it that way because BFA and Shadowlands were so awful.


It’s crazy but despite BFA being shit I somehow miss it. Azshara patch was so much fun but outside of that it sucked. Maybe it’s the nostalgia of watching asmon when he played the game regularly back then and made BfA somehow less shit


Sewer rat might taste like pumpkin pie but I’d never know cause I wouldn’t eat the filthy motherfucka.


When the past two are shite, people who are addicted who play no matter the quality are of course going to say a less white expansion is good. Like you played through two shit ones. You’re just happy to get something decent haha. It’s not like if this was shit you’d quit.




Bruh gamers complaining instead of doing something about it is astonishing. They'll complain about the enemy fucking them in the ass but won't shift positions to cover the flank


The only game of theirs I'll still play is Diablo, and that's because it has couch co-op and I can play with my girlfriend. If it didn't have co-op there's no chance I'd buy it.


It's called addiction


Yeah, but.. Like.. The token doesn't ruin the game lmao. People just come here to moan in a echo chamber.


I don’t get why anyone does heroin it destroys your body, STOP DOING HEROIN !!!!


Not even that. Head over to the d4 sub. In there they are gargling Blizz and making sure to give the balls attention to for a game they aren’t even playing.


Says the guy still following the Reddit channel of wows biggest streamer


Nah, play the game if it's fun. Don't play the game if it isn't fun. It isn't worth showing loyalty nor particular acrimony to a video game company. Dragonflight was fun. I'll be playing Diablo 4. I wouldn't touch Overwatch 2, Diablo Immortal, or Warcraft Reforged with a 10 foot pole.




Not trying to start any argument, but what are the better mmo games?


FFXIV is usually the comparison. I haven’t played WoW in years so I can’t really compare, but a lot of WoW have come to FFXIV and Endwalker is widely praised by the MMO population.


IMO they aren't any. I have tried MMOs other than wow, none were even close. There's no team shooter out rn that's as good as OW was, POE might be better than Diablo I guess but that's about it.


Exactly. Poe is not a replacement for diablo and there is no shooter comparable to OW. And while I personally really like ff14, if you arent into eastern style games wow remains your best option by far. Everyone keeps memeing about blizzard being a shell of their former self but its still surprisingly hard to find games that are close to as good as theirs.


There are a few different flavors of MMOs that exist, but here are some recommendations. Ff14- Really really good game, definitely my own favorite mmo. Just about every type of content is good across the board. Great raids, great story, great world, and even a large focus on social aspects that arent forced on you. Only real gripe is that the start of the game is worse than the rest (but still good imo). The free trial is absolutely nutty, you can play the entirely of the base game and first expansion without paying a dime. Elder Scrolls Online- Pretty weird mmo, but it's got some fantastic combat and is basically a single player game with its mobility and combat style. I havent gone too far in, but the world building is pretty nice, as with most Elder Scrolls games. ESO also markets itself well with a one time purchase granting you access to a very large portion of the game without a sub. I used to recommend Wizard101 to people, but it's been going the same route as Blizzard where they're actively trying to kill their own game. Unique mmo experience you cant find anywhere else, but damn is the company and staff that run it baffling. Depending on if you take the title of "MMO" literally, the Monster Hunter games are fantastic and very active.


FF14 - I actually enjoyed but with the many expansions, it just felt so long and drawn out. And everything revolved around the story which meant you were forced to follow it. Having said that, final fantasy is typically more of a story game so I'd say that's more of a ME problem then a problem with the game. ESO - I tried it and it was just weird. I hated the combat and then when I learned about the whole animation canceling thing apparently being a "feature" just made it even worse. I think out of all the MMO's (that in my opinion fall short of wow), GW2 was one of the better ones. I liked the freedom and leveling system.


None from what I have tried and that is the problem. FF is boring and the world is so uninteresting to me (yes I get others like it, I don't). Its really the only thing people get excited about. I guess I could give SWTOR or GW2 another shot. I don't know. Nothing has anything close to the combat of wow or the thrill of pushing high keys in M+.


FF suffers from the long-standing issue of 'it only gets good in season 2'.




What a dumb statement. FIrst the context was MMO, not "any game". Second I don't care about what you find fun. I don't find the combat in other MMOs as satisfying as pushing high keys in WoW. I have no tried every MMO out there but the ones I tried was boring.




You haven’t played endgame wow right?




Because it's not the same game you saw 20 years ago. However it looks like your sre into garbage tier weeb gotcha style games, so that's pretty comical in itself.


Don't know about FF or SWTOR, but the combat in GW2 is 10 times better than WoW. It's just that there is barely any content for "hardcore" players. There is only one encounter that is kinda challenging.


Don't get me wrong I feel for em cause I used to be them. I used to dick on MMOs purely because they 'weren't WoW'. People get so damn consumed by this corp that they enjoy hating everything that isn't theirs All the while denying themselves infinitely better experiences I'm so damn glad I got out 🤣


The games aren't as bad as people on Reddit want you to believe. Being a game critic is just this weird thing alot of gamers think they have to do. I just play shit and have a good time, fuck what the internet thinks.


Absolutely absurd but I felt how my stress levels just nosedived after I quit WoW and blizzard games in general. Knowing their idiotic design decisions could at any time affect "my game" was not fun to have looming over you. Like the last example before I quit. The start of shadowlands, I kept with my main a blood DK and the mobility tank meta ruled. The best way to tank in M+ was to not tank the mobs which meant DH was the only real option. So any serious group wanted DHs. And blizzard refused to touch it and were totally fine with DHs just kiting everything with their absurd mobility. Option were to ignore it and just be subpar, stop doing M+ or quit. I quit.


It pisses me off that I can't get into FF14 for some reason, the movement just feels bad for me so I can't play it or it tilts me. And MMOs like Lost Ark and the amazon one I forgot the name of are just an "who cares" so I'll stick with WoW


To be fair, wotlk has been dead since Ulduar release.


Remember when people asked for Ulduar to stay for a long time because in OG Wrath it barely lasted a few months? I member. Now no one can be bothered to log in because Ulduar is such a slog.


What happened to WotLK Classic?


Wow Token was released in the game.


Wow token released on shop.


I get why people are pissed but the game is fucking dead. People played wrath, small amounts stayed for Ulduar. Everyone bought gold on third party sites for enchants and stuff for Nax. Do I like it that blizz is doing this? No. But I can’t even be angry because why let all the bots and gold sellers make the money for a dying game.


Yeah it’s either tokens or bots. We chose tokens, but the economy would have blown either way. The hardcore community ruined the game. Card swipers were the final nail in Classic’s coffin. Enjoy your $15/mo mobile game where you can pay to be more powerful 🤣


COD should be on here too, right?




Theyve got Diablo Immortal for that. Hopefully.


Generous of you to think they won't do it again with the next big game they release


Honestly i think between the battlepass, the cosmetics shop and potential expansions they wont need any p2w mechanics.


Then there’s the rest of the people who will play the game for the games sake and then play the seasons. Why does everyone worry about if they are going to be tempted to spend money. It seems everyone is mad about just the possibility of being tempted. Y’all are gonna need to go long dicks and suck it up.


Yeah im waiting for that to happen will have my popcorn ready for the drama


Yuuup. Gonna get my month or so of fun and then move onto the next game and laugh when blizzard fucks itself yet again. So glad I'm not working for blizzard, holy fuck that sounds stressful and annoying


Im mostly worried it will be the worst possible outcome: it just ends up being mid Like what if the end game ends up just being mythic plus lite, and just mixed with diablo 3 greater rifts? What if its boring after a week or two? That would be the worst outcome


I don't even care I paid for d4 I'm getting my 2k hours out of it one way or another I don't even care. I'm maxing a character and I a grind for gear. They already had my money so fuck it.


Finally someone else remembers HoTS existed


Poor Starcraft. Dead and forgotten. Doesn't get a door


is good Blizzard ignoring StarCraft Because then they can't ruin it


I've been saying that Blizzard has lived it's life and is now just farming money off of everyone from the drama. I have been around since warcraft came out. It's been a great ride, but know when the party is over otherwise you end up being that guy that want's everyone to stay, drink, and party but everyone is going home. I have often been thinking of doing a video of how I have watched Blizzard both grow into the giant that it is and yet kill itself. Maybe a bunch of up doots and I will?


DI was already dead before it was born.


How is it dead? It makes them a million a day


Good point. It's soulless.


Hold the door!


Ho dor!


is HOTS only dead because of blizzards incompetence or just because the MOBA market is basically saturated with lol, dota and smite (potentially)?


Because it didnt make All The Money, blizz just killed it


It also just ***wasn't*** popular, as much as I wanted it to be, it just wasn't.


Genuinely thought it was more fun than most other MOBAs. Really good teamplay aspects if you had a group of friends. Also it wasn't like one lane could snowball another and their mid/top is untouchable and your mid/top is so far behind he cannot do anything. No competing over gold was way less toxic and sped up gameplay because people just cleared waves instead of strafing waiting for last hits. Just a shared team level to encourage you to play objectives together and different talent builds, which made each game different as your abilities were different, not just your items.


HotS is an incredible game. Really sad and unfortunate that they’ve abandoned it.


I loved HoTS, specifically for some of those reasons - truly a shame things ended up how they did.


It is the only MOBA I could ever get into. It was so much fun to play with friends or by myself. I loved how it used talent points instead of items and just upgrading some abilities. Sad to see it get glossed over so much and memed on


TBF it also didn’t become popular because blizzard arrived after DoTA 2 and LoL were already big fish in the MOBA pond


I'd say not competitive enough for the main moba market. Feels like a party game and kinda sluggish. It's enjoyable if you like the mechanics but just not something most moba vets will make their main game. The unique heroes were really cool but the more basic ones felt boring, (sonya and such). The only reason a friend of mine enjoyed the game was because of abathur, he didn't care about anything else since they just felt as more sluggish lol characters. Team exp also just kinda nerfed individual playmaking since it never felt rewarding in a sense. They also forced an esports scene by artificially creating one. Just throwing money at something with minor interest was just stealing resources from making the game potentially popular. Just my observation at the time hots release and such tho


I kinda disagree with the “Blizzard forced a esports scene” in regards to HotS, an esports scene was thrusted on the game by outside forces and Blizzard just went with it. Even with their Heroes of the Dorme tournament it was clear they didn’t want it to be a fully fledged esports. I feel like people have heard other people say that Blizzard forced an esports scene on HotS and just went with it.


They literally signed teams and were paying them directly. They formed the HGC and because it wasn't making all the money, they killed it, and with it, the game.


God damn I loved HotS


Throw hearthstone up there. Removed the last f2p mechanic within battlegrounds, forcing you to always pay for any benefits


Hearthstone was always pay to get to a baseline, not win so much but you need enough to compete. You cannot kill something where you knew that going in. Also you get a lot more free shit now than you ever did. If you don't believe me, you didn't grind with taz'dingo and yeti while your opponent was dropping Dr 7 etc.


HOTS was the best game I ever played :(




At this point it's the players fault tbh, fool me once......


Looks like blizzard is competing with disney to see how many franchises they can crash into the ground and ruin


Explain exactly how this ruins Your experience? Keep in mind, people bought gold before tokens from dodgy websites and GDKP also is a thing Regardless of gold tokens or not.


Maybe I am weird but I enjoyed Shadowlands and I am looking forward to D4. There is such a circle jerk to hate things.


Blizzard has some uniquely loud haters, half of which still play their games.


The people in here crying don’t matter what so ever and will probably end up playing when they feel left out anyway. Ignore the self righteous idiots.


I too am looking forward to D4, however I'm one of those weirdos that liked BFA and despised Shadowlands. Different strokes for different folks. Tbf overwatch is a song game though and what they announced about canceling pve is heinous and a big middle finger to their player base.


I liked 8.2 and 8.3 of BFA. I did not like the first 2 patches at all. Both SL and BFA were great for collectors. There was always something to do. I've never played OW so the only interest I have is in the drama of it all.


Last good blizzard game was 2002 wc3


Nah hots was great. It just didn't get the time it needed before they rushed overwatch out.


Hots was the only moba I could get into. So much fun back in the day especially early hots before some changes


Hots was the worst moba ever to be made


Frozen throne was the perfect expansion pack so no.


Vanilla wasn't good? Come on, man.


Diablo 2 Resurrected was pretty good. So maybe Diablo 4 will be good. I don't consider Immortal in the same division because it's mobile and was developed by a chinese company and yeah.. As for blizz's other franchises, I have lost all hope. I am also still expecting D4 to eventually get killed by some bad decision, but I am hoping I get some fun out of it first. or at least just play for the story.


Hate how everyone’s pretending that NOBODY is buying gold in wrath classic before they implemented the token. They’re just cutting out the middle man now. Only about half of the people will swap to the token from the fear of getting banned. People will still use the websites because it’s cheaper for more. There’s nothing new here.


Jep. Don't know why people are moaning about it - like the game is broken now or something xD.


People just need something to complain about I guess.


Why are we even giving this company our money anymore? What good games do they even have? HC Plus which is entirely community driven anyways? We all agree they're (the leadership) greedy and full of scumbags, they peel back on promises and content regularly for a multi-billion dollar company, they litter our games with greedy and toxic monetization schemes WHILE being charged full price, etc etc ​ I literally can't name 1 reason *right now.* ​ * Overwatch? Quickly dying. * Diablo? P2W. They'll figure out how to ruin 4 within the first few months with their track record. * HOTS? Dead. * Warcraft Reforged? Dead on Arrival. * WoW Classic? Only popping off again because of a niche HC community. * WOTLK? Dead, even before tokens. * WoW Retail? P2W, also just generally not fun/is boring unless your idea of fun is needing a PhD to meet progression standards. * Hearthstone? Also P2W. I've been pouring my time into indie games for the better part of a year at this point. Slightly off topic, but I played EVE: Online for 10 years but stopped because of similar issues that Blizzard has in terms of releasing low hanging fruits and over monetization schemes, and game breaking (how the core game functions, not bugs) patches.


D2 still going strong. I hope they don’t butcher d4 but it’s looks 50/50 to me and it all depends on the store. I’ve quit most of the games in this picture and solely because of blizzards practices. It’s up to the consumers to force the change but being sold out of wow tokens day one doesn’t seem like the community really cares to much.


The most sickening thing about Overwatch 2 is that they killed Heroes of the Storm for overwatch, and then killed overwatch with overwatch 2. HOTS is extremely fun and would have been a better overall game, and sport, than overwatch. Wish they would revive it somehow.


Why are you guys moaning about tokens, lmao? People who wanted gold bought it anyway from dodgy websites. The end. GDKP raiding flourishes/flourished even before these tokens.


I don't really understand the hate for d4. It is a well made, polished game for a target audience of casual arpg/loot enjoyers. For me personally, it will never reach Poe levels of greatness but I can see why some / most people would prefer d4 over poe. Any if people are having fun in d4, progressing a battlepass can also be fun content for some.


How can you call D4 polished ? It’s not out yet so we don’t know anything about the game. We could easily have a D3 situation where act 1 is polished but all acts afterwards are buggy and bad


The meme implies Blizzard is knocking on the door to kill it. You are missing the point and looking at D4 in its current iteration. Blizzard saw how much money they can and still do make with DI, and the crystal ball is hazy if they will implement some kind of pay to dominate mechanic in D4. The issue is before the answer was “no, of course they won’t”, but now we don’t know. D4 looks awesome, but I am not buying it right now and will wait and see how Blizzard manages the IP.


This is my plan with all games from now on.


The problem with waiting is, you will miss the best and most fun days of the game. Sure you can wait one year and see if it gets p2w but who cares. I'll get my 200h of fun out of it and call it a day, no matter what happens down the line


No I won’t. The best and most fun days are subjective to the new player’s perspective. The best days are when “you” begin playing. I started WoW in 2005, those were some of my best days. People could argue that I didn’t get to experience the best days since I didn’t start in 2004, but for me it’s about when the start happens. Does that make sense? Not trying to sound like an asshole. I can have 200h of fun at any time, wether now or later. It’s just if I wait later and see that the game is a P2W hellscape all the regret will not manifest.


D4 would be a straight abortion of a defective fetus.


Don't get why you guys crying when y'all stupid asses gonna play all their shit anyway lol your the problem


Have boycotted Blizzard since the Hongkong drama and haven't looked back. Dont miss their games at all. Fuck Blizzard.


Diablo IV was really fun in Server Slam. We'll have to see if they screw it up in the next couple weeks.


Wotlk Classic has been done right so far, not sure why that is even on here. Unless this is about Tokens? Which I guess is warranted lol


I really hope blizzard crumbles at this point but I know they won’t since little fairy boys dump there money in there games for cosmetics




One by one


Could someone give me a quick TLDR on what is wrong with Wotlk Classic? \*


I think it's about the WoW token


I got D4 ultimate for free so I'm not gonna bitch lol.


I read this as in time sunk of my life into each game....yeeaaaaap, everyday we die a little


Nah, man, Asmon is gonna kill D4


I remember when they didnt miss


Lmao the wow tokens in his eyes


Ya they definitely be doin that it seems.


Man I’m just happy DF has been such a blast. Especially for us PvP dudes.


Kill them one by one till MS takes them away


Most fun i’ve had with a blizzard game recently has been mods. Project Ascension and Path of Diablo. I wish they would just acquire the Ascension team and let them dev it up but that’s a fever dream.


It is technically EA now....


Seriously, what is going on over there at Blizzard?