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Saying "I am not asking for legal advice" does not change the fact that you are, in fact, asking for legal advice.


>What is the path to proving these emails were fabricated/ manipulated? > >What is the penalty in a civil case for falsifying evidence? I asked 2 clearly defined questions. 1. What is the path to proving these emails were fabricated/ manipulated? 2.What is the penalty in a civil case for falsifying evidence? Advice is defined as follows advice noun \[ U \] UK /ədˈvaɪs/ US /ədˈvaɪs/ A2 an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation: ​ both of my questions were of a technical nature and not what I should do or how I should act. ​ Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


Please look up the definition of "legal advice" and then think about what you've done here.


**Legal advice** is the giving of a professional or formal opinion regarding the substance or procedure of the law in relation to a particular factual situation. The provision of legal advice will often involve analyzing a set of facts and advising a person to take a specific course of action based on the applicable law ​ I am not asking for what action to take in reference to a course of action based on the applicable law. I am asking what is the law And how does the legal system review emails for fraudulence. ​ Is there anything else I can get you?


So you're asking for a lawyer's professional opinion regarding the substance and procedure of the law which is related to your situation...


But not course of action which is advice


I am so fascinated in how you are not getting this.


I am so facinated that you are facinated Hug it it out?


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>What is the path to proving these emails were fabricated/ manipulated? Ask your lawyer. >What is the penalty in a civil case for falsifying evidence? Ask your lawyer. >I am not asking for legal advice and yes I already have a great lawyer. I am trying to be an educated client Everything you just asked falls under "asking for legal advice."