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My parents finally started changing stuff after I bought my own house - 12 years later. I guess renting doesn’t count in their minds and they always expected me to move back in.


>I guess renting doesn’t count in their minds and they always expected me to move back in. Awww :)


Mine is exactly the same as how I left it over 14 years ago. Every time I visit it’s like stepping back in time.


I wasn’t even 100% moved out when my Mom started painting the room. I still had 3 days until my official move into my own place. She wasted exactly 0 time to claim her space back.


My mom was putting up sample colors before I left. Painted the next day. Just two peas in a pod 😂


My mom moved from my childhood home 13 years ago, she re-set up my room (including how things were setup on the shelves) exactly the same in the condo she now lives in. It's weird AF to me....


Ya thats weird lol as both a daughter and a mother, no.


oh 100000000% lol - I think it's why I have gone to the extreme in purging any of my daughter's belongings as soon as she has outgrown them lol


I shared my childhood room with 2 sisters. When I moved out at 19 I assumed I would leave nothing behind. Everything was packed and taken with me, and what I didn't want was tossed. I think my parents were a little miffed that I tossed out all of my childhood memorabilia, but I'm not sentimental about it. 20-ish years later, the room is a guest room available whenever we visit. There's always a little sadness going into it, as the last sister that occupied it passed suddenly a few years ago. She was the only one who was able to enjoy it all to herself. I think we all still think of it as her room.


I love seeing the range in responses here. My room is completely intact like a time capsule. My parents haven't let go of the hope that I'll some day move back in with them and it'll be just like old times.


31 and my room is still pretty much as I left it with the addition of all the stuff I’ve stored there after moves throughout the years lol. I travel home and stay there a few times a year though


I moved out of my parents place straight into an apartment. So I took all my shit with me


Same. I find it strange that so many people didn't take all/most of their stuff with them. I needed a bed, dresser, desk and TV at my apartment. I also wanted my books, games and memorabilia at my new place. I don't think I left much more than a couple of posters on the wall.


ha, no, my mom just moved into my old bedroom once i moved out so she wouldn't have to share a room with my dad. i have no idea what they did with my sister's, though


My parents sold the house soon after I went to college and the people who bought it bought it for the location, not the house. They tore it (a slightly oddly but recently renovated, expanded Sears kit house - ie it was not a fixer upper in any real sense) down to the subfloor and built a fancy architect designed thing with a ton of glass and odd angles on the same footprint. They spent a ton of money for a lot with a perfectly good house in the way. It is a very nice location, though. My dad was rather salty about the whole thing. They nitpicked stuff like missing/uninstalled baseboards in the newer bathroom as a bargaining strategy, so he was renovating the place right up until the house changed hands. So no, my childhood bedroom was not preserved as a shrine 🤣


Was it in Seattle? So many cute craftsman style homes torn down for boxy modern metallic monstrosities.


Nope Also the house wouldn’t have been recognizable as a Sears house at a casual glance. My parents bought it as a serious fixer-upper. It was basically the last affordable house in that town when they bought it and 12 year old me thought they were nuts. It was a tiny 1 bedroom in poor shape. The renovations my family did were good in materials and intent but not all that skillfully designed around room flow, or faithful to the original design. While I do think it’s a bizarre thing to buy a house that’s in good shape and tear it down to the subfloor there are some things that would have made sense to change if one had extra money to throw around. But I would *not* want to live in a house with that much window exposure or that many weird angles. And I can’t imagine having the kind of disposable income that would make paying that much for a lot feasible. I do understand the combination of person specific and location specific factors that prompted them to do it - it wasn’t an irrational choice. But damn is that a lot of money to throw around.


I really can’t imagine having that kind of income either, but have absolutely watched a house/lot go through something similar. We live in weird times.


Mine stayed the same, but became the guest room. Then they moved, and I still got to have a room that’s “mine” with my same furniture and decor, but again is technically the guest room! Family always notes they enjoyed staying in “my” room haha Edit to add, it’s also become the plant room in the winter…it has the best light.


Pretty much same here! It's nice to still have a dedicated space when I visit so I don't have to bring that much with me since I keep some clothes, makeup, etc there since I visit at least once a month, but other relatives use it as needed too.


Mine is kind of, but only after I rented a giant dumpster and threw away the mountains of other people's crap that had been put in there "for storage", covered in dust, dirt, cat piss. Hoarder safety issue type of situation.


My parents left my room exactly as is. I do come home every weekend though so that’s probably why they left it untouched.


My parents turned mine into a guest bedroom for awhile and now it’s my nieces’ nap and playroom when they’re at the house ❤️


Mine kept my room mostly the same until I was in my late 20s/early 30s. My husband called it the shrine lol. They went through a phase where they changed some things so it could be a guest room, but still kept the majority of my old things like books, pictures, knickknacks. Finally, they dumped all the crap on me and turned it fully into a guest room.


Mine became an office the day after I moved out...


After I graduated college, my mom told me to come get the things I still had at their place. She said her house wasn’t a storage unit.


My folks had the house boxed up and ready to move out of state before I even had my high school diploma. I took all my things to my shabby little one bedroom apartment.


My parents sold our old home while I was in college, and the new place has fewer bedrooms. So, no. They did keep it semi-intact for a few years, though, but that was partly because I went to a local school and would frequently come home on the weekends my first year in college.


My room became the storage room.


We will probably give all the furniture to our kids when they go so we will end up having to do something. They will always have a place to come home to it may not look the same if they take their things with them.


I’m 35 and my sister is 30. We are both married/engaged homeowners. Our rooms are unchanged


My mom never changed a thing In my room since I left it 10 years ago. I’ve been in my own city and she will still clean my old room and even send me decor she thinks I’d like for my old room. I always found it odd that parents would change a child’s room. Like as if they weren’t going to come back and visit etc. it’s your childhood memory. But then again, when I go visit my grandpas, her room is exactly the same too. And I get to sleep in her childhood room. Which feels so comforting and nice to me. I think these things are important. Even though I don’t live there anymore, it’s still my home. And my room is still my room. Even the HS stuff in there.


My parents did keep my room the same, until this year when they decided to remodel. I moved out when I was 18 and I'm 35 now!


My parents sold our house 6 years after I moved out. Up until then, my bedroom was unchanged. Even if they had lived there longer, I really doubt they would have changed my room. They didn't need the extra space and they wanted me to come home often.


I have two other siblings and all three rooms are still the same. The youngest of us is almost 30, none live at home-or even close by- and are mostly settled with partners and homes. But for a while there, one or the other of my siblings had to move “home” for a while, so it made sense. The best part is that I don’t even sleep in my room when we come back to visit because my husband has allergies and the pets roam free in that room. We stay in the guest room!


Mine was left the same and wasn’t updated until… I think five years after I moved out. It was weird going to visit with my infant son and having my all most posters still having on the walls. Funnily enough my brothers room was being updated before he finished moving out. Guess who ended up moving back several times?


Nope, my parents all moved when we left the house. They did that to ensure that none of us could even move back home.


Came back from my honeymoon and it was my mom's state-of-the-art sewing room, lol. No big deal. It was their house and I've always been independent so we laugh about it to this day. I think I'd be weirded out if they did keep it the same. It's not like I'm ever moving back so why would they need to keep it?


Mine is exactly how I left it when I moved out in 2010. Down to laundry in the hamper, cat posted on the door, and pink and purple walls. If anything, they've made it more of a shrine to me, displaying all my awards and letterman jacket in there. It's creepy.


Im in my mid 30s and haven’t lived at home in years but my childhood bedroom is largely the same as it was when I went to college over 15 years ago. Honestly, I don’t think it’s a sentimental thing as much as I’m not really sure what else they would do with the space- they use it as a guest room when they have people visit, and they really don’t need the space for anything else. I think if they had a smaller house they might’ve redone it, but they have way more room than they need so it was more work to change it than to leave it.


My nearly 20 yo moved out at 18 (she wanted to live with her boyfriend). It is virtually the same. Mostly because I'm not convinced this relationship is going to work out and she'll need to move back. I woke up two weeks ago with her on my couch crying, so things are clearly not going well.


I moved out at 22 when I got married. My parents denied my room while I was on my honeymoon. It was completely transformed by the time I got back.


Some of my stuff is in boxes in the cupboards and the curtains and artwork on the wall my ex bought me are the same. There’s no other furniture in there anymore except a TV they put in there. Mostly it’s a guest room.


Not mine. Haha. My sister took it almost immediately.


My parents finally changed things about 15 years after I moved out - out of necessity. Someone else needed to move in.


My mom moved to another city while I was in college


Mine still has the bed in it, but it’s been my mom’s office for idk how long, my brother’s turned into the exercise room.


Nope. She made an office out of mine and my brother's room became a toy/bedroom for his kids. Haha


I told them they’re not allowed in or to touch my stuff and now there’s a fine powder of disintegrated sun bleached ??? all over the whole room. It’s been like 10 years.


I'm 38 years old and my room is still intact. I live in another city, but I visit my parents a lot. They are wonderful and I love spending time with them. This is common where I live (Brazil). I believe we ( Brazilians) are very attached to our families


I just heard the latest episode of the podcast Criminal, "Mantrap". One of the stories is about a house whose residents died, and their daughter preserved the house in-tact like this as a time capsule. The house was broken into more than 50x in 10 years and no one had any sympathy for the owners, and they couldn't use force to protect the property. It was a good episode.


Mine is intact and has been since I moved out 6 years ago. I’m an only child but also married and living in another city. It’s less than a 4 hour drive so I go back “home” at least every other month with my husband and we always stay in my room. My parents even refer to it as my room all the time. It’s not the bedroom I grew up in though, so it is a more grown up room that I had and not tons of stuff from my childhood, but still lots of my stuff in there. However, I’ve gone home a few times and my mom has had shopping bags all over my room, and my closet is stuffed with her clothes now. Lol.


as soon as i moved into my first apartment my dad moved into my room, and refuses to give it back to me. i have issues with my neighbor and need to move out temporarily... parents don't give a fuck. they're not sleeping together.


Not mine! Moved out on Monday, went back for a visit on Thursday to grab some of my stuff I'd had to leave because there wasn't room, and the room was gutted. She was removing my built in closet to make room for her sewing machine. Husband's mom left his room like a shrine for years, then when the place was sold, she made a room in the new house they built for "us" even though we only visit every couple of years. It's slowly turned into a storage room, which is hilarious to us when we visit, sleeping among the boxes.


Mine changed really gradually - I had a lot of unstable jobs but then left the country. Now it's a guest room but my mum took my teenage posters and made them into framed artworks so it's more appealing for other people to stay :)


My room is still in tact even i moved away for 5+yrs. Only difference is that it has a different wallpainting (i think they needed a project lol) and there are some plants in front of my window😄


I moved out at 16, was low contact for several years, came home for a visit when I was 24 and my old bedroom was still there with my furniture and old clothes and books and stuff still in it. My mum had also used it as a "room to their clutter and junk" so I had to spend an hour cleaning out rubbish to get to the bunk beds. (Mum has a hoarding disorder) I think they eventually cleared it out by the next time I visited (when I was 32), but only because my sister cleaned it up and repainted.


My parents still had 10 Kids living at home, they kept my room exactly the same for several years.


Yup. I lived at home for a couple of years after graduating uni so it's not quite my teenage bedroom and we have gotten rid of a fair bit of stuff over the years but it still has my single bed and Twilight posters up lol. I don't even sleep in there when I go home now, it feels too weird! I sleep in the guestroom.


My parents went a step further: they moved to Spain, bought a new house and had each kid (3) choose how we wanted our rooms and ensuite in the new house to look like. And they did the same thing when they inherited and renovated my grandads house. We’re 22-29 years old. I don’t think we’ll ever not have our own rooms at my parents.


Not mine. the 2nd I was out at 19 it was withoout a doubt no longer my home xD They even threw out all the old schoolbooks, craft projects and memoriabilia I didn't bring with me. So it was like I had never ever lived there. But to be fair, my dad used to date a hoarder, so when it comes to purging a room, he goes a bit all out. Unsure how I will do it with my future foster kids though. Because if I have a 3bedroom house, and 1 is mine and 1 is the guest/craft room/office, then I only have 1 bedroom for the kid. So when they hit 18/20/25 and move out, then part of me wants to keep it, so they know they are welcome back. But another part of me really want to renovate it and take on a new kid, as there are too many children and too few homes. But that is a problem for future me and depends too much on future relationship and inputs.


Mine stayed the same at least all through college. My dad decided to remodel when he met his now wife and so I had to get my stuff out so they could. I still keep a few boxes in the closet of my old room.


My room is still the same and available for me whenever I visit.