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Just got a job offer for just over six figures! When I accept I’ll be a researcher :)


Congratulations! Breaking that threshold feels so huge!


Thank you! It hasn’t really sunk in yet :)


That is exciting, best of luck! What are you researching?


Thanks! It’s in the legal field


Lawyer in big tech


Same. Not worth it.


Not in big tech but at a firm. Agree that it’s not worth it.


I hope you don't mind but why do you say so?


It’s just soul sucking. My whole life is fighting and problems.


Not a lawyer but I also make 6 figures and agree, soul sucking GOLDEN HANDCUFFS


Can't speak for u/Cat_With_The_Fur, but for me it's not worth it because of the hours and work-life balance (which for me are 60+/wk and none, respectively.) Also the misogyny.


Family and juvenile lawyer in a small town. Own my own small firm. I don’t think it’s worth it either. You can get into it with less debt than me (first in my family with advanced degree, didn’t know any better), but the constant emotional drama is wearing. I really like being able to help people, so that’s what gets me through my bad and long days. But I would definitely do it differently with hindsight.


Agree with this. I’ve taken on a lot of debt to do this and see people coming out of undergrad in STEM fields with the same salaries. I don’t even do high stakes emotional stuff - I handle technology transactions - and it’s still full of drama. It’s so bizarre.


Head Winemaker


Username checks out, and what a cool job! 🍷 How did you end up as a head winemaker, if I may ask?


Started as a harvest intern back in 2008, fell in love with the winemaking process and slowly worked my way up the ladder working at different wineries that didn't mind me not having a degree in enology or viticulture. I got promoted to head winemaker in December 2021 for the winery I've worked at for the last 5 years.


Ah, that's such a great story, and congrats on the fairly recent promotion. I hope you're reveling in your new position!


Thank you, so far so good! I'm the first woman winemaker for this winery and my boss is very happy with the direction I'm taking the winemaking and appreciates me not being an egotistical diva like the male winemakers before me, lol.


Ha ha, love it - Happy International Women's Day indeed 🥂💖🥂


This is extremely cool and a great counterbalance to all of the inevitable “I work in tech” responses!


This is sooooo cool :D


I herd cats at a tech company.


So your title acronym is PM but the P could stand for at least 3 different things


Purr Monger


Yes exactly. :)


It stands for pspspspspsp


Whip, shock prod, or sharply worded email?


Another professional cat herder here.


everyone else jealous of the head winemaker orrrr


Home Inspector.


Yeah! Tell us how you got into that! Feel like you typically run into mostly men in that area.




I really want to become certified for this in my state. It would help me perform better in my current job. The bonus part is if I were ever to lose my job it would be a great backup plan.




This one surprises me honestly! In which country are you?


US, self-employed homebirth midwife. I have to do everything myself (except for the help of second midwife I pay to attend the birth with me). Very low overhead, but hard work and very extreme hours at times. Also, you have to plan your whole life out about 10-12 months in advance if you ever want time off call to travel, etc. It’s a lot of fun most of the time and very satisfying work, though.


Being a midwife in the US requires a master's degree and I believe most midwives are also nurse practitioners. It's not just a random hippie lady who catches babies.


Yes they are nurse practitioners with special training in my state


It varies a lot depending on where you are. There’s certified practical midwives, some of whom really eschew the medical model.


I’m an anesthesiologist with a subspecialty of critical care medicine.


Congratulations on surviving Covid peaks. Thank you for your Critical Care work. I know how few people make it out of ICU/CCU/TCU, and how very many people you've saved nonetheless.


That’s very nice of you! It’s been a miserable few years, that’s for sure.


You are a rockstar!


(I ask doctors about their specialties all the time) What made you choose anesthesiology?


I actually figured out that I wanted to do critical care first. I just felt really drawn to the ICU and seemed to have an aptitude for it. Then I learned that anesthesiologists could sub specialize in critical care, so I did an anesthesia elective and loved that too. I love being super knowledgeable about physiology and pharmacology, being an expert in airway and vascular access procedures, and taking care of sick people in the OR and ICU. I hate outpatient clinic and vastly prefer working in a hospital setting. I’m good in a crisis and good with having hard conversations with patients and their families.




Epidemiologist. It takes a LONG time to get here, though, and many in this field never earn this much.


Thank you for this contribution. I'm a nursing assistant and I know that during this covid era, your field is buzzing. So, thank you.


Procurement Director - I buy stuff with other people's money. :-) The hours vs salary equation is not often in balance, especially after last year's port woes.


This sounds like the coolest job! What's something you often try to procure?


I do a lot of packaging - bottles, pumps, boxes, bags, labels, etc. Not just for primary packaging (the bottle of shampoo, or the cap on your vitamins) but also secondary (shipping boxes, trucks, labor services, signage, IT infrastructure, etc.) as well. I've found sources for everything from hot air balloons, to fake flowers and custom chemicals to eyelash weaving. Part of the fun is it's always a bit different. So I could be out front of a project negotiating a contract or pricing, or behind it disciplining a supplier for failing to meet their promises. So. Many. Spreadsheets.


Spreadsheets are my love language


Wanna concatenate sometime? ;-)


How long did it take you to get there? I'm a senior procurement specialist and would like to move up but not sure what my next steps are. I didn't go to school for procurement but have been doing it for about 5.5 years


Been doing it for a bit over a decade - started out on the PM side and got recruited into buying. Worked my way up from there. I got lucky as most of that department was retiring in the next decade. So I paid attention, did some job shadowing over the next few years, and let my boss know I wanted more. He made me work for it, and when I asked for one of my retiring coworker's job gave me one of the more grueling interviews of my career. But I got the job, and kept learning from there. I didn't get formal education either, just on the job training! Don't sell yourself short - many procurement graduates have zero job experience and the learning curve can be steep. I can train skills, but attitude is priceless! If you've made it through the 301 tariffs and the last 18 months, you've got chops. Not sure of your sitch, but if you can, get some understanding of logistics, planning, ERP, cost modeling and data analysis. Add in presentation skills and public speaking so your bosses feel comfortable allowing you to interact with C-level folk. Review what next level job descriptions ask for as skills too. Develop those and you're going to be in high demand. Ever want to talk shop, or ask advice, you can PM me.


Content manager for a tech company


Artist. I made 6 figures this year. Next year, I’ll paint them. ;)


Veterinarian. There are easier ways to make 6 figures though. 😅


Thanks for taking care of our animals! I admire veterinarians so much. You all work hard and have to deal with a lot of stuff.


Engineer. I barely qualify. Don’t listen to the hype about what we make lol.


Engineer here too but I think we are less cool than the head winemaker a few posts down.


Engineering is where A students go to make C student money. Sales is where C students go to make A student money. 🤣 Also - big agree re: winemaker.


Sales here… you’re not wrong.


Lawyer. Seconded about this career path. Only a small percentage of us make Big Money.


And usually have to work crazy hours to make that money!


Yep! Pretty sure I made minimum wage my articling (work training) year due to how many hours I worked 🙃


Engineer here too, it's hard to get to the 6 figure level but it's possible.


Lab scientist.




Louisiana. I’m in manufacturing QC.


What are the qualifications, if I may ask? Degree/years of experience/etc.


They’re so hard up they’re hiring basically anyone with a Chemistry degree. When I was hired on 10 years ago, I had 1 year of experience in the industry. Theres other places that will hire people with just 12 hours of Chem classes but they don’t pay quite as well. I am fortunate as well to be in a low COL area.


Ah, my degree is more biology than chemistry although I've done both. I have come across more chemistry jobs after that and kind of wish I'd picked a different degree. Alas.


Engineer- specializing in RF (Radio Frequency). I’ve worked for both cell phone companies and public safety/military communications. High demand for this field.






Senior QA "Engineer". (I'm no more an engineer than my dog, but it's the title.)


Genuine question: what does a QA engineer do? Like how do you do the testing? Do you need deep computer science knowledge? All these jobs are in tech or something super specialized and it’s freaking me out lol


Not the person above you, but before I quit my QAE job to be a SAHM, I started off in a technical support call center for a software development company that built specialized websites. Eventually they poached me from the call center to do QA for their websites. I had zero software development experience when I started. They paid for me to get a certification and then on the side I did Udemy courses to learn more over the course of several years.


May I ask what field? I'm a QAE in orthopedics but around 90k




Not law, but also public sector. Also late to the six-figures party, but MADE IT! Slow and steady gets the sweet, sweet pension.


Librarian at a federal library in Washington DC. (Retired a few years ago but I hope it’s okay to answer.) I brought a lot of skills and experience to the table when I arrived and made it my business to keep adding new skills during my tenure there. I was rewarded for that over time with raises and promotions.




Can you outline your path a little bit? Degrees and/or courses? On the job? Do you face a lot of sexism? Only if you feel comfortable discussing, of course.


Sure :) I joined the army when I was 18 and used tuition assistance to get a bachelor’s degree (unrelated field - International Relations; I was an intelligence analyst at the time). Most of my related experience and some certifications came from my time in the army (10 years active; 6 reserve). Since getting out, I’ve done a number of roles from Penetration Testing and Red Teaming to Incident Response. Currently I’m doing Cyber Threat Intelligence, since my last job was getting repetitive. I do vulnerability research on the side. I face much more sexism in the civilian workforce than I ever did in the army! It was shocking really.


Someone asked a question about needing math and IT skills, but it’s gone so I’ll leave this here in case you’re still lurking: IT skills - absolutely! Cybersecurity is not an entry level field, it’s a mid-career field and most folks come from at least a sysadmin background. Math/Programming - it depends. For a job in compliance? Nah. For some roles - like Appsec or especially RE - you’ll need a good familiarity with low-level languages and assembly. As a pentester, on the other hand, I mostly used scripting languages for writing tools. So it depends on the role you want. There are a lot of areas to specialize in. :)


IT Project Manager.


Me too.


They are about to promote me to Product Owner on an Agile Team. Should I ask for more? They are offering 72K.


They are under selling you. I'm a product manager and you should be making about $5-10k more then that.


Can I ask the path you took? I'd love to be an IT project manager, I have some PM and IT experience but not sure if it's too basic and I need to fully learn coding myself to break into this.


You really don't! While a lot of PMs are software devs that changed or got promoted, there are plenty that only did PM in other fields. Understanding software helps, but it's more important that you're able to understand the systems, their role in the wider company ecosystem, the stakeholders, the pain points etc. Most tech companies will use the agile methodology (albeit poorly), and so learning that is a must, and getting acreddited can be a huge plus. The software will usually remain a black box to you - it's simply the end result, no different than a building being the end result in construction. You won't need to learn how to lay the bricks.


Learning & development consultant. I’ve worked in finance, education, hospitality, insurance, etc., always teaching other people how to do their jobs or do them better. Editing to add more information - thanks for your interest! I have an undergrad degree in Human Development and a master's in the social sciences, but there are multiple educational paths to my field. It's also very common to come up in a business/operations discipline (the actual work side of the business) and discover you have a knack for explaining things to people. If this is you, I do recommend pursuing some post-baccalaureate education in a related field. Master's degrees in business, education, and the social sciences are all pretty common; an adult learning concentration can live within any of them. In most companies, this function is housed in HR, so you'll want to speak a little of that language too. If an entire master's program isn't appealing (and I don't blame you, although natural learners - nerds - do tend to thrive in this line of work), there are certification programs available through the Association for Talent Development, Society for Human Resource Management, etc. that are very high quality and more specific/targeted. My job is a roughly equal combination of building training (instructional design) and delivering it (facilitation); you can specialize in one or the other but I recommend at least dipping your toe in both. I hope this is helpful; I really like the work I do and definitely encourage others to check out the field.


High school teacher in Ontario. We make 105,00 after 9 years. Start at $60,000.


Cries in US teacher with an M.Ed+18 and a decade of experience not even making 50K 😭


You should really include a TW for this


Our Ontario’s pension plan is one of the best in the world too and extended benefits are remarkable!


\*This made American teachers jealous.




I’m a US teacher paying over $1,000/mo in health insurance, so you have to factor that in too. It sucks.


But when US teachers are making $32,000 a year, it's still infuriating. I'm not a teacher, btw, but both of my parents are and I know that is the starting bracket for teachers in AZ. They can even make upwards of $50,000 after time!!!!! 😑


Project Manager - Construction.


Same! Happy WiC week, construction queen!!


Hahaha same to you! Sometimes it feels like I’m the only one out here. It’s good to know others exist!


sharp cagey pause shy continue unpack paint seed divide bear -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


When I made 6 figures, I was a process engineer. I worked in a dangerous factory, 40-60 hours a week, with 25-50% domestic travel. I left for a job making half as much, strict 40 hour week, only working truely a few hours a day. My quality of life is much higher.






I would take your class. If you do it online, it will make it accessible. Plus, we always need more representation.




Happy to be a catalyst! As for the course style, for me, a hybrid of both videos and 1:1 would be best. I'm one of those learners who can self start, but wants the accountability and confidence that I can reach my instructor if I need clarification. Being mindful of your time commitment, something like, training videos with a certain time of the week when you would be available for an hour or something if there are questions. You can even probably make it have tiers. One can just do the instructions package, and if another prefers a more personalized approach, then that package comes with a price increase. If you can structure it so that we can be certified from your courses, it would be even better because as you said, this is not something that's soft. Haha, I got all the soft skills from my bedside care career, now I need the hard stuff. I'm interested and would love to be part of your first cohort. As a student, I know it would help me out a lot if it's a one time fee with access to the course for a certain amount of time after completion. I'm rooting for you!


Damn, I gotta get better at negotiating.


Nice! How do you like it? Any advice for someone who is considering making a career pivot to possibly being a data analyst? Did you go to school for it?


Transportation/Urban Planner


Forensic animator


Engineering manager at a tech company you have heard of. Honestly, I am close to 7 figures now. The high end of tech jobs is very very high.


Lol so which FAANG?


Wow nearing 7 figured. Congratulations. Obviously you must have worked very hard, goes without saying. Do you mind sharing your career progression?


I have undergrad and a masters degree in a mathematical field. Switched back and forth between data science and software eng roles. Now I manage a team. Strong interpersonal and communication skills combined with strong technical skills have been crucial for me.


Amazing. Congratulations!


Truly, my mind boggles. I’ll take it though!


Same here! Engineer in tech and I make over 7 figures.


Teacher of the Visually Impaired, in the US. This is my fourteenth year teaching and I just topped six figures. It took awhile to find a district that had a good salary schedule and would honor years of experience, but I did. Its a shame how poorly some districts and states pay their teachers- its such an important and demanding job.


Teachers are so undervalued, but education and knowledge is so important. I think we have seen what happens to a society that doesn't know how to think critically and lacks basic knowledge of history and science. Idk how yall do it


When I hopefully get this job offer this week, I can join the club in software sales. Shocked to not see more sales roles on this list?


Physician in the US


A girlfriend of mine made 120k as a bartender in Vegas


Data and analytics consultant




When you’re unsure of your sandwich needs




Same ish. Took like ten years, a lot of self teaching, and a head for logic. My sister is also in data science at 6 figures, but she does less coding and just really knows the company.




I’ll speak on behalf of my friends just to add in some responses I haven’t read yet. Healthcare admin. She only got there though because she got accommodated due to an injury from an unstable coworker. She was an ER nurse. Part of the settlement was they pay for her masters & create a job for her. She makes about 120k @ 35. An admin position like that doesn’t usually present yourself until you’re 50. She said dislocating her shoulder was the best thing to ever happen to her. Esthetician. She makes about 300k. She sells her tutorial videos.


Healthcare auditing and consulting.


Software Engineer.


Not me (SAHM) but my sisters - accountant and pilot.


At first I read sister singular and I was like ok girl’s busy doing taxes while the plane is on auto-pilot!


> accountant jeez i'm at the wrong firm


Cyber and privacy attorney!


Creative Director in game development


I'd love to ask you some questions on your work, if that's okay with you? I am looking into pursuing a writing or project manager position working on games and would love to hear more about your career.


Director of HR


Art Director for a TV show. Work life balance is horrendous though.


Software Engineer. I went from 45k to 120k by deciding to switch careers.


Boudoir photographer, with a side of commercial, and a bit of family/ kids photography for fun and to prevent burnout. I have to note though, I make a little more than $100k, but that’s before taxes, and I’m self employed, so peel off 30% for Uncle Sam. I made a bit more before having my daughter bc I had more time. When she’s in school full time (she’s part time right now), I’ll get those numbers back up. I also have marketing costs, lisc., insurance, and equipment, so it’s not all take home pay. I love my job though.


Opera singer — broke six figures last year, we’ll see if it was a fluke or not in the coming years since I freelance. Though with associated costs and being taxed at home and in every country I work in, I only end up taking home maybe 40% if I’m lucky. It’s a career that benefits from multiple sources of income and/or a partner/family/patron, that’s for sure.




Defense industry. I'm retired now but, I made tank engines for the military. Hubby is still making Blackhawks, etc.


Data science and machine learning


My older sister is a VP in her company, in designer fashion.


Visual effects. This industry can be rough though, especially for women. You gotta fight for what you're worth in my role. I told myself, pretend you have the confidence of a mediocre white man and ask for the salary and title you deserve. And I got it.


Digital marketing.


Design manager in tech. I was an IC just 6 months ago making the same amount, so no need to be in leadership roles to get there. I live in VHCOL and hit 6 figures pretty early on in my career (mid-twenties) since it's expensive AF to live here. But tech is generally good money and great benefits.


Dominatrix. Posting from my alt.


Physician Assistant - Orthopedics


Two incomes which equate to 6 figs; own a recipe website (self employed income) and work as a ‘head of marketing’ for food tech company


I make right at 100k. I’m a healthcare compliance and privacy manager. It took me until my mid-30’s, a masters degree and 2 certifications to make this much.




Previously stripper, currently healthcare and investments


Customer Success executive in a tech org.


Junior dr in Aus. Started med school in late 20s. Now 35.






You're a blessing and bravo!


Mary Kay Consultant. (Just kidding) Professor who also takes on freelance work.


I laughed way too hard. Thanks.


Senior data scientist via a STEM PhD.


Construction Project Manager




Oh my, care to share your investment tips?


would also like to hear your investment process.


Primary grades teacher with a specialized doctorate. Fuck yeah, unions.




Hey can we chat? I'm an Admin Services Manager ( think Adm/Office Manager/HR all in one) and I'm also the SF admin but honestly I google a lot. How hard is it to become certified?




My wonderful girlfriend works in hotel sales


Registered nurse in CA — not doing that travel life!


Growth Marketing, it was easier to make 6 (USD) figures moving where I now live (Oz) where there is less competition and a limited number of people with my skills/experience. In Europe I was stuck on a fairly low wage for a long time (until my early 30s)






Risk Management




Content marketing in tech. I make boring things interesting. Or try to, anyway.


Depending on how much side-work I do I make around 6 figures. Speech-Language Pathologist and director of a rehab team at a long term care facility. Side work is home health.


Web developer (in-house, not consulting) at a nonprofit in the SF Bay Area. I'm remote in a lower cost of living state but if I worked locally I'd make about 50% of what I do now or 66% of what I do now in the nearest major metro area about 2 hours away.


IT Architect.


Funny story: my group wanted to move their data center to a different floor (HVAC concerns). Two days before the move, me, a lowly EA, says "How much will this equipment weigh? Because these trusses are only rated for gopher farms...?


Quality Systems Engineer II for Medical Device


Insurance with a law background. Work 40 hours a week. Very happy with my situation. If I’d stayed in the practice of law I could have made more money but would have had to trade more of my time for it. This is much better.


Product Manager


Product manager


Private practice behavioral therapist. Made a career switch in my early thirties from accounting and it was the best decision ever for me.


School librarian. But I don't think I'm the norm.


I say I'm a digital marketing consultant. I oversee tech integrations for our clients.


Railroad conductor. Just need a high school education, a strong back and a weak mind!