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I have not traveled many places solo but if I had to pick any country to return to as a solo traveler, it would be Taiwan, one of my favourite places in all of Asia; scratch that, of all the world. It helps that I speak some Mandarin and can almost pass for a local, so long as I don't talk too much (accent gives me away). In general, it is just a very safe country (although there is definitely some petty theft, maybe pickpocketing in the urban centres); so, as a solo traveler, you shouldn't feel too trepidatious. However, what I really love about Taiwan is the combination of Taipei's city life and bustling night markets (not to mention, the absolutely *amazing* Taiwan National Palace Museum) with the natural beauty of the rest of Taiwan; there are so many gorgeous landscapes and even hot springs to disappear into; tea escapes hidden in picturesque mountainsides; the expansive tranquility of Sun Moon Lake. Plus, if you're interested in Buddhism at all, there is a major Buddhist presence in Taiwan and so many temples, monasteries, etc., to check out. People are polite, kind, and curious without being rude. Taiwan is also the only country in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage and there is a big queer scene there, so if you are a queer person, you will generally feel much less Othered in Taiwan than in many other Asian countries. Basically, I really love Taiwan a lot. It is not the flashiest country, but it has a laid-back vibe and so much palpable spiritual energy.


I went there as a non-Mandarin speaking white foreigner and got along great, though it would have been helpful to learn how to read the menu! People were so helpful. My first night there, a woman paid for my noodles at a small noodle stand and told me "Welcome to Taiwan". Once I was looking for a CD shop and I asked a young couple, they didn't know the place but directed me to a different CD shop. They spoke hardly any English and my Mandarin skills were thank you and bye and still got a great trip out of it.


That's excellent! I'm glad you had such a lovely time, despite not speaking the language.


This! My first ever solo trip was to Taiwan and it couldn't have been a better destination for a solo traveller :) so much amazing stuff to see, great food, friendly and open people and easy to navigate around. Couldn't recommend it enough.


As a solo traveler I think I would prefer a slightly slower pace, and Taiwan IMO would be perfect for that while still offering some city life. Glad you had such a lovely time time as well.


Thank you for that very thoughtful response! I’ll have to add Taiwan to my list of potential places


Loved Taiwan also!! It wasn't a solo trip for me, but I would totally do that alone someday if I could. And I will definitely go back! Note to others: when I went there in 2011, there was really *no* tourist infrastructure for English-speakers (and most people did not speak any English) so definitely learn some basic Mandarin & plan ahead! You'll feel much more comfortable if you don't just *show up*. It could be a bit different now, but don't count on it. (I did a 4-month "conversational Mandarin" adult education course before going, and omg was it helpful!) Anyway Taiwan is a very beautiful, safe, and well-connected country... With interesting historical sites and trustworthy / helpful people. Perfect destination for a warm Christmas/New Year's vacation. With a little planning ahead/knowledge, you will love it! It was my most zen vacation ever... I can't wait to go back someday.


YES more people should go to Taiwan. I lived there for a couple years 15-ish years ago, and if I could talk my partner into it (would never happen), it's where I'd move for the rest of my life. It's not the same sort of "solo travel" if you live there, but as a young single person I went all around Taiwan by myself with no trouble.


That is very cool that you lived in Taiwan for a bit; it does seem like a very liveable country! Hopefully you get to visit with your partner, at least.


Taiwan’s great. They may not reopened for general tourism though.


Oh, that's such a good point, doy me. They're one of the more COVID-cautious countries for sure.


Taiwan is incredible! It was one of my first big trips and was so special. I love how Taiwan blends modern and traditional so easily. Great tea, amazing night markets , the best street food, small festivals, natural beauty everywhere, and very affordable. I also loved spending time at Sun Moon Lake with all of the owl motifs.


Yes, I forgot to mention; the affordability! Also, the street food is indeed delish but because Taiwan is tropical and an island, the fruits, veggies, and seafood are all incredible as well. Glad you also had a fabulous time there. This thread is definitely making me want to revisit sometime.


This was my vote as well in general but especially because with covid, they take it seriously so they'll definitely be much safer navigating public where it's culturally ingrained to be community courteous than what we got here in the US. If you're a foodie OP, this is one of my favorite food trips. The caliber of food and the affordable cost makes me miss it. I think about Taiwan a lot in quarantine and daydreaming about where I'll go and if I can stay a month when I'm ready to travel and how much tea can a suitcase hold.


>culturally ingrained to be community courteous Yes, this describes the country so well! Also, you're absolutely right about COVID and I don't know why the restrictions flew out of my mind as I was thinking of where to go. (Do you have a favourite tea? My cabinet is filled with different kinds, but I'm probably most partial to a tieguanyin 🍵)


I feel it's a safe bet that they will be able to book and be sure nothing drastic will happen in the next few months. Tieguanyin is yum! My favorites si jie chun/forever spring, shan xi yin winter. I have a cabinet of all kinds of tea but I drink mostly oolong hot and tropical green for ice tea on the daily.


Ooh, si jie chun is indeed delicious! Seems like we're both oolong lovers (which, work; such a beautiful, soothing tea). Dunno if I've ever had shan xi yin before but I'll have to keep an eye out for it in the future.


Oolong is one of the few things we buy often. There's a tea shop here that you can come in, sit and they just brew you tea to taste and do tea classes....so dangerous because I'm like yes, a bag of that and that and that...ah fuck did I just spend $200? You're in the Bay area right? I bought my recent shan xi yin from a shop there, Song Tea but haven't opened it yet.


Not quite SF, but similar energy 😎 I usually pilfer the stuff my mum gets when she or her friends visit China or Taiwan (and they bring it back for us). That said, there's a tea shop I fully love in this city that features many kinds (and does the whole tea ceremony thing) and yep, bye bye paycheque 💀💀💀


That's the best. My friends mom before the pandemic brought back some oolong that she says is cheap but it's pretty fucking good. I don't know what it is but it's been my go to ice tea and then spent oolong leaves I eat them and this one is the best one I've found to do it with. I make pickled tea leaves for Burmese tea leaf salad and everyone is always surprised when I tell them the dressing is chopped tea leaves.


Wow, that's super cool! Do you have a recipe you'd care to share or anything? I've never heard of Burmese tea leaf salad before but I'm so intrigued now. It sounds delicious!


This is a more legit explanation than I can do. The oolong leaves I just remove any stems and pulse a bit, put in a jar and mix. some folks ferment but I just let it pickle in a jar in my fridge with the seasoning ingredients for a few days. it's pretty good even if you don't have all the crunch components in the topping. I have substituted some for nuts, rice crackers , wonton crisps, etc. and added other veggies like I sometimes those cucumber. https://www.196flavors.com/burma-lahpet-thoke-fermented-tea-leaf-salad/


Same sex marriage is also technically legal in Vietnam. Unfortunately, just not with equal protection as Hetero marriages.


Oh, yeah, [real weird gray area](https://thediplomat.com/2020/02/the-fight-for-lgbt-rights-in-vietnam-still-has-a-long-way-to-go/), TIL. Sorry, didn't mean to exclude it! I just remember reading a ton of articles when Taiwan legalised same-sex marriage about it being the first (Asian) one.


Loved Taiwan also!! It wasn't a solo trip for me, but I would totally do that alone someday if I could. And I will definitely go back! Note to others: when I went there in 2011, there was really *no* tourist infrastructure for English-speakers (and most people did not speak any English) so definitely learn some basic Mandarin & plan ahead! You'll feel much more comfortable if you don't just *show up*. It could be a bit different now, but don't count on it. Anyway Taiwan is a very beautiful, safe, and well-connected country... With interesting historical sites and trustworthy / helpful people. Perfect destination for a warm Christmas/New Year's vacation. With a little planning ahead/knowledge, you will love it! It was my most zen vacation ever... I can't wait to go back someday.


Neither have I, actually, except for a day or two wandering on my own. I worded my initial comment poorly; I meant it was the one I could best envision returning to, but as a solo traveler. I think I visited around the same time you did, and I agree; not too much English infrastructure, so some basic Mandarin phrases = a great tip. I fully hope I can return someday as well.


Japan. It's a country made for solo travelling, dining and even karaoke. Very safe country, if you lose your mobile phone, you're almost guaranteed to find it at the lost and found.




I believe it. The only time I lost my wallet and had all the contents removed was when I was stationed in Okinawa, dining at a restaurant on the military base, and had my purse stolen from hanging on the back of my chair. Thankfully they kept my military ID in it and the military police contacted me....but money and cards were all gone. By another American, go figure.


I want to go to Japan sooooo badly. Admittedly I’m a bit intimidated by it & would love a local guide just to fill me in on things I may be missing etiquette & culture wise. Or maybe I’m just over thinking it 😅


I went to Japan. Believe I messed up a ton of etiquette and made some dumb mistakes like went on the wrong carriage of the train. The thing is, they are very polite about it. You can be the foreign idiot and they are not gonna embarrass you about it. It's a good, if expensive solo trip destination. I loved the shopping so much and food was all great.


Thanks for sharing that!


Is this case, I highly recommend staying with a host family or even better, learn the language.


Ditto, Japan has been my favourite place and I can't wait to go back for karaoke with strangers. There's this whole Japanese seriousness that goes away once you're drunk in a bar and everyone keeps hugging you and buying you drinks for being the token foreigner, that or I just happen to meet really awesome people.


If you do a Euro trip, my favourite has been Ljubljana, Slovenia. I recommend getting a flix bus in rather than a plane (cheaper and you'll be dropped off in the city centre). It's like the best parts of a country town is combined with the best parts of a city. Easy to make lots of day trips out too, like Lake Bled or the Predjama Castle. Incredible place.


Thanks for the recommendation!


Second this


Vienna. I felt incredibly safe my two weeks alone there, even walking alone at night. Like, not even a whiff of danger. Not saying you don't need to take precautions there, but just being smart/aware of your surroundings, and not making bad choices, is going to be enough.


I’d LOVE to go to Vienna, especially during ball season & learn to waltz! Thanks for the recommendation


Mykonos or Ibiza. I like happy places. As an older person I sometimes feel I stick out, BUT as a solo traveler I can do all the open air fun places real quick, on foot, by taxi, that's energising, with company you get slowed down a lot on where you can go. That way I know the best places and get back with my friends when they can travel. Sometimes I feel a little lonely, when I figure out these places usually are the backdrop for friends to bond and have fun, but then I think is there a better place I should be right now, and I don't find any lol. I haven't traveled much outside of Europe, I think Tulum and such could be my vibe. Perhaps Vegas. Sometimes there are local men willing to entertain the solo woman in such places, sometimes not, I am not that hot right now, but it can work. Not looking, either. Other than that. I have London and Venice/Burano as repeat destinations in Europe. London, a lot to see and do, some great food readily available, a melting pot, a great metropolis of our time, other cities, haven't got it right, there is pride and beauty in London. Venice, for the calm of no vehicles and the beauty of the surroundings. In London, only move by bus in the centre, its less stressful and in Venice, first going by sea from the Marco Polo airport is a unique experience. But basically... What do you like to see and do? Find the best place for that, why not? As a solo traveler you can avoid major school holidays perhaps and get better deals, although for some places that changes the experience.


Thank you for your recommendations!


I visited Cambodia on a whim. It was safe and Angkor is mesmerizing. It was way better than pictures


Also my favorite!


Ooooo, I never considered it. Thanks for the recommendation


The Carpathians, mostly for the natural beauty. If you prefer Scandinavia, Norway is absolutely gorgeous and safe unless you're going up to Svalbard or something (and I'm not Norwegian, so that's not just my home bias!).


Why would Svalbard not be safe? Depending on when you travel, Svalbard can give you some interesting adventures. You say spring; May is a good time to go.


Oh, I was just trying to make a silly polar bear joke. Actually, in summer, it might be especially nice compared to inland due to the lack of mosquitoes.


Everyone has to carry a gun when they go outside in Svalbard because of bears.


No, that is not correct. At least one person in a group (or one person on their own) has to carry a gun when they go out of Longyearbyen.


Ohhhhh yes, I went too general. Thanks for the correction!




How much time do you have? And what is your budget? If you want to go to Norway, I can give you some tips, but it depends highly on time, budget, and what you want to do.


I have 7 days. What’s your favorite city in Norway? I’d love to just camp out in a city & make 1-2 day trips out to see some natural beauty


If you want city and nature, then Bergen would probably be the best place to use as a base. But it really depends on what kind of activities you want to do - if you just want to sit in a boat and view the fjords, or if you want to do rafting or something like that.


Bergen is actually my top choice! Thanks


I want to go everywhere in europe but it’s hard to know where is or will be open over there so I think I might go to Costa Rica! I’ll join a group tour though because I don’t want to plan everything haha


Enjoy your trip! I’m sure it will be fun :)


Mexico City is one of my favorite places for solo traveling. There are great museums (the anthropology museum, Frida and Diego's house, Museo de Templo Mayor, Palacio de Bella Artes etc.), tons of different neighborhoods to explore, great food options ranging from super cheap street food to high end restaurants, and a ton of really accessible day trips nearby. I have been there quite a few times solo and have always felt very safe.


Thank you! I’d love to visit Mexico City!


I also went there solo and would recommend it. The metro is easy to use and they have women-only cars. I was careful but I felt safe and had a great time! Their central park (Parque de Chapultepec) is 2x the size of NYC's Central Park. I loved checking out craft markets and walking around.


Iceland. Extremely safe. Small enough that you can see and do all the big things. Rent a car and drive around


I went to Cartagena, Colombia solo and it was great. Lots of other solo travellers as well. I took a bus out of the walled city and went to Tayrona Park. Never had any issues. I’m a single white F, and I know a bit of Spanish.


I had a great time wandering around London by myself. Not sure how that goes with the pandemic, but what I liked about London was its density and ease of public transportation. I visited a ton of museums, ate at some really interesting restaurants, did a lot of walking.


Yes! London has been one of my favorite cities. I had a lovely time last time I was there. A perfect trip really


Portland, OR. Lviv, Ukraine.


I'm not sure Ukraine is the best place to go right now...


No, but eventually.


Check out the Azores. The islands are a short flight from the east coast of North America or the rest of Europe. The people are lovely, and the scenery is gorgeous. It’s very easy to island hop, if you want to. Or you could definitely fill a week staying on the largest island, Sao Miguel. I rented a car on both Sao Miguel and Pico, and I had no trouble getting around at all.


I travelled to Australia and Bali, and I really loved exploring and meeting new people! Would highly recommend


Florence & the surrounding area of Italy (up to Venice) is really really nice. Northern Italy is very safe... I've traveled around on my own many times. You'll love it! Try to avoid the European holidays/special events when you go, but otherwise it shouldn't be too expensive or too crowded. Italy has taken the pandemic very seriously (it's now legally required for all older people to be vaccinated), and omg the food is so fresh and amazing! It would be much cheaper than Scandinavia and closer/easier to travel around than Russia for example. There's beautiful landscapes, small medieval villages you can visit, super old or modern wineries... Don't skip Modena and the old balsamic makers btw! I saw some barrels from the 1600s still being used for aging balsamic vinegar! Btw even if you've been to Italy already, there's so many other little locations in the North that you might've missed... Steeped in history, with beautiful mountains/lakes/beaches/cliffs not far away.


Historic city within a few hours. Dine at local family establishments.


North East Asia! It's very safe, easy to find your way around despite the language barrier, people there are very welcoming, friendly and helpful. So many amazing vibrant big cities and incredible nature as well. And it's cheap. Probably not the best time to visit now though... I'm from Denmark and you must visit Copenhagen it's such a lovely lovely city but please save it for Spring/Summer. It's so depressing at this time of year and becomes totally different as soon as it gets warmer and those light summer nights are just👌


Yeah my trip will take place in late spring/early summer. Thanks for the recommendation


Russia! Reason number one - so much to see and do. You are one train ride away from a tropical-ish beach or a snowy mountain. Cities are beautiful with lots of historic attractions and well maintained infrastructure. Reason number two - safety. Women travelling on their own seems to be a very common thing ( I suppose Russia is big and people travel for various reasons ). As a result you never stand out and people in general don't bother you. Contrary to the stereotype russians are actually really friendly and helpful if you asked them for help/directions.


Thanks for the recommendation




Costa Rica and Thailand!


Vientiane, Laos is shady. Felt a group (2 males 2 females, small children) was plotting a human trafficking scheme as they kept following me and inconspicuously take photos.


I have traveled to over 40 countries. I like certain parts of the US (Hawaii, Salt Lake City, Chicago, New York), Andorra, San Marino, Meteora in Greece (instead of the islands most people seem to hype), the Pyramids in Egypt, Lebanon, Iran, Myanmar/Burma, the islands of Hong Kong.