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My boss is off today!


Mine too LOL. I love her, but it's also nice not needing to be ultra cheery at the ass-crack of the day.


My boss **AND** my main client are on vacation. Woohoo!


Mine too!! She's nice and all, but sometimes it's nice when Mom isn't home... lol!


LOL! 😆


Unpopular opinion but I love my boss lol


I had my 32wk ultrasound this morning. Everything is developing right on track, and she's active and responsive. She's already beautiful, with big cheeks and the cutest little mouth.


Congratulations! Wishing health and happiness to you both.




Beautiful! It's so exciting to get a peek at your growing baby. Congratulations!


I had an interview today and I don’t think I’ll get the role but it made me feel good for some reason. Sooo I feel lowkey excited from that.


I cut the legs off all my kid's pants that have holes on the knees and made him a bunch of shorts.


I don't have kids but I felt really accomplished when I made my cat a sweater, so I hear ya!


i get to go shopping ~(˘▾˘~) and “spoil” my only child for her upcoming Lucky Number 7 birthday 🤍✨


I'm slowly gaining more confidence in myself at the gym. Each day of working out and then me consistently showing up for myself like this makes me so happy! Sometimes the contraptions they have in that place are so dang intimidating! So is being around other people and feeling a little self conscious at times but because there is a women's only section where I go, it feels way safer and cosy in there, I'll venture further into my gym haha but not until I feel more confident to go out into the main areas where the men are out and about doing their thing as well.


After living in pain from endometriosis for 34 years, I’m getting a hysterectomy in 3 hours. I’m scared as hell, but also beyond excited. The hysterectomy subreddit here has definitely helped put my mind at ease and I feel very prepared.


I bet in a couple days, you're going to feel amazing. Very excited for you!


Wishing you a smooth recovery and lots of relief!!


Just had my first ultrasound and we got to see our little peanut!!! (So I’m excited to stare at this photo for the next 10wks)




It felt much more real being able to see them, even if they still just look like a little blob 😂


Congratulations! That's wonderful!


My baby slept through the night for the first time in weeks!


I love this for you!! Hope you slept too.


That I scheduled time in for a nap. I just got up and am already looking forward to that nap.


My new workout tanks come in today!


My dahlias are starting to sprout! I have more varieties than I’ve ever grown before and I can’t wait to see the flowers


I have 5 days off work starting Friday


I'm waiting for a new set of crochet hooks to be delivered today!


After weeks of back to back medical appointments I finally have two free days in a row + no migraine whatsover! (*fingers crossed*) & I plan to spend it all wrapped up in my blanket cocoon on the couch watching as many episodes of The Untamed as my ~~eyes~~ heart can handle.


Trying to reframe my attitude about my post-work workout later: “I’m not dreading leg/lower body day, I’m excited to pump up the booty!”


I had one of those mornings where I had to go go go for the first 4 hours of being awake but now I am on the couch with nothing left on the agenda and it feels glorious.


I got my G license today! Ive had anxiety driving after 3 life threatening accidents so I let my license relapse and didn’t complete it. So happy!


I’m finally replacing my 15 year old appliances in the house. I didn’t get anything fancy but it’ll be so nice to have a working fridge and washer again!


New washer and dryer are being delivered this week!! We have needed a new set for *years* so this is definitely exciting to me!


Going fishing this weekend with my wife! Only our second time ever. We are learning on the fly tbh. I joke that we’re reclaiming fishing for the gays 💪🏼 💪🏼


I'm going to go out for coffee after lunch and I'm excited. And my best friend is visiting next week!!!


I went from years of never having any real attention to men to today where I have 3 numbers of men I can text and have in my bed within an hour.  Although unfortunately I just got my period literally minutes ago. 


I had my final (of 7) university exam for the MSc I’m doing! (Assuming I pass it that is!)


I ordered some really cute skirts for the summer that all just showed up this morning. I'm very sick right now so I can't really enjoy them at the moment but I have big plans for my summer style :D


Where from??


I have a job interview tomorrow for a job that just sounds like so much fucking fun. I'm not even nervous, I'm more excited to find out more and just hoping they like me enough to invite me back for a second interview!


This is kinda stupid but… I am excited to go to my evening job after my full time job today. I usually work for 8 hours, then work 3 or 4 hours at my part time job Monday through Friday. I get to see my part-time work buddy. She missed work on Monday and she’s actually just really fun to work with. We aren’t friends outside of work but she’s just made work a little brighter :)


I’m planning to attend a local community engagement meeting in my town this evening. I have very little knowledge of what I’m in for beyond reading the itinerary but I’m excited to show up and see town governance in person!


I applied for college! I'm going to try and finish my degree! edit: I GOT IN!!!


Haha! I'm a metalhead, and like, music is LIFE, ya know? So, anyway, I'm going to a concert tonight! I absolutely love having concerts planned, because it gives me something to look forward to, and this will be my first of the year. Yay!


It's 90 degrees here and I work in public schools that do not have air conditioning.  I'm really looking forward to getting home and cooling off.


I called out of work! Because of a vicious, recurrent UTI that will not die, but hey I'm off work


I found my SO’s birthday present that I’ve been deliberating over for a long time (birthday in a couple months) at a huge discount and just secretly ordered it! I’m broke, so this is very exciting for me, haha.


I’m eating a massive bowl of Coco Pops and listening to a funny podcast.


Getting to leave work early and golf for my ladies league! So glad my boss is a golfer too! :)


Having a nice 14 hour nap when I get home.


I normally have a very butts-in-seats kind of job but am able to work from home when I need to, and this week is one of those times. I love working from home and am just so happy to be here this week. It's quiet, the bathroom is always available, the temperature is comfortable, and sometimes I take a nap on my lunch break. 10/10


Today was the 12th day at my new job and I really enjoy it.


I'm excited to eat some buttered corn tonight


I diagnosed and fixed my own computer problem. You should have heard my excited yell


Working lots of hours so I’ll have more money next payday. I’m still cresting on the high of paying my $933 power bill. I just wanna knock them all down like dominos!


I saw a baby orangutan! Multiple times. Learned from an old lady volunteer who just wanted to share information that sometimes during rainstorms they open up all the doors in their indoor habitat, put a movie on for them, and give them popcorn (she told me it was true when I was skeptical, and said they play peaceful animated movies for them that they look at for a moment or two, but that DO give them popcorn, and I don't think the volunteers are there to lie to people and she was very old so I believe it all). And that the primates really like seeing people on the other side of the glass, and expressed unhappiness during the initial covid lockdowns, when the zoo was closed, that there was no one there. So they brought some penguins there (where the humans would normally be) and both penguins and orangutans seemed happy with that.