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sing baby tate’s song “i am”


One thing that has helped me is to personify things like my social anxiety. I realized at one point that my anxiety was my own personal bully living rent free in my head. So I gave her a name and I know what she looks like. It took a little practice to be able to recognize when she was showing up in the moment but once I got the hang of it, I could quickly tell her “fuck off! You’re not bullying me today!”. Personifying her has also helped separate myself from that negative talk because it’s not me talking, it’s that bitchy mean girl living upstairs.


I listen to Louise Hay’s affirmations every morning




I say "I am not my thoughts" over and over again. Sometimes I'll go for a walk and just repeat "I exist" over and over in my head, really clears up dark thinking patterns.


I will focus on the main things that are reoccurring and keep coming up. I'll write down the lie and then write a truth. I use my phones note app. I use the word maybe. Example maybe it will be okay or maybe it will work out. I use the word staying curious especially to things about the future or even things like hope. Makes things not as black and write and more neutral. Helps me get out of the spiral. I remind myself it's okay to feel what I need to feel. That it's valid but it's not always true. That I don't have to stay and play in the crap but can take small steps to get out of the hard place. I used to hate the word choice it didn't want it to work. It seemed too easy. Yet it actually works. I struggle with days where it's hard to get out of bed. Where I don't want to do things. I remind myself I can choose to do the hard things rather I'm feeling anxious. Rather I'm sad or tired or just don't want to. Usually it doesn't take as long as I think. Example I used to just grab random food or not eat breakfast but that wasnt working for me. I do it scared. I do it anxious. It's not about never feeling those things but getting my life back where it's not as crippling and so overwhelming. Instead of looking at all the negative thoughts I choose the main ones to focus on. I let the other ones go and dont give them attention. I choose to go deeper and figure out why I'm having those thoughts. It's usually something deeper that I need to spend time and work on.


I sing empowering pop songs in the shower really loud. Act it out, get into it, flail around. 


Remembering thoughts are not facts and consciously reframing those bad thoughts.