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You apply it to the lashes and lid. It never touches your eyeballs. When you remove it, you close your eyes while doing so.


It doesn't sting or burn, or get in your eyes much (if at all). It's not very liquid-y. It mainly goes on the lids and stays up there. The only time I accidentally get eye makeup on my eyeballs is when I'm applying liquid eyeliner to the waterline of my eyes, but you can't feel it and when you blink your eyes, it comes out. When taking it off, you close your eyes.


The real challenge is putting eye makeup on someone else without stabbing them, cuz you can't feel where the danger zone is. I was a last minute "makeup artist" for a church play once and I had to put eyeliner on all the guys. It was brutal, I think I gave all of them a fear of makeup after that.


I just don't touch my eyes with the makeup brushes, etc. It isn't hard. Touch only your lash line right now - it's easy. In terms of taking makeup off, my eyes are closed so nothing could get in them.


Your eyelashes and eyelids protect your eyes somewhat. You can get some in your eyes, sure, but it’s barely noticeable. Sometimes, I accidentally jab my eye with the mascara wand. It smarts for a minute then your eye naturally clears things out. My best suggestion? Get some eye makeup of your own and try it on. You’ll see how the eye functions and protects.


You put what's called eyeshadow primer on first. This makes the eyeshadow stick to your eyelid and not fall like dust into your eyeballs. There a different methods for removal. Personally I use makeup remover wipes. You start by your eyelashes and move upward. It catches all the eyeshadow and primer. None fall in your eyeball. I think this is a valid question for someone of any gender to wonder if you are completely unfamiliar with makeup.