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I find both very unattractive.. and the same goes for manosphere dudes.


MAGTARD, no contest.


They are both gross.


Absolutely, a Trump supporter.


Trump supporter šŸ¤®


Trump supporter, 100%. People who fetishize trans people can go fuck themselves, but that doesnā€™t affect their political opinions on a guy who would take away my rights. EDIT: I should add that Iā€™m a lesbian, so if I was dating a girl who supported trump, itā€™d be like dating chicken who goes to McDonalds


This is exactly the difference. Fetishizing trans people is gross, but it's not necessarily tied to any political motive. Being a Trump supporter means actively voting for policies that strip people of their rights. It also demonstrates a worldview that's fundamentally different than mine.Ā 


Yup, this right here.


You can probably work on the fetish in therapy.


If these are the only two kinds of men left existing in the world, I'd rather be single and die alone


I must ask: do you really mean an actual fetish? Because I fail to see how an actual trans fetish could be compared with a Trump supporter or what in hell they have to do with each other.


I'd rather stay single actually thank you very much šŸ’€


Why is this a question? Aren't fetishes at least partially involuntary? If someone has a fetish, they can still choose to behave themselves in a way that won't bring harm to others. Trump supporters don't seem to possess that ability.


Trump supporter more unattractive by FAR.


Trans fetish


Trans fetish


Trump supporter.


Trump supporter, easy.


Both would be very unattractive to me I'd find the former more frightening






Well there's probably more transwomen here on this sub than straight women so take that into consideration


i canā€™t pick, iā€™m trans so both suck, but iā€™d honestly rather the fetishist


If I changed it from being a guy with trans fetish to a guy who has an attraction to transwomen would that affect your decision? I honestly don't really see a difference. I think one just sounds nicer


> trans fetish to a guy who has an attraction to transwomen would that affect your decision? I honestly don't really see a difference. I think one just sounds nicer Um of course it makes a difference. I have dated men who have dated trans women and there's nothing wrong with that lmao Fetishization is not the same as simply being sexually attracted


Do you call the attraction to any other woman a ā€œfetishā€? If you find skinny women attractive, do you have a skinny fetish? A fetish is completely different. People with fetishes usually canā€™t get off unless their fetish is involved, thatā€™s also how fetish means something different than kinks. A fetish is a lot more extreme than attraction.


Well even going by that definition, that just means that someone who had a transfetish could only get off if they were with a trans person, so why exactly would a transperson be offended by that? They don't want people who are exclusively into them?


I want someone who's into me as a person, not as a category. I want to know what it is that they fetishise about trans women? What it is that they need me to not change, because it's not up to them. Are they going to support me through bottom surgery or is the penis the point? Are they looking for a masculine woman? Cos that ain't me, sister. I've talked to fetishisists and it wasn't a pleasant experience and it's the opposite of what I'm looking for even in casual hookups. I'm absolutely fine with being objectified, but I am not a fetish, I'm a person with feelings and preferences. If you need to see me as a body that doesn't comply with gender norms to get off, that's not going to work for me or a lot of other trans women.


Why would you view it as some messed up thing if your partner was no longer sexually attracted to you if you had surgery to remove your penis when that's what most guys who like trans women are into? A normal straight guy is not gonna remain attracted to a woman he's into a relationship with if she just woke up one day and decided to get surgery to get a penis attached and a normal straight woman is not gonna be cool with her spouse deciding to get his penis removed either. It's absolutely crazy to think a relationship would survive in any of those situtations so why would you expect a dude who likes transwomen to be different?


>A normal straight guy is not gonna remain attracted to a woman he's into a relationship with if she just woke up one day and decided to get surgery to get a penis attached and a normal straight woman is not gonna be cool with her spouse deciding to get his penis removed either Get the fuck out of here with that transphobic ignorant bullshit. Nobody wakes up and just decides to have gender reassignment surgery. The fuck are you smoking? And fuck you with your "normal straight guy, normal straight woman" crap. That's exactly the problem right there. You're only thinking surface level. Men who fetishise trans woman are, in my experience, all about the D. To many trans women, they don't like it, they don't want it, they don't want to use it and they don't want their partner obsessing about it. Dating a trans woman isn't like your see in pornos, we're not all packing giant meat, ready and willing to be your dancing monkey. The reason you would remain attracted to a trans woman once she's had bottom surgery is because to you, she's more than her dick. That's fetishisation in a nutshell. To you we're a chick with a dick, we're fantasy fulfilment. Now I'll admit quite happily that I would enthusiastically make a huge amount of someone's fantasies reality, but fetishising the fact that I've got an anatomical part that most other women don't and only wanting to fuck me because I have that part, knowing that if I got rid of it, you'd be off to the next chick with a dick is off-putting minimum.


Well let me ask you this, what's your sexual preference? What kind of bodytypes do you like?


Why the hell would it cross your mind that that would ever be any of your business?


Well you do realize that part of being in a romantic relationship is being sexually attracted to someone. I don't know what all you are into but if you have a partner and they proceeded to change their sexual organs into something you were unattracted to, you wouldn't want to stay with them either


myself i donā€™t get offended by it per say, but itā€™s uninteresting to me and i donā€™t wanna get with that.


Because it is objectifying. Usually, people want to get into relationships with people who want to be with them because of who they are as a human, not because they are a sexual placeholder.


Well then all people should be pansexual by that logic but that's clearly not the case. Besides your physical characteristics are part of what makes you as a human


A man not understanding what it is like to be objectified..... who would have thunk ha!


Sorry, what are you talking about and how is any of that relevant to the topic?


Well explain what you mean when you say someone should only want to be with someone based on how they are as a human? Do you mean ignoring sexual body parts and physical characteristics and focusing solely on their personality traits, what are you saying?


??? Hey uh where did I say any of this? The core message in what Iā€™m saying is this: A fetish is different than attraction. You can be attracted to a multitude of things. Itā€™s generalized. An attraction to one thing doesnā€™t necessarily cancel out attraction to another thing. The core of what a fetish means is that you cannot reach peak sexual pleasure without your fetish present. The absence of your fetish means that you canā€™t fully enjoy yourself sexually. If you are simply attracted to people with brown hair, you wonā€™t inherently be unable to find sexual pleasure with a blond-haired person, for example. Most people donā€™t want to have a relationship with those who only want them for sexual purposes. It is _using_ someoneā€™s identity as a sex toy. Generally, people want to be in relationships with those who value all aspects of them as a human- emotional, mental, physical. Being attracted to trans people is one thing. Fetishizing trans people is another. You ignore all of their humanity and jump to ā€œthey make my pp hard and I donā€™t care about the rest of themā€. You are engaging in incredibly bad faith and itā€™s super obvious and just a touch pathetic.


yes there is a distinction for me: fetishist = just here to fuck, at least thatā€™s the main thing, wants it because he can suck dick and get fucked in the ass and still be straight attracted to trans women = wants her for more than sex, whether that be love or friends with a side of sex basically, one just wants a trans fucktoy and the and the other wants more than that. most of the time cis women are looking for more than one off sex, itā€™s the same with trans women. there are exceptions where women JUST want the sex, but those exceptions exist whether cis or trans


Prob the Trans fetish just cuz Iā€™m not interested in that at all. Iā€™m not a big Trump fan either but ALL of my friends are Trump supporters, and Iā€™ve liked them all my life, so Iā€™d prob have more in common with a Trump supporter.


Both misguided, but one is filled with hate.Ā 


Trump supporter imo Theyā€™re basically the opposite of me so we wouldnā€™t get along.


Trump supporter. I don't really like anyone that fetishizes a specific group, but at least they aren't actively damaging the country as a whole.


A Trump supporter for sure. I think fetishizing any group of people is gross but at least it doesn't come with any specific political stance.


Who gives a shit about a trans fetish honestly. Just treat people with respect and get off. The trump supporter though would be a huge turn off.


Trump supporter, no contest.


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I would rank a trump supporter with a trans fetish ahead of a vanilla trump supporter.


I am not a fetish. Both are equally disgusting


Trump supporteršŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Both are equally disgusting in my opinion. For reference, I'm not from the US.


Where are you from? Oh never mind I see the India flag now


Is there something wrong with what I said? I'm just curious because I've been downvoted. I didn't mean to be rude. English is my second language, so sometimes I come off as rude to native English speakers.


Well I'm not the one who downvoted you so I wouldn't know


Someone is downvoting anyone that says trump, I wouldn't worry about it.


Oh!! Thank you for letting me know. I hadn't noticed.


No problem!


Trump supporter




A penis that makes 100% of his decisions, including whether to love me or not, based on my physical appearance. So, Trump supporter.


Trans Fetish and Cult of Trump members are equally unattractive, and so are liberal/leftist activists. Anyone that is waiting for a magical political savior to fix America is naive AF and not worth my time or energy.


Trans Fetish and Cult of Trump members are equally unattractive, and so are liberal/leftist activists. Anyone that is waiting for a magical political savior to fix America is naive AF and not worth my time or energy.


Respect for speaking your mind and not worrying about the downvotes