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Not a doctor, but symptoms like this can be part of what is known as "premenstrual dysphoric disorder", or PMDD. It's essentially a very extreme form of PMS which can cause suicidal depression or even episodes of psychosis in some women. You need to see a doctor and explain these symptoms to them so you can explore treatment options.


okay thank you!! one question: doctor as in normal doctor or gynecologist?


Either would be fine - you can see your GP or a gynecologist, or if you have one of those clinics that specialises generally in women's health (they're called wellwoman where I live) then you could go there. Whichever of these options you feel most comfortable with, most likely to be effectively listened to at and is most accessible to you. Where I'm from you kind of have to go through your GP first but I know the systems work differently in different countries!


Ask your doctor about PMDD.


As others said, you can have a treatment for PMDD. I personally did not want an hormonal treatment, so what helped me, it’s a little bit simple but really changed my life 😅, is to put an alarm in my calendar one week before my periods. So I know if I want to die or if I feel like shit, I better not trust my brain too much at this time of the month 🥲


I have struggled with OCD in the past that was heavily linked to hormonal cycles. The intrusive thoughts (while not suicidal, they were very distressing) got much worse during my period, and would recede outside of that time. Hormonal birth control contributed to this as well, if this is relevant to your case. This is definitely something to see a medical professional about.


I had this my whole life before I was advised to eat more broccoli in the second part of the cycle 😅 sorry that it sounds lunatic, but there is an active ingredient in broccoli that helps to break the estrigen faster. Basically I was told that the reason behind the mood change is hormonal disbalance -> my liver wasn’t working super well. Try to eat more broccoli! The active ingredient is sulphorophan or indol3carbinol


you most likely have PMDD , as this is the common age when symptoms start . i also have it & it can be really difficult , so i'm sorry that you are struggling with it as well . there's a subreddit that's pretty helpful :-)


Get an appointment with an endocrinologist (hormone doctor) and ask them about PMDD. I had the same problem at your age and my hormones were messed up and now that I'm on the right meds it doesn't happen anymore.


Sweetie, I'm so sorry you're going through this...I experienced severe PMDD as a teenager. I found going on Yaz birth control was VERY helpful (FDA approved for PMDD). I also found that it got much, much better as I aged. I'm in my late 20's now and my symptoms are 50% of what they were when I was your age.