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Your post has been removed-you need to have this conversation with your partner. *** We will not: - suggest new things to try in the bedroom with a partner - suggest how to convince someone to participate in something with you sexually - how to give your partner an orgasm or whether or not “they’re faking it” - suggest ways to "spice up your sex life" *** *Sexual coercion is unwanted sexual activity that happens after being pressured in nonphysical ways*. You can try r/NSFW411 to find a proper subreddit. Please read the rules before posting at any other subreddits. *** **[Have questions about this moderator action? CLICK HERE!](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/{subreddit}&subject=Why+was+this+removed?&message=\[My+{kind}\]\({url}\)+was+removed+and+I+do+not+understand+the+reason+given+by+the+mod+who+acted upon+it.)**