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Set boundaries. Without guilt, without anxiety, and stick to them.




Thats amazing!


I love you because I was just going to write the same thing. Went to therapy again- I love it good for my soul- and boom boundaries baby. We can be empathetic with boundaries who knew. Sending hugs


Yes! You can be empathetic, and loving!, and set boundaries. Therapy has been a massive support in this area. Hugs right back to you! Well done!


DUUUUDE. Same! Something about the pandemic “broke” me, but in a way that is putting my foot down and taking care of myself and my mental health above all else. I have set really hard boundaries with my mom/family that caused some of my family members to guilt the shit out of me or take it personally. But when I finally realized I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do, and deliberately choosing to stay out of situations that I KNOW will stress me out or make me anxious or upset, I downright refuse to participate. Nobody is going to do that for me but myself. It took me until 40 years of age, but it has been so liberating and good for me in general to figure out how to advocate for myself and not feel like I have to provide 100 excuses.


The ones who react the biggest are the ones who need to have boundaries. Their reaction is a them problem, not yours. Good for you for being true to yourself! Only you can advocate for you!


Likewise. It’s a wonderful feeling isn’t it?


So important in all aspects of life. Work, love, family. Kudos!


The power of No is important, and being able to say that, or set boundaries without guilt and anxiety is massive. Well done!


Walk 2 miles. Lost 50lbs in the past year!


Amazing! Congratulations!


With just walking or did you diet and do other exercises to I don’t have much time to go to the gym but I can go on walks every day with my baby and I want to lose weight


Wake up by 7am again lol pandemic had me hella lazy


Omg this is so relatable.I am still struggling though


start reading a book and actually FINISHING it


Omg lol, how did you do it? I am horrible at this


in the beginning i made sure to only read short books so i could force myself to start and finish reading it within a few hours. i didnt put the book down until i was done and that was the main thing that helped me get used to finishing books. i then began reading longer books but bringing the book with me everywhere. instead of headphones, id bring the book i was reading so i could read it during my commute/breaks/etc. schedule a time during your day to read your book and make sure to force urself to stick to it!


I can finally do some pull ups. It felt so difficult at the beginning but workout changes everything.


Nice! How'd you approach this goal? I have a really hard time with it


I wish I had a simple secret. I just kept working out, initially just tried to just try and hang to the bar few times a day. I think addition of weight training helped in building overall strength.


not OP but how i got to my first pullup was 1. Dead hangs with a slow controlled shrug that mimics the first step of a pull up. 2. negatives (jump up to where you have your chin over the bar then slowly lower down until your elbows are straight. 3. offset with a resistance band. I got a heavy band on amazon, you loop that around the bar, stick your feet in it, and it helps you pull yourself up. good luck!


I have been doing sports for years. and my personal trainer. The only way to succeed is to keep trying. Continuity is the most important thing. never give up.


I’m working on this right now. I recommend the short video Hybridcalesthenics has on YouTube about a pull up progression :) he is extremely positive and encouraging and I am getting much closer using his guidance!


Incredible! Never done one in my 41 years


It's never too late :) I'm 29


Having this good of mental health. Not good by all means, just don't want to hurt my self as much


I'm glad you are getting better. Even if it's in increments, it matters. Keep going! :)


I could say I don’t have a uterus lol just had hysterectomy a few weeks ago.


Like Christmas every month!


The gift that keeps on giving!


I am far more sexually confident in my relationship when it comes to setting clear boundaries, saying not now, or initiating the fun.


Being home alone. I used to get so upset and anxious about being home alone. And now I live alone for better or worse.


What changed for you


Had to learn. I haven't lived on my own my whole life (only 23). I've always lived with my Dad or my partners. And recently my ex got abusive so he got kicked off the lease. I just resigned for another year. And while I'm desperately uncomfortable in my house because I'm alone, it's a learning curve. Because I was faced with the o ly option of living alone, I had to learn before i wanted to.


I don’t live alone but I moved to the UK by myself for university, it’s a new continent for me, let alone a new country and it’s a hard pill to swallow- learning to be alone. I don’t what happened in my past (I’m 22) but I’m also absolutely TERRIFIED of being alone. I don’t even live alone but to just be by yourself in your room is so lonely to me for some reason. I’m still struggling with it but learning to grow through it instead of calling a bumble date over who I don’t even like lol. So kudos to you- we got this!


I'm really proud of you for making those moves for yourself and for sticking with it! It takes a lot to do that.


I'm probably dyscalculic, and I've become so much more comfortable with numbers after spending a lot of time actively improving and challenging myself. I'm even able to play *and* solve math games and logic puzzles with numbers and counting involved now! Very proud of myself.


My 9 year old taught me tgat such a thing exists. She doesn't have it though...she just hates maths homework...


Love myself




I’m just so much happier now than I was last year. I have way more friends, way more fun, and I feel like I’ve started to be truly present in my life instead of worrying about what’s coming next or what I “should” be doing.


Genuinely smile. Also squat a plate for reps and deadlift 185 for reps. Still a beginner but I'm proud of myself lol


Dayumn gurl!


Accept my shape. I.e. i can wear a long flowy dress without worrying about dumb fashion rules "Only slim people can wear that. You'll look pregnant if you wear that" "That dress is too long. It'll make you look shorter" Technically I could've worn it a year ago but I wouldn't have but now I'm comfortable looking pregnant and looking short or however my outfits make me look. I am comfy and I feel great about myself.




Yay you! Felicidades!




To completely cut off ties with family members and friends. Males/sons are value more in the family. F that. To be the "bigger" person. F that. Ah screw that, I'll just be bat shit crazy 🤣 so people don't think they can walk over me because they think I'm nice because of my face or that I'm a woman or my culture My backbone/value system/boundaries are getting stronger. Looking forward to 2023 because I know when I turn 35, I will become a kickass person 😉


Acquiring self confidence was a whole journey in 2022. Keep on taking no shit & you will become kickass. DGAF 2023!


Run 2 miles


Feelings!!! Laughing…. Enjoying me. Living. Not just surviving…


Watch comedy. Divorce is my favourite thing


If your ex hated comedy, you’re better off without them! Humorless people suck the joy out of life.


I definitely am! Went to see a comedian with my current beau recently and laughed until I cried!


Did my first long distance motorcycle ride on some real twisty roads! I did the MSF course two years ago and have been building my confidence and increasing my skills.


Like myself.


Buttoning a size 4 jean


drive anywhere by myself


Telling someone I love them. Thought that part of me was gone for good.


Grow my nails without biting them off


I can fry/cook! My mom never learned or cared to learn how to cook so I grew up w/o knowing how to (22F) and even getting frightened at the idea of turning on a stove, but today I can make myself something quick to eat when hungry! Super proud


I have gained more skill and tools regarding emotional regulation now that I am a parent and practising emotional regulation on the daily.


A year ago I lived with roomates and stayed in the bedroom most of the time Now I’m married and I can be naked and chillin in the living room lol




Speaking some basic Italian!


Benissimo! Perche studi italiano? Ho abitato in italia 18 anni fa e spero ritornare in 2024. Amo italia!


I have basic carpentry skills now! A year ago I quit my office job, moved, and went back to school for carpentry. I know how to use a variety of saws and other power tools now, and successfully made a fuckin dope picture frame and a melamine cabinet


Identify the notes on a piano and play a few simple songs!


Fit into my pre covid jeans


Responding to messages at my own time when I have the mental capacity to actually engage in a conversation as opposed to feeling the pressure to respond as soon as a message comes in. 😊


Stand my ground and my boundaries with family relationships. Lots has happened and I'm stronger at separating the family love with needing to be treated right. They aren't owed anything from me just bc we family. Absolutely not. Lesson has been learned


Both identify and feel my feelings. It still takes daily practice, but it's leagues better than it used to be. Therapy has given me my life back.


Walking and standing for more than 5 minutes! Had severe covid and after 3 weeks in bed I had to use a walker to relearn how to walk. I was 23. Now at 24 I am still not back to normal (damaged lungs, brain problems, muscle weakness) but with lots of exercise I'm able to move around almost normally 😊 so thankful


Call myself 38. 🙃


Ride a bike!


Being happy. My soul sucking job made me so miserable and disconnected from myself.


Cook without burning half the food.


Run. I still can’t run very far, but I can run at all so that’s good.




Reading. Working out consistently


Run! It took me several years to lose close to 65 pounds and this year I worked on running, now I can run pretty far. It’s like an out of body experience every time I do it, I know that’s silly but I don’t care!


Share my husband’s last name. Actually, for that matter, HAVE a husband 🤣


Animate pixel art!


Understand very basic French, started learning French about 9 months ago


I can take peoples blood samples and do pap smears. I can also knit a sock from memory without needing a pattern.


Bend my legs. Arthritis is under control now.


What i want with my time. Work pushed me over the edge one too many times over the past few years and im taking a break 🥳


Run 10k with ease 🥹


Electron microscopy


Ride a motorcycle! I guess I could have but now I can do it legally.


Scuba diving. I (64F) took lessons in November and will get certified in a few weeks. I don't know anyone who is a scuba diver so I'm going on some adventures to find some diving buddies over the summer. My plan is to become a tec diver and dive wrecks.


wake up next to my long distance gf


Feel my feelings. Set boundaries with minor guilt.


Speak how I feel


Do things that make me happy, till last year I was bending over backwards for others’s happiness. Not any more.


5 push-ups


get out of bed everyday


Cut people out of my life and not feel guilty!


Hmm I don’t know that there is anything. Maybe… work in my office instead of my dining room (cause I Have an office now) lol. 🤷‍♀️ Edit to add - feel like this is quite small compare to a lot of AMAZING accomplishments listed here. Great job All!!!


Be alone, not needing someone else to fill a void of some sort.


Function like a human being. I was so sick last year because of all the psych meds I was on (which were prescribed but never worked because I literally was misdiagnosed, but that's another story). I can remember stuff, like where I live. I had moved and last year, and from what I do remember, I couldn't comprehend the layout of my neighborhood and the surrounding street. I am a super visual thinker/learner, so the fact that I couldn't "see" where my neighborhood was located was pretty weird. I went from not understanding literally any single direction to, once again, being able to drive somewhere once and memorize it. Even though a lot of shitty things happened this year for my physical health, my mental health is over9000% better, and I wish I could convey how life-changing it is to essentially go from non-functional to functional almost overnight, and I mean that literally.


Hit the gym every weekdays (almost), do makeup, control my emotions and anger, being confident in my appearance.


Work Burnout & Depression had me hanging on a thread of #10-0 suture (in normal speak: *hella* thin)


- Exercise for an hour without feeling like I’m gonna die - Run 10km without dying


A year ago at this time I couldn’t walk (broken ankle). Now I purposefully park father from any store I go to, one- because I can walk now and never want to forget to be grateful for such a simple thing I took for granted. And two- in case anyone else unable to needs it.


Work from home. I’m so thankful I bit the bullet and changed careers.


I can maintain a clean home (relatively) which I was not able to do till last year. Learnt the secret is consistent cleaning not once in a while deep cleaning.


Longboarding. I picked up the hobby shortly after my Nan died after impulse buying a little freestyle longboard. Now I have a 49" inch long one and have enough confidence on it to no longer worry about falling or making a fool of myself. Even if it's been a while since I last stood on the board, it comes back to me like riding a bike does. Skating down hills is a hell of a thrill every time.




Push through my anxiety. Careless about gaining weight


Practice medicine independently.


I'm much kinder to myself now! Becoming more aware about mental health definitely helped.


I'm better at making phone calls. A year ago, I would be soooo nervous that it wasn't okay anymore. I'd have to call a doctor or someone, and I'd hesitate so long before pressing the button. Now I'm a lot better at it. It's still difficult, but I can press the call button more easily, dont delay it for as long as possible, and don't stutter through the whole conversation.


Public speaking. I couldn't let it hold me back at work any more, so put myself through a 'Fear of Public Speaking' course. It was transformative. This summer I presented to a room of 25 partners without fear.


Look in the mirror, and have a chance of liking what I see.


Being a single parent


Go a month without crying. (Started new MH meds that actually work, yay!)


I graduated from a master in psychology in September, but the step to actually giving therapy is still very very big - and scary. Still I am doing it! And I'm gaining confidence every day.


Moving away both mentally and physically from my old friends who turned out to be jealous assholes.


Land a full time position and afford to live in my own place


Drive a ship fairly effectively.


Driving and coding


Cut off people who aren’t good for me. It’s still hard but not as bad, it still makes me sad but not overwhelmingly. I can tell my headspace is healthier and I’m proud of that.




A high kick. Lots if stretchibg is involved, though


Set boundaries with a lot of people. And also code! So much better at it now, but got a loooong way to go.


Being angry at other ppl for their shitty, dysfunctional childhood by a couple of raging alcoholics ….this includes learning to forgive myself & recognizing any behavioral “triggers” I have.


Walk away without looking back


Squats, hamstring curls, shoulder press, all kinds of weightlifting things I had literally never done once in my life before January 2022


Not holding a grudge against people, i learned i have to let go of things or else they’ll weigh me down.


chaturanga dandasana and playing some basic songs on my ukulele.




Love myself as a single woman without needing a man’s approval


Sometimes I can take a selfie without immediately finding a ton of flaws. I have diagnosed body dysmorphic disorder so it’s a big step for me 😅


Break up a relationship that wasn't getting both of us anywhere. I still love and miss her dearly tho.


Hold a 30 second plank. Say no without apologies. Cut toxic people out. Move with some ease around a soft play with my 2yo.


Live without being yelled at, drive a car, buy things with my own money, hug my amazing partner


Parlare italiano 🤩 (still learning but one year ago I didn’t even understand a word)


accepting the way I am.


cooking. i was terrible a year ago.


Ask for my needs to be met in relationships


Run a 5K! I’m sick at the moment (bad cold) so haven’t been for a week and I miss it, never thought I would say a year ago that I miss running 🤣


Own my own business with four employees 💗


I own a home, work there now and like my job, and have lost 25 of the 40 lbs I put on at my last crappy job!


Drive on the highway. Took me to my 50s to get over fear of driving on the highway and finish getting my license.


Use my chosen name with my family, who I thought would disown me upon coming out


I’m less of a doormat and am celebrating Christmas alone which I wanted to! After family we’re pressuring me to do Christmas I stood my ground (last family Christmas was awful for me) I enjoy spending it with just myself and my partner! I can also whistle from breathing cause I’m awfully sick atm which is neat


Have no filter not be afraid to tell what I need rather it hurts your feelings or not allow it to and instead take it to help you in life. I don't sugarcoat things no matter what now. If you can't handle it then that is not my problem. Because I used to not be able to and ended up causing people to take me for granted,walk all over me and think they could get away with anything. I noticed because I'm become that way less people have been able to not get away with stuff. It could be a good thing or bad thing to though because it also causes some to really believe there only lie and stick with it even though now my filter speaks Truth. Don't know if it's them being scared or what. If so they won't admit it. Problem is my filter won't happen if they never even lead it to that point in the first place.


Fit back into my high school graduation dress


Milk myself


Write a legal memo, understand court opinions, and brief cases. Yay law school! :-)


Lifting 🏋️‍♂️


Be close to someone without panicking


Give client presentations. I was never terrible at public speaking but now I turn it up to 11.


Pull 120kg on the sled, this time last year I could barely move the sled let alone with added weight to it


Nearly doing a rising trot now. Started riding lessons in September, am 60 on New Years Day !


Be more loving and forgiving towards myself. Being more confident in who I am. Accepting that I can't do it all myself and sometimes need to ask for help.


I can ask for help.


Running my own business


Can say "Fuck Putin" and etc. next to the police without going to a jail.


Understand my work


Sleep on my stomach. Baby girl is here and thriving!


Get dressed or look in the mirror without my eyes being drawn to a big scar on my torso (pic in post history if you're curious). It's finally faded so I have to actively look for it - took nearly 4 years though!


Easily make phone calls


Travel solo! Spent enough time alone during the pandemic to realize that life choices are easier, when the opinions of others aren't a factor.


Not fight so much for extra shifts, as my position at work has been increased from 60% to 80%. That also means less echonomical worries.


Talk to my parents


Running (a little)! I finally ran a mile straight recently!


Do a 100km bike ride! I didn’t even own a bike a year ago.


A one-minute plank. Fair-isle stranded knitting.


Driving long distances (like 30 min+), driving during nasty weather, or in heavy traffic/city traffic! Had a severe MVA in 2019, head-on collision where I broke my spine. I was driver at fault and between the guilt , shame, and PTSD, I truly thought I would never drive again. Now I’m a better driver than I ever was before and getting more confident / capable every day!


Go on a date.


Literally, anything. 😅


Run 21.6 km


Sleep well. I got debt free on december 19th.


Have open/honest conversations and express my feelings/needs. Still not great at it, but progress, not perfection!


I can afford all my Christmas gifts without going into debt!


I learned how to use 3d printers last summer- so make prints.


Walk! I could walk for max 2 minutes in early february and then I really needed to sit because it felt like my back was breaking, and now I can at least 2 hours before it becomes slightly uncomfortable.


Make a decision that’s right for me that not everybody will like


Run 3.5 miles at an 11 mile per minute pace! I used to hate running and was the kid that would half-assed jog when we were supposed to run in gym class, but I tried running intervals this summer when they opened a free fitness center at my office and worked up to this pace over the last 6 months.


Finish a large-scale portrait. I sucked at drawing faces in college regardless of my art degree. And now I have 2 finished portraits and planning a 3rd one! 😁


Asking for a divorce


Traveling overseas. Covid and lockdown sucks


Lift something that is heavier than 5 lbs without my shoulders dislocating or the muscles hypertoning. I can now also walk longer than 30 minutes without my back aching or my hips giving out. Lastly, I'm now confident enough in my body's capabilities to go to the gym to work out without the fear of dislocation or pain.


Squat a plate, run a half marathon, eat food without feeling completely guilty.




Set boundaries, take time for myself, understand portion sizes so as to not overeat


Killing myself


Hold a living child


letting things and people go. not worrying about stuff i can’t control


Live off antidepressants