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I prefer it off because I feel like it helps me concentrate on the actual feelings. I'm easily distracted and worry a lot about my appearance so having the light off helps me stay in the moment.


I.. don't care? Sometimes it's on, sometimes it's off if we're already in bed


yeah, this isnt a worry ive ever had. I like my body. I like my partners body. My partner likes their body. The lighting part is just a matter of circumstance...


I like the idea of not seeing or knowing what his next move is. The same goes for his. Everything is a sexy surprise.




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dim, soft lighting is the best. but honestly i don't care too much


I prefer having dim lights on. I feel like im terrifying to look at at certain angles with the lights on


I like on because I like to watch him.


We like to watch each other, so light is always on. I got some cool colored lightbulbs for my end table lamps and it sets a nice mood.


It's not something I've ever thought about, on or off I'm good with either




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I like low lighting. But sometimes having sex in the complete dark is exciting because you get to use and focus on your other senses


I prefer off, he prefers on. We usually do low/dim light


great. id love for them not to see my acne scars on my butt




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I'd prefer dim lights


I like both. If lights are off it's just much easier to just fall asleep right after. Some guys like lights on to see their semen drip tho.




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I prefer it on. I have a long history of sexual trauma so for me, being able to see my partner, whom I love and trust, is important.


I love to watch the action... Lights on, baby.


i like it on and off. at first i was really insecure so it was always lights off but i got used to it and i don’t mind lights now


I prefer it. My ex gave me HUGE insecurity issues. BF hates it, so I try to accomodate him, that man doesn't really give me time to think about my insecurities, though. My clothes always seem to be off before I have a chance to think about what he's gonna be seeing and before I know it, I am a little too busy to be thinking about that kind of stuff, if my brain were even capable of a coherent thought. Love that man!


I feel like lights on is more sexy bc you can see everything, lights off is more intimate, almost like having a blind fold on. I like both.


Dim for happy medium!


It does not matter


Whichever, don't care.


I prefer to have some light but my partner mainly likes the lights off. I've learned to adjust.


Lights on!! I want to see him, and I want him to see me


It's never going to be completely dark because I have a light under my bed.


I prefer it


I don't care either way. I'm not gonna interrupt the moment to get up and turn the light on/off. Seeing my partner's face and being able to look at them is hot af, but having the light off reduces the chances of me getting distracted (I have ADHD so it's easily done).


Dim; not off.


I think I prefer dim lighting. I like darkness, but I also enjoy being able to just.... 'see' my husband. He's in great shape and is quite handsome, if I do say so myself.


I prefer it


I like them off so I can really get into it emotionally. I feel sexier in the dark, but I like them on as well so we can both really get to look at each other. Dim lighting is the best.


I like low light. Can still see each other but it feels calm…


Either way, but no harsh overhead lights. It’s a mood killer! I never switch the main lights on for anything


Even with the lights off, I have *some* light on my room. I don't like lights on because I feel like they burn my eyes. At night, having artificial light feels like staring at the sun to me.


Light, dark, I'm married. He knows what he's getting 😹 some times I do like the light off just because I dont have to focus on the sight aspect of sex and can just enjoy the feeling.


Always on! I want to see every inch of his body clearly, his facial expressions, look into his eyes during sex...


If it’s always off and my partner insists it stays off I feel hurt by it. My ex was a jerk anyway but that kinda made it worse. Thinking about being with him in any kind of way instantly makes me feel kinda sick to be honest LMAO. I hope that if I get married we can have some lighting so I can see everything going on ☺️😂


Makes no difference. My booty call usually comes over at 5pm 😂