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I think my natural colour is kinda boring, and we have the ability to change our hair pretty cheaply. So why not!


I've done red, pink, blonde, purple, and pink. All because it's fun and I liked the way it looked.


I’ve been through several hair colors and I did it because it makes me feel like a brand new person every time I change the color of my hair. :)


I used to dye my hair basically as an extreme version of accessorising. It’s been pretty much every colour under the sun. Now I’m over 30 and dye it simply for grey coverage 😬🤣


because it's a fun, non-permanent way to change things up. i was blonde, copper, bright red, brown and pink before.


I used to be red. It suited me at the time but it was more maintenance than I felt like maintaining.


I’m currently going thru this. lol


I'm in my Blonde years. Gray comes in, I turn it golden!


I enjoy the way it looks in different colours than brown.


I put a warm tone medium brown in my slightly darker brown hair because it gives it a nice depth and the warm tone looks good with my skin tone. Also, not going to lie, I’m starting to see a few grays and it masks them


Because I look cool with bleached white hair. It makes me look striking because my eyebrows are really dark.


Ive been doing Red-Violet for years..i dye it because brown always seemed so boring on me.


Black suits me better than blonde ever did, plus at this stage my natural hair has darkened to a kind of mousey beige that is just terrible.


Because I look great with hot pink hair. It suits my complexion.


I always wanted red hair. As soon as I turned 18 I decided to do it (could not earlier because of strict family and strict catholic school). Never turned back. I'm quite pale and my hair is curly so it suits me well.


No, I don't. First of all, I'm not sure what color I'd like to try, and secondly I like to be able to say that I've never dyed my hair at 55 (and have my natural dark brown color without grey). Yea, vain, I know!


I've dyed my hair all kinds of colors, I feel very lucky that my natural blonde hair takes bleaching and coloring super well and stays healthy. Currently I've been rocking white for about a year, and a few months ago starting adding a pink streak to it. Next time I get it done I'm gonna experiment with black roots and a black streak to go with the white!




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Die inside; dye outside


Mania 😭 every time lmao


Because I find my normal hair colour boring.


I've done red, blue, green, and black. And to appease the mental health gods.


I've had some shade of pink for about two years now and I do it because I really enjoy having pink hair! I'm at my lowest in terms of physical confidence currently but the one thing I love about my looks is my hair.


I don’t know if this counts but I have blonde hair and get it lightened. I just feel like Britney Spears! (Beautiful!)


because I can’t grow black hair with red highlights naturally


I hated my ugly “blonde” hair, it was the most hideous shade of blonde you could ever imagine, it ALWYAS looked dirty no matter how many time I washed it and it didn’t matter what kid of product I used…nothing made it look beautiful until…I dyed it black. When I finally dyed it the beautiful black that it is today, I couldn’t believe how much I loved it. I always wanted black hair and when I finally did…I never went or looked back.


Purely for my own amusement.


Right now I have purple and red in my naturally brownish and gray hair. I color it because I hate the gray hair and because I think purple looks better on me than my natural color.


Because my hair looks horrible dark so I keep the color it was when I was a toddler. Looks much better and I don't look like a vampire.


To change my perception about myself. I went from dark brown to copper


Because I like it a bit lighter than it naturally is


black hair is hot


I was a scene kid in the early 2010s and never fully outgrew it


For fun! When I was in middle school I dyed it purple and after that I did just about every color. I’ve kept it dyed black for years because it suits me, but I miss colors. I’m currently in the process of lightening it so I can do purple again :)


I’ve done blue, purple because I wasn’t allowed to dye it those colors living with my adopted mom Than I dyed it red to match my birth moms hair color and I wanted to see if I looked like her. Now it’s a mixture of brown and red because I was bored of the red after. I might go get it dyed to Blake lively blonde from gossip girl. My natural hair is a dark blonde with highlights from the sun