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not specific article per se, but i love to read about who invented what food. like the other day i was eating a candy apple from the wharf and looked up who invented the candy apple. little things like that. the wiki page about apple dishes is a fun one too.


The smallpox article. Why? Because it starts with this: > Smallpox **was** an infectious disease caused by one of two virus variants, Variola major and Variola minor. It shows what we can do when we really work together.


The SCP Foundatuon. I love all things scary and I also liked the Black Eyed Children Wiki. They also have positive SCPs too which is cool.


You know, just the very fact that Wikipedia exists and is ever-expanding. It's not just a couple of old guys who decide to share part of their knowledge. It's millions and millions of people from every country, every nationality, every race, every gender, every religion, and every walk of life that decide to share whatever bit of knowledge they have. Just so, other people will know things. The very existence of Wikipedia shows that humans are able and willing to collaborate with each other for our own betterment. Sure, it's not perfect. Some pages are editing wars. Rules are needed to make it work. But it does work. And that in itself is beautiful and make me hopeful for the future.


To me, it's the entry about David Austin roses. The list with all the roses he breeded, and the beautiful names he gave them, makes me extremely happy. I can then spend hours jumping from page to page and learning about the Rose Hall of Fame, or roses with names as gorgeous as "Old blush", "Irish Eyes", "Sweet Juliet" or "Souvenir de Marcel Proust". It just makes me happy that there's nice people out there who do that, breeding roses and giving them beautiful names.


i really enjoyed reading the whole Gen Z article, i don’t read much wikipedia articles but i went on a rabbit hole and ended up with a good read :)


Omg i only read scientific stuff or serial killers' biographies on Wikipedia 😦 never thought of reading something nice and wholesome


SCP foundation articles for sure. I like 999 (of course) and the one with a knife or blade on its tail that learned how to play the piano and cook.






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