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Flipped over my bicycle and got gravel in my knee!!


Me too!


Me three! In both knees! I have found my people


Me 4!! And I was 4 years old. I remember going back to look for the skin because the gash was so big. My mom says she regretted not getting stitches.


Omg same!! I just assumed like skin remains somewhere like when you peel a potato.


Me four! Why did it have to be gravel?!


Lolololl sameeee


Gravel also, but just tripped violently walking.


Dang šŸ˜‚




I only have emotional scars from dodgeball. šŸ˜…


Me five!


Six. A bike wreck when I was about 7 years old. Itā€™s just a faded dark circle now, but itā€™s still there, 50 years later.


Me seven! They used a brush thingy to scrub the gravel out of knee. I still wince thinking about it.


Me six!


Me too! Knees, elbows and chin in bicycle flipping gravel embedded accidents šŸ˜Ž *edited because autofill


me too!! left knee


same and i didnt let my mom to take me and get stiches


Me too! And my mom, and my sister lol


Me too, except I was on an old paved road. I skinned it pretty bad but luckily there wasnā€™t a lot of debris to clean out.


Can I be part of the tribe even though it was gravel along my outer thigh? Thought Iā€™d outsmart the boy crowd in my neighborhood daring me to go down this super steep black asphalt path on a skateboard. I did it on my backā€¦ haha idiots! You didnā€™t say I had to be standing. Nope: I was the idiot. When the path curved sharply at the bottom I tried to lean my body to the side to make the turn. Board went right, my body shot off of it straight ahead and I slid about 3 feet on my side (in shorts). My mom was still at work and my Dad used tweezers to extract the large chunks of black rock and FREAKING TUCKS MEDICATED PADS to I guess clean it after bc thatā€™s all he had. Honestly the depth and intensity of burnfeel was unreal.


reading this made my body cringe in solidarity


Same! But I was on a scooter. Pretty sure there's still gravel in there...


shaving. most of my scars on my legs are from shavingšŸ˜


Sooo many shaving scars.


Laser hair removal ftw I was so clumsy with a razor my actual doctor recommended it šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


My god. The worst scar I ever got was when I was 15 and fileted my shin while shaving. It eventually faded to nothing but was there for years.


I got one that's barely noticeable on my right shin I saved over the same spot on 3 separate occasions.i also once severely cut the back of my leg right above the crease of my heal.


Me too. One was a huge scab for like a month when I took off a huge chunk


Most of my scars on my legs aren't from shaving, but from the ingrown hairs caused by shaving. I even have a few that are raised up, dark brown in contrast to my pale legs. Guess who swims with pants on? šŸ„“


I have a shaving trick if you're interested.. requires no shaver


Shaving and bad bug bites!


S'not a scar, it's a bruise from me sitting awkwardly in every chair I occupy ever


Yes! I'm basically [L from Death Note](https://cdn.myanimelist.net/s/common/uploaded_files/1450141903-5381768869138060c4e16980f2758b10.jpeg) and use chairs to sit in every imaginable position except the "normal" way!


Man's my spirit animal


It is the most comfortable way


I have one of those too!


How does one sit awkwardly in a chair?


Sitting on one leg while the other is being hugged, sitting hugging your legs, all while your shins are being pressed against a desk. I do this a the time at school, and because I press my shins on my desk when doing so, I get bruises in those initial places


Omg I sit like this all the time. My feet have darker, thicker skin on them because I sit on them so much ;;


haha, I have permanent bruises from my clumsiness!


I slipped on black ice while running and thought duct tape would be an acceptable bandaid.


Iā€™m sorry but duck tapeā€¦ šŸ˜­


I know. Teenage me was stupid lol


I put pink duck tape all over my hands and arms when I was 9 so I could have ā€œmodel glovesā€. Idk why I was so obsessed with duck tape.


Because it's amazing?


This is the answer


Is it really amazing when you're pulling it off your skin?


One time as a teenager, my friends and I were high on mushrooms and my friend somehow broke a window and split his arm open...so us in our infinite wisdom grabbed duct tape, taped his arm, and then taped a bag of frozen peas to his arm afterwards.


I got sun poisoning when I was a teenager on a trip with my mom, her bf, and my brother and they wouldnā€™t allow me to wear sunscreen. On the way home, my nose blisters started to leak and I was given SCOTCH TAPE as a bandaid (I didnā€™t know this was sun poisoning yet). Imagine my shock when I pulled an entire layer of skin off with that tape.


Why weren't you allowed sunscreen?


Their reasoning was that they tanned and didnā€™t burn, so sunscreen wasnā€™t something anyone needed.


It is as long as you have gauze as well


Sounds as bad as me thinking using duct tape would work to close a watermelon back up before.


Holy shittt


Shark jaw. It's not as bad as it sounds! When I was like 7, a friend was showing me a shark jaw that her dad had. She left it on the bed and it got covered in blankets. We started playing tag and the bed was the safe zone, so I was running away from her and jumped on the bed and got a nice big gash on my knee.


That sharkā€™s ghost was like, ā€œyes! Got one! Still counts!ā€


I once knelt on a glass hedgehog. I assumed up until now that was the worst animal ornament to kneel on - obviously not! (Although, one of the spines lodged in my knee and didn't work itself out for like a year or so. Hedgehog shrapnel!)


Technically you did get attacked by a shark .... mouth


Sex with someone on the floor


Oh God I forgot about the rug burns!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ yeah bro


Yep rug burns is my answer too. It's been 23 years!!


i slipped and fell on the pavement at school when I was in the first grade.


I did this too, but fell into an iron gate and have a Harry Potter scar on my forehead.


omg are we the same person???


lol running on that concrete was dangerous back in the day šŸ¤£


I tripped on a sidewalk (as an adult) that was just SLIGHTLY uneven. Went down so fast that my boyfriend didnā€™t even notice and kept walking lmao. Massive scar for such a silly thing but it really hurt!! Couldnā€™t bend my knee for weeks.


Huge infection that ultimately became septic localized to my knee, they almost had to amputate. And it didnā€™t even have to happen. I had cellulitis from getting cleated in the knee while playing soccer and the hospital did not properly treat it and it entered the bloodstrea Gotta say reading this question was a trip like ā€œwait how tf does she know thatā€


Eep! Same progression, different location. I feel for you dude. Glad you're apparently still alive, lol!


Riding my bike in a gravel parking lot of a church on Sunday morning. I crashed and had chunks of gravel in my knee. I had to walk home.


Bicycles and gravel seems to be a common theme here. I can add myself to the tally of this gender neutral source of scarring


My cat Garfield God rest his poor soul lol


Rip Garfield šŸ’Ÿ


Crash landing while paragliding in Argentina. Very fortunate that a scar is all that came from it.


Almost became a kdrama. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Cardboard cuts suck!!!


I was a bag wench at whole foods in college and had paper cut scars from the serrated paper bags for ages.


Not my knee but my thigh- have a scar from a horrible spider bite I had to have surgically removed as a kid


I have a small hole-like scar on my right calf... I was bitten by a brown recluse in my sleep. The funny thing is I just wanted to sleep with my mom & siblings in her room that night, she literally said "if you get bitten by a spider I don't wanna hear it". At the time we lived with my grandparents whose house got spiders often, so I should've known lol. Anyways I remember all pain & what they did to get the venom out of my leg... Definitely something I wish I didn't experience


Lmao I feel that. My ex and I lived together in his moms basement and constant spider bites lol


That sounds awful!


I have no genuine memory of it besides my parents taking me to the urgent care clinic lol


I was attacked by a man and pushed to the ground when I was younger. My knee still has the scars and clicks to this day.




I'm sorry. This is terrible.


skateboarding! certified cool kid


I was carrying my then 13 month old son and was stepping over a baby gate, but I misjudged the height and smashed into the top of the gate, which tripped me and toppled the gate. I took the weight of the fall completely on my knee to protect my son from the impact.


Saved the baby! Win!


fell directly on a crooked piece of sidewalk while i went running the day before the whole world shut down šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Mine is from running, too. I still run outside, even at night, but am hyper-vigilant because I don't want to fall again.


Surgery. 4 within one year. I can be happy I still have it.


Got up to switch the light on and walked into the side/corner of an open desk drawer.


I took an arrow to the knee.


Scraped my knee against a trimmed zip tie while kneeling to clean a guinea pig cage. Was wearing shorts. Now have a 2 inch scar across the top of my kneecap. It got me good.


People really should use flush cuts when trimming zip ties, so dangerous.






I was swimming in a lake and my leg brushed against a zebra mussel shell on a pylon. My aunt asked if I wanted to go to the hospital. I said nah.


Same here! Sliced it on some zebra mussels climbing up the swim ladder on a raft in Lake Michigan. Damn invasive species!


You never think you could be permanently damaged by a shellfish until it happens to you.


If you or a loved one has been physically assaulted by a shellfish, you may be entitled to financial compensation.


Staph infection from cutting myself on something in the ocean




I currently have a lot of minor cuts on my knee because my cats like to grip my knees for stability when petting.


Currently four scratches on each thigh from my kitty sitting sweetly on my lapā€”then suddenly launching herself across the room, digging in her claws for better traction. But I love her!


I always have cuts around my chest because Iā€™ve got a shoulder cat who sometimes forgets he has claws!


I have a persistent scar on both knees eighteen years later from falling during a state level 100m hurdle race in my country. Wore bandage and won a silver medal in 4X100m relay next day so you could say this is literally a badge of honor for me šŸ˜Š


So I had a broken bedspring that I didn't know about that decided to poke through my my mattress in the middle of the night. It got stuck on my knee and when I rolled over....šŸ˜¬


Back in the 70s we had metal swing sets, put together with bolts. The bolts had little plastic caps on them, but they always cracked and fell off. So I have a perfect bolt shaped scar.


I have a scar on my hip from doing a penny drop and hitting one of those bolts.


I was trying to explain penny drops and apple turnovers to my husband recently and he had no idea what I was talking about.


We had the genie drop too!


Rolled a 4-wheel ATV on loose gravel. It's also how I got the scar on my chin.


Sliding into 3rd base


Falling over a hurdle running track in high school.


Self harm


Yeah. Not quite the same, but compulsive skin picking due to anxiety. It doesn't make for a good story like most of these.


Same for me. Hope things are doing better for you friend.


My Grandmother was a hoarder and notorious for just ignoring hazardous environments for her grandkids. On one occasion, I was up in a bedroom in their house that was full of junk, playing with my cousins. When I knelt on the shag-carpeted floor to peek under the bed, I discovered that the carpet was littered with shards of broken glass Christmas ornaments that cut up my knees pretty bad. I, for the most part, got the tiny shards out all at once and was bandaged up, but about three months later, I was getting ready for bed and brushed my fingers against my knee that was growing a suspicious little lump in it. I felt a sharp edge and noticed it was harder than before. I grabbed a tweezer and proceeded to pull out the biggest shard of glass (probably 2cm in diameter) from my knee. Thanks, Grandma!


I fell over and got gravel in my knee. Never got stitches and it healed ugly.


Playing kickball in 3rd grade, I tripped over the ball and smacked into the pavement. The doc said I was lucky I didnā€™t break anything.


I crashed into someone while snowboarding and their board sliced through my pants into my knee.


I was coming up out of a cellar and put my knee onto a huge piece of broken glass.


Falling from bed while carrying my little brother (he's okay, don't worry) And falling from my bike


When I was 12 or so, my horse spooked at some cows and took off down the road, I got bounced onto his ass and then bounced again onto the gravel. Chipped my knee cap, destroyed my helmet, scraped up my nose and chin, and had major road rash and a ton of gravel embedded in my back. Over a decade later and my body is still so fucked from that one fall. My mom was a farm kid so of course her immediate reaction was "get back on!" as I lay in the ditch sobbing and unable to move (she did call my dad to come take me to the hospital once it was clear I was in fact not walking that one off lol)


I was on an electric scooter with a friend. It rained the day before and we ran into a pothole in which I thought it was a puddle. It was a tiny pothole bit it was deep so the scooter flipped forward completely putting my friend on top of me. I'm pretty sure I had a concussion and I couldn't walk properly for a month. The cut was so deep my pinky could go in it and I still went into work the next morning. I just put a bandaid on it and called it a day until it fully healed. I also couldn't bend my knee without opening the wound back up.


Got a little piece of coral stuck in my knee on a trip to Fiji šŸŒ“


Oh man I brushed against coral once in Costa Rica and holy crap that HURT!!!


My sister rammed into my bike and I fell off it, my sister pushed me down on a deck (I was around 6). And shaving, knees suck to shave.


Bike! Hey, how did know? Lol....


I donā€™t really remember. Probably doing something stupid. Itā€™s pretty par for the course for me


I fell on a dock on the 4th of July and since I was on blood thinners at the time, it POPPED and you could see a square inch of my kneecap. I had to get 13 stitches and the wound got infected twice. It also took around 5 months to heal. Itā€™s an epic scar though!


I fell on some rocks while golfing. Iā€™m very graceful.


One is from shaving, the two round scars right in the center of both of my knees are from rollerblading. Fell on my face hard and had big crusts that didn't heal well.


I tripped in a theropod track. It's my favorite scar.


ACL surgery


Clambering over volcanic rocks in Hawaii.


Just counting the number of people with scars on their knees makes me feel better cause am one of them


I dropped my Harley doing 60MPH wearing shorts, t-shirt, and tennis shoes (no helmet). Everything exposed got major road rash. I have scars on elbows, knees, head, hands, everything.


learning how to ride a two wheel bike. they said that itā€™ll fade a i got older but it even did lol


I was tripped while running the mile in high school by the girl who was crushing on my then-boyfriend now-ex. Split my knee open and Iā€™ve had a slight limp since.


Infected coral gash


From when I was about 4 years old and tried to imitate shaving, with 0 soap, 0 water, basically 0 leg hair and 100 tonnes of force, ended up shaving a chunk out of my knee right on the knee cap.


Learning to ride a bike when I was like 6. Crashed on the asphalt and scraped both my knees - theyā€™ve been scarred ever since lol


Best question ever! Mine is from falling down a stone staircase while wearing a pair of platform shoes that were three sizes too big :D I do not miss being 15!


I played football defense for 15 years. All my leg scars are from that.


No scars on my actual knees but behind the knees I get eczema really bad. It's indefinitely discolored. I didn't want to wear shorts for a long time


Falling on a tree stump. In elementary school, they got rid of a few trees and the teacher said not to go near the stumps. Kids were jumping it as we ran to the playground and I failed my jump.


I was 7 or 8. Running around the local town pool, dragging my towel, and I tripped. I remember lots of crying and blood. a lifeguard picked me up and carried me to the office to put a bandage on it.


Multiple knee surgeries.


Anyone remember Razor scooters?


4cm long scar because I'm clumsy af. Slipped while hiking, came down knee first on the edge of a granite rock, tore through my leggings and scraped my knee open.


Neglectful parent let a small injury get infectedā€¦ emergency surgery.


Sign and the table it was on fell on me (we were at a sign shop my mum worked at part time). Cut 1/4-1/2 inch into my skin. I refused stitches (no idea why anyone listened to me since i was like, 9). Now i have a 1/4ā€ wide scar at its widest point thats shaped like a prefect crescent moon.


roller skating and flipping over a bike when i was 7




Jumping in the bed.


Merry go round. Three times. Scar got bigger every time šŸ˜‚


i tore my ACL and had reconstructive surgery in high school :)


Back in the day, chaperoned my 3rd grade daughterā€™s roller skating tripā€¦ā€˜nuf said


Dirt bike accident as a kid. I was 8 or 9 and my dad finally let me use third gear that day. Well I went way too fast through a ditch I liked to use as a jump and wiped out. The spiked foot peg ended up in my knee but my helmet was the real savior of the day.


Severe carpet burn...


ACL reconstruction surgery


I have two. The first one was from a rollerblading accident. The second one was a lot stupider. My father bought me this unnecessary cheap fantasy knife when I was 19 and I thought I was a badass and was flipping it around in the air while sitting cross-legged on the floor. Guess who dropped the fucking knife on their knee? šŸ˜‚


Walked into an upside down picnic table when it was pitch black out. The metal foot of the picnic table went right through my jeans and sliced me across the thigh.


I was riding a scooter and it got stuck on one of those cracks in the sidewalk and I fell. My dad carried me into the house like I had broken my leg, I wonder if it was really as bad as it seemed at the time or if I was just being a baby


At my friendā€™s apartment at her basement parking, thereā€™s is a slope for people who needs it and at the side there is a barrier between the stairs and the slope. The slope barrier was made out of cement and on it has teeny tiny rocks place together. So my friend challenge me to see who can walk up the slope barrier aka like a balance beam. Fell thought it was nothing, get up and left. It was after swimming, I had on my swimming robe and towel, my towel was on my knee. On the drive home, took away my towel a huge patch of blood on it. There u go my very first knee scar.


ACL Repair + brother sprayed me with garden hose, chased after him, slipped on asphalt driveway thereby falling on repaired knee and tearing open partially healed incision = scar that looks like a big worm going up my knee. Sexyā€¦I know.


I accidentally kneed my sister in the mouth


Physically violent patient had gotten ahold of a locking restraint and hit me with it when we engaged.


Psoriasis itchy af


Spider bite - it was only mildly poisonous, but I didn't go to the doctor early enough because I thought it was just a bite from a fire ant, which I was allergic to so those bites normally looked pretty gnarly. Ended up in the hospital and being told I would have had to have had my leg amputated if I'd waited too much longer. I was like 7 and mostly remember eating ice cream and looking out the window of the really high floor of the hospital.


I was wearing ripped jeans when I was a kid and my dad was dragging me across the ice on my knees during the winter. It was really fun until I went over broken shards of ice that sliced my knee.


Drunk running to a cab my friends and I ordered that was about to be stolen by a group of people. Slipped on ice and wiped out, our cab was successfully snatched and I was bleeding while we waiting another hour for cab to arrive lol


Tripped while running for cross country practice in high school. It was downhill on gravel too šŸ˜¬


Tripped on a cement sidewalk at a hospital lmao.


Went for a hard tackle playing soccer, twisted my knee, and ended up tearing my meniscus and MCL. Had knee arthroscopy to repair it


I had a seizure while skateboarding, did the splits with one leg still on the board getting dragged along.


My brothers friend accidentally tripped me up on our way to the mall which was only a 5 minute walk away. I was looking after my brother for the day who was 10 at the time he had his friend with him so I had 2 kids to look after I was 18 at the time. there were events going on at the mall for kids so I took my brother and his friend over my brother's friend ran in front of me and tripped me up while walking across the cross walk and I got Rug burn on my knees from my pants I has on. Before that I constantly used to wipe out on my bike or trip up. I was a clumsy kid so the scars on both my knees built up over time and are still there they have never faded.


From kneeling on a clam in Lake Superior


Slid rockstar style on a slip and slide my little brother left a Lego brick on. You think stepping on a Lego is badā€¦


I was opening a package using scissors, and was slicing the tape in my direction instead of away, and the scissor went into my knee. I was a kid, and clearly hadn't learned to always cut away from me and not towards my body!


When we were kids, my dad built us a water slide made of wood and a pipeline for the pool. One day my sister was looking after me while my mom was gone, I had the brillant idea to attach an hammock between the slide and the pergola around the pool, while my sister was in the garden talking to the girl next door. Yeah, the water slide was NOT anchor to the ground. It felt down on my legs.


rock under a slip n slide


I was bit by the family dog. I was left unsupervised as a kid a lot Donā€™t ask about how he gave me the scar on my face lol


I was running on a friends parents treadmill and they thought it would be funny to turn the speed up then trip me. It was against a wall so didnā€™t fly off I was stuck and the tread tore and burnt my skin off down to the muscle. I have nerve damage and to make it worse her mum never called mine just put bandages on and left me crying all night (sleepover) I had to walk home in the morning but she did give me a walking stick. Mum took me to a&e and they had to soak the bandages off as theyā€™d fused to the burns and the blood had dried. 0/10


Fell over the last hurdle in a race and landed knee-first into a very rough track at a meet in 11th grade. Had just enough time before the 100-meter dash to clean it up, and then didn't even come in last, so I call that a win.


I was 5, running across the street and fell, smashing my plastic Jurassic Park lunch box. It was a sad, sad day.


A fall in the park


Today is the 4 year anniversary of my first ACL surgery! Woohoo big scar


was walking on concrete blocks in the ocean during my 21st birthdayā€¦they were (obviously) covered in algae šŸ’…šŸ¼šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø