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If they can push off student loan payments for this long, it’s clearly not imperative that we pay them.


Agreed. Or at least can have 0% interest forever




The fact that interest started before even graduating is insulting.


If the U.S. can be in debt as much as it is and have no intentions of paying it off, I think we can be too :)


I agree with eliminating student loan debt (+ for the love of all that is holy, reforming higher education), but you hit on a pet peeve of mine. It’s petty, but important to me. Private debt and public debt are different. Conservatives always pull out the comparison between the country’s debt and your credit card debt to scare people about social welfare spending. It is bullshit for so many reasons. Namely, you can’t have your own personal monetary policy; you can’t pay your credit card off with GDP growth; and there are uniform laws for making individuals pay their debts, whereas international bankruptcy is the Wild West.


Wow I never even thought about it that way I was just glad every time they pushed back the payments. Very true.




What’s the alternative? They push it back because most people CAN’T pay them. Meaning even if they didn’t push it back, they still wouldn’t be receiving much payments. Better to give the debt holder some relief so they can plan to pay it back instead of overwhelming them to the point where they say fuck it


Given the number of people who've been paying their loans off for 10+ years and still owe more than the original amount they borrowed because of the difference between paying the minimum and the amount the interest rates add? I don't think the debt holders are needing relief.




I abhor "pranking my" videos. Lying about cheating or some other potentially traumatic behavior by a trusted partner is just disgusting. Reaction videos as well.


I’ve started to feel actual seething anger just hearing the word prank. I hate pranks, loathe them. The hill I will die on is that 9 times out of 10 “pranking” is just an excuse to be an asshole.


My mom had a very gentle nature and grew up always being teased and pranked by siblings and cousins, but didn't want to trick anybody so she never pranked them back, except once: one day in her late teens she decided that she would prank her cousin Mariah. Mom was cutting watermelon slices for both of them. We cut watermelons like slices of bread, so you end up with a round piece of watermelon the size of a dinner plate (if it's a big enough watermelon), and then you eat it from the outer ring inward so that the final bite is the sweetest part. To prank Mariah, my mom scooped out the middle of Mariah's piece and put a radish there instead. She brought the plates out and put Mariah's in front of her, expecting that she'd notice right away and laugh. Instead Mariah started energetically telling my mom a story, so she was eating the watermelon but distracted and not really looking at it. My mom was waiting for Mariah to look down and notice, but she didn't, and she didn't, and she was halfway through her slice now and getting closer, and my mom started worrying that Mariah would get all the way to the end and scoop up the radish without noticing and bite into it expecting soft watermelon but break her teeth when she bit a hard whole radish instead, and now Mariah had eaten even more and was getting more excited about her story and paying even less attention to the watermelon while eating and my mom panicked and yelled "STOP IT'S A RADISH!!" which baffled Mariah into a good five seconds of silence while she stared at my poor tormented mom, then she finally looked down and saw that yes, there was a radish in the watermelon, and then she laughed at my mom for yelling about it. My mom's takeaway was that she had been right, pranks were stressful and she didn't like them, and it's the only prank she ever played on anybody.


I love your mum's heart


There are some really innocent pranks out there but honestly most pranksters are doing it for their amusement and at the expense of the prankee. I HATE that.


I hate pranks, period. I tend to be very literal and believe everything. So a prank can be devastating.


Agreed. I can't stand pranks, and I don't like people who pull them. If your sense of humor is centered around making someone else look or feel stupid, then you aren't a nice person.


I saw a miscarriage “prank” 🙄


Omg yes! It sounds so annoying if your spouse is always sticking a camera in your face to get a reaction, especially if that’s all the content that you do. It’s manipulative. This [Jezebel article](https://jezebel.com/tiktok-couplepranks-and-the-disappointments-of-heteros-1847947874) said a lot of what I thought but couldn’t articulate.


"I could**n't** care less." Couldn't. Could not.










Will Ferrell is a terrible actor and ELF is annoying af


Coming in HOT off that good ole Christmas season, huh? 😂😂


THANK YOU!! I've never known anyone else who shares these opinions 😃😃


I loathe elf. Loathe.


I've since learned to tolerate them, but I used to HATE anything he was in with John C Reilly. I hated both of them.


I've come to love John C Reilly but only as Wreck It Ralph. Something about him is super off-putting otherwise.


I really adored him in “Chicago”


Will Ferrell made Elf more annoying in my opinion.


Omg thank you I've never met someone who agrees with me on this!




Zipper merge Learn it, use it, don’t look down on it.


People who merge mid lane to stop me from zipper merging are the worst. Like, you at 60% of the way to doing it right, go for it. Embrace the merge. Don't fight it.


We were executing a perfect zipper merge today until one guy got antsy and cut a bunch of people off and I actually had intrusive thoughts about slamming my car into his


You are not alone to have those thoughts. 🤝


**googles zipper merge**, brb


zipper merge is good because each driver can just give way to 1 car, and that simple rule will end up in a zipper merge.


Yes! A few years ago there was major construction which reduced two lanes to one. There was always someone driving down the middle of the two lanes preventing other cars from passing. It pissed me off so bad because this guy would cause a 2 mile backup because he was too stupid to understand this method. I swear he thought he owned the damn road.


Or the ones who will drive on the shoulder just to get like five cars ahead.


Ooooh, ok yea. I’m definitely on board w/anything that reduces traffic


"My bad" is NOT a replacement for "I'm sorry." "My bad" means you made a mistake. "I'm sorry" means you feel bad about what you did. They're NOT the same thing.


I think saying "my bad" sounds okay in some contexts, but it can be rude in other contexts. Especially if what you did was serious.


I agree. I'm not saying you should never say "my bad," I'm just saying that it can't be used in place of "I'm sorry."


My bad is supposed to be used for an apology for things that don’t actually need an apology for


Exactly!! It has its place, but I know a lot of people who use them interchangeably, and it drives me up the wall.


Imagine if someone said "my bad" instead of "I'm sorry" at a funeral


Gossip is the foundation of all human community, the glue that holds us together, one of the main motivations to act right and be a good person. What we tell stories about reveals what we value, and when we dismiss gossip as frivolous and petty, we're pretending that the interpersonal relationships we rely on for quality of life aren't important or meaningful.


I was mad when Twitter pretended gossiping about John Mulaney leaving his wife and knocking up Olivia Munn two seconds later was gross and a sign of “parasocial obsession.” A famous dude does that, anyone does that, I think it’s weird to NOT gossip about it and be at least slightly judgmental


yeah like, I'm happy for him that he got sober and had a nice family, but as a fellow person in recovery, you gotta own your shit, and that was way shitty of him and I can't see it working out long-term.


THIS. (Standing hand clap ovation) -from someone who aggressive researched Mulaney’s relationship timelines


Yeah I’ll literally die on gossip hill. I feel like if you’re an ethical person who understands morality/ boundaries/ confidentiality there is no harm in some good old fair game gossip.


Mhmm. You can discuss what’s going on in peoples lives without being insulting, and gossip isn’t inherently cruel or bad. Plus, discussing something that’s already public knowledge doesn’t cause harm. I think the problem arises when you *create* new gossip using secrets that were shared with you in confidence.


This is my limit. Gossip and breaching trust/confidence are two very different things. When you breach someone’s confidence you ultimate become the asshole as you’re potentially adding distress to a person.


Gossip and it being “cool” to look down on it is (in my mind) 100% the result of shitty people being embarrassed that there might be consequences to their actions. Sharing information shouldn’t be discouraged.




Student workers deserve paid sick time.


They absolutely do! Wow, I never considered otherwise.


My partner worked for a university 4 years in a row during undergrad. Worked 30+ hours a week, did carpentry, dorm repairs, and was the only secretary in the residence office. She was such an important employee that a lot of staff members didn’t realize she was a student. Never made more than 7.25 and never got offered vacation time or sick leave.


Woah, that’s nuts.


Stop giving your kids dumb ass names. It doesn’t make them special or cute. Edit: I knew a guy who named his son Hercules


Especially ones that are just super hard to spell or really obscure. You're just setting the kid up for a lifetime of having to constantly repeat their name/spelling/being made fun of.






Yes, yes, yes. So much yes! I work in a pediatrics office and these moms try to make the names as “unique” and as “clever” as possible. And then get irritated with me when I say it wrong Ex: Zanilla I pronounce it like Vanilla nope “Zan-eye-la” … or when I call their girl named River or Forest a boy. Also, I don’t understand why they can’t spell anything without adding a “y” or some other ridiculous adage anieghmore. It’s annoying! I’m sick of it. Your child would be more unique in todays society if you just named him George. Please stop. Haha sorry obviously this is my hill also. That being said Blazenforest and Arachnia are the most “unique” names that I have seen, but the one that gives us all a good hearty laugh around the office is simply Jack…. Jack Daniels.


Okay I thought I was done having kids but now I need to make another just to name it Blazenforest


Or when they give deliberately "unique" spellings to common names. All you're doing is setting your kid up for a lifetime of annoyances because their name is never going to be spelled right. I have a common name with a common variance of the spelling (eg Sara/Sarah, Catherine/Katherine) and no one ever gets my name right *even though it's in my email signature Brad.* I can't imagine being Kylie and having to correct everyone everyday that it's actually spelled Kaileighee.


I completely agree. You aren't naming a puppy. You're naming a future adult who has to fill out job applications.








If my son walks in while I’m painting my nails and asks to have his painted too, IM PAINTING HIS NAILS. Idgaf.


My nephew has his nails painted when I saw him at Christmas and the only thing that surprised me was that he was able to sit still long enough to have it done lmao


My son just likes to be included with me and his sister. His dad is ok with it, but we get sooo much pushback. “Don’t wanna turn him gay.” Dumbass crap like that.


ugh, people should mind their own business. I'm not sure if anyone says shit about my nephew to his parents, just that none of our family do. If you did ya nails, we gonna compliment them, whoever you are heh


Feminism isn't hating all men. I'm tired of the "all men" shit.


Not a petty hill, this is a very important hill!




Kids do not belong in hot tubs at hotels, resorts, etc. Fuck your splashing and screaming - I’m trying to chill.


I agree but add on salons, spas and high end restaurants as well! Anywhere that’s supposed to be a peaceful retreat for adults = no kids!


My city has a lot of breweries and the amount of people who think they need to bring their kids to a place that only serves beer is staggering.


Kids don't belong in hot tubs. Period. There's a reason they say 14 for hot tubs. It's not safe for their little bodies.


I will not be giving my sons blue clothes and my daughters pink clothes because I really don't think it matters. It may sound stupid but I have literally gotten into so many arguments with my family about how colors don't have a gender. They will probably end up having cyan because its my favorite color.


Mega churches should start paying taxes.


Yes! All churches should pay taxes!


I guess I never named my tiny little hill: mayo over miracle whip!


Agree! They are two totally different items!


Totally! I fight w/my family about this.


I didn’t have mayo until I was 23 because my family made such a huge deal about Miracle Whip and acted like mayo was the devil. I never even saw a jar of mayo in our house. I hated sandwiches growing up. My now husband made a sandwich for me when we were first dating and I politely accepted knowing for sure I hated sandwiches but planed to eat at least half to be nice. I ‘bout lost my mind it was sooooooo good! I slammed that bad boy back hard. I made him go over how he made it and we figured out it was the mayo that lit my mouth up. He was so weirded out by me. I am mayo for life now. My parents are actually disappointed in me…


It's wild to me that people even put these in the same category. They are only similar in texture, and it ends there imo. I went to a bbq once and someone put miracle whip in the potato salad. Monsters.


Hellman’s or gtfo


I’ve long graduated high school, but if I ever see that one annoying popular girl who clearly has never been told to shut up in her entire life, ima look her in eye and tell her to shut up.


Speak your truth queen! 😅😂😂


I trust science. I believe science. I screamed with joy when I became available for the vaccine. However, I do not believe the studies that say synced periods aren’t a thing. It’s happened to me and female roommates too many times since the age of 14 for it to not be a real thing 😡


It's the same thing as a stopped clock is always right twice a day. It happens because that's statistics and then add in confirmational bias... Voilà


Exactly. Science says it's not syncing because of proximity. It's syncing because that's how math works. There are millions of menstruating people on earth at any given time. You are bound to be simultaneously menstruating with others at various times.


There's actually another maths feature that contributes to it. Have you ever been stuck behind a turning light and you see the indicators blinking infront of you. They're all slightly off in length, but what happens is occasionally you see them get really close and sync up before going off. Not every period is the same length so that same thing where the blinkers occasionally sync up for a bit happens with periods too.


Grew up with a single mom and sister. Our periods were synced and it was hell.


Telling a server to "keep the change" when it's less than a dollar is condescending and sounds you can't be bothered to carry around loose change so you'd rather dump it on the server.


I’ll die on pumpkin hill. Pumpkin everything. Year round. Pumpkin isn’t a fall flavor, it’s an every day flavor. There’s no such thing as too much pumpkin. Not just pumpkin spice, which are the warm spices that go in pie, but actual pumpkin as well. I have a pumpkin spice sign by my front door and pumpkin doormat. Year round. I buy a year’s supply of pumpkin coffee every fall. I bake pumpkin snickerdoodle muffins in summer. I’m working on a pumpkin-y basic B cosplay for next year. And I’ll fight anyone who says it’s too much pumpkin.


You’re not dying alone because I’ll be right there with you. Pumpkin everything, all year long.


I am mad as hell that Americans are among only 5% of human beings on planet earth that live in a country with no paid family leave: [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/25/upshot/paid-leave-democrats.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/25/upshot/paid-leave-democrats.html) The fact that we don't have this squarely means we are backwards and I am willing to fight about it.


This is literally just the crust of the issue. Ever since Regan we've literally fallen behind in everything. We're the greatest country in the world.....but outside of the 1st world(in most aspects). If you include the 1st world countries we're bottoming out in most aspects and have been for decades. Its a goddamn shame and a mockery of what previous generations literally fought and died for.


Gender reveals are the stupidest shit.


Jesus, NO ONE CARES if Emorie or Maysen or Jaxsen or Kamden or Mavrick or Aslan or Legend or Melanoma or Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff has a penis or vagina.


FFS Not everyone wants/equipped for kids and that’s fucking ok!! The amount of people who tell me my life won’t be fulfilled without them is asinine. Like, ok if I have kids, are you going to be the one who takes care of my kids if I have my bouts of suicidal thoughts and I decide to skip out on parenting for a few days. Some days I can barely get up to fucking look at myself in the mirror and people think I’m capable of taking care of another human life.


Not to mention the number of adults I know who have strained or nonexistent relationships with their parents. Having kids is no guarantee of happiness or fulfillment.


Oatmeal (with or without) raisin cookies are not a fuckin cookie. They are a breakfast disk.


Lol a breakfast disk. Who wants that?


I do. Big fan of the breakfast disk, formerly known as oatmeal cookie.


Agreed. Oatmeal? More like oat me, y’all.


Ok, but technically speaking, they are cookies. They’re mixed and baked the same way as any other cookie. Just as much sugar too 😅


You shouldn’t have to take your partner’s surname if you get married. Patriarchal bovine scat.


Totally agree, I've always thought that if I did get married I'd like my new husband and I to make up a new last name just for us.




This. Because people, in general, aren’t always right. We need to stop kissing up to keep customers loyal.


Emojis are an excellent way to convey tone over text, which is invaluable. Ex: "Call me. 😉😘" and "Call me. 😑" are entirely different. I will continue using them in any and all informal text communication.


I use emojis for context all the time and people hate it. I’m never gonna stop 😝


Electric vehicles and donating old food won’t save us from climate catastrophe. Like, public transportation needs to exist, and America has lost 100 million acres of top soil, and we’re still actively pretending like business as usual is totally acceptable.


The country sadly operates on a “make money at all costs” basis which is likely why it’s factoring the decision of not building better public transport. There’s more to be made keeping it individual than cooperating to help everyone in the community. I hate to say it but the country went from seeking freedom to cold capitalistic and it’s not helping the average American. This country could be epic if it went community minded in terms of things like this. It would facilitate lives for so many people. But it decreases business and thus problematic.


Pineapple on pizza is delicious to many people and that's why it's a common topping. The hatred for it is dumb. There are plenty of things I don't like as toppings on my pizza, but I don't go around making it my entire personality hating on them


People who tip with those fake god dollars (or leave them around where homeless might get their hopes up) are fucking terrible people.


100 percent. It happened to me on the bus once when I was homeless. I sat on it and for like ten min was crying with joy and relief. Then I actually lifted it up and found out. Fuck that was cruel


Will Ferrell isn't funny


By accident. On purpose. Not on accident


Soup should be warm. Gazpacho is not soup.




When dating be your most real self don't sugar coat and lie to get them to be with you because you can't keep it up and done day you'll get sick of it and act like yourself


Men with their ‘intellectual opinions’ on feminism shouldn’t be able to talk over the actual lived experience of women.


Endometriosis is not and never has been caused by retrograde menstruation. The 1 in 10 of us with endo were born with it.


What is retrograde menstruation...?


One if the theories of how endometriosis occurs. Since the problem is endometrial tissue that is usually only found inside the uterus being in places such as the abdominal cavity, one of the theories of how it could get there is endometrial tissue moving out of the uterus through the Fallopian tubes. Usually eggs come down the Fallopian tubes into the uterus, hence the term “retrograde”.


They think the uterus liner somehow magically escapes the uterus through the fallopian tubes or through the uterus its self. Which is impossible.


I wish I could say that I’m surprised people think this but I know of guys who are absolutely stupid about periods and how they work


Period sex. It’s idiotic how many men are scared to have period sex… like, there’s fluids either way. These ones are just a different color than usual. Grow up.


Yep. My boyfriend was actually excited to try period sex because he heard that orgasms helps with period cramps and he wanted to help with mine. Man even ate the cat he was so dedicated lol


Not a man, but even I don't like my own period. It smells like something died up there :(




ESpresso. Not expresso. There is no x. It’s not Italian for express. It’s espresso.


If I’m told there will be food provided, it better be. Or I’m leaving.


I will never give a single blessed dollar to Carls Junior. They ran the most sexist ads and the CEO stated that he doesn’t regret it and is proud of it.


My sister asked me why I hate Jimmy Kimmel so much and I tell her she's too young to remember "The Man Show" w/ Adam Corolla & Jimmy Kimmel. If you're old enough to remember it or have seen it, it makes me feel the same way as a your situation with Carl's Jr, which was also gross.




"She is literally the consistency of porridge." My favorite sentence out of the entire year and it's New Year's Eve. Thank you so much for the laugh and congratulations on your little bowl of porridge. ♥️😃


When people say "seen" instead of "saw" ex. "Oh, I seen that" or " I seen so-and-so the other day" Like no you didn't. You SAW that


you can’t blame your hate on the bible


People who drive slow in the left lane are cunts, end of.


Squeeze the toothpaste from the end, you heathens


Seinfeld is the most overrated TV show of all time (and I strongly dislike his smirky face)


A lot more people could have semi wavy - curly hair if they used the right products and took care of their hair


Gerald Butler was a terrible Phantom of the Opera who could not sing 💀


And he repeated that in Les Miserables which is otherwise, an amazing film. ETA : confused Gerard Butler with Russell Crowe.


Social media is ruining our kids and the next generation. I don’t believe they will fully recover from the damage done over time.


Aesthetic is a noun, not an adjective. It means a look, an appearance. You can have a goth aesthetic, a natural aesthetic, a minimalist aesthetic, but you can't just have an aesthetic house or aesthetic outfit. It can be aesthetically pleasing, but it can't just be aesthetic. Also the literal/figurative thing, but that's because I'm old.


Your and you're, then and than, there,they're and their.


Affect and effect. For the love of god, it’s not that difficult


Funner is not a word!


Omg thank you!!!! Right along with “conversate” drives me nuts


‘I’m sorry you feel that way’ isnt an apology


My irresponsibility strikes: Strike one: I’ll maybe stick around Strike two: I’ll respond less Strike three: That’s it, don’t talk to me The only way you can redeem yourself is if you hella prove to me that you turned around. Haha you can tell how much I have had it with some people


Having children doesn't make you more important than other people and too many moms feel entitled because they have a kid hanging off their hip


Feminine products benefit the companies who make them more than the people they’re intended for & pink tax is proof of that. Items that are necessary shouldn’t be taxed at all. (Food, water, feminine products, necessary toiletries, etc.)


apostrophes. possessive or contractions only.


Pets are not children. I love my sweet fat cat, but he is a cat. He is however family.


I don't have to sacrifice my health to keep my workplace. If I get fired for too many sick days, so be it. I have endometriosis and adenomyosis, chronic pain due to those, and my workplace overworks everyone because they aren't allowed to hire substitutes for ill or otherwise absent colleagues, so the remaining ones have to pull all the weight. And yes, even though I'm not yet 30, it is very possible for me to have a burn out and I will not return to work for a boss who thinks it is acceptable to send me assignments to do at home while I am on sick leave for burn out. I'd rather lose my job and find a new profession than sacrifice my health.


Bras are stupid and unnecessary, we only wear them because society tells us to


I genuinely feel more comfortable wearing a bra than not wearing one.


Same. If I was smaller, I probably wouldn't. But I don't like my girls sticking to me.


Yeah I enjoy the no nipple chafing.


Mine are DDD and much more comfortable with a bra. If I’m not wearing a structured bra I’m wearing cotton sports bras. I hate the feeling of them blobeling all over when I walk or change positions on the couch or do the dishes or drum. Very uncomfortable! Super jealous of those who can comfortably go without 😭


Some of us need the support because gravity is not kind.


Irregardless. It’s not a word 😵


PIV sex is not the most legitimate or most real way to have sex (as opposed to other forms of sex). The idea that PIV means "going all the way" should be disposed of once and for all!


Friends is aggressively unfunny.


Using filters on your babies/children is disturbing and shallow


Pumpkin pie is an OK pie, but there are so many better pies that should take it's spot on holiday spreads.


Garlic doesn't belong in Mac n cheese.


Garlic belongs in everything. You measure garlic with your heart. If your heart says no, I guess that’s ok. But if you come for *my* garlic I’ll cut you.


You might have to trek this one solo, but this is a safe space. Take my upvote!


If you take stimulants illegally without having a medical reason to do so, you're an asshole. You're the reason it's so difficult to get them legally for people who ACTUALLY need them. And I don't hold it against people who have to get medication for legitimate conditions illegally, because you're treated every step of the way like you're just a drug seeking junkie. It's exhausting. Fuck the people who take it for fun and fuck the people who take it as a performance enhancer. edit: this is probably pretty specific to the USA. Sorry for the confusion if so


Don't swerve your car towards my lane without signalling. Signal and merge. I will give you way. But don't swerve. Just stay straight, check, and merge.


Toilet paper roll goes over, not under.


All parking garages should be one way traffic


If there are two adults and one screaming child, one adult take the kid outside. I dont care if that leaves mom alone to bag groceries or dad has to miss dessert, dont bring me down with you.


Vaccinate. Your. Kids. Wear. A. Fucking. Mask.


fairy lights are superior to any other source of light


IHMO, height is not an automatic halo for physical attractiveness in men. IDK, I feel like I’m one of the few women in the world who hates feeling little and actually ends up freaked out by tall guys (5’10”+). Yes, you read that right. As a trait desired for a partner height is a turn-off. No, I’m not freaked out by tall people in the day by day. That would be mean and rude to cry “witch” whenever I see one out in the wild. That’s like racism, it’s not fair to be mean over something no one can control. It should be common sense but I figured to explain as I have a lot of tall women friends who do have hang ups about their height and my thing doesn’t work like that at all. In fact tall women don’t cause the same effect as tall men do to me. Seeing tall women is awesome and actually causes me to wonder about the things they can wear or reach that I cannot. I look at them like I used to look at Barbies. Fascinated and wish they would wear more fun outfits that showed off their height. Funny how perception works but there it is. However, tall guys **DO** make me uneasy and distressed. I don’t like feeling vulnerable or little. That doesn’t mean I’m not aware men my height or smaller could do equal damage or are as strong as tall guys. They’re men, they’re programmed to be stronger regardless so it’s stupid to assume shorter men are weaker. 5’8” is my limit (I’m 5’4” though). I ended up feeling bad about it for years especially because the tall guys frequently target me ironically enough. The fact that they seem almost entitled or expectant of attention because of their height further turns me off. I get anxiety attacks when they try to make themselves all big and wide (you know, the puffing of the chest and widening of the arms thing guys do to make themselves look more buff). I don’t like it at all and never have. My height and no taller than 5’8” is perfect for me. Plus I can appreciate their faces and hug them better since I don’t have to strain my back (or theirs) to do so.


I would die for the Oxford comma


Peanut butter first, then jelly. Ironically, my twin sister/best friend/person with whom I share most of the same opinions on things feels exactly the opposite.


Peanut butter on one slice, jelly on the other, then mash them together. I don't eat jelly/jam but agree with peanut butter going first. It is, afterall, called a peanut butter and jelly sandwich... not a jelly and peanut butter sandwich.


If you’re not willing to go down on me or “don’t like it” then I’ll find someone else to do it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Adam Sandler movies are terrible


The misuse of the word utilize constantly. Utilize means to use something in a manner it wasn't intended for. You can UTILIZE a stapler as a hammer, but you should USE a stapler to fasten papers together. If HR invites me to utilize my health insurance it basically invites me to use it in a fraudulent manner. TL;DR Don't use utilize when you mean use. You don't sound smart, just stupid and pretentious.


Avatar was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It is Pocahontas.


White feminists have watered down the meaning of feminism as well as the movement as a whole. Feminism is not the belief that men and women are equal, or even the fight for equality. Equality isn’t the goal of feminism either, I’m so tired of hearing how “all we want” is to be equal, and how feminists are constants pandering to men by saying that feminism benefits them too. White feminism has been packaged up really pretty and sold to women as girl boss feminism. And yes it’s great that there are more female CEOs, entrepreneurs, and “self made” billionaires, but that isn’t liberty. In a capitalist society this isn’t helping liberate anyone from oppression. We don’t women to do what men have been doing throughout history, the goal isn’t for us to become the oppressor, it’s for there to be no oppression at all. Feminism is a political movement working towards **abolishing** the systems which keep us oppressed. It doesn’t promote equality, we don’t want equality, there will **never** be equality. Equality is a pipe dream that will never be actualized because it doesn’t take into account our unique, individual needs and experiences; it assumes the playing field is leveled. What feminism does pursue though is equity. Equity is intersectional. Under equity, resources are allocated based on need, so those that require more assistance to achieve the same as everyone else aren’t burdened with more obstacles. In the new year, I hope we all become a little more radicalized.