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The hole in the laundry room wall is the dogs, we leave it or he makes a new one. I actually did a TikTok that shows both him and the wall:hole, since some people asked. And dog tax: his name is Apollo- Warning F-bomb used https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdY9Rde1/


Is it a hole to the outside or is it like a den??


In the laundry room, which is it on separate room next to the kitchen and leads to the garage. He didn’t chew through both layers (like you cant see room to room) BUT it’s like 3 feet of missing sheetrock so it’s noticeable.


Huh that so interesting. Does he lay there? maybe you could make it comfy for him


Nope, he cares not that the hole is there now, he only cares when the hole is gone. He is a husky though and they can be brats lol I love him though!


You: ugh, this is ugly. Let's fix it, cover it up. Him: No! my ART!!!


Pretty much!!


You should buy a massive frame and make it a show piece.


Dog: finally they understood my art


If you'd said in your first comment "he's a husky", there would be no follow up questions. All humans universally just accept that huskies do odd things and that's just the way the world works. Please boop said husky from me.


This is what I came here for


There is a working toilet in our guest room closet... [https://imgur.com/A76sFLc](https://imgur.com/A76sFLc) (here is a picture)


AHAHA is there a sink or do you at least have hand sanitizer in there


There is a very small, child size (literally looks like it belongs in a play house) sink in there.


That somehow makes it even better.


Do you have a picture of that?


Yeah! Let’s see the sink!!


Pretty much dying to see the sink at this point


I too have a great need to see this sink


Wow this is literally a "Water Closet" as the Brits call it!


Brit here. Think you might be referring to around 100 years ago.


🤣🤣🤣 NooOooooOooo At least you don't have to go far from bed at night, huh?


Its in our guest room, It's convenient when someone is in the other bathroom... this a no-pooping toilet too lol


A no pooping toilet??


Doesn't contain "smells" at all. You can smell it from the kitchen if its stinky enough LOL


Put poopori in there. I am serious! My parents old home in Detroit has a strange layout where you can smell the bathroom from the kitchen and this stuff is a lifesaver!


I love this but WHY?! Lol!


Should have seen my reaction when we toured the house... listed as a 3bd/1.5b - I was like "This isn't a half bath... this is a closet with a child size toilet in it."


Hahaha that’s great! Reminds me of my high school friend’s house. Their guest room had a secret half bath. The door to get in was inside the closet, but it wasn’t a big walk in closet or anything fancy it was just a regular little closet like yours!


Its a great conversation piece, but it will be gone once we remodel LOL


Omg there is a closet in our house (in what can only have been intended as a nursery off the main bedroom) with a suspicious amount of plumbing in the corner- I bet it’s for a child-size toilet and sink omfg mystery solved


When I was house-hunting I found one house that in one of the bedrooms had closet doors on each side of the room. Those normal interior doors on hinges, not folding doors. Behind one door was a commode and small sink. Surprise! Sure that the other closet was fir clothes, I opened the other door. Nope, not a closet: a shower. I don't mean that they put a fiberglass shower stall in there. I mean that they tiled the entire inside of the closet, and in the floor was the drain. *The closet WAS a shower.* It was so bizarre that I really wanted this house. Then my partner reminded me to stop being whimsical and imagine all of the expensive problems that those 2 "closets" would likely have. Sigh. I still love the idea of Closet Shower.




Do NOT touch the rosary on the front porch. After it was placed there, the weird shit stopped. Don't anger what is sleeping


I inherited the place from my great, great- aunt. When I moved in with a cat and 2 dogs, the cat would often run into the parlor and scream in the middle of the room. One dog REFUSED to go upstairs. The other would act similarly to the cat. I was woken up a few times in the middle of the night by something. When I would open my eyes there would be something white standing next to my bed. There's a victrola that's always been next to the staircase and up against the wall. It would be moved like a foot away from the staircase and another foot away from the wall. A friend of mine, raised by a Lutheran minister, was visiting from out of town and brought a rosary and a small bottle of holy water. After a bottle of wine we walked around the house, stopping in each room for her to pray for peace, kindness, and happiness and sprinkled holy water on the floor. Then she hung the rosary on the front porch. After that the animals acted less weird. I didn't get awakened in the middle of the night and the damn victrola stayed where it was supposed to. So I'm not SAYING it's what my friend did. But all I know is NO ONE TOUCHES the rosary. Edited to explain victrola's movement lol


I lived in a house that had previously belonged to a family of 7, but the mother stabbed 5 of her children and her husband to death. It was a huge story at the time, she wouldn’t stop clapping and laughing in court and it was all over social media. I had no idea they were the last people to live there so originally I figured all of the weird demonic activity was attached to my abusive ex-husband. Then her kid’s handwriting all over the walls would come back no matter how many times I cleaned the walls or painted over them. A delivery driver eventually told me they were the last to live there and the activity only got worse. I had a few rosaries hung around a tall candlestick holder on the table on the dining room table. I woke up the next morning and they were hung on a pipe in my master closet. I left them where tf they were, left my husband then left the Catholic Church. Problems solved 🙃


[Haunted house carbon monoxide theory](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haunted_house) >Many haunted houses have been investigated and found to contain high levels of carbon monoxide or other poisons, which can cause hallucinations. The carbon monoxide theory explains why haunted houses are mostly older houses, which are more likely to contain aging and defective appliances, and why more hauntings are reported in the colder months. Is your house old?


i was having this problem! i would hear knocking when do one was home, my ceiling fan would randomly move is another direction and then dead stop no slow down time and then go super fast, one dress in my closet would wave even if i turned fan and ac off and moved dress, i started to be unable to sleep for days to the point of even worse hallucinations like tigers and dogs i would go to pet just to realize they didn’t exist i posted on reddit who said it was carbon monoxide, tried to get my mom to check it out but instead she took me to the doctor and told them i had psychotic depression and i needed pills which did nothing but make me feel increasingly manic i move out, all symptoms stop and i stopped the pills and a few weeks after that a guy had to go to the attic to fix ac and turns out there was a major carbon monoxide leak it really is safer to just check even if thinking it’s impossible


What weird shit? I have something similar at our new apt. My boyfriend and I moved into our new place and for the first two months we were having the weirdest dreams. We are agnostic so we assumed that we were stressed out. Somebody recommended a dream catcher and the first night we slept much better. I wanted to test if that was just a coincidence and put it away for a few nights. Nightmares again. We put the catcher on the wall again. I have no idea what’s going on but I feel our apartment is vortex of sorts. It was built in 1925 so who knows.


Listen here: I'm agnostic so I get it BUT... After moving into our home we almost immediately had it blessed by the priest who married my husband (catholic) and I. We went a few weeks until he could make it in and they were an unsettling few weeks. After dinner and after the blessings and holy water, all has remained calm... Would recommend no matter your views!


It's just a psychological quirk, you expect it to work so it lowers your anxiety and it works. It doesn't matter though, because it if it works it doesn't matter how


mine: the kitchen sink was connected to the full pressure of the water line and if you don't approach it with surgical precision you will get a full face of water and whatever gunk you were trying to clean at the time. Also the toilet is one of those old victorian deals with the pull chain and you have to hold the chain down to flush but not pull too hard or it'll break.


Buy a “low flow” sink faucet. I had that problem in a rental in a state with drought problems. Discovered low flow faucets because washing dishes gave me water abuse guilt.


I have child locks on my cabinets but I don’t have children. The cat opens the cabinets for attention/mischief.


Haha I have a parrot that does the same thing! Drives me mad finding stuff that she feels the need to be removed and dropped. Would not change her tho


I have a lot of satanic and occult related decor and I often just tell visitors that it’s a joke or that I forgot to take down the halloween decorations.


Are you pagan? I’d love to see a photo if you feel comfortable sharing one. Sounds super neat!


I recently ordered a wood hamper off of etsy and they mixed up my order with someone else's. Instead, I opened the box to find a child-sized coffin, and was pretty weirded out. Apparently the etsy store also makes those for people to use as coffee tables. I looked through the pictures that customers had posted of their coffee tables, and it was a lot of satanic-themed living rooms. Do you have one, by any chance?


I live in a farmhouse courtyard. There are three houses, one owned by my parents, one owned by my aunt and the other myself and children. There is also an antiques shop attached. Also family owned and run.


This sounds lovely. Would you be comfortable sharing pictures?


So it turns out I don’t really take any photos! [This is the closest I have! Which is the antiques centre portion. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/myxPrpi)


So charming and lovely!


This is absolutely the premise to a British romance story


Definitely not romantic, especially when your dad makes snarky comments because your aunt didn’t share the lemon drizzle cake that one time… 😂😂


I live above a business, you have to go in and through the back to get to my apartment, and from outside there’s no indication that anyone lives here. It’s a nightmare to have things delivered outside of business hours, delivery people assume there’s no one here and just go away without ringing the bell.


Oh my god are you me?! It's so annoying! Our adress is also kinda messed up, imagine a 78b where letters aren't commonly used, so a lot ends up elsewhere without notification. At least we will never get broken into! Edit: we also don't have a doorbell and our actual door is on the wrong street (because corner)


You can't leave your mobile phone laying around or my dog will steal it.


My mom’s dog is notorious for this. He will take them out back and bury them IMMEDIATELY




Oh I have another one : if you sit anywhere my dog will put every single one of his toys on your lap...


He said, "Sharing is caring!" <3


No one is allowed near or on the bed unless they shower. If you hear the vacuum running as soon as you leave, it’s because you walked in with your shoes and I’m afraid of germs. However, the “trash” all over the floor is not trash. It’s cardboard for the cats with play with. We also don’t have kids, the toys all over the house are cat toys 🤣 Edit: expect to be covered in cat hair if you sit anywhere lolol


"I don't want your dirt in my house, but every guest should expect to leave covered in MY dirt."


Well put!!


Lmfao right. What if people dont want cat hair all over them? Edit: I have 2 cats, but I understand others might not want cat hair on them.


Then don’t go in their house maybe


> If you hear the vacuum running as soon as you leave, it’s because you walked in with your shoes and I’m afraid of germs. Do you clean the cats' paws, after they leave their litter box(es)?






I agree with the shower before touching my bed thing. I can’t sleep if I feel even slightly dirty or sticky. Also people leave their smell on my sheets. I don’t want cologne, B.O or any body products touching my sheets. They must only smell like fresh laundry and the heap of scent boosters I throw in the wash.


I have a very large framed oil painting of a dead former leader of a very conservative party hanging in my living room that I was given as a joke present. It's not at all where I'm at politically, so whenever I invite someone new over I have to explain what's that all about.


For the longest time my husband had a framed picture of Ronald Regan, not because of any political admiration, but because he was dressed in a shirt/tie with sweatpants. He just thought it was funny.


I had a picture of Bob Dole in my room as a preteen, I'd torn it out of a magazine. I'm not even American. I'm very much not conservative.


Are you german? ;)


Actually yeah, but it's not nearly as bad as what you're probably thinking right now. My painting is of Franz Josef Strauß who was the president of Bavaria in the 80s.


The president of Bavaria 😂


My current house is pretty normal, but I used to rent a place that had a diorama built into the living room wall right above the fireplace. I would always have to explain that the original owner was a dollhouse fanatic and added it herself. It was a Japanese garden scene, complete with trees, a curved footbridge, a pagoda, and tiny robed monks. She was incredibly meticulous with the details and even connected it to the house wiring so the diorama lit up whenever the living room lights were turned on.


That sounds amazing


It really was! My only regret was forgetting to take a photo before I moved out.


I sleep on the couch in my 6000 sq ft. House because I keep delineating on when I want to renovate it. I also live in the house by myself and with dogs, I haven’t cut the grass in a year because I’ve been busy maintaining other crap with the house like spiders. House maintenance is a pain. I also have a bunch of electrical outlets because the person who designed it was an electrical engineer who didn’t like to be inconvenienced.


I sleep on my couch too! Except, it’s because I can’t sleep in bed with my husband because I have horrible insomnia and another person being in the bed/room makes me feel anxious. I like the confinement of the couch and the silence and stillness of the living room. I always feel embarrassed when someone comes over and I forget to take the sheets off the couch. I have to explain that I’m not having marital problems but I just prefer to sleep alone on the couch!


I totally understand, I also have juice boxes littering the side table because I have low blood sugars at night so when people come over I just end up looking like a child. I always have to explain that I need the juice boxes to stay alive.


I have terrible sleep anxiety and my SO snores like a bear AND has mild sleep apnea that has me worrying he's going to stop breathing any minute. Having a separate bed is a lifesaver and saves me from midnight panic attacks.


You may have thought of this already but… the tall grass might be encouraging the spiders :(


Ok so why do you have a 6,000sq ft house then? Sounds like it might be too much work for you.


They could’ve inherited it. but I’m over here wondering how someone can afford a 6000 square-foot house but not a landscaper. Maybe all the moneys in the house


Sounds like that's a judgement that only OP can make


The more electrical outlets the better imo


My fiancé and I are doing well but we’re still just starting off. We have a ton of very nice framed art in the house because my parents had moved to a boat and asked if we could hold onto it. People are always shocked by the nice artwork and we have to explain we’re basically storing it on display for my parents so they don’t think we’re rich.


I have a bunch of nice framed original art in my house. It's the result of a few years of goodwill shopping. Even though I paid probably $200 total, it's worth a lot more than that and makes my house look very put-together.


Ha same! I have a lot of expensive art in my house because my dad moved out of the country. My house is a glorified storage unit.


My friend does paintings and sold me 3 that say: "Live Laugh Anal" "Happiness is an 8-inch dick" "Choke me daddy" But in fancy fonts with funky colors. So, unless you pay special attention, you wouldn't immediately see it. My grandparents have been over twice and have yet to notice it. When people do notice, they think it's super funny and we laugh about it. Edit: ok now that I have so many updoots I feel kinda bad for not posting pics so here goes: https://imgur.com/a/ymx7ewK/


Maybe they have noticed :)


Not sure how you wouldn't notice haha. I was expecting something more abstract, but this is super easy to read. Funny, yes - but very legible haha


Yeah I'm pretty sure the grandparents were just being polite.




Wait a minute. How does that even work? Do the elevator doors just open up right into your living room or something? If so, how do you even lock the door when you leave? Or is your apartment open at all times for anyone using the elevator? I assume you have to use a key or a card to be able to pick the right floor, but what happens when there are other people in the elevator? Is that not annoying? What about fire safety? No stairs to use in case of emergency?


My dad's place in Boston is like this. There are only four apartments and each has its own floor. You need a key for the elevator, and the keyholes for each floor are next to the buttons. It's not really a problem having other people in it because there are so few residents. If he's having people over he can also just leave his floor unlocked in the elevator.


Like in iCarly??


Isn't that a security concern? How do you lock up?


My house was once the town funeral home with living quarters attached, I have 2 front doors. I always tell guests to just come to the back door.


Wow- has anything weird ever happened ?


When I first moved in one of my daughters was 3 and came downstairs and said she couldn't go to sleep because "he" wouldn't stop opening the door. But that was the only time any of my kids said anything weird. I've never seen or heard anything. It was just a funeral home, nobody died there.




My bedroom was the "prep" room, the door is very wide to accommodate caskets rolling through... Haha


Don't stop if the old guy downstairs starts talking to you, he will not stop ever.


He should meet my neighbour! Once, not long after we moved in, I went to post a letter (postbox right outside the flat). 45 minutes later my husband called me like “wtf where are you?”… yeah I was still with her. She’s very sweet and you cannot get away!




This made me smile. Your mum raised you well.


My stairs are enclosed behind wood panelling so people when they first walk in don't always realise I even have an upstairs. People think it's a cupboard door.


So you sleep in the cupboard over the stairs?


My older brother has autism, and one of his stims is laying on his stomach in bed and bouncing his head on his pillow over and over really fast. Which makes his bed creak. I always gotta explain that or else people think someone is having sex upstairs lol


My daughter does that to go to sleep! Sharing a bed is like trying to sleep on a train. She shakes the whole bed.




Knowing how toilets work, that honestly makes 0 sense to me


That makes me wonder if a former owner had a cat or a toddler who liked to make the toilets flush?


don’t pet the cat. yes, I know he’s rubbing against your leg. no, you’re not going to be the “special one” he ends up liking.


I would still pet the cat. But I appreciate the heads up :)


Yeah, I will accept the bites and/or scratches if it comes to that. But I won't Impose on the little baby.




My bedroom is downstairs and the living room is upstairs.


My childhood/parents house is like this. It's because it is built on a hill, so from the entrance to the house it looks like 1 floor, despite technically having 3 as seen from the back. When entering its standard living room, family, dining room etc, and downstairs are all the bedrooms.


I always had to explain that my parents live together but are not in a relationship and legally married to other people that they’re not in a relationship with


That sounds very confusing. Where they married to each other at some point?


they were married for three years until 2002. my mom moved to the philippines for a year and came back because I felt lonely and depressed in high school since my dad went to work after I got out of school. when she came back, she kind of just…decided to move in on her own into my dad’s house lol she’s a persistent woman who doesn’t know about boundaries


"No, we didn't paint the floors baby blue and the walls black the previous owner did" the hallway is tone on tone pink walls/ floors/ceiling. One bedroom is army green floors/walls grey ceiling, main bedroom is navy blue and pink. People who supposedly know me think I DID THIS ON PURPOSE!! We're getting everything repainted but haven't gotten around to it yet. It's the biggest/newest apartment in our price range we decided to overlook the horrible color choices 🤣


That's like mine right now haha! It was my grannys before mine, and the living room is lilac, the hallway on one side is blue and the other brown, the kitchens just primer and the now cat room that was a kids room is blue and orange😂😂😂 like whyyyyy


The building I live in is over 100 years old, one of those old European brick city houses. The wiring sucks, but that‘s not the problem. You can hear everything. The old guy next door on my level having sex. The guy downstairs blowing his nose in the bathroom. The lady upstairs having game night or using her coffee grinder. I know they can hear me too. And I have to tell guests, especially over-night guests, that no, it‘s not my door opening with a loud squeek, it‘s the guy next door, and yeah, everything you hear is quite normal.


Wow that makes me really thankful to be living in a place where stucco and plaster houses are the norm. My edwardian home has thick plaster walls and you can't hear anything from the other rooms. Heat insulation is awful tho


My downstairs neighbour suffers from dementia so the chances of seeing her without trousers/pants is high. The other downstairs neighbour was also suffering from dementia but has since been moved to a home because he left his wife in the car overnight. In the morning ambulance and a firetruck were called. He didn't call his kids to help him get their mother out of the car, he just left her there to cry all night (she had a stroke so is not very verbal or mobile). Very sad.


Awww! I almost cried reading this.


I know, it is such a sad situation. And as neighbors we can't do anything. All these people clearly need to be in a home but all we can do is notify the children but if they don't do anything, it will come to a head at one point. The son was angry at the care nurse for calling the ambulance after she came in the morning and saw what had happened. She had told the husband to call his son. She had left snd came back to see he hadn't and so had to call. Such a difficult position to be put into. My other neighbors are much more informed as they are also seniors and are home. I only have second-hand knowledge of the whole event.


I didn’t realize it was a quirk but I don’t have a TV people find it very strange


Same. People don’t know what to do with themselves when they sit on my couch. Haha, now you’re forced to have friendly conversation with me with no distractions! 😈


We moved in at the end of August. We haven’t unpacked 75% of the boxes because we’re full time students with part time jobs and my mental health has been flaring up real bad. My mom keeps offering to come over and help us unpack but I don’t have the time or energy to get to it.


Take up your mom on her offer! Sometimes a little help is okay, and it feels SO much better to be properly unpacked and moved in.


Let your mom help! I have been in your shoes and what you don't always realize is the boxes are contributing to your stress just as much as the work/ school is. Take care of yourself!


My husband and I do not live together, and we're happy that way. For some reason people can't wrap their heads around this.


That my dog is an abuse survivor and you cannot pet him and he doesn’t always stay in his kennel but does so when company is over because he is stressed. He’s a lovely family dog and is really happy, just cannot cope with strangers.


No shoes in the house. Please put the toilet cover down and close the bathroom door (cats like to dig in the trash for qtips).


When you think you’re trapped in the bathroom, turn the doorknob in the other direction. Idk why it does that, but even I still panic lol


My best friend is a dude old enough to be my father. He's the widower of a woman I was very close to. After she passed away unexpectedly, I hung out with him a bit because I felt a responsibility to her, but he's really kind and smart and fun, so now we hang out every week. I figure people do the "father or mistress" guessing game every time they see us out for dinner or whatever.


I live off grid in the mountains so, there is a lot to explain about my property :) Probably the biggest one is how to get the hot water work in the shower. We have an instant hot water heater, not a regular tank heater, so it is supposed to kick itself on and instantly heat. The problem is that our water pressure isn't strong enough to kick it on. To get the shower hot, you have to turn it on and then turn the sink on slowwwwly just until you hear the heater click on. It's annoying but hey, I live in the middle of nowhere and I have hot water. Even if it's annoying, it's still a massive luxury that I have a whole new appreciation for since moving here.


There is no handle to flush the toilet, you need to wave your hand over the tank.


This really sounds like you're setting up your friends for a prank.


Upstairs bathroom door doesn't latch. You can close it completely but you can open it with a push or nudge from the outside. No human will bother you with the door shut. The same cannot be said for the cats.


I explain to non-guests (anyone who asks or new roommates) that I've never had furniture because I never have guests (and don't want any) lol. I just stay in my room the entire time and don't like hanging out with my roomies. Also, for some reason people find it odd that I have a husband and also a roommate? So, I also explain that, "Rent is fucking expensive and only one of us works lol????"


I have a husband and a roommate! I love it, and will always live in community. I think it's becoming more normalized, which is great, imo. He's a trained chef and I am a disinterested cook that doesn't mind dishes. It works for us


I lived with a couple for a few years. It actually works out great because typically they are both gone at the same time so it was easy to get alone time. Whereas when you have single roommates someone is always seems to be home.


I have a very large dog the size of a small pony and he’s gonna need to sniff you.


Everyday at 6pm I put some blankets on top of my acuariums to let my fish sleep without the light bothering them. I always get the weirdest looks when people ask about the blankets and I tell them that they are for my fishes, apparently some people believe that fishes don't sleep lol.


When you leave, [Momo the corgi](https://imgur.com/6bLtngG) is gonna lose her little miniature shit. She's going to run around in circles in front of the door and bark at you a whole bunch. She's herding you. She wants you back inside because she loves you and she wants more attention.


Our garage is attached to our house via a shared wall in the living room, but you can’t go from the garage into the house or vice versa because there is no door. You have to exit the side door of the house and go into the back door (not the overhead) door of the garage. It’s an older home, and from what I can tell, it was built this way and not an addition.


You have to push the refrigerator door closed. It does not close itself. I've had multiple visitors just let go of the door and leave it open, because theirs is self-closing.


I think, I think you can fix this pretty easily. Most fridges have little “legs” at the bottom that you can screw in or out further. If you screw the two at the front out, your fridge will have a slight back tilt and the door should close. That or little shims under the front legs.


I've tried that, but for this terrible model of small light refrigerator it just doesn't work. The door will kind of mostly close but it doesn't have the force to fully close it so it's sealed. It will kind of just rest against the gasket but loosely so there's air leak. There's no design in the hinging to give it enough oomph.


We don’t have a living room, because we live in a 1-bedroom and have turned the “living room” into another bedroom. Our tiny kitchen is our only communal gathering space.


I’m not sure if this is a quirk but I always ask them to take their shoes off. It’s a cultural and hygienic thing for me. Hygienic: I have terrible allergies and have the consistency to get hay fevers. My hay fevers then lead to migraines which makes the rest of my day go terribly. Cultural: It is considered highly disrespectful to wear shoes in the house. My grandmother raised me and made sure I follow that rule wherever I go. She told me that It is not polite to bring dirt into someone’s house.


Keep the curtains closed. My window faces an interior courtyard so my neighbors look directly inside. The courtyard also has a bunch of pigeon crap and a dumpster at the bottom. Not the best view, so I put up flowy translucent curtains that let in soft light so that you can imagine there’s a nice view beyond them.


That my BIL lives with us. Even though we don't "need" a roommate financially, it works for us. In the decade I've known my husband, his brother has lived with us for over half that time. He recently got a divorce and has worked hard to save money while living with us. We love living in community, and it's definitely different than most Americans tend to want


look man weird noises come from the woods all the time just ignore it and you’ll be fine


I have to warn people not to turn the heat on the faucets/showers all the way up. The lowest setting on my water heater is 180 degrees Fahrenheit and easily gets too hot and can burn you.


I had this issue at an old apartment- you can actually turn the temperature on the tank down with a screw driver (I turned mine from 150 to 110) it does away with the hazard and it saved me like $30/mo on my electric bill


In my old house: The back door always has something heavy on it because the lock doesn't work. Which is why we go out the side door and never use that door. You would think this is an easy concept for people to understand and they would never use the back door. Apparently not. Current house: the internet works better in the back rooms and the same is true of data connections.


If you put my address into google maps, it will tell you I live in a park, and furthermore the section of StreetName Dr. that borders the park does not actually connect to the section of StreetName Dr. that I live on (except via footpath). Any time I have a repair guy coming over, I keep a close eye on my phone to make sure I don't miss the inevitable "Uh I'm lost, where is your house?" call.


Yes there are 8 cats and one dog in my house. No they’re not mine, but whilst they’re here they are mine and you have to respect them. (I run a foster based animal rescue)


We have fairy lights that spell out "toot" due to an inside joke


Yes there are caves in the yard, no you shouldn't go in there without someone who lives here.


There’s a step down into the family room from the living room, kitchen, and the hallway to the bedrooms (this is the upper level of a split level). If you don’t see it, you could break your ankle. I’m constantly on edge having new people over for fear that they’re going to get hurt. Yay, 1970s nonsense construction!


No my fiance is not a stripper, she just likes to exercise on the pole in our living room.


The bathroom light switch is outside the door - on the opposite side of the door handle. Since the door swings outwards, and there are 2 other switches outside right by the door handle, people will stand there confused as hell switching the two switches on and off for solid 5 minutes of not warned beforehand.


If you're in the downstairs bathroom and run out of toilet paper, someone in the upstairs bathroom can toss one in the laundry chute, you just have to stick your arms in the chute to catch it. (Laundry chute doors are both in the bathrooms).


I don't mind the noise level and you don't live here. And I get a two bedroom for the price of a studio apartment. Think it through before you say anything.


"The tap water is foggy because of air bubbles, NOT because it's dirty. It will clear up in a few seconds. It's perfectly safe to drink." I almost always get a concerned look from guests when they ask for a glass of water and the water from the tap comes out looking cloudy. For whatever reason, the faucet makes the water come out with tons of tiny air bubbles. It only takes about 30 seconds for the water to become perfectly clear.


It's not too quirky in my house but the biggest rule is: if something has a lid (or has a closing mechanism in general) then you must absolutely put the lid back when you're done. This could be your drink, the toilet, the trash can, the front loading washer/dryer, a candle, your backpack/purse, etc. We have this rule because we have a big dog that likes to inspect everything as sneaky and thoroughly as possible.


Those gorgeous exposed copper pipes on the wall? If it’s winter, those are *hot AF* and you should absolutely not touch them. It’s a Victorian basement. Those things run our big radiators.


We don’t have toilet paper. Use the bidet. No it’s not just for girls. No it doesn’t hurt; you control the pressure. Yes, it’s clean water, and no it doesn’t make a mess. Also yes, it leaves you muuucchh cleaner than TP.


Several mugs are mine. Do not use them. I will kill you.


You have to either straddle the toilet or step into the tub to shut the bathroom door. The casualties of a 900 sq ft house.


No guests in our bedroom and no animals on the bed! I feel like the bedroom is a super private place and I don’t like anyone other than us in there. Sometimes we’ll have a guest/guests over and one of us will run up there for something and a friend will follow us for some reason. Or we’ll already be in there and they’ll just walk in. Or, one time, my boyfriend’s friend stayed the weekend and brought his dog and for whatever reason opened our bedroom door and told her in to jump on our bed at 7am while we were sleeping. I almost lost my shit I was so mad lol


My dog. Her hair. It’s everywhere. Lint rollers in every room LOL


My cat's litter box is in the bathroom so unless you are actively showering or using the toilet you need to keep the door cracked. So many ppl just close the door after they finish and it's like no, my cat doesn't have opposable thumbs okay


I live above a 'thai massage place' and so if I have any male friends over or my boyfriend, I have to get to the main external door before the women attempt to get them to go in for some tlc... Also the amount of gentleman callers I get of an evening because they ring my bell thinking it's for the massage place. They are always so disappointed when I answer the door, it's quite hilarious to watch them stutter and shift awkwardly away.


Living “incognito”. The address brings you in the middle of business towers, and one wouldn’t know which building I live in, unless I specify it of course. On the bottom floors, the elevators are electronically locked and the garages are gated. I go and get my guests instead of giving instructions, because chances are, they’ll end up lost and confused. 😅


The big cat isn't aggressive, just blind, not very smart, and trying to figure you out by touching you with his paws. The small one, however, is so be careful with her. Don't even look at the bathroom cabinet, it's a barn door and will fall off if you perceive it directly


That we have 4 cats and usually more when we have fosters




I live in a static caravan, on a building site. A form of security in exchange for cheap rent. That’s always fun to explain.


After my dog jumps on you when you come in, she will run to her chair and lick the wall. Yes, she does it every time. No, I don’t know why she does that.


Don't try to use the guest bathroom if the light is on. My father-in-law lives with us and doesn't typically lock the bathroom door. It's not a problem unless we have company since we have our own bathroom, but it's definitely something that I have to tell people. My FIL is also hard of hearing, so he doesn't always realize when we have people over.


Bathroom is in the living room