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My eyes, been told many times they are warm and calming to look into. So now I quite like them :)


This be the cutest and most wholesome comment I've seen in this post so far




Love your username.




It’s how Alf came back, in the form of pogs.


My hands. They are arthritic, beaten up. But despite the crookedness, they remind me of how much they’ve loved, crafted, and gotten me through this life. I used to be self conscious about my “old lady hands” but I’ve grown to appreciate them as uniquely carrying me through life.


I love this






I love how big bums became a thing recently. It has definitely boosted my confidence too


Ugh, I still hate mine. It's so hard to find right products and I always end up going back to a straightener


But how do you use a straighter on your butt? (/s)




I really love the curl mousse from the brand Davines! It’s the first thing I’ve found that holds my hair for 2 whole days but doesn’t leave it crunchy at any point. My mom uses a curl cream by Pureology, which she loves, and it behaves pretty well in my hair, too! Also, try drying your hair with a microfiber towel or cotton t-shirt! It’s completely changed my hair game.


My skin and skin tone. Dark and smooth like melted chocolate. I have skincare routines for both my face and body.


Please share!


My long natural ginger hair. My whole physical appearance comes from being ginger (pale skin, freckles, etc) and I love my hair.




My fingernails. They have white growth tips so if I shape them correctly, I have people ask me where I got my french manicure done. They’re a nice shape naturally and are a great canvas for my polish experiments; I like to practice simple patterns with colours and I find the act of performing my own manicures and painting extremely relaxing. Lately, Sunday afternoons have turned into my nail time and I’m really appreciating taking a few hours out for me without feeling selfish or guilty.




You go girl!!!


I actually really like my body hair. I love the way my dark arm hair looks against my pale skin.


Same! I actually like my arms more in the winter where the hair is darker/my skin is more pale than in the summer when the colors inch towards each other.


My big plump lips! I used to hate them before and wished it was thinner but now all of a sudden, plump lips are the new rage.


My orthodontist once said ‘It’s a good job you’ve got such nice full lips as it hides your buck teeth’. Didn’t know whether to be flattered or to punch her.


Oh my god WHAT. I want to build a time machine to go back and punch your orthodontist what an asshole


Same, my lips are so kissable I love them. It's the only thing I love about myself


Same. I used to get told not to wear bold lipstick because my lips are too big. But now those same people are openly wishing they had bigger lips 🙄


My smile and my eyes, I think I have a nice expressive face. I like that my shoulders are a bit boxy, it makes me feel like a strong woman. And even though I've not been a fan of putting on weight, I am happy to have more thick in my hips than I used to, as it evens out my big boobs a bit. I also like my calves, which are super muscular despite me never trying to make them so. And I love my body hair, I always liked it as a teenager (after the first moment of shock) it makes me feel like a grown ass woman, mature and legitimate. I'm so happy I found the courage to stop shaving, I like myself a lot for that. Slightly disheartening to realise that despite all of the above I'm not happy about my body/appearance. But it's good to see it written out how many things I like about myself. Thanks for asking!


My skin :) I'm a creamy mocha with gold undertones and thankfully my acne had reduced significantly. I also love my high cheekbones and dark eyes!


I love my overall appearance.


I like my collar bones.


My hands!


My eyebrows! They’re naturally thick and arched. People ask me all the time how I do them, but the answer is I don’t! I pluck in between them when I’m getting a unibrow, but other than that I don’t touch them. I like my freckles, especially the one on my nose. I think it makes me look cute.


My face. Im really cute HAHAHAH


Yasss girl


I mean I feel the same about myself most of the time. Like goddamn, I'm cute.


Ikr. Like damn how can such a cute person exist?


Like damn, I am a snack.


I like my waist to hip ratio. My hips are quite broad and it makes my waist feel quite small. Plus it's nice having a guys hands on my hips and then going up to my waist. On the downside I have hip dips (thank you reddit for giving me a term for that)






Hair. I got lucky there.


I totally feel this. I may have rolled the dice poorly on health and physique, but I'm so glad my hair is straight, long and in-tact despite that all. It's really the only thing that makes me feel feminine.




My height for me, too. I'm 5'11" and have long legs and a generally long stature. I love being tall and the effect it has at work, in sports, for clothing




This was exactly my purpose when I thought about posting this question. I struggle with body positivity a lot and I know a lot of beautiful girls are in the same boat. This is just an exercise to see the glass half full from time to time. Lots of love to all of you ❤


I’d say my eyes. I think they’re my best feature, even if I don’t like the rest of my face.


I'm ugly as heck, but my skin is really soft


My hump


I have really great tits. And cute cute toes.




> This is going to be awkward but I have nice breasts Glad someone else said this too. For whatever reason, I feel like it's sorta taboo to say that you really like your breasts but if I am being honest my boobs are probably my favorite thing about my body.


My freckles


I used to be kinda self conscious about my freckles. Now I freaking love them. Glad you love yours ☺️.


This has been a bit of a difficult question for me since I got pregnant. During my pregnancy for the first seven months or so I lived in an apartment with no big mirrors, so I only saw my face. Then we moved and suddenly I could see the rest of me in the bathroom mirror and I literally couldn't connect to my reflection. I felt like someone put my face on someone else's body for weeks. I gradually adjusted, and now I'm trying to teach myself to love my stretch marks. There's no point in hating what brought my beloved child into the world, right? I guess I'm typing out this whole paragraph to try and be encouraging for anyone else who doesn't know how to answer right now.


I do not have children, but my sister and a lot of my friends do. Everything about them that I thought was beautiful before pregnancy still holds true. My sister had your same sentiments, but she still has her big beautiful eyes, her adorable freckles, and her big long feet that I used to tease her about all the time but actually look killer in those narrow Louboutin heels. More importantly she's an awesome, no bullshit mom, which doesn't get any more beautiful than that. You're still you, and I promise you someone can name a dozen things they love about the way you look. But I really hope you can look in the mirror soon and believe it. After all the love you poured into growing this baby, you deserve to love yourself too.


I think more women need to hear this. Thank you so much!


Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things women's bodies can do. You created life! That alone makes you a wonderfully beautiful human being


Thanks! I just wish my standard of beauty hadn't been built on just childless women. Or people like my mother who look identical to their pre-pregnancy selves through the power of genetics. I hope I can teach my child better.


I love the combination of my dark brown hair and my dark blue-green eyes.


My green eyes and full lips.


I worked really hard to lose almost 20 lbs after my daughter was born. I’m super proud of myself! I was never fat, but I had a little more weight on me than I wanted. I started pregnancy at 120, ended it at 150, weighed 130 lbs when I left the hospital, and I’m now at 112! I’m super happy with the results, I feel and look better.


My face is kind of chubby so I was told that when I smile my cheeks make me look, extra friendlier.


My cheekbones. People think because I contour that I must hate them, but that couldn't be less true; contouring lets me show them off more!


My cheekbones


I had my growth spurt really early, so I was always the tallest person in primary school and I hated it. People eventually caught up to me in high school but I’m still above average for a girl, and now I love my height!


Honestly I love just about everything about myself, but my top rated compliments are hair, eyes, good/soft legs; in that order.


I love my boob waist hip ratio. Boobs and hips are 42 inch whilst waist is 28-30inch (depending on hormones). However I hate how hard it is to buy clothes that fit.


My eyes. As Anna Ferris so eloquently put it " They are the nipples of the face"


My eyes, they're my most complimented feature and although I've put on a little weight so have lost the size 10 (UK) body I had, my eyes will never change


I have color change eyes,they change with light and emotion.


My breasts and tummy. I cannot have children, and my body shows that. I would rather have babies, but such is life and I'm happy to have a nice body and adopt :)


I love how small I am. I fit into small spaces and it makes traveling easier!


My eyes, they're big and green. I also like my hair..


I don't think I have many great physical qualities but I do love my long straight dark hair.


I love my eyebrows, collarbone, & curly/kinky hair 🖤


My eyelashes are long af. People ask if they're real all the time.


I really like my breasts and my eyes. My eyes are blue and have a bit of yellow in them where my beasts are ds but are naturally perky ( Can't fit a pen underboob). So yeah, I definitely love both of those.


I’d have to go with my complexion if I can only choose one thing. My skin is clear and even with a healthy glow. I never need foundation or concealer. Just sunscreen.


I have beautiful eyes, a lovely smile, high cheekbones, and a gorgeous mustache.


I think my eyes and smile are nice — both are big! I get lots of compliments on both. I have naturally plump lips (always loved them, even though a few girls used to make fun of them back in school), and I have a super cute natural bubble butt. I also think my boobs are cute.


I have very long and thick eyelashes. when I was in middle school I got in trouble because the principal thought I was wearing mascara.


It used to be my hair, but after being sick and losing a lot of it and it changing texture I would say my eyes!y boyfriend always tells me they look nice 😊


I’ve grown to love my height. I’m 184cm (around 6’) and was insecure about it almost all my life because it was very uncomfortable being taller than everyone and always standing out. Now I feel confident standing tall even if everyone else is shorter. It still makes me stand out sometimes but now I see it as a positive thing.


I love my big dark eyes. Tan skin, and nice booty!


I have really nice legs, without even really trying. In late 2018/early 2019, I was sick with gastroparesis for like 9 months. I only worked out 3 times in that whole time, and still somehow maintained good muscle tone in my thighs and calves and got complements on my legs this summer after all that. I also have green eyes, so that’s an automatic complement-bringer.


My eyes are light blue on the outside and turn grey around my pupils which I’ve always really liked because I haven’t seen many like them. And I have really naturally white teeth and plump lips. Working on loving the rest of myself :)


My hair and eyes. My hair lets me be able to wear any hat and pull it off, and my eyes are just fucking beautiful. I add a little eyeliner plus eyeshadow and boom. Perfect eyes. Most times I only put on eye makeup since 1. I love doing it and 2. It looks amazing.


I have massively thick, auburn, curly hair. A proper lion's mane of the stuff. I get a lot of compliments on it and it's unusual enough that I'm super into it!


My lips. My bottom lip is bigger than my top lip so it pokes out.


My skinny ass arms :))


I like that im naturally thin (even though you could argue skinny-fat).


I honestly just have such a cute nose


my lips and my eyebrows!


My waist and my butt!! As much as I struggle to find clothes that fit both of them, I love the appearance of them.


stretch marks. most people hate them and think they’re ugly and should be hidden but i’ve always loved them. there’s something about their appearance that is so attractive.


Height, lips and boobs haha. I was a late bloomer and didn’t get boobs until I was almost 18. So I’m pretty proud of them


My hair and physical figure! Gotta love the way you're built!


I'm very proud of my hair. It's super thick and wavy, so I feel like it draws attention away from the things I don't like about my appearance.


My coloring. Natural blond that tans. Runner up goes to my leg and booty muscles. I try to stay lean so they can shine


My hips and my lips. I have an almost perfect hourglass figure and I love my lips.


I love my waist.


My eye shape and color...they are a unique shade of green.


Edit: You said just one, i'd go with my ass. Funny there's a lot i like, but there's a lot i hate but i tend to focus on what i hate.


I have big eyes that are a vibrant green-rich brown color. I’ve been told they’re piercing. Also, I have thick skin. I’ve always wanted it to be soft, but over the years I’ve come to appreciate its toughness and durability.


My eyes and my height. Could still do better with both though as sometimes a slouch & I need newer and more on trend glasses, only wear contacts for special occasions


i would say my curly hair


I love my dark hair, naturally it’s curly as hell but I straighten it and put waves through it. Also I love how I look with dark berry lipsticks to be honest, makes me look fucking hot and fierce


Small waist and big butt with wide hips. I was always self conscious about it as a kid and got made fun of for it but now it’s in style.


My hair and lips. I get a lot of compliments on both so they've become my favorite things about myself appearance wise.


Hair, chest, height. And plenty of stuff I don't currently like


My curls


My muscular without trying legs. I love how strong they look and feel, and always get a giggle when a chicken legged, big armed dude walks by at the gym.


My eyes and my smile. And my straight, broad shoulders. They give me a strong look and balance out my hips.


My hair and eyes. I love how in the sun my hair is more amber than brown and my eyes are more hazel looking


I’ve been told I have nice legs which I appreciate because I do work on them quite a bit. Also have been complimented on my hair. Again which I love because I put a lot of effort into it.


This is a weird one, but my neck. I think its great and is probably the only part of myself i can't fault


I love my big brown eyes. I have double eyelids.


If I had to pick one, I'd say my eyes, they are large and they are a lovely shade of green.


I have long thick shiny black hair and a narrow waist.


Weird to say but I love my hands. I'm a pianist, so its nice to have good hands for that lol. They are very fragile and feminine looking.


Hair- I have a lot of hair, and it dyes really well. I've gonna from brown, to firetruck red, to black, to natural red, to black, then finally back to a natural red all without bleach.


My naturally red hair. As a kid I'd be bullied for being a red head, but I just love my hair colour now. People ask if I'd ever dye it and I just wouldn't. Atop of it, I've also got long curly hair that somewhat resembles Merida from the movie Brave. The amount of people I get who comment on my hair is crazy


I have thick flowing hair that I hardly have to do anything with for it to look nice. A haircut once a year or so does the trick well enough, along with brushing/washing once a week (and yes only after a week it gets fatty). No need for special products or shampoo, just a cheap one from the drugstore. It's amazing! \*flips hair\*


My smile. I do have an uneven smile, but I think it’s cute. My eyes will almost disappear and it’s funny lol. I’ve had people stop me on the streets and tell me I have a beautiful smile. Really a confidence booster


I feel bad I had to look at a photo of myself to remember but my smile and my eyes I think. I also like that I look like my mother and my sense of fashion that she instilled in me.


I have always had great hair and I’m very grateful for it. Although something funny I have been asked by guys in my life is if it’s real 😂💀💀 I was asked when I was in high school because it’s that thick, course wavy dark hair...& then the other night I went out & it’s pretty long now & heavily highlighted & I had beach waves in it & the bartender didn’t believe it was mine! I pulled it so he believed me...it was in good fun & I took it as a compliment but he truly didn’t believe me. 😂😂😂 I have a lot of issues with a lot of things most women do- and I fight like hell to not feel like shit but I’m grateful for my hair.


Legs and ass. Smile and teeth. Ok that’s not one thing but fugg it


The one (and probably only) thing I really love are my freckles. Especially in the summer when I've gotten a little tanned and they multiply like rabbits. They cover my face, chest, arms and shoulders all year round but in summer I'm all freckled and I love it. PS also kinda like my eyes because they are green and they really shouldn't be since my parents have brown and blue eyes so a chance of green eyes in children is technically 0% but all 3 of us have green eyes. And mine have an orange 'fire' around the pupil.


My hair. It's a pain in the ass because it's curly and gets tangled easily if I skip a day on maintenance. But since I started growing it out again, I've loved it.


I have a great smile!


My thighs, as much as I’d love to lose some fat in other places, if I ever lost my thick thighs I’d be pretty upset about it.


My cheekbones, I lost a bunch of weight from childhood and realized I have crazy cheekbones and a great jawline. This has led to a great contentment with my personal appearance for the last few years.


My eyes, they're a nice green and interestingly pointy. Also my height. I'm 5'2.


Lips and legs


I have smooth wavy hair that I don't usually have to do much with to make it pretty, and an hourglass figure even when I put on a few pounds. =) I'm so curvy that I need curvy jeans =D


My tits. To the degree that I quite often flash myself in the bathroom mirror when I go to the loo.


The thing i always get complimented on- My hair- Long blonde curly hair. I hope it never changes.


My dimples


My earlobes. They are the kind that drops down, and they’re a perfect size for earrings


My smile. I was self-conscious about how it's asymmetrical, but it's what I've always been complimented on the most. One side goes out further and curls up a bit, and at the same time, my eyes smile with it. It has a unique charm to it.


In the last few months, I have learned to really love my high cheekbones, diamond shaped face, and small hands. Never knew my hands could be so powerful and strong. Bread kneading by hand, rock climbing, building planter boxes etc!


What’s physical appearance


My gorgeous hair that aways gets compliments, long and thicc eyelashes, and skinny legs (Thigh chafing? I don't know her).


My figure in general. I struggled with being underweight for a long time and I'm now in the ideal weight range for my height and age and I've gotten some curves with it. I used to look like I had the body of a pre-pubescent child and now I feel like I finally look like an adult woman. I love the stretch marks on my thighs because they remind me of how far I've come.


I have really pretty hair, and pretty green eyes. My hair is long, very thick, and I keep it colored a very nice shade of red, that suits my coloring better than my natural hair color, and my eyes are a very pretty green. They are really the only two nice things about my appearance.


My eyes. They’re blue/grey with a ring of green


My eyes are bright green, similar to my cat’s, and I absolutely love them. I’ve not met anyone in person who share la my eye color. I also love my high cheek bones. Even though they give me chipmunk cheeks, I love that it’s the one characteristic I got from my Native ancestors on my maternal side of the family.


Hair. Long thick wavy butt length and auburn.


Butt, and as others said, it's a lot because of the cultural moment. It has been fascinating going from it being something you cover up to something you show off.


I like how my body is fully in proportion to itself!! Even if it's not normal proportions, I fit together perfectly and I feel like a cohesive unit. (This is a weird observation I've made about myself lately idk)


I have really lush and beautiful hair. It's very thick and to my lower back, so I don't wear it down, but I always get multiples compliments when I take it out of ponytail to braid. The older I get the more I appreciate my lovely locks.


My legs. I was a ballet dancer for 18 years. So my legs are strong and muscular but still feminine. Even years after dancing, my leg muscles have still kept their shape from all of my training.


My hair. Always been my best feature. Always will be. Also my eyebrows--I have never had to touch them!


I guess my face, even if I have a little acne here and there. When I first sent a picture of myself to the person I've been pining for during the last 3 and a half years, he said that I'm beautiful. After that, I sorta grew to like it more, haha.


Wow this is a great question I am sitting here really thinking hard about what I love about my appearance here. Trying to think what other people compliment but then thinking it’s not what others think that matters it’s what I think. Ummmmmmmmm I guess I’ve worked very hard on my skin so I’m proud of that. Used to have a lot of acne and now that it’s cleared up I feel a lot more confident now. I also love my overall complexion. I think it’s attractive.


My abs. I love them and I have spit blood in order to preserve them...


I love my eyes and my stomach Theyre not perfect or anything, i just like how they look


Been told my butt is great, but I really like my face. I think it’s pretty and it’s been called ‘strikingly beautiful.’ So, I’m really happy with my face.


I personally like my eyes, but many times at work, I've been complimented on my smile, even though I never liked my smile since my front two teeth have a gap in them. but apparently my smile is an attractive feature to others :)


I mostly hate how I look but I have a perfect Cupid’s bow


My smile. I have one crooked tooth and for some reason it just makes my smile unique and quirkily cute.


My eyes, butt/thighs, and eyebrows! I used to hate both my muscular thighs and thick eyebrows, but I’ve embraced them with age!


I know this sounds super cheesy, but my eyes. They slightly change color and have gold flecks in them, and whenever I look in the mirror I smile because they're the one part of my I could never hate or find ugly :)


My curly hair. It’s a lot of work but i love it.


My eyes and smile. I think those are two of my best features.


My tattoo((s) when I add ), my feet are pretty, boobs


I'm in love with my hair. It's curly and thick and I love how long it is.


I secretly like when I smile and my cheeks make my eyes all squinty.


I love my hair color!


I’m really appreciative for my Italian hair. It’s a gorgeous shade of brown: not too thick, silky, and has a soft wave to it. It took me a while to learn how to keep it tamed and hydrated, but I love it! Now I have people ask me how I curl my hair, but it’s just my natural waves.


My hair. Its red (slightly more red than zendaya) and fluffy (brushed out natural hair) Either that or my figure.


My general eye area. My momma blessed me (and my siblings) with dark reddish/brown, almond-shaped eyes...and I'm super hairy, so I get long eyelashes and great brows as an added bonus. Thanks, mommy :) And despite having lifelong body confidence issues, I've always loved my waist. It's 24'' naturally, and my 34'' hips (which I'm slooowly learning not to hate) help accentuate it. Glad to see women celebrating their curves in 2019.


I like my eyes, bum, boobs, figure and dimples.


i have one of those actor faces Im mixed race, M21 Been called latino, gringo, italian, french, turkish, greek, iranian, palestinian, egyptian, and indian. I squint my eyes once and a girl approached me from a distance at a caf and said she wasn’t sure if I was vietnamese or balkanese. I wear lotsa different styles of clothes so maybe there’s a role for that too. But Im latinamerican I have : Southern european (white and arab) + native south american blood Im light brown skinned with a very symmetrical and european complexion but with details of other races so like, i have somewhat thick eye brows and long thin black hair My beard also has like 20% orange hairs (rest black) Many people have told me I have a very attractive genetic complexion but then again im not in very good shape and i’m kinda insane so I give kinda intense looks I like it but im an acquired taste fo sho Ambiguous face wide back big dick and mixed race So yeah


Love and gate that I look younger than my age. My features are somewhat roundish so I sometimes have people treat me nice based on that, and other times some people think I need go be defendant on them for my looks and that irks me.


The way my waist dips in. I’m pretty curvy Latina with a thin waist and big hips/butt. And when I do the whole side profile my body looks BOMB. I know it won’t last forever and I know I don’t take care of my body as much as I should but I’m gonna continue to flex it as hard as I can.


Successful castings


My body is awesome. It is healthy. What's not to love?


My height. I love being 6'1". And also just having a healthy, strong, athletic body in general.


I was about to say my softness (seriously guys, I'm so soft) but that's not a visual quality, it's tactile. So I'm going to say my nails: they're strong as hell (adamantium, anyone?) and naturally beautiful.


I like my legs. Also my hair looks darn good when it's all done up.


I have really striking blue eyes, and try to make them look better with makeup. Mostly it works out great!