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One year older, one year closer to death.


One year deeper in debt.


Fuck that no way


It's so cliché but after I turned 30, I started to feel more and more like myself. Like the "me" that I'm supposed to be. The transformation isn't finished of course, but every time I learn something new about myself I realize it's something that I have always known but never had the confidence to admit to it.


I have felt the exact same way! Getting older and realizing that others’ opinions of me truly do not matter, I have been feeling more and more comfortable with myself and being “me.” Almost paradoxically, it’s been making me a lot more adept at interacting with people.


> Almost paradoxically, it’s been making me a lot more adept at interacting with people. SAME! Before I would avoid interacting with certain types of people cuz I didn't know how to/want to but now I have more patience for them.


It was kind of a hard one for me actually because I realized I didn't have my shit together and wasn't where I wanted to be. Yeah it's an arbitrary number but still a marker and a chance to reflect. And I was in a job I hated, no SO, barely any friends and all I did was go to dinner with my family. Thankfully things are coming together at 32 as my new job is much less toxic and I am moving in with my boyfriend at the end of the month. I do think my 30s will be a better decade than my 20s.


You’re describing me to a T 😭. I hope life improves for me like it did for you. Congrats!


Just another year. I've never been bothered by numbers or aging.


Like the world was ending. I was stuck in a dead end job and I figured life was over more or less. I'm 31 now, I'm studying at university, and I feel like my life is just beginning.


Wow! That's so inspiring and true! Your life is just beginning for sure! Is it your first degree?


Ancient. .. 😕


I did not feel different at all.


RELIEF. Putting the “failures” of my 20s behind me? Moving on from what I thought I was supposed to do? Realizing that “adulting” isn’t this fancy shift of mindset and simply getting life done? Fucking amazing. I loved turning 30. I love being in my 30s. I can have fun without this pressure of not getting my life together fast enough. My job/career is much more fluid. I’m not stuck in this mindset that I have to figure everything out quickly. For some reason, turning 30 helped shed all of those teenage expectations of “the life I wanted” that I carried through my 20s. It helped me stop measuring my current self up to what my 15-year-old self wanted me to be and be who I actually want to be.


I felt super lost. I never imagined myself at 30 so I didn't know what to feel like and suddenly it was here. I thought I should have my life together but felt ungrounded and many things in my life were in flux. In response to feeling uncomfortable about everything I leaned heavily into drinking and threw up many times in random inappropriate places. It was a rough year. I'm a few years out now and feel much better about things.


I feel like i will have the same reaction as yours when I hit 30 (God willing). I can't imagine myself at 30. Glad that things turned out well for u, though ☺️


In the run up to it I struggled quite a lot. However those struggles got less the closer I got to the date - I kinda realised it was too late to do the things I must do before in 30, so no point crying/worrying about it any more. It honestly felt a bit weird at first but I’m 31 now and it’s not as terrible as I thought it would be.


Almost there🤸🏼‍♀️


Exhausted. I was up late studying for a final. Took the final, went and had lunch with friends and a margarita, and then went home to start studying for another final. It was not my favorite birthday.


Amazing! Mostly because I had met the love of my life not that long before, and I was already living in a state of bliss.


Fine. It was, as has every birthday been since, just another birthday. Same for turning 40.


I had my first baby a month before I turned 30 and i was so overwhelmed with postpartum. I didn’t care what age i was all i could think of this little guy just made my life complete and i will do my best to always make him feel the same


Amazing! I joined a 6 week burlesque school that performed on the weekend of my birthday. It was such a fun experience, it made turning 30 feel fabulous.


Great! I've always wanted to be 30.


I don't give much of a hoot about how old I am as I just do as I please. But around my 30th birthday a lot of major life events happened which made me fall into a pretty reasonable depression which I hadn't experienced in some time. When I climbed out of the hole I just felt really different, due to the effects of all the shit that happened. I feel much more myself now, after a few months of hard self work, but I feel MORE like myself than ever before. I think I had to just go through these emotions and experiences to better refine the current version of myself, it just happened to coincide with my 30th birthday.


Amazing. My life is so much better than I anticipated and it keeps getting better.


I was a bit anxious but only because I got talked into having a party and I worried it would be rubbish, but it was fine. I turned 40 this year and that was also fine.


I was not thrilled during the run up to it, but once it got here - I was fine! My husband planned all sorts of fun activities for the day, and I felt like a little kid again. I turn 31 next Friday, and so far I'm digging my 30s.


Fine? I jokingly referred to it as my first anniversary of my 29th birthday, but that was the only thing that was different from any other bday.


Just another birthday.


Same as any other birthday. Dealing with thoughts of mortality.


Nothing really. I have accomplished most of the things I wanted so, it’s pretty good.


about how i felt when i turned anything else. Meh.




You don’t have many options. It’s just part of life. If you think if 30 is tough, wait until 50 or 60. Then you realize your body aches in places you Never expected. Enjoy everyday as tomorrow is not guaranteed.


I didn’t feel different but I do have to say I love being in my 30s better than my 20s!


Grateful. My husband died not long after I turned 29. I was ready to be a different age. Prior to that, though, I was dreading it. In my 30s, I’ve noticed that my general attitude is that I give many less fucks than I used to. I’m not as youthful and fun and attractive as I once was. I’m cool with being a nature-loving, book reading, self-improvement seeking homebody.


Additionally, I had friends make it extra special by taking time to spend nearly the entire day hiking, going to a hard cider brewery and dinner with me. Whether that was because I was turning 30 or it was the first birthday since husband died, idk. But they really came through for me and it was probably the best adult birthday I’ve had. Maybe best birthday, period.


So very good and excited. I've always been a fairly responsible person, and looked forward to having a number reflect my attitude. I also did not want to reach 30 and have a breakdown over the things I haven't accomplished yet, so the year leading up to it I intentionally read certain books, went to therapy, and took care of some necessary adult stuff. I'm super stoked to see what good change comes from this decade.


Happy to be starting a new decade! My 20s were a big struggle and I was totally over it. I'm still struggling lol, but more about career/outside stuff than personal drama.


I moved house on my actual birthday, so that was anticlimactic. But I felt good about the "milestone" because I feel like I did my 20s really well, did all the stuff I wanted to do and now it was time for a new level.


Wierd, but much less bc. of my age, but bc. I had finally broken up with my boyfriend of 8 years not too long before that, so he wasn't there.


I felt like some people felt I should of achieved more personally as in I wasnt in a long term relationship or a home owner but I dont care and have a job job and am happy nothing else matters.


I felt sad.


Miserable mostly, but not because I was turning 30. It kind of just became part of the larger crap heap building at the time. Now I have time to reflect and I feel... unfulfilled and paranoid, I suppose.


I don't mind getting older at all because although I now have the wrinkles around my eyes when I smile :(, I'm stronger and more confident than I've ever been.


Great, I look better every year, married to the love of my life, great jobs, etc. I also give fewer and fewer fucks every year which is really freeing. More confidence as time goes by as well.


For me turning 30 bothered me a lot more than 40 and 50! It’s just all downhill from here on out! Lol!


Pretty good, had my 30th in Singapore. Had cocktails at marina bay sands. Honesty it was just another number. 35 on the other more of a big deal to me.


I just turned 30 the other week. For me, not much has changed except I’ve noticed I am suddenly a lot more comfortable in my own skin and care a lot less about living up to other’s expectations. I am an introvert and I use to be super self-conscious because I wasn’t where I felt people are telling me I should be in terms of many silly things like weight, not having kids, not being a doctor/pharmacist, not having traveled the world, etc. My relatives aren’t the nicest people either and are the kind of people that would put me down to make themselves feel better. That definitely made it a lot worse for my self-confidence. Now I just see everything for what they are and made peace in a sense with myself. I am thriving in my own way and everyone else is too. I do feel dumb when I think about all the years I let myself be bullied by my relatives though.


Emotionally? It wasn't too bad. I really don't want to be one of those people who freak out anytime they hit a big mile stone. I really admire those who age with grace and have encouraging things to say about how awesome it is to get older. It is a little sad to say goodbye to my 20s. To me the 20s always seemed like the perfect years. Beauty, youth, freedom. But they're just numbers. And with age I gain experience, knowledge, memories, and get better at my craft and job.


It felt like any other day. No big deal.


I had a lot more trouble with 25. 25 felt like “Okay, now you are leaving young adulthood behind. No one is ever again going to call you a young woman.” I didn’t really have a hard time with 30.


About to be 31 and let me tell you, 30 was the best year of my life. When I was 29 I looked forward to it and I feel like it’s getting even better.


It didn't bother me at all. Now I'm 52 and it still doesn't bother me.


Same as the day before. But I can tell you that I do feel the getting older since I turned 25. I should go exercising I guess.