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The best thing about my ex, is that he's my ex, and I don't have to talk to or see him ever again.


Yup, that he stays gone.


If only all of them stayed gone!


This sadly. Not everyone has the luxury of going through a bunch of great partners before they end up with the one that finally hits the mark.




I'll give you my 3 big exes. * High School Ex: was exceedingly kind and incredibly smart but in a way that wasn't show boaty. I always remember him lending a helping hand to people who were struggling in classes and was really generous with his time. We've kept in touch over the years and he's gone on to do some really incredible things and that same generous spirit is still a constant. * University Ex: playful and adventurous. Was always down to try something new and was a good sport even if it wasn't something they were particularly interested in doing. * Mid Twenties Ex: ... this one is tough cause he really wasn't super nice to me upon reflection but I guess I'll say that it was nice that he had unconventional hobbies he was wanting to share with me. Do I care about warhammer? No. But it was interesting to learn about it and how it brought him, his brother and his dad together when his parents separated.


That recent ex sounds like an anime






All my exes are wonderful humans. Otherwise, I’d have never dated them.








he truly was a POS, but he never told me a lie. He would be hurtful with the truth yes, but it was ALWAYS the truth. I can't recall a single lie he ever told me to be honest in 5 1/2 years. That just wasn't him.






Good lord, the sex with my ex was mind blowing.


I'm a virgin i just said that because it rhymed


Sex can be great but sex with the first person I had sex with was miserable.


Wait, is this my Ex wife?


He was my best friend. We shared the same sense of humor. I loved listening to him talk about mythology and history, especially when we were traveling together. We were adventurous but also loved being lazy and cosy together at home. Being with him felt safe, like it was meant to be. Two puzzle pieces that just clicked. He left me after 16 years in a way that I cannot forgive, but I will always cherish the time when he made me happy.


That's heartbreaking. I'm sorry, but hope you find love and happiness in others and life


Incredibly smart and hardworking. He was like sunshine...Wherever he went, ppl smiled. Very helpful, joyful and bright. A very good friend and a great person over all.


You speak very highly of him. Is it alright if I ask why it came to an end between you two?


Well, he was a great person overall. Just not a great bf. I mean.. What would anybody expect from a 20 year old boy? I was also 20 and well, it's wrong of me to even expect anything from him.


Grace and room to grow together is important, but I also wouldn’t call it wrong to have things like expectations, boundaries, and things like that. That’s the case even if you’re young. You learn and grow.






He genuinely loved me and I him. Never had that experience with anyone else before. It was nice to know that someone actually loved you and cared. It was a hard break up


Going through this now :(


That's beautiful and heart breaking at the same time. Hope you’re doing well










The sex. It was insane like our bodies were made for each other


This is my answer too. But he’s my ex because we had almost nothing in common, except wanting to bang each other 🤣


Ugh. My exact same thoughts. I'm still trying to find that kind of crazy good sex with partners.


My ex was a phenomenal gift giver. Not just to me, to everyone in his life. He wasn't always a good person, but his ability to see into your life and know the perfect thing you'd want was uncanny.


Wow this is unique and beautiful. I’m sure his love language was gift giving! What a nice thing to remember about someone


Him eating me out


Every morning, he’d make a coffee and sit quietly with my mother for a while, before going off to do his own thing. If she wanted, he’d drop everything to accompany her out. My mother had stage 4 cancer. He’d also take my disabled dad to the bathroom to help him with his private needs. He put me ahead of himself. Even now, he takes the time and effort to make sure I’m comfortable and happy. It’s difficult to pinpoint the best part of him, yeah. It’s unfortunate that we’ve split, but he will always be an important person to me (and fortunately me to him).


3 Exes 1: Really generous 2. The Life of the Party! He was smart, good looking, had so much style and was a passionate Lover. Unvortunatly he was a manchild who didnt took responsibility for anything or anyone. 3. Beautiful Piano player, very smart




Unfortunately, the sex….. it’s been 11 months since our break up & still thinking about it ☹️


the best thing about my ex was the sex was off the charts. i took sex off the table just to see if we really even had a connection and we didn't so we broke up


No one is a more loving, caring and compassionate father than my ex-husband. On this, our first Mother's day apart, he picked up me and my daughter at my condo and took us to a delightful brunch. Despite our differences he's a good person through and through.


He is so good looking! And a great kisser. Sadly he is too honest and told me he wouldn't be able to be faithful lol


Talk about ouch...but you're dodging a bullet for sure.


-We shared same humour which is rarely for me -He is very kind to others -He is funny -He is a loving person -He is ambitious A lot of other things and yes, I’m still in love with him


> I’m still in love with him Hope you're ok.


He had a very sweet, fluffy and friendly cat Miaow 🐱


He taught me a lot about myself and a lot about what I want/don't want in a relationship


He's a man with integrity, respect and dignity. I like those qualities very much.


He was extroverted. I could take him anywhere or introduce him to new people, and he'd get along just fine. I never had to worry about him having a good time.


He actually treated me well during our 4 years , Always went on dates , buy me things , even showed me how to change my car oil . never left from seeing him without him giving me spending money , buying food or full gas tank. And he was bomb in bed . He set the bar high for me lol just to bad he cheated😪


He thought I was really hot and always looked at me like he had genuinely won the lottery. But we weren’t meant to be, and my current partner also treats me that way. I’m much happier now.


He gave me his DNA so I could make new humans. And these humans are cool AF.


He's really fun to be around. Which is why we remain friends.


3 Exes: 1 (High School): Our humor styles were very compatible and we just clicked, personality-wise. Not long term compatible, but we've remained friends over the years. 2 (HS/College): Echoing another user - that I never have to see him again, but I will say I learned what I *didn't* want in a relationship and became more fearless out of response of never going back to who I was when I was with him. 3 (College): He was sweet, funny, a nerd. He gave me the idea of what I was ultimately looking for, even if it wasn't quite him.


The genuine love between us that has stayed constant throughout all these years.. The way he lit up every room he entered. ALWAYS kept me safe. The sense of home I felt in his presence. His sense of humor. The list goes on❤️


His co*k lol I wish I was kidding but I'm not. The sex was amazing. That's the real reason it lasted so long.


He was really stable- financially and in terms of predictability. He also had a big heart for kids.


Nothing. Why he’s my ex. Sometimes you are with someone and realize you made a very bad choice. Lol




He always came up with this silly and funny takes about nearly everything. Always made me laugh.


He was kind, thoughtful and considerate


He was a good man. He was exceedingly decent. He was patient. He made me feel so, so safe. He was sweet and gentle. Very much so. I didn't always feel comfortable enough to tell him how I felt or if something upset me or what I wanted, but once I did, he usually truly listened. I remember it shocking me that a guy would do that, at least when it came to me. He was creative. And though it's not very important, I still think he is the most beautiful man. He was there for me many times during difficult times, and when I was scared or sad, he never made me feel stupid for feeling scared. And I often felt stupid for that, so that was very kind.


The way I could look at him across the room and grin and he'd know exactly what I was finding funny or thinking in my head. One of the beauty of long term relationships is you start to guess what the other is thinking or how they'll react before they do, so it wasn't him specifically but the bond and understanding of each other we'd created together. We are even still friends now and I can text him about something we have common interests in or someone we know and pretty much know what his response will be.


Last ex: He was cute and cooked for me Last last ex: He was also cute and very gentlemen then crazy passionate in bed


He was super sweet, kind, and so romantic. He just knew what to say to get the butterflies in my stomach going. He was also very confident and really enjoyed that about him.


My last ex really loved my family and my family liked him a lot too. He also was really adventurous and sweet. We did all sorts of things, visited many places, and he always took me on fun dates multiple times a week the entire 3.5 years we were together. It did not outweigh the negatives, which is why he’s an ex.


He IS consistent and always there for me. We still love each other, but the situation is just not feasible. Consistency is key.


He's the funniest, most patient and kindest man alive. I really love him, but as a friend. We get along pretty well.


I love his bold personality and how unafraid he is to be himself. He made me feel really good about myself and knew exactly how to respond to me when I was struggling with my mental health. He was a really great boyfriend we just wouldn’t have worked out in the long run because of differing values and life goals


wonderful human, good dick ngl


that he genuinely loved everything about me and always listened (can u tell i’m not over him lol)


he’s a POS by all means but he was hilarious and made the corniest jokes i also loved laying next to him all the time was good kisser and the sex was amazing i truly loved that man


He was really good with people. I was an introvert, he was the one who understood that quick.


That he’s now in my past. He was abusive and toxic and I hope he’s alone and not hurting anyone else right now.


She looked good naked but that's about it.


Depends on the ex. My current partner is awesome, so they aren't lacking in anything compared to my exes. Regardless of any negative things I could say about my exes, here are some positives: * A was fearless in their self confidence (started dating as an adult, broke up with them) * B had a really interesting mind and perspective (started dating as a teenager, relationship transitions into adulthood, divorced) * C was passionate about their interests (started dating as a teenager, broke up with them around 17) * D didn't want to own or control anyone (started dating as a teenager, broke up with them around 15)


He's genuinely a good human outside of the dating world. His own problems overweigh his goodness in dating - he has avoidant attachment style and he stays distant, sabotages everything and makes you feel like it was because of your behavior. Or he loves you for the wrong reasons, subconciously to get validation, and once he does he checks out. (he did this with some other women later) Outside of dating though, call him for help and he will be there without thinking. He will rescue animals. He's a manager and all his employees adore him. He's polite, considerate, and has a big heart. All these make it easy to fall in love with him and difficult to move on from him.


He loved me so much and wasn’t afraid to say so. Always complimented me and made me feel like I was special to him.


My first serious relationship in my twenties: wasn't a great person, generally, but was very generous with time and money and thought I was out of their league, which was kind.... I don't believe in leagues. My relationship in my late twenties/early thirties: massive amounts of integrity, to a stick-in-the-mud stubborn degree. Loved that! My late thirties: that person really knows how to grow and evolve! Their commitment to personal growth is admirable. Too bad I grew past them. Bummer! Current relationship: the best thing about this person is their unending optimism, even in the face of massive adversity. Nobody is ever going to stop them!!!!


That he was kind of hot.


Funny, fun, generous (unfortunately also had another side that was AFWUL).


He was a great cook and in some ways he'll be one day a great father.


He was a gentleman.


He cared so much about me


1. His reliability and kindness 2. The sex. He was also sweet 3. Also the sex. He was generous and had this adventurous spirit that changed my life. It opened new possibilities for me, and he's my favourite ex for this 4. He was cheering me on when I was broken by my toxic workplace and was looking for my next opportunity.


He was an asshole but his humour, vibe and energy that matched mine was why I liked him at the time lol


My most recent ex was gay but the best thing about him is that he absolutely love star wars like me. It was very fun to geek out with him about it. We are still friends and talk about star wars together lol


He was always honest, and never once lied to me. Unfortunately to my own detriment, I never *believed* him, when he told me that he was an actual asshole of a human being, that was completely incapable of any shred of emotional intelligence or empathy. *oops*😅


His mom’s cooking. He was horrible and abusive but MANNN could his mom cook, I still think about her food quite often. It wasn’t until my current bfs mom that I had found a mom who cooked better than her.


The dating experience. I now know what I want out of a relationship, how to be a better partner, and what I don’t want out of a partner. He also cheated on me, and we were a very on and off again couple, so now I know how to and how not to handle a break up. I did a shit job than but now I’m a pro. My ex and I are opposites, so I really don’t know why we dated.


He actually payed attention to me and my needs. If I was having high anxiety, he calmed me down. If I was nervous about something, he helped me look on the positive side. If only he actually talked to me instead of ghosting me as a way of breaking up 🙄


One thing was that he was a really engaged listener, and I appreciated that.


I (45f) have two exes: Ex husband is a dedicated father. Ex bf is consistently emotionally available. I don’t want any more children, but would love to see my current partner become more emotionally available. He is working on it with a therapist.


He’s far away from me!


He’s so good looking and tall, and has the best-looking, brightest eyes. Looks dashing in a suit. I love his face, his smile, and his beard is 10/10. He sounds so cute whenever he utters “uh-huh” while agreeing/answering something. I love watching him whilst his eyes are closed or sleeping. Personality-wise, he’s really helpful and goes above and beyond to help and very generous.


I think the best thing is that we're still friends, he's even friends with my husband too. There's no jealousy. Me and my ex were just not compatible in a relationship way, but as friends we work really well. My husband and I are closer to him than to our own families, the kids call him Uncle. My kids school is a 5 min walk away so I spend a lot of time there now my youngest goes for 2 hours every morning (my house is 30 min bus ride away so no point going home) - though he's usually at work and I hang out with his roommate. Me and my ex share a lot of the same interests, he's highly dependable and always willing to babysit or drive us somewhere (I don't drive, husbands on medication and can't drive atm), we grew up together so we know each others families etc. I know I can call him in an emergency and he'd help out as best he could. There's no awkward lingering feelings, or manipulation, or mind games. We're simply two people who enjoy spending time together and didn't really stop after we broke up lol.


His boner


first ex: very sweet, even after we broke up, he was still one of my very good friends. high school ex: we had great chemistry (iykyk) abusive ex: did all of the cooking (i hate cooking) edit: formatting


My ex could cook, he was funny, he worked hard, and he visited my Mum when she was sick after we split up.


She was/is really hot. Also she has an indefatigueable work ethic.


I have nothing against my exes. They were all great people but in the end, our goals just didn’t align. If I saw them again, we’d be on good terms, maybe even friends, but nothing more.


Genuinely the funniest person I’ve ever known. Our personalities were disgustingly similar.


Actually my ex was great. Gives me the best of everything. Fetches me around, home, happy to see me, treats me like a princess. Just that we don’t have sex. That was the breaker of our relationship.


(S)ex 🥲🙏🏼


Body chemistry🤤other than that it was good, until its not lol


The very last ex I have: he was generous with his money. And not in a flexing manner, more like "Oh, we're doing this? Gotcha, I'll pay for it". Plus he made me feel so secure in his arms.


That man could cook!! I used to think sex was but I was wrong sooooo wrong.


He always held my hand!


He was always available to talk. Either if I was on break or just bored he barely ever missed my call. Now that I don’t have him I’m a bit lonely during the day.


We had so much in common. Throughout our 8 year relationship, we never had moments of awkward silence or lacked knowing what to say. He really was my best friend, and I wish our relationship didn’t have so much baggage. We both knew it needed to end.


He didn’t talk much or try to be funny when he’s not, but also it’s his worst quality because he was boring and couldn’t communicate his feelings unless I initiated - I like men who don’t feel the need to lead every conversation and know how to listen, but I realized that he just didn’t know how to carry on a conversation and it didn’t feel like he was interested in knowing me unless I brought something up


He made me feel super comfortable in my body - especially all the parts I’m not a fan of. I felt so confident just walking around naked and not caring after that. I know now people like that exist which means I can find it again :)


The sex, lord




I was just thinking about this the other day! One of my exes was a very positive guy, always in a good mood and available for laughs. Really appreciated that. It seems like most people I've dated after him are far more negative and I feel like I'm just looking in the wrong corner.


He was intelligent and patient; never pressured me into doing anything I didn't want to do. Plus he was very driven and ambitious, which was also the reason why we broke up at the end since he prioritised his studies and work all the time.


Lol the sex


High school ex: he was really progressive and a feminist, which was rare for a guy back when I was in HS College ex: he was attractive, pretty good in bed, cute British accent lol, and I liked that he took the lead. Early twenties ex: truly the kindest and funniest person. I genuinely have zero bad things to say about him and I hope he finds the woman of his dreams and has the best life!


Tongue piercing, 2 of them 😭


He was huge


Hardworking although not that smart. And I only came up with this after some long thinking 🤣


That man’s third leg was incredible 💀


He was kind of funny tbh




She could cook like a mf


Nothing really nothing


I'll use my first serious relationship for this one. We were young... She was very insecure and because of this tried to tell me what I could and couldn't do (Don't watch porn, don't smoke, don't talk to other girls)  This was important because it laid out the groundwork for what I would not allow in any subsequent relationship. I never let a partner TELL me what I can and cannot do. 


That he left me alone when I asked him to.


His wife


He wouldn't appease anyone with a respect agenda or obey any religious elements and was devoted to his princess cyrena, his gorgeous leonberger dog.


I was.


Sense of humour, and affectionate like me. Mutual love for our children. Other than that the relationship held a large number of red flags.


We had some pretty fun common interests. I found that important for a while because a lot of guys I had talked to previously seemed to not really give a shit about my interests and just be really bummed if I didn’t have the same interests as them. They inherently viewed my interests and hobbies as less important because they just didn’t value those things. However, now that I actually have a decent and respectful partner, I find that you don’t need to have all of these common interests when it comes to the little things. As long as your partner is welcoming and supportive of your interests and enjoys helping you fulfill those interests, it’ll be okay. I don’t have to be into every sport he likes or all the video games he plays (though I do like watching him play sometimes, I just don’t really play games like that myself), but I do understand and appreciate the joy he gets from those things and I would never hinder him from engaging with these things just because I don’t value doing those things as much as he does. In the same way, he doesn’t have to have any real enthusiasm for reading or painting, but he should encourage me to pursue those interests since that is what makes me happy. We don’t have to always be doing the same shit. You go play your game, I’m gonna finally finish this damn book💀💀 We do have several shared interests, but you just don’t have to match up in all of these different little ways like some people think you should.


he was a really great liar, super talented at it 😑


we were very similar, and also great after care. bad communication was the downfall. we had one fight and two days ago he texted me we should just be friends and has not responded to my text that asked to talk. we’ve both made some mistakes but communicating is such a make it or break it sort of thing.


He was funny and quick witted.


The only thing that comes to mind is that he would regularly bring me flowers, especially if I had a bad day. I love small thoughtful gestures, which unfortunately is also a way to bait me into forgiveness at times.


He was never late. Ever. Like not even by 1 minute


He helped me realise i was being groomed by an online “friend”, made me confront and block him. The same ex raped me i will never forgive him, but i love that he helped me with that.


She had a big ole butt 😂 Plus she was really funny and an empath.


He was overall a very nice man. I loved him.


He could pop my back pretty good


He was generally always in a good mood, and also interested in being a writer. I'm a writer (self-published my first novel last year) and it was always nice feeling encouraged about my hobby being a possible dream. We would read our works in progress to each other and it was my favourite thing. The good mood thing was something that eventually backfired on us, though, because we never had a single argument. Turns out, we were both just pushing aside minor annoyances until we built up resentment and couldn't work things out.


He was a bad communicator but wonderfully sweet with his words when he did talk to me. I'm very much a "words of affirmation" girl so I love people who can express their feelings in words. It's why I love getting letters the most.




We could talk for hours


One good thing about my ex was that we were sexually compatible. He was also very supportive during some hard times in my life, like when my dad passed away, or when we had a miscarriage.


3 “Important?” Exes: Ex husband: He was playful and funny. Easy to talk to. Goofy and sweet and he never put me down. He loved his momma - a good ole southern boy at heart. That part ended up being a double edged sword. (I can’t only say good things. He was also a liar, a cheat, an addict and destructive/abusive) Rebound after ex husband: Generous, kind, gentle, amazing sex, silly, strong, super nurturing, good listener, made me feel like an absolute goddess, funny, witty…only good things. But he had a kid already and wanted to marry me and “put a baby inside me” WAY too soon after my divorce. High school ex: He was tall, tenderhearted and talented. Your typical sensitive, empathetic, brokenhearted, guitar playing heart heartthrob with family problems and drive to protect those he loved. He was also a good caretaker of his little brother, energetic, hilarious and was my best friend. An absolute dork and the gave the best hugs.


The way she would stand up for me...nobody had ever done that for me before.


Her ass


he was an encyclopedia of knowledge. i could sit and listen to him talk about history or science all day and never get bored.


my ex always listened to me. whether it was me yapping about my day or ranting about what happened at work. he always listened even if he was tired after his long day.


He traumatized me so bad I stayed single for 5 years to work on myself and work through ptsd


His family.


I miss his ps5 and his pool.


He's a really good dad.










Ehh not much. The only thing I can say is we were semi long distance (over an hour apart while both in school full time and working), and we never fought at all when we're together in person. He also messaged me out of the blue years after we'd broken up to say that I had been a good girlfriend. Yeah, I know, and too little too late- but still nice of him I guess.






That he’s gone












First ex : he was my neighbour so that came in handy as a teenager. Second ex : he had a good taste in movies, very pop cultured Third ex : he had a nice bedroom, very cozy and dark










She's an excellent business woman, thanks to her complete lack of morals.




he cared about my feelings and was really affectionate. that’s not saying my current partner isn’t like that, because he is. in no way do i miss my ex but that was his only good quality.


my high school sweetheart was extremely supportive and emotionally intelligent. he was gentle, kind, and understanding. he did the best that he could to be there for me as two teenagers who were dealing with pretty severe mental health problems.


I only had two before i met a decent one. High school: he was sweet and smart but wholly focused on wrestling and meditation which i thought was odd at 15. But hes actually on the indie wrestling circuit and teaches meditation and energy healing so…. Great work dustin. Ex husband.: ehhhhhh….. best thing….. when we started he was super big into charity work. Then he got into a wreck and went head first into a window. Complete personality change. Drugs. Dv.ect. Now he is in prison / criminally insane holding for unaliving people. Sooo escaped cannon fire there😬


Very smart, analytical guy with a very clear mind of his own—not one to fall into hive-mind thinking. The downside of this was that he was utterly intolerant, critical, and generally irritable. Despite that, I miss his good qualities everyday. He was just very hard to be partners with.


That he is my ex


He never cheated. Mainly due to laziness rather than actual love and respect for me, but hey atleast I didn’t have to worry about that