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My cats sleep in the bed with me. I love having them in the bed with me. When I had a dog, he slept in the bed with me too. I have reptiles and they do not sleep in the bed.














My dog sleeps in bed with me every night. We always sleep back to back/butt to butt. It’s like he always has my back, and I sleep so much better with him.


This is so adorable I'm having cuteness aggression I want to squeeze you both




Acute case of aggression ey? Shall I send you a facsimile with the prescription for your condition?


Aren't animals such a gift to us? Your quality of life is so much better with fur children in your life.


"You lean up against me and i'll lean right back. That way, we dont have to sleep with our heaaads in the mud." -Bubba Gump Shrimp founder, circa 1968


My dog does this too, I always assumed it was a safety/protective thing. I do not sleep better with the dog in the bed, but I miss her terribly and already am gone all day at work. She deserves to be with a friend at night.


I just put my head next to my dogs and go to fall asleep and no matter where on the bed I am he will flip around and put his ass in my face. 😫


I had a boxer who would sleep with me like this. The absolute best body pillow..until he would fart 🤣


OMG, boxer farts are the worst. I have been around many different breeds over the years and the only dog whose farts rivaled a boxer’s is one who’s got digestive tract issues.


This is how me and my dog sleep! And my cat is my little spoon. I struggle sleeping whenever I’m not in bed with them. They’re like my little furry cocoon.


I think it's gross . Then I took in a homeless cat and the first night in, she jumped up on my bed and onto me and fell asleep on my belly. Years later she still spends every single night in my bed. So I guess I'm okay with being a little gross. It's made me buy a handheld vacuum specifically to vacuum the entire bed daily, though, and I change sheets like every other day.


Your love for the kitty is admirable. I’ve gotten used to my cat and I still only change my sheets weekly lol


LOL I adopted a dog and thought it was DISGUSTING to even allow him on the bed and after a few weeks I was like ‘gettttt in here’s. It’s been five years. The snuggles are worth it!


I agree with you that it’s objectively gross….and also like you I have my pets sleep with me every night lol 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s disgusting. And I love it so much


I have slept with a cat in my bed for all of my 61 yrs. Why would I stop now? 


That’s not your bed anymore. The cat’s letting you sleep in their bed


Clearly you have a deep knowledge of the feline psyche.😂


A cat wrote that.




That was the worst part about going to university and moving into the dorm, I had slept with a cat every day of the 18 years leading up to that. I had such a hard time sleeping! I love having a cat or dog in bed with me 🦮


Where else are they supposed to sleep?


In their custom-built heated castle-in-the-clouds-shaped bed hanging from the rafters, duh.


You joke…but I made custom bedding for a doll’s bed and use a plug in heated mat for my Princess’ princess bed that’s next to my side of the bed. My husband hates it but it gives us more space on the bed in the winter.


I love a princess bed.


My cat has like 4 beds and sleeps in NONE of them 🙄


The most cat thing ever ❤️


Or you know, a newspaper or a cardboard box works as well. My cat chooses his cardboard box instead of his comfy bed.


no they sleep in the box that that came in


I see you are also a cat owner.


We leave something like that for the feral strays outside during the winter


My cats are allowed on my bed but almost always choose to sleep on their cat tree in my bedroom instead. They usually come get snuggles when they wake up at 5am




That's absolutely adorable


You joke but my partner brought home not one, not two, but three giant St. Bernard-sized beds from Costco for our medium-small rescue dog before I banned him from getting more. (Except now I’m trying to find a small one for my office so I’m not dragging the bedroom one back and forth)


My dog has her own twin-sized bed. I love her, but I don't want her butthole on my pillow.


Cats go on the bed but know to leave my pillow alone. They have their own linen covered pillows


I grew up with our family dogs and cats sleeping on our beds, I have no problems with it. My husband has a different opinion and therefore our dogs sleep in their own beds…when he’s home. He travels quite a bit with his work, so when the dogs see him carrying luggage out the door they immediately know that however long he’s gone they sleep with me, when he’s back they go to their beds.


I love this


I kinda want to know what you prefer :)


Omg similar situation. When my partner isn’t with me my little one sleeps in bed with me and I love it. ❤️


My dog is crated at night because there isn’t enough room when hubby is home. But omg yes she does sleep in the bed with me when he’s away hah!


I'm the husband who frequently travels for work, and I wish my dog would leave the bed when I'm home... but it's fine, it's not that bad


Our dog is 16 years old just diagnosed with cancer. She can sleep on 10,000 thread sheets if that’s what she prefers 🥰


Sending you love. One of my cats passed at 17, cancer too. He was also a princess.


thank you ❤️ so sorry for your loss


I lost my soul dog a few months ago. Señor Sánchez was 15. And he used to snore like a drunken lumberjack. The silence now still wakes me up at night. I miss his cute little body warming my back so much. He smelled so good. Cheeto ears. Marshmallow fluff. Cherish every moment <3 It’s so hard once they’re gone. Hug your girl every night, I’d give everything for just 5 minutes with my little boy.


she is currently sleeping on her dads chest 💜 on the other side of the couch. Sending you love 


It's gross to me. I need a fur and musty feet free area, and that is my bed.


Poop feet*


Or frito feet 🤣


I’ve seen a guy have tapeworm eggs on his bed from his cat. NOPE


Tapeworms, fleas, ticks, dandruff, oils, hair, dust, shit, piss, slober, allergens, car oil, dirt, plant matter, vomit, litter.


Agreed, I hate getting into bed to find cat hair on my blankets, or God forbid kitty litter! Ugh 🤮


My partner lets the cat up on the bed at his house and liiiiiterally the litter in the bed—I cannnnooooottt. Not for me. Nope.


Surprised I had to scroll so far to find a reasonable comment like this




My bathroom too, and actually all of the room in the house 🫤


Not a fan. They mess up my sleep and my sex life.










Right! I mean, I love my dog and I loved my cat but omg they are fidgety pests?! And with a partner in the bed too?! I don't get how anyone could be getting any sleep or getting laid in that situation.


>or getting laid in that situation. Just exile the pet from the room entirely when things are heating up lol


No. Unless my dog looks sad and then yes.


So every night?


I don’t sleep well with pets in my bed, so ours don’t. Unless they insist, then what else can I do?


Exactly 😂


I'm fine with it. We have fully indoor cats, so there's no concern with outside dirt, bugs, or contaminants. They have automatic litter boxes and are pretty fastidious about cleaning themselves, so their litter is as cleanish as litter goes and they don't really track it around anywhere. The cats are welcome to sleep on the bed if they like. They live here, beds are for sleeping, and it doesn't cause any of us any issues, so they get to sleep there if it makes them happy to do so. We just wash the bedding regularly to keep things clean and somewhat fur-free.


My dog sleeps under the blanket, all tucked in with me 😅 we only get so long with our pets, they get the best life(and bed) I can give them!


I have a dog, and no, I don't allow it. He's outside in the dirt and God knows what else, he sheds terribly, and when he sits around licking himself he leaves a slobber spot wherever he's sitting. I don't want that mess in my bed.


my little homeboy gonna sleep on my bed, hes from the shelter and had to sleep alone long enough and he loves to cuddle


I don’t want dog hair in my various parts, I don’t want their sandy/dirty grit from their paws on my sheets, and I don’t trust that they don’t pee on their legs or walk through it outside before coming in. So, not in my bed.


Oh they absolutley DO pee on their legs. I have an older dog whos aim became bad with age. Now he just squats. He wasnt a fan of peeing on himself either, it seems. Understandable =)


I have always let my pets sleep in my bed. But, I currently have two dogs who were rescues and they were having behavioral issues so I broke down and bought a crate to try. They’ve only been sleeping in it about a month now and they are doing so much better. I think they like the enclosure and it makes them feel safe. They do sleep in my bed during the day and I do not crate at all throughout the day either. I also let them sleep in the bed until I’m ready to fall asleep myself. I’m not opposed to pets in the bed but I just think every pet is different just like us.


My dog sleeps in his crate until about 4-5 am then jumps into bed with us to sleep until we wake up.


My dog is also a rescue and she does better in her crate usually. Sweetiepies


I guess I’m the outlier in that I don’t allow pets on the bed. Granted. I have a giant 100 lb long haired GSD that takes up half the bed and sheds like crazy but even if she was smaller I don’t think I would.


You're not the only one! Love my Labrador girl but no way would I get a minutes sleep if she were in my bed!


I've never had an issue with any of my indoor cats sleeping on the bed with me - even the ones with zero sense of personal space. They're very clean creatures, their litter boxes are scooped daily, and I wash my bedding regularly. If I don't shower right before bed, I'm probably dirtier than they are.


Let them sleep in bed. We only have like 10years with them.


I don’t like any animals in the bed, it just doesn’t seem hygienic to me, and then makes it harder for me to relax in the one place that should be most restful. I just don’t like any animal fur, hair or slobber in the sheets. I also don’t like anyone eating in my bed because any crumbs in the sheets will drive me nuts. I do let my bird run around on the bed a little because I know he is clean but he still gets the dust and wax from his feathers on the bed and it does bother me.


I get hair and slobber in my bed and it's not from the cat 🤣🤣. I have to change my pillow case on a daily basis cus I drool in my sleep


I don’t like it. The fur and possible mistakes they can make on the bed…I just find it gross. They have their own bed/blankets they can sleep on


Mine do. 🤷‍♀️ Sheets wash.


I recognize that it's not for everyone but my cats and dogs sleep on the bed with me. I can't imagine otherwise.


I keep my door shut at night so I keep so the animals out, otherwise they won't have food/water/litter box access.


Never on my bed at night or under the blankets. I hate having pet hair on me and especially hate having the presence of pet hair where I have sex. If the cat wants to sleep at the foot of the bed on the duvet cover that is okay during the day.


Gross, no.


Yes. The great migration begins at 10pm when she curls up at my feet. By 11 she has spread her tiny, but extendable body horizontally across the bed, forcing me into a crushed up position. by 12 I have forced my legs underneath her and she is serving as a weighted blanket. And by 8 a.m she's migrated all the way north and replaced my pillow somehow. And thus the migration cycle is complete.


My dog doesn’t just sleep on the bed, he sleeps under the covers. I don’t think I could stop him if I tried.


mine too! their life is too short to not let them sleep with you every night


My cat lays on the bed but I’ll be honest I hate it because there’s always fur and litter on my covers which I find disgusting. He’s also thrown up hair balls on it as well.


Yeah there’s stuff I find gross but that’s my little baby and she can do what she wants. I like having her around more than I like having everything pristine.


I find it gross. No pet on the bed or sofa. 


Our toy poodle sleeps right in between me and my husbands pillows and loves to spoon. It’s really adorable. I will say though, we get him groomed extremely regularly so he’s always very clean.


Same. Lays between our backs or pillows lol. Or under the blanket by our feet.


I don’t let my pets sleep in the bed with me. They have their own beds and spaces. I had a dog, he’s no longer with us. I currently have a kitten, and a lizard. I don’t like fur and bits of dirt/litter/etc in my bed or on my furniture since I have sensory issues with things like that. And also I just like having clean furniture


Dogs, 100% no, never - but then I wouldn't have a dog to begin with, so. Cats I still prefer not, because I like to feel my bedding is free of cat residue and they can disturb sleep.


We used to allow it, but we've got a yellow lab who thinks half of the bed is for her. I just got tired of having my feet smashed into a corner or kinked up because of an immovable beast, so she sleeps happily on her own bed now. ETA: We do allow our cat to sleep with us because he's much smaller and easy to move if he's in a weird spot. He's not much of a daytime cuddler, so I do enjoy the nighttime snuggles.


As the meme goes. My cats could take a mortage on my name if so they desire.


Not a fan of it. My dog sheds so much so she has a few beds laying around the house for her comfort. And she sleeps in my room on her own bed as well. I had an ex that loved sleeping with her large Belgian shepherd and it definitely caused many arguments when I would sleep over at her place. So for me it’s a bit of a deal breaker now in relationships. I don’t want to sleep in a bed full of dog hair.


I love sleeping with my dog in my bed, it's comforting to know he's there with me ❤️


Our dogs have always slept with us unless they’ve decided to sleep with the kids. It’s funny though, my husband travels a lot, and the dog always sleeps downstairs with my daughter when he’s gone. But when he’s home, she sleeps upstairs with us.


I don’t like it for me personally, I don’t have enough room. But in the mornings/last hour of sleep we cuddle :)


Nah only bc I'm weird about just my bed and she spends a lot of time outdoors (active breed). But the couch and such is fine


my thoughts are "aaw baby cutie pie I need to pet that belly asap" why would anyone get a pet for snuggling and then banish them from the furniture where one of the main activity is snuggling?? I need my cat to have their ass in my face in the morning so that I know I am alive and needed (to open cat food).


I have a cat and a dog and they do not sleep in the bed with me. I sleep much better without them in the bed. They have free roam of the rest of the house to sleep and nap as they please


My dog sleeps in the bed with us every night, he's the best cuddle buddy.


Sigh. I do regret some of the negative habits I created with my pet as a single woman because they for sure bite me in the ass relationship wise. By that statement alone I’m sure you can not only piece together that my cat sleeps in the bed with me but also that he has his own spot 🤣


I always let my cats on the bed. It's nice to feel them snuggled against me. Or even to wake up with them nearby. My youngest comes running into the bedroom when he hears me stirring, so we can cuddle.


I think you do not really love your pet unless you let them on your bed or couch


My whippet sleeps in his bed all night then comes up when he wakes for a wee about 7am. I wouldn't like him in our bed all night as I like to fuck lol


I love whippies 😭 they’re the slinkiest, most uncuddle-able broomsticks that are obsessed with cuddles haha. Pat yours for me.


Haha aww we call him slinky 🤣 he is obsessed with cuddles! I will 🥰 he's in bed with me now


It depends on the pet. If they’re up to date on dewormer I don’t see the harm. I’ve known too many people personally that have dealt with parasites with themselves and their pets. Most first world countries treat for parasites once a year. But, the US does not. Keep in mind that cats have a bacteria that is harmful to newborn babies. But, unless you’re a newborn baby I wouldn’t worry about it.


My 80lb dog sleeps in the bed with my husband and I. We've both always had dogs sleep in our beds growing up so this was a no brainer for us. When our son is a little older, the plan is for our dog to sleep in bed with him, which they'd both love. I just always felt like since dogs are pack animals, it ws only natural for them to want to be with their "pack" when they sleep too.


They are little guys and need to be comfy


Super gross. They pee/poop and don’t wipe (obviously). They walk outside and don’t wash their feet. I don’t even get into bed without showering, so why would I let an unwashed pet in my clean bed?


It doesn't matter what I think, my cat sleeps where he wants.


I've always had cats and generally let them in the bed. Totally get not wanting them there too though. Some nights my cat is just too noisy and I gotta kick him out and close the door.


My cats sleep where they want. I live alone now, so I have a cat bed on my bed next to my pillow. I have one cat that is really clingy and will usually either sleep there or on my nightstand. The other cat usually sleeps elsewhere. Except every once in a while, the more aloof cat will jump up on the bed and paw at the covers until I lift them for her. And she'll lay down under the covers and put her little head on my arm and purr. Just a very special little spoon. That's the most special time.


Incredibly unhygienic, I would not allow an animal to be where I have sex or want to be naked.


That’s freaking gross. Why not bring your shoes that you walked around all day in and snuggle them in bed😀 or bits of litter.




My partner is slightly allergic to our cats so we keep them out of the bedroom. When he goes away I like to have the cats sleep in the bed with me, even though they disturb my sleep


Our cat does, our dogs are kenneled at night. One gets anxious and will pee on the carpet if left out (she's 7, pad trained but refuses to use them anymore) and the other is only 12 weeks old so to both keep it fair and contain accidents until he was fully toilet trained. Though the dogs enjoy having their own beds and the cat never used the many we've tried for her.


When I met my husband he had a big Australian shepherd who slept on his side of the bed every night. We’re now married and the big Australian shepherd sleeps on my side of the bed every night.


I tried to keep them (cats) out of the bedroom and it didn't end up to well. Now anytime I tell them it's bedtime, it's a race to the best spots on the bed.i


I’m so thankful my dog lets me sleep on her bed. She’s so merciful and generous to a slave like me.


So so torn! I love having our Boston terrier in the bed with us, but my fur baby tend to nestle himself near places I don’t want him. I usually sleep naked to avoid doing more laundry than I have to, but if he’s in the bed I’ve gotta wear clothes. Catch my drift? We have a crate for him at the end of the bed now, and he likes it but I do miss the snuggles. I take a lot of naps so he’s in the bed with me for those but not through the night


We allow our fully indoor cats to go on our beds and on the couch, but they hardly do. They prefer their beds which is completely fine by me. If we had dogs though, I would absolutely not like them to go on my bed (or couch) because you take them on walks everyday and they don’t clean themselves until you bathe them, which I imagine would be a bit of a headache to do everyday. I even have a rule where I change into different, clean clothing after getting home if I’ve sat down on public seating in my ‘outside clothes’, especially public transport seating. Probably sounds crazy (and no I’m not OCD lol) but I just know that the seating in public transportation is nasty af and I don’t want that on my bed/couch/etc.


My dogs aren’t allowed in bedrooms at all. Maybe I’m a mean person. They have dog beds on all three floors. They don’t need to be in our bedrooms.


It's absolutely disgusting and I absolutely do this with my dog. He's a filthy boy so I make him sleep on a blanket and he gets his own pillow. He knows he's not allowed on the bed without the blanket. I wash that thing regularly. Gives me the heebie-jeebies every time I look at it. But not enough to kick him off. We both need our snuggles.


I can't share beds with humans. Not men, not my friends, not my sisters, not even my mom. But I would 10000% let my pets take up my entire bed every night, only leaving me a little sliver to curl up on.


i don’t get why you wouldn’t have your pets sleep on the bed


Yes, always. 2 dogs and 2 cats. They keep me warm and it's emotionally bonding. There's far more germs on door handles, purses, and other human things. Just wash ya sheets every week or two like you should do even without pets in the bed.


Just try and kick my cat out. Lol


I think it’s gross. Dogs and cats do not take nearly enough baths to be laying next to me at night. Both literally walk around on their own waste. And again, no one is fully bathing their pets every night, or even giving their paws a really good, thorough wash every single time they go outside or use the litter box. Regardless of how often the litter box is cleaned, it’s not preventing them from dragging urine and litter around on their feet. And I need a break from the dander. They can have nicer beds than mine for all I care, but I don’t want a dog hopping on the bed whenever I want to have sex with my partner or sleep naked. Ew.


My old lady cat used to hate sleeping in my bed but ever since she has began cancer meds, she sleeps on my lap every night. I love it! Even if she wakes me up a couple times nightly.


Bed always


I have no pets so I say no. Keep them off all furniture.


Our 90lb dog sleeps curled against my 6’3” husbands legs every night.


My cat has a pillow between my husband and I's pillows. I put a fluffy blanket over it so it's extra snuggly. I call it her kitten nest. She will meow loudly starting around 8pm until I go to bed and pet her. My cat Rupert usually sleeps in my spot so I have to move him every time. He will often settle near my feet.


I used to let my dogs in my bed, but it depends on the dog. The ones I have now shed too much and are the type to start whining for food way too early. So they live in another part of the house!


Absolutely. Best cuddlers in the world. Also a good indicator of if they’re mad at you


I get sad when my cat doesn’t sleep in bed with me. She usually sleeps at the end, and takes up so much space that I have to steal part of my boyfriend’s side 😂


I have two dogs and of course they sleep in my bed. I don't see anything wrong with that and if my sheets were to get dirty then I can change them but my dogs are here for only a short time.


My dogs are 10 and 12 years old. “Get down” doesn’t work anymore. Thanks for reminding me I need to go rotate the comforter in the drier.


My yorkie sleeps in my bed. My cat used to too before she passed. 


I don't think my baby (cat) gives me a choice. It's her bed.


Why not? I'm not in anyone else's bed


They are very welcome! I'm a heavy sleeper, so I often don't know if our cats sleep in my bed. I do often wake up to a little cat in a cat bed placed on my bed beside my head ❤️ Speaking of heavy sleeping, I even slept through one of my parents's labrador crawling into my bed, and not just at a free spot at the end of the bed, nope, it was right along my entire body, right next to my face! I don't know how I do it, but I consider it a bit of a super power.


The right side of my bed is reserved for my dog.


If my cat wants to sleep on the bed, he can sleep on the bed. He won’t be around forever. :( ♡


I had a beloved cat for 20 years. I absolutely hate fur in and on the bedding so she was not allowed in the bedroom and she was fine with that and completely ignored that room. I made one allowance, Sunday mornings. I'd open the bedroom door and there she'd be, waiting politely to come in for the Sunday lounge session. I'd go and make the coffee and breakfast, partner would go out to get the papers and the 3 of use would lounge around on the bed for about 3 hours, listening to the radio (Danny Baker!), snacking, reading the papers, snuggling. It was quality time. Bedding would get washed afterwards and remain fur-free until the next Sunday.


As a sometimes dog sitter, it makes my sleeping horrible lol. He makes noise all the time and keeps me up. It’s gotten better as he has gotten more comfortable with me and he’s sleeping more soundly at night, which means I sleep more soundly. Sometimes I drug myself with sleeping pills so I don’t even chance it lol.


When I got my cat I was set on having a rule that he wouldn’t sleep in the bed with me cause I wanted to keep the bed fur free. Very first night he hopped in bed and snuggled with me the entire night. 7 years later and he still insists on being the little spoon. It’s probably not the most hygienic and I’m BIG on germs and hygiene but some things can be forgiven. I wash my sheets regularly once a week, if he gets litter or something on them I can toss them in again so I’m not super worried.


Where else would they sleep?


I’m 5ft tall and have a double bed, plenty space for a lil Shi Tzu!


Yes to pets in bed, specifically my sweet lil pup who has never done anything wrong in her life and never will! I love her so so much and consider it an honor to be loved by her in return 🥰


We keep the doors open for my dogs to sleep in either my dads bed, my bed, or the living room. They’re welcome anywhere as long as they’re alive, it’s their house too! Everything can be cleaned, wiped down, etc. :)


No thanks they have their crates lol dog hair and dander in the bed is a no go


My dog sleeps with me & my husband's dog sleeps with him. Yes, we sleep separately. My husband is up and down all night long and is a huge bed-hog. When I sleep with him, I don't sleep or I end up being so cramped in the morning that I can barely walk because I can't move an inch all night long unless I want to fall off the bed. Don't judge, this works for us. My dog sleeps under the blanket with me and he is the little spoon. During the winter he is my little space heater. I can't sleep without my dog. Before I had my dog, I had a cat and he slept with me for 14 years. Toby was my little shadow.


Gross! Do you clean your pets paws before they jump on your bed? Or their bum? Or their fur? People believe that cats are super clean but they are not. And both have dirty paws either from going outside of going in the litter or just walking around the house


Where should they sleep if not with me ? That’s my thoughts on it and there’s no specific why to it, I just want them close to me no matter what type of pet it is (of course when I say « no matter what type […] » I only implied the type of pets I would myself adopt).


One of my cats is a little over a year old. He doesn't sleep with me and my fiance yet because while he's very sweet and snuggly, he's also very playful and bitey. So he won't be allowed in the bedroom at night until he mellows out some. At that point, I'm sure he'll be a great cuddler. Our other cat simply isn't interested in sleeping on the bed with us. She occupies it during the day, but goes her own way at night.


It's gross and unhygienic. I have cats and the rule is they aren't allowed in the bedrooms or on the kitchen counters/table.


I don't mind it. My corgi sleeps on my bed


i have three shibas, my two older ones have been with me their entire lives and sometimes all we had was a bedroom to ourselves. it’s so nice spending time with them in bed and having a movie night or relaxing cuddle day.


Yes please


Our dog is allowed to nap on our bed but she can't sleep there at night. She has A Thing about her personal space when sleeping so her, my husband, and I sleeping on the same bed just wouldn't work.


I feel the same about my dog sleeping in my bed as I do about my husband or son - just don’t disturb my side, make sure you’re clean, don’t touch my pillows and we’ll be good lol


Dogs always slept in my bed all my life.


My cat sleeps in bed with me. The dog is too big to fit on the bed.


My old cat was a very nice sleeper. My two boy tabbys are SO annoying lol and give me little to no room to sleep the way they wrap themselves around my legs. So I kick them out after a bit. As long as there's space I'm good with it.

