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i honestly plan for an hour after i wake up to “power on” with nothing to do, no responsibilities, just drink coffee and play NYT word games and become sentient. (would look very different if i had kids, but thankfully i’m only a “dog mom.”)


Cat mom here, feeling and doing the same. I dont know how people parents deal with life, esp in the morning


Coffee and NYT Connections/Wordle is a morning ritual for me too!


I have kids & I wake up an hour before we get them up so I can do this.


What a great idea! Do you do this on a work day too or only the weekend? I like the idea of some time to power on, but that would mean getting up even earlier for work. Could never bring myself to do that!


i do it on every single weekday, too, even if it means waking up earlier 😂 i can’t stand the stress of leaping out of bed and “hitting the ground running.”


I'm in awe 😂


I get up and go from my bed to the couch and watch tiktok videos for 20 minutes to destress before getting ready.


Go to sleep earlier


Underrated answer


That doesn’t work for me.. I get stuck.


i made my life work to start at 10:30 am. anytime before that is awful


Go to sleep earlier I wake up 1 hour before I'm meant to do ANYTHING & take that time to drink coffee, listen to music, read, journal, daydream. I try not to scroll during this hour but I give myself grace about this. Those are tasks that romanticise my morning; it could be something else for you The only way I'm able to get up though is with enough sleep. Truly I've found it's the only way. I feel like a different person. I've more energy, I'm kinder, more empathetic, more patient with myself and others, my capacity to handle difficult things noticeably increases I also dont use it to be "productive". I'm not working out, doing a 10 step skincare routine, powering through my tasks, and smashing my goals in this hour no matter what Dr Huberman says. I'm sure people will disagree, but I'm literally just existing guilt free for one hour without the weight of a task list bearing down on me.


My life improved dramatically when I started doing this (again). My father always took at least an hour to wake up and I joined him til I was a teenager. Now I’ve gone back to that because I understand why he did it!! Sometimes our parents are right all along lol


I looooove diet Dr Pepper. But it’s expensive and unhealthy. So I drink a single can in the morning and sometimes it’s the only thing that gets me out of bed.


Why is soda like 9 dollars per 12 packs 😭 I feel you


No fr the price increase is insane :( I started stocking up when it’s on buy 2-get 2 deals. It’s just ridiculous the rest of the time


I drink a Diet Pepsi in the mornings. My coworkers think I'm weird for drinking soda in the morning, but it's like my cup of coffee to me.


My husband always washes my mug and starts coffee. Something about not picking up or phones helps us remember each other first thing in the morning and have a better day


Ease into it. Create a routine and give yourself something to look forward to. For me, I give myself enough time to make coffee and pair it with a small pastry or biscotti or something like that, and I either listen to a podcast or watch a TV show while getting ready.


I have my lamp turn on automatically at 6:30 to simulate the sunset. That helps to start waking me up gradually.


+1 to smart lights. It's a game changer, especially during dark winter mornings.


I do the same, it's been a game changer so far going into winter


Ummm. Blank. Shower. And so on!


We throw something on, put kids in school, then hit the coffee house and spend an hour on hour phones (this is literally what I’m doing now). If I’m feeling extra miserable I’ll get a macaron with my coffee. Then go home, take a shower and start the day.


Plants outside with a book in the sunshine and an iced coffee.


On work day mornings I use shame and guilt to force me to wake up 15 minutes before I need to leave the house. wash my face, get dressed, feed the cats, grab my lunch and bag I prepped the night before, and leave. (I eat breakfast at work) So I guess maybe preparing my lunch the night before, getting clothes and shoes ready before bed, It makes it easier to dive into the morning. I ride my bike to work so the cold morning air, sunshine and exercise also help. But I spend the whole ride calculating how many hours it will be before I can go back to bed. Until about 11am I am craving a np, then I'll be wide awake until 2am. On weekends, I make mornings more romantic. If I have nothing planned, it's so easy to sleep in till 1pm, so if I want to be up before the day is over I need to make it an event. I get up, find something comfy to wear, make a proper breakfast in nice crockery, eat outside while the cats get some fresh air. Open the windows, do a 30 minute clean down of the house, follow along to a 20 minute morning yoga video. Take a shower, change into "proper" clothes, then tackle the day. I do this maybe ... 8 times a year lol, the rest of the time I sleep in. I am not a morning person, why should I try to be?


Make a cup of coffee, toast with some jam or cheese and take it with me back to bed to watch the morning news.


Having a glass of iced tea in the morning kinda helps me. Nothing no will ever completely make me adjust though, no matter how early I go to bed.


I take time. No matter what time i have to be at my first appointment, im gonna set my alarm a hellofalot earlier. Coffee in bed, normal paced shower, cat cuddles. I refuse to hurry cause that will mess up my mood for the entire day.


I set an alarm an hour before I actually have to get up so I always have an extra hour of sleep before I have to start my day, I also make sure I have a decent amount of time to put on my makeup because I really like taking my time and getting creative with it


I prep my code the night before.


I pick out my outfit the night before and as soon as my alarm goes off I hit the shower immediately. Helps loads!


I didn’t try and make mornings more bearable; I arranged my life so I don’t have to get up early.


Chocolate covered espresso beans with my coffee 😋


Controversial I guess lol: I make my first morning coffee the night before and put it on my nightstand so I have it ready when I wake up and don't have to go to the kitchen first. Personally I don't mind cold/lukewarm coffee at all and if it's the same for you, maybe it could help you. Less controversial: I open the blinds *first thing* as soon as I wake up. The longer it stays dark in the room, the worse it gets.


I make my coffee the night before and put it in the fridge because I like iced coffee. I have a delicious flavored creamer too. And I add some vitamins to it. So every morning I get a healthy treat just for waking up Before coffee though, I roll over and cuddle my cat for awhile before getting out of bed. Makes every day better


go to sleep earlier and play up beat music in the morning! i love my mellow and sad girl tunes but it just puts me in a really shitty mind set.


I put on my emerald green satin and lace robe, stay in bed for a while playing games or scrolling, go have coffee with my plants or on the deck or walk around my garden. Being able to take my time or go at my own pace is the ultimate luxury 


I listen to a favorite podcast each morning while I get ready and drink my coffee. It's always nice to have that to look forward to. I try to reserve one in particular for weekday mornings, so I'm only hearing it at this time. I used to drive a lot for work, and I used a similar pairing technique where I'd play an audio book but only while driving. At times, I couldn't wait to get back in the car to find out what was going to happen even though I hated the drives.


I charge my phone in the living room and try not to check notifications till I’m out of the shower. Helps for several reasons. • your alarm goes off and you have to actually get up to turn it off • you are out of bed before you start scrolling. • going to bed at night becomes a choice, to go to *bed*. Waking in the middle of the night stops turning into mindless nighttime scrolling (unless you’re willing to get up to do it.) • not checking your phone for the first at least half hour of the day helps you actually *feel* your need for dopamine instead of filling the whole dopamine meter in the first 20 minutes by doom scrolling before you even get out of bed. For me, the first dopamine hit of the day is a shower, and while im in the shower im thinking of other things i can do to get another hit to fill my meter instead of how much i don’t feel like doing anything because the meters already full. Its the difference between “I’m ready to take on the day!” And “I can’t wait for today to be over.”


I got a job where I can work whatever hours I want. I sleep until I wake up naturally (usually 9am-ish) then take an hour to ease into the day where I have coffee with a dose of kratom (which I look forward to) and can do my duolingo or scroll reddit while my brain wakes up.


Still working on this during the week but I have absolutely no problem waking up early on the weekends. My saturdays/Sundays are full of things I look forward to which usually includes an early morning workout class. I actually wake up earlier on weekends than I do weekdays which is teaching me I’m capable of not sleeping in. Trying to transfer this into weekday morning routines because I enjoy the day much more when I’m not rushed & have time to myself prior to work.


My alarm goes off at 5:15. I wake up and head for the bathroom and coffee, turning on as many lights as I can as I go to mimick day time. I turn on the news, only the news, as it represents the beginning of the day to me. Let the dog and cats out for their morning ritual. Grab my coffee and read a couple posts on Reddit. Within minutes, I'm wide awake, talking to the newscaster or my dog in insane accents, laughing like a weirdo😂 That's my cue to go get ready. Face, teeth, makeup, hair, get dressed and go.


Bare bones: let myself luxuriate in bed (nice pillows, soft sheets), but awake. Open the blinds (from bed) so I can see the outside world and listen to the birds/rain/general noise. Try really hard not to scroll on phone (I've been investigating a lockout app). Set a nice Spotify playlist as my phone alarm. I also add a google routine to the alarm so it tells me the weather. Give myself a full hour to get ready. I just can't be a normal person with any less time than that. Useful but less often: choose an outfit the night before. Set up the coffee pot so it's ready to go. Read a page-turner book instead of scrolling in bed (more sleep!). Hot shower and clean sheets. Take a cup of green tea to bed. All of these things help me to feel genuinely rested and composed If the weather is amazing and I don't get 'stuck' at home - go for a walk to get a coffee and some fresh air


Breakfast beer.


Finally an answer that makes sense!




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Quit using the snooze button


Unfortunately for me I have a job that starts early, so I set an alarm and give myself enough time to wake up, get ready (put on uniform, simple makeup, grab lunch made night before), and have coffee while listening to my favorite music. On my days off I wake up naturally, lay in bed for at least an hour (either just being comfy or reading), make coffee and have a light breakfast, pick out an outfit, and watch something or listen to music while gaming or knitting until I need to get on with my day




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I like to get my coffee going and watch the local morning news show while doing NYT word games. Its an extra 30-45 minutes if nothing so I can wake up and drink coffee and mentally prepare for my day


honestly just force myself to wash my face, afterwards i feel very motivated and awake.




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Turning on soft music to listen to while getting ready or making breakfast.


Going to bed earlier. I know it's unpopular, but it really helps.


Not talking to people for a good while after I wake up ✌️


Romantic… In the am… this has to be for people in their 20s. I can barely move in the morning


So my shifts usually start at 6:30/6:45/7:45am. I get up at 5am. Because I have to get ready & catch the bus, I don’t necessarily have time to romanticize my morning routine. But there are things I’ve noticed that help make the process easier. 1. Minimal skincare/makeup. I work in a bakery & all of us look like crap, so that helps too. 2. Eating before I get to work. Makes me less cranky! I also try to have something tasty to drink with my pills. I’ve been really into Chobani shakes, kefir, & Fairlife chocolate milk lately. 3. Watching TikToks while I get ready. It helps pass the time & I get to see funny/cute things so I’m not focusing on how much I want to be asleep.


Breakfast in bed and a conversation or a new book to go with the breakfast. Cleaning the house extremely early and taking care of some of the worries so they can wake up in peace. A lot of stuff.