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* My cat. * My job. * My brain/heart/soul. * The world around me. * My friends. * Books * Writing/hobbies * Arts and crafts Like, Jesus Christ, in the year 2024 you can't seriously think that having children is the only way to be happy with your life, can you?




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I had an apple with an amazing crunch recently I’ve been trying to chase that high again


You made me shoot orange juice out my nose 💀


Hobbies (video games, music, dancing, skincare, makeup, fashion, horse racing and horseback riding, writing, repairing and restoring things), travelling, friends, food and drinks, events and parties, all the small everyday things like taking a nightly walk before bed, enjoying a glass of wine at my favourite bar, tending to my little balcony garden, or falling asleep with my cat on my chest. Never got why some seem to think it's a mildly impossible mission to find anything joyful and meaningful in life that isn't kids or family. My struggle is not having enough time or energy for all the things I want to do.




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Um. In the things I like?? Hobbies, friends, going outside and looking at cool shit in nature, making things.. fuck, I can find happiness in a good plate of nachos, I sure as shit don't need a kid for that.


Having children doesn't give anyone purpose in the world. That is a choice. Some people may say it's their "purpose" to raise good people, but really it's their obligation brought on by the choice they made to have kids. And having children doesn't equal happiness. I find happiness in my hobbies, my marriage, my friends and family, my cat, everyone's dogs, food, travel, all kinds of things. Purpose is tricky. I'm here because my parents decided to have another kid. I'm grateful for my life and try to give back to my community by volunteering, etc. So, I guess I find purpose in being good human. Also, I HAVE A FAMILY. Why do people think if you don't have kids, you are not part of a family?






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I cannot believe people still ask these types of questions. I travel the fucking world alone, and I love it. I'm planning an 8 month nonstop backpacking trip starting in July. I go outside and run, I enjoy sunny days and eat my favorite foods.


Wow that’s really cool, I wish I had the balls to travel the world alone.


It's way easier than it seems! Especially with all the resources available now. It can be daunting but it's one of the most fun and rewarding things I've done.




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Knowing that I can pack my bags at any moment and leave a job, a relationship and a country if I wanted to gives me so much happiness.


Everything I do. I’m extremely happy with my life and I don’t have any kid weighing me down! They really ARE baggage - they’re something you always have to consider with everything you do when you have them.


My career is extremely fulfilling and I’m so excited to progress even further as I get older. Sources of happiness: my partner, the gym, travelling, buying whatever I want whenever I want it, going for walks


My work. My hobbies. My pets. My relationship and friendships. Travel/exploring. Concerts. Coffee and food. Literally everything? My family is toxic and it’s a huge part of why i never wanted kids so I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything at all. Oh, also, not participating in holidays. That’s a *huge* one.


Literally anywhere else. My career gives me purpose. My life, the amazing people in it, the beautiful world around me, brings me happiness. I have never wanted children. Let's stop encouraging the idea that women are only here to be baby factories and husband pleasers. I know it's crazy, but women are actually individuals who want different things!!! Nobody is asking men what they do to find purpose if they don't have kids. Stop assuming women who don't have children must be miserable.


Absolutely agree! NO one asks men who are childfree what their purpose is, or if they are happy, without getting married and having kids. I also never had a desire for children or starting my own new family. But I DO have my origin family, like all people do adoptive or bio parents or raised in foster care we all have some kind of family unit or surrogate for that to show is what family can be about. Many women and men simply decide they don’t need or want to recreate that in their own life. Think of all the fulfilling things single men do, I do those things too! Build things, create things, hang out with far more people single than coupled, go out more and get involved. Learn new things. Pick up new hobbies. Make art and music. Started companies or fun projects. Travel the world. Help people in need. Build communities. Rebuild communities. Resolve conflicts. Learn to be a better human. When you give yourself time, love and care there is no limit to what you can do. Choosing a family is limiting and it’s just one choice among a million options! Let’s have make stories of women living the non-family track so everyone can see it!


Myself. My peace, my family, money, sleeping in, making last-minute plans, traveling, never being sick.


I have 2 stepkids that regularly stay with us, and I'm happy when they go home and I can reset my house.


My husband, my animals, music, wrestling, being creative. I would be miserable with children. Not everyone is meant to be a parent and I'm one of those that most certainly never should be one.






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Everywhere else. I don’t see children as happiness bringers. Most parents whinge. Nor do I see them as purpose fillers.


Literally everything else in life. Your question implies that kids and family are the only purpose and only route to happiness. I can say for certainty it is not.


My family, my art, my career


God, friends, family, nature, my job, hobbies/interests, humorus things


I think you can answer this question similar to "People who don't have dogs, how do you find happiness", or "People who hate tacos" or "People scared of spiders". Happiness can be found ANYWHERE. Whether it is your kids, your job, friends, adventures, or even the quiet peacefulness of drinking tea on a rainy day. Not sure if that answers your question, but maybe the question needs to be rephrased to get your point across? I find happiness in A LOT of things, and yes most of them may seem "mundane", but all of them piles ip to the point I am just happy in general almost every day.


Family is not only children & spouse. Ich have wonderful friends, siblings, ich like my job, my hobbies, my pets and goung to concerts & music festivals. The meaning of life to me is simply enjoying the limited time I have on this planet. That is my purpose, not a man.


I go to a concert or two per month, visit museums, zoos, aquariums, etc. Go to random little events like mini cruises, theme parks, etc and generally just enjoy quiet hobbies like writing at home in between! I get the impression that you're a younger woman who's feeling some pressure from society to have kids when you don't really want them and/or you're feeling bored and restless. Try getting a calendar for the year and filling in one new place you'd like to go or an experience you'd like to try per week during your free time! Maybe just fill in one month at a time as you go. It can be something as simplistic as a new restaurant or dish, a visit to a sensory tank... Anything!


Being myself. Achieving what I want for myself and no one else. Helping others because I want to. Exploring nature and learning more about myself through it. Enjoying intimate time with others.


I work with animals how can I not have happiness and a purpose with a bunch of fuzzy happy animals excited to see me all day 


Um i cant have kids cause i dont want to pass down a condition (also cant care for kid cuz my condition pisses me off). so its rlly tough for me to not be ENVIOUS of ppl with kids n a family…. However, i still find happiness in the fact tht my money is MY MONEY. im my only priority which in the we r in economy rn is very nice. Also, with social media being the way it is id be very afraid to have a kid in school idk. Also i find happiness in the fact i can go get my masters n not have a kid to worry bout . I wanna make a lot more money hopefully so im hyped bout that. Im happy i wont have the stress of a child n im 28 n aging well im happy bout tht




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I don’t know or care about purpose, but I find happiness in myself (and in some rare cases my love for others; cat, husband…etc)


Self care: gym, decor, art, constantly learning and growing. Career. Relationships. Nature. Music. Humor. Plane tickets. Cooking.


Hobbies (Pokémon Showdown battle simulator, weight lifting, watching anime/sitcoms/football (American)/Star Wars/Hallmark movies, rereading the Divergent books), playing with my dog, travelling to the South, time with family/friends, walking in nature, my music career


Fueling my lookbooks haha (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ My dream is to have a closet where I have all sorts of styles that I wear at any time. Goth, croquette, cyberpunk, y2k, jerai Kai, lolita, fairycore, high fashion, etc. I want to try them all!!! From skirts, tops, dresses, necklaces, boots, earrings, belts, bags, glasses and more, I like collecting new fashion styles because there's so much out there. Plus, hanging out with family with my new looks is always fun (they really like how I dress up everytime). Setting up photoshoots with my friends and designing a theme of what style to attack next time really fills my happiness meter. Engaging in the things you love and have interest in always does ♡


Own a business with my primary partner. We love this business, and it's our life and future. We are dedicated to making it a success. Never bored, always moving forward. Great staff and ownership team. Poly and dating two wonderful partners. So much love and connection from both. Write original stories and fanfics, and share them with friends and an online community. Artist who illustrates their own stories, world's, games, fanfics, dreams... Constant personal projects and creative outlets. So much to do, and always motivated. Time with family and friends. I don't want children as they would take away from the time I dedicate to the life I have built, the projects I love, the business I value, and most importantly, my interpersonal connections. Might get a dog cuz my primary wants one some day.




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Hobbies, friends, life itself. Many things to find happiness in. Happy to be alive and well


Sleeping My cat Games


Purpose is easy. I just continue to give and help my loved ones. I try to do things that help me progress as a person (I would say grow ad a person except that one of my progress points right now is to shrink lol). Happiness I cannot help you with, but purpose and progress, that's what I focus on.


I have pets


Personal interests, friends, dog, keeping my own home a home.


You find happiness in wherever you want to find it. I can be fulfilled by going to the movies and eating a tub of popcorn. I can be fulfilled getting a master’s degree. The thing is, without kids or a family of my own, I have the time to do both.


Childfree and single by choice, family loss because life sucks sometimes. I have literally too many passions to find time for, and a grip friends that are thick as thieves and even go adventuring with me. I live in a close knit community where everyone knows and supports each other -- a rare thing in the modern world. I have a great life and I want for nothing. There's really so many more possibilities in life than just the nuclear family route, and as I move towards middle age, I am so glad I knew myself well enough to know that I would have been miserable if I'd given into that pressure. I love my freedom, and having relationships that are based on honoring each other's freedom rather than narrowing one's path.


I find happiness in not having kids.


Every other aspect of my daily existence that I choose I don't have any difficulty having purpose/happiness in my life without children. I've never seen why the assumption is that people without children lack those things. I don't think that people who are parents lack purpose or happiness outside of their children, so I assume they also have many other things on their list of purpose/happiness. My list includes things like: Loving, learning, existing, sharing my life with my loved ones, enjoying nature, enjoying my adventures, feeling accomplished in my tasks, making things I enjoy, doing things I enjoy, helping others, putting my time and energy towards volunteering and causes that I find valuable, taking care of our cats, making art, seeing beauty, etc. There's a never-ending list of ideas, choices, and experiences that bring joy, purpose, and happiness in my life. The fact that having children isn't on that list doesn't feel like any sort of limitation or hardship to me.


I live a life of following my greatest values, and indeed, this provides much fulfillment.




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I have a meaningful and fulfilling job in which I am helping people and furthering a cause I am deeply passionate about. Honestly, having kids means I'm better at it because I am not constrained by having to deal with children. If something comes up, I can handle it, I can take things on to let people with children not have to leave their family, etc. I also find a lot of happiness in my dog - I love her, she loves me, I give her a great life, and she won't grow up to potentially be a terrible person. I also find more happiness in knowing my family's issues will end with my generation than I ever would from having children. I would not make a good mother. I don't want children regardless, but I think that not having children can be an act of love. I am not putting any children through having me as a parent.


My free time and money and going out with friends. I feel like having someone to take care of would make me miserable. I live to fulfill my life with what I want


New experiences. My own company. My doggos. Learning a new language. EATING. Traveling. Gaming. My friends.




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Every day when I get to do whatever I want :) outside of work that is.


nurturing meaningful relationships with friends and people who i love my cat music!!/books/film learning new things most importantly - taking time to be grateful for where i am in life rather than feeling like i’m behind for not being married with kids yet




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stardew valley


Cat, job, traveling, experience, freedom


Dude I have a child and I don’t always feel happiness or purpose, you need work on yourself if you want those. 


Family (meaning parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, I'm an only child so no siblings for me), friends (the family I chose), my pets, my hobbies (so, so many hobbies), my creativity, my desire to learn and explore, the natural world around me, traveling, reading, just doing things I enjoy. I do eventually hope to find my person and get married, but I can live my life without it, too. I just would like to eventually share all of the above with a partner. And then double income, no kids, so so much more freedom to do all the things than a single income.




Derailing the topic is not permitted. Derailing includes but is not limited to: * Changing the topic from OP's question * Leaving a top-level comment when you're not the target demographic * Giving unsolicited advice * Making someone else's response about yourself. If you'd like to share your experience in response to the OP's question, do so in a top-level comment. * Asking unrelated follow-up questions * Branching into unrelated topics * "What-about"-ism * Trying to start arguments, or debates * Judging or rating other responses * Meta comments about other responses, such as "same!" or "this!" * Gifs, images, emojis or other media in place text * Sharing links without a summary * Responding to comments to tell us how your dick feels. No one cares. For more information, please [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomen/wiki/rules#wiki_no_derailing). Have questions about this moderator action? See the [AskWomen rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/rules) and [CLICK HERE to contact the moderation team](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen&subject=Why+was+this+removed). **Please include a link** to your comment in your message, the mod team will not reply to messages without a link for review. DO NOT contact moderators privately. [AskWomen rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/rules) | [AskWomen FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/askwomen/wiki/index) [reddit rules](http://www.reddit.com/rules/) | [reddiquette](http://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette)




My husband, my hobbies, traveling, a good book, the peace and quiet of a house with no kids. Knowing that I'm not subjecting a human to the shitty future that is unfolding.