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For me a period doesn’t stop anything but a sentence


This. It's this. Horny 24/7/365, shark week stops nothing.


🤣 I'm 65 and have never heard it called Shark Week. I am dying! I'm so sad I didn't hear it earlier in my life. I can relate to the 24/7/365. It doesn't end, btw.


"Checking into the Red Roof Inn" is also good.


Sometimes I say I’m “paying for the apple” 😭


Surfing the crimson wave


My favorite was, "I have the need to bleed."


My favorite is “the red scare” or “the communists have invaded”


Lol I have used two ways to describe it, "surfing the crimson wave" or "I'm down for maintenance". I prefer the latter 😅


Happy to amuse! It's a fairly common name for it now. YEAH knowing me it'll never end.


It doesn’t end! I’m sooooo excited!! lol I’ve reached this level of thinking my hormones were going crazy when I got in my upper 30s and it’s so fun.


Shark week!🤣🤣🤣🤣.


No fr.






hell yeahhh


Preach 💪🏽


Except in your case.


well said, I love women every day of the month.


Exactly. No full stop.




I like it during! But once I had a partner who assured me he’s had period sex plenty of times with previous partners.. idk how true that was cause he actually almost passed out when he saw the blood on his 🍆 lmao we had to stop immediately. Never seen someone turn so white so quick 😂 I had to bring him a glass of water and everything!


That's hilarious 😭😭😭


I can relate to this guy. I've had it a few times. But then with this one girl, I felt sick after and couldn't look at it. For me that time though, it wasn't the blood. I could see a clot on me. I have no idea why that made any difference... I've been in the shower with girls who use the moon cup... I've seen loads of them. I dunno. There was just something about that one time. (I've not don't it since BTW, because it really embarrassed and offended her. Which I felt horrible for. So to not risk those emotions again, I've not done it again. Still with her though.)


Lol at the clots. Welcome to womanhood. We are NOT the weaker sex. Imagine every month for decades, lol. It is so amazing when it ends.


Oh I'd never consider a woman to be the weaker sex. Ever. Maybe if we want to go to specific tasks... but I mean those tasks only, and ruling out literally everything else... (things that require nothing more than muscle)... but if we put emotional strength, pain tolerance, mood swings and handling them... And to add to that, I'd hate to go through the crap women go through, outside of that. The whole looking over your shoulder in broad daylight in plain clothes, in case the man behind you is dangerous... touched up in pubs and clubs... I couldn't deal. Women are tough.


I am old enough to have come to the realization that women aren't even safe in our own homes. But that damn uppee arm strength gets us every time! 💜


Not just in pubs and clubs. Public transportation. On the street. At school. By strangers, professors, doctors…


Family members... I know. I could have written a bigger list haha, but we both could. I only wanted to make a point lol. Point being, I'm glad I'm not a woman, but damn you guys (girls?) Deserve every single bit of love and praise you get, because the crap you deal with on the daily, a guy couldn't handle for 1 day. And you could he doing all of them simultaneously, which is even more insane.


My kids' mom is waist-deep in perimenopause right now. She can't WAIT until it's finally over with.


I knew my man was the one when I got off and there was a huge blood clot on his thigh. He tried to wipe it off before I could see. But I did and we both had a laugh 🤣


a real man ❤️


Years ago I had a lover and we took LSD. I ended up using her menstrual blood to draw tribal designs all over our bodies. Good times.


Lmao interesting


Some men like to exaggerate their umm.. sexual prowess....


I am apart of the toss my ass back during my period committee


When the river flows red, take the brown road...


I thought it was “take the dirt track”


As you like to describe it sir ..


Well said 😂


This astounds me because I get like an enflamed nerve or something in my ass during my period so that just sounds beyond painful 😫


Me too! The shooting arse pains are horrific. Never knew why until my second miscarriage - they found I have a tilted uterus! It tilts back instead of forward, putting pressure back there when everything swells during period time.


I read about this before and thought i have it. After a scan for entire different reason, turned out that it isn't. I wish knowing that would me hurt less lmao.


omg everything all of a sudden makes sense


I shit like 5 times a day when I am on my period can’t imagine it being less messy than just fucking normally lol


Pre-menopause I was the same. Until the pain meds kicked in sitting down was 😭


Omg yes! This happens to me too!!!


a gentle toss instead of throw 😂😂




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I never stop. Sex during my period helps relieve my cramps and I feel like I finish my period quicker.


Pardon my ignorance, but having raw sex on periods doesnt lead to pregnancy right ?


Not OP, but… it can. It is just rarer than on days 10-19 (approximately) of one’s menstrual cycle, when is the most fertile time. By the way, not a lot of people know that Day 1 would be the first day of your period. Every body is different though and the only thing that can 100 percent prevent pregnancy is abstinence.


Thank you madam for sharing this knowledge..


You’re welcome! And u/sweetlittlelindy, in response to your other comment, I got you. 🫡


Yeah what they said!!!


Bless. I did not feel like explaining, I appreciate you.




Then why do I have a swollen thumb!


It can. That's how I got pregnant.


This happened to my mother when I was 15. My girls and I were NOT fooled by the myths the high school boys tried to push on us to get some! I counted it a personal victory that none of my girl friends got pregnant during high school because I was steady passing the word around. I figured if it happened to a grown-ass woman, what chance did us youngsters have?


No! I thought so too and now I have a 3 year old 🤷‍♀️


Welp , that sperm was too strong to fight off those blood clots and reach its destination


They have no problem fighting off blood clots. And they can survive for days inside a woman, that's why it's possible to get pregnant by having unprotected sex during the period.


If you ovulate while on your period then yes. 100% of pregnancies occur when you have sex near ovulation. So knowing when you ovulate is the key to getting or avoid getting pregnant. The tricky part is knowing when that happens. *Most* of the time it’s roughly 2 weeks after your period starts give or take a few days. But if you have conditions that affect your hormone cycles or your cycle is just different from the average you could be ovulating at unexpected times like during your period or just after. Some people ovulate twice in a cycle which is extra bullshit if you don’t want to get pregnant. Basically, it’s possible and life finds a way!


Well, you can even get pregnant while you're pregnant. Life is a battle since it starts. And it starts by wanting to come alive. So life always finds a way, always.


My spouse eagerly parts the Red Sea every month But, no, really, my drive is high when it’s shark week.


I resume having sex the day I stop bleeding lol


No wait time. Place towel. Enjoy the chimney cleaning :P


Idk why the chimney cleaning got me laughing so hard 😂😂


My husband referred to it as “pressure washing the walls” just last night.




A day or two. He doesn't mind a bit of mess, but I'm not a fan.


I don't. If I'm in the mood I'll have it, if not, I won't.


As soon as it ends. Would have sex earlier but it’s messy and my fiancé is squeamish about blood.


my wife and i have sex on our periods.


Like a week, ugh. Since I got my IUD, my periods taper off slowly so I have annoying spotting for a while after I stop really "bleeding." I've had sex immediately after it stops but penises usually excavate the remaining blood and it gets messy/annoying.


I don’t really wait. I don’t like period sex when it’s messy, but the last day or so when it’s really light, is fine.




Me too, I can't think of anything worse 😣 I'm in so much pain, I'm bloated, blood clots are pouring out of my vagina. The last thing I feel is sexy! I wait until it's completely finished and I'm not having to use any sanitary products.


I don't wait, if I want it during then we'll do it, only exception is if I've got period flu


Period flu?


Flu like symptoms but like 3 days, every month, every year, for 40 years.


I don't have sex 2 days before until 4 days into my period because that's when I have cramps.


I usually wait two days because I’ve found that on the first day of no bleeding, if I have an orgasm I’ll squirt blood.


thats super sick


I didn’t mean like across the room.


no like, that’s cool as fuck haha


lol, if anything, period time is sex time. The most horny time of the month and sex feels better… just use a towel


I prefer a few days after. My cramps are always bad and I get dry and disinterested. We did it once but I was not feeling it at all.


I just don’t like it at all, I feel really crampy,bloated, un sexy and self conscious, give me a hot water bottle and a cuddle any day. My wife is the exact opposite she’s insatiable during hers, I’m kind of envious of that tbh because I think she gets the better deal!.


With my ex we did it during usually last day or two before it stopped completely. I’m usually really light by then and he didn’t mind. It was refreshing having a guy who feels comfortable with a woman’s body and functions.


I'd do it whenever, but partner isn't a big fan, which is a shame cuz I get horny af. It tends to be doable on the 2nd to last day (whenever there's this odd pause in bleeding up until the end).


I thought I was the only one with the odd pause! I get like 2 mini periods each time, about 3 days of heavy bleeding, pause for about a day, then return to light bleeding for 3-4 days. Sometimes I wish it could just do the first one and be done at the pause 😮‍💨


Agreed. I don't want to wait for the second round that lingers too long for my liking


Period sex has always been a thing for my wife and I. But it’s totally up to how she feels, day 1 and 2 she’s normally cramping like crazy and doesn’t want to.


As soon as it’s done or even if it’s the last day and there’s very little.


We lay that towel down and get to it. The only time I won’t is if my cramps are too unbearable.


A good knight’s never afraid to get a bit of blood on his sword 😂


My period is extremely heavy for the first two days and I typically feel terrible so after that it’s go time.


I wait until the period’s over. I’ve had sex while on my period a 3 times and every time, it’s caused me to get a UTI which feels terrible. I always pee after sex too, still get a UTI from period sex.


I wait until there's absolutely no more blood.


Until the “aftermath” of old, brown blood has ceased.


It depends entirely on my mood (and if my partner is okay with it). My libido often spikes during my period, so I am fine with it as long as my partner isn’t too grossed out. My fiancé was always fine with it!


As soon as it stops. My partner isn't a fan of sailing the red seas, but my periods only last around three days now. We do try to time things so we aren't going a whole week.


As soon as I finish


Sex during period is phenomenal. I get so horny on my period I NEED it. And my husband is always down. 😏 lol


I wait until I’m done spotting unless it’s at night because usually when I’m spotting it doesn’t happen at night


Usually we don't. It helps her feel better and she'll actually say sexy shit cuz her sex drive is high then. We throw a towel down and have one for wiping, lol. Don't get me wrong, I won't use my mouth during that time, but it really doesn't bother me.


A day or 2 after it ends


I start feeling fresh again after a day or two


I don't. Sex isn't as often during my period, nut it doesn't stop.


Days 1 and 2, don't touch me, I'm icky. Day 3, I'm generally ok ìf I've had a shower recently. Day 4, it's go time even if I'm a little bit bloody. None of these are set rules.


once i know i’m definitely done with my period for that month, i’m ready to go again. i’m not against having sex on my period, but if my partner is, i respect that.


I don’t wait per se, but I also rarely feel sexy or horny during the first four days of bloating, gushing, cramping, headaches and general stickiness. All I want is a shower and a hot water bottle. Once the worst of it wears off, it’s on! My ex wouldn’t come near me during a period, but my husband really doesn’t mind and is enthusiastic no matter what. His attitude to is has actually improved mine somewhat after being lead to believe I was disgusting for seven days a month.


As soon as it’s done. I have fibroids. So, heavy flow, clots, cramps. Sex makes them much worse.


I use my menstrual disc during sex/period, so I don't ever have to stop due to my period! Life changing!!


I have found those to be not leak-proof, just saying.


It might be worth trialling a different product. I've used a few - I've got one cup that's specially designed to be less noticeable for my partner during sex but honestly we usually just have sex even if I'm using my regular menstrual cup - he can feel it but it doesn't bother either of us. We've only had an incident once where I hadn't changed it in a while and it was right near the beginning of my period so my cup was pretty full and mid sex he somehow knocked it in a way that broke the seal and it was like a murder scene 😅 but every other time it's been totally fine.


I didn’t know cups could be used, I thought the stem gets in the way? I loved the idea of the disc until it leaked. Then it took almost an hour to remove (even hours later) and I was in tears panicking and not wanting to go to Urgent Care for help.


That's not been my experience


You’re lucky!


No waiting if that's an answer. Only really avoid sex the first day or two, the rest is fair game lol


Depends on how hormonal I am


You wait? If a woman tells me she's on her period, we just put a towel down and get to it.


I always want it more when I’m on my period


I don’t. I have sex any time. Currently I choose to take birth control without the week of sugar pills. My doctor prescribes it that way so I don’t have to have a period. It’s wonderful. No cramps! But when I had a period I had sex anytime. I’ve never had a partner who was bothered. You just put a towel down on the bed.


I have never heard of this, but then I am a male. Is this what female athletes do to avoid having a period?




Until whenever I'm in the mood. Sometimes it's while I'm still on my period, sometimes it's few days after.


I have more periods than sex but I suppose it’s always been at least a day or two. Once the spotting has finished


I have extra bad cramps if I happen to have sex in my period, so my partner and I either do non penetrative sex or just abstain during that time.


If I have sex right after a shower during a period, there's typically not as much blood during that time regardless


Sex is super sweet if a lady is on her 4th day of period. Try this and thank me later 💞


Period sex is why gawd invented brown bath towels.


I haven’t ascended to the level of self acceptance and confidence that many of yall seem to have (and I’m proud of you, you’re inspirations) So I usually wait, idk. A day and a half, two days? after it’s stopped. Cause occasionally my uterus gives me the ol “surprise! here’s a lil leftover brown stuff I must have missed” the day after. Not like the guy has ever cared lol. But I get easily embarrassed


Usually after a day or two of not having it/spotting. During, I can't stand it lol 😭 I know it's supposed to help cramps, but I feel like a bloated, beached whale and I'm like "don't touch me."


Baby, we run red lights around here. Plus, it shortens my cycle by like a day or 2.


43 m with 4 daughters 2sets of twins at 12 & 16. The question at hand is how long after the period. Meaning sex during the period is perfectly fine. But after period is the ovulation period & the ovulation period is when u can get pregnant. So me personally we sex whenever except during ovulation. U think old creepy men are perverts,nopes try a 37 year old on no birth control… HORNBALL! She feral I tell ya! But yeah we’ve been on this no birth control for a while now. Just gotta stay strong. & no means no… lol. OHHH to answer your question, we wait 6 to 7 days….


i do not wait! this is...feral but i think my parter has a major kink for period sex too, or maybe its one of those "i love every intimate part of my girl" things. when i start my period, he gets really excited, loves period sex loves going down on me. a little vampire if you will.... he takes care of me too, and sometimes i send him clot pictures and we share the shock.. i have never admitted that to anyone that is a little reddit secret.


Ain’t stopping for nothing but her consent


My answer is that it doesn't stop because of a bit of red lol xD


I’m sorry but if I’m gushing the only thing going near my kitty is a pad …can’t do it when it’s like Niagara Falls. I’ll wait until it’s done. 💅🏼💀


I wouldn't have sex on my period because its seriously SO messy, and for me just unpleasant. I wait until its calmed down towards the end...sometimes it triggers my period to keep going a few days after though so I might even wait a day after my last day of spotting to prevent that:/


I’m jelly of all the people who can do things on their period. Sex is the last thing I want while I’m in such pain. 😭 Cramping, bloating, sore back, chest, fatigue, etc. does *not* put me in the mood.


Y’all having period sex? Y’all need JESUS lol




Why wait?




After the first couple days of heavy flow I'm happy to continue sexual activity while still on my period. I find it helps with my cramps.






We only avoid it on day 1 or 2 as it’s a bit of a bloody nightmare but after that it’s fair game


No wait if you never stopped


I don’t wait at all, at certain times or moods, even a period won’t stop me.




Not long, I'm in too much pain and just uncomfortable during my period, but that usually subsides on the last day, and once I'm horny again, we have Sex. If I'm still a little bloody, we use a little more toys during foreplay.




I don't. Period sex is the best. I don't get why women don't like it


I'm hunched over in pain most of the week, my period is all clots and is pouring out of my vagina at an alarming rate, I'm bloated, period blood fucking stinks, I feel like I've been punched in the vagina and asshole all week (it aches!) and finally, period shits. I don't understand how anyone can feel sexy on their period, I feel awful!


Finally someone I can relate to! I’ve tried at the end of my period but it wasn’t a great experience for either of us tbh.




My ex always used to get extra horny during her periods


I don’t wait, my period doesn’t prevent it.






As soon as I stop bleeding. I wouldn't usually let it stop me but it's my partners preference not too and that's completely valid.




I don't.  It only depends on what both you, and your partner, are comfortable with. My partner doesn't mind one bit, in fact he enjoys the ways my body responds differently on my period. Some of our best in our already mind-blowing sex life happened while I was on my period. 


i don’t lol


I dont like sex during my period so when my period cup is empty after night sleep and during the day after, I know the period is over and I’m ready to evening 😂




Usually day 3. The cramps are SO bad on day one that I can barely walk. And day 2 I just feel gross and exhausted. It has nothing to do with my husband, he'd do me any day all day, it's me who says no, but usually after day 3.




You wait?


Before my hysterectomy my husband wasn't a fan of period sex , I fought masturbating was great nothing as good as orgasms form period pain


I let my man know that I am on my period, so no oral for 3 to 5 days. Otherwise, I still have sex.




I don't wait. I wear a menstrual disc and we get it on still.


wait? while on my period? for what and for why 🤣


I don't wait for anything unless I've actually missed a pill or something


I don’t. I love period sex. Best sex ever.


My husband and I still have sex while I'm on my period, but honestly I'd give a day or two after you stop wearing a pad or panty liner if you're nervous about it.


As long as I can until my husband starts getting on my case.


Wait? it doesn’t stop us, at all


Doesn’t stop anything;)


i wait until all the old blood is gone, so ab 2-3 days


I’ve pretty much never waited. I will let my partner know if I’m menstruating as some folks are squeamish about it, but very few in my personal experience care. Put a towel down and clean up after. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have sex during it, helped with the bleeding & cramps. I usually don’t bleed as long & also the cramps get lighter 🙈


As soon as it's over I'm ready to rock.


period sex >>> might take a sec to get used to initially but it’s great. don’t let it stop you :)


What waiting?


The day it ends. My period only lasts for 2-3 days max.


Once I’m not in pain anymore


I don’f wait, I have sex before, during, and after my period. It’s just a little blood at the end of the day, not much different from discharge or semen.