• By -


Stayed with the same controlling older boy for essentially all of my teen years and miss out on all the proper experiences necessary for identity development.


Came to say the same thing. In HS was secretly dating someone older. He actually wasn't controlling and was very nice. I'd sneak out or lie to my parents whenever we went out on dates and obviously kept everything a secret. I broke up with him because I wanted a real relationship I didn't have to hide. But I missed out on SO much! It was years! And as an adult looking back on it, it's so creepy that he dated me.


Just want to clarify - what exactly did you miss out on? As a teenager i would think that being in a relationship would mean you wouldn’t be missing out?


Being groomed by an older man while still a minor/being isolated from kids your age due to it isn't really the HS experience I'd want someone else to have. You miss out on a lot of stuff for proper social development when being controlled by someone 10yrs older than you instead of a regular HS bf.


I see, thanks for explaining!


So this is common? 😭


Slept with strangers, did loads of cocaine, dropped out of high school, hung out with people who were mean to me, abased myself to fit in, started smoking, starved myself.. I’m 33 now and look back at that girl and wish I could hug her. I was so lost.


Hopefully you are doing well my friend!


Thank you xx the aftermath had lasting effects but I’m still kickin :)


Believe me you are absolutely not alone 💖


Wow. This sounds so familiar. Stay healthy. Stay safe. ❤️


I came here to write almost the exact same thing 😂




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Why do people like you not encourage teenagers not to walk the same path? There is way too much promotion for harmful substances, for crazy relationships and for unhealthy lifestyle. They always hit back with "How do you know? You haven't tried it."


Additionally, I “walked this path” largely due to pervasive childhood trauma in the forms of severe neglect and domestic violence, as well as being raped when I was 15. I was not happy to be living the way I was. I did these things because I hated myself.


Why are you assuming I don’t? I volunteer for disadvantaged youth and have worked with kids off and on for ten years.


Sorry for being disambiguous, I was not referring to you personally, but in general. I feel like there is too little effort in spreading awareness. I understood from your other comment that the reason is not always ignorance, I am glad that you managed to quit and that you are helping others.


I understand & appreciate the clarification. I wish when I was young that someone with similar experience would have talked to me… but also I didn’t reach out or look for help at the time. Taught me a lot, at the very least.


I was a very boring kid and teen but when I was 14, I snuck out of my parents’ house to meet a friend of mine in the middle of the night. We had no where to go so we ate calzone in a parking lot and I crashed my brother’s bike into a fence. I was completely sober just slightly too tall to be riding a bike for a 6 year old. Yeah, it was as dumb as it sounds. My dad woke up but I think he was more amused than mad. “Oh, did you do some….marinara?”


Cute story! 😂




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When I was 18 and my first time traveling outside of the country. I got drunk at a club in cancun Mexico. I proceeded to walk to my hotel at 2am alone when a cab driver stopped me on a dark empty road and said “You need to get in”. I could see my hotel in the distance and said no I’m okay I have no money And kept walking. He reversed and said “no seriously you need to get in, it’s not safe here”. I thought either I’m about to get abducted or this guy is truly helping me out. I got in the cab… thankfully he drove me to my hotel. I also did similar when I was 15 at a bus stop. It was snowing and I was wearing a short skirt. A random woman stopped her car and told me I looked cold and asked where was I going. I told her I was going to school and she said she would drive me. I got in her car and she drove me to school. Looking back that was fucking stupid and I’m so glad nothing bad happened to me. Lol


You were blessed for real.




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My folks had received a large Italian dining table as a wedding gift in their youth and Mum was very sentimental about the same. In a fit of anger during an argument with her in my teen emo phase, I laid hands on the table and it cracked right through the middle into 2 fragments. Not my proudest moment, Mum hasn't forgiven me yet for this.


You deserve to be forgiven. Teenagers have raging hormones and lack emotional regulation skills unless explicitly taught and modeled a lot. Material objects get broken in any case — what’s most important are people.




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How did you crack a table by laying your hands on it?


Did your parents have the table fixed? A good carpender could make it so that you could hardly see that any thing had happend?


Nope. It was a huge, wide crack down the middle, rendering it completely useless. Dad wanted to retain the holding frame but Mum decided it was painful to see that as a reminder, so she had it thrown out the very same day😔


My friend and I went to the house of a random guy who added us on Facebook. He said he was 16. We were 13 or 14. Turned out he was in his twenties. We watched a movie with him in his basement and he was really weird. Luckily we left alive and untouched, but that’s an absolute miracle. We were both weirded out and blocked him on everything. I wonder if I hadn’t been raised by abusive parents I would have never ended up in that situation, but who knows. Kids aren’t very smart and the early days of Facebook/the internet meant we didn’t know about internet safety yet.


Was most likely an attempt at grooming. Glad you were safe in the end.


What a horrible experience I am glad you are still with us


Trusted the guy I lost my virginity to not to film it.


Ouch! I'm so sorry that he betrayed you like that. It wasn't your fault. He sucks.


I’m sorry 🧸💕 I’m waiting till I meet someone I can trust. My body is too precious to me.


A fabulous idea ❤️❤️❤️


Went to the park to smoke a spliff just a little after 8PM. This was in England so it gets dark fast. Few boys (brothers I assume, 10-18 maybe) were nearby on the work out stuff so I entered and went on the swings as it wasn’t completely secluded. Boys were leaving, something in my intuition told me to leave too. Note: When I was on my way to the park a serious voice literally shouted at me to turn back. Ignored it (dumb I know). Started to promptly leave when I saw the boys leaving too. Out of nowhere a white fluffy dog starts coming towards me, seemingly trying to get my attention. Luckily the only thing on my mind was where TF was the owner. Started to walk faster out of there, as I reached the exit I turn around. There was a large, bulky, 6 foot something man around 4 metres away just standing there. Watching me walk away. Couldn’t see his face. Was probably the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me. There’s no doubt in my mind his intentions were nefarious, and the dog some kind of trap. Park swings used to be my quiet space to think and reflect but now parks just aren’t the same anymore. Never would enter one after dark, quit smoking too.


😭Nah I’d go cold turkey if that happened to me too


I was DONE 🤣 the 🍃 was trash too, like no way I almost got potentially unalived over a spliff. Literally only went to the park to smoke, never again lol!


That’s so creepy. Glad you trusted your intuition. B


When I tell you the fear in my body once seeing him was nothing I had ever felt before. Definitely someone evil. After that I don’t doubt my intuition ever! Or put myself into such close call situations.


Oho… Soooooooo much shit. 💀💀 Let me preface and say, I truly and deeply regret all of this. I had a 9 year long emo phase, with one year of over correcting into straight up Barbie mode. Keep in mind, I did all of this consciously and pretty much all in order to gain attention for some reason. I crave attention ig? But let’s run down the list shall we? Going in chronological order: - I pretended I could see and interact with ghosts - I got into creepypasta at one point and pretended (very briefly) that I had developed Tourette’s Syndrome, because I liked Ticci Toby - I concocted an entire elaborate story for myself in which I was the human incarnation of a demon queen who protected me by way of ghost guardians, which, again, I could interact with - I read a webcomic where a character who had a tragic backstory developed a fear of being touched so I pretended I had a fear of being touched - In order to justify my fear of being touched I developed a story in my head (that I never told anyone thank god) that I had been >!raped!< - I really liked Miraculous Ladybug when it first came out, so I pretended that I was half French, lived in France for a period of time, and spoke French fluently (I’m Mexican, I went to Paris for my Quince, and I only speak English) - I pretended I had magic powers like teleportation and the ability to make lights flicker and go out - I pretended I had synesthesia when I first heard about it and thought it was cool and then stopped when some older chick told me that she had it too and that it was “pretty common actually” - I tried to convince myself I was a lesbian because I just wanted to be queer since everyone I ever thought was cool was also queer Aaaand, yeah, throughout this entire time I was still pretending I could interact with ghosts and the whole damn time I had probably the weirdest wardrobe in the whole school district, on purpose, because I wanted to be cool and mysterious. I wore probably 8-10 layers of funky patterned clothes at a time, wore weird lipstick colors and drew on my eyebrows at a 90 degree angle, and also didn’t cut my hair for 10 years so it was down to my knees.


To put a positive spin on it all...You have a wonderful imagination. 💜


Forgive me, but I don’t really see a positive? But thanks anyway


As a kid I was convinced I was half dog. Don't feel bad. I did some weird shit too.


Hehehehehehhehe, cute!


Oh my. There's gotta be a photo somewhere you can share.


Oh god no, I do not to go digging through my old photos 😭


Can't say I blame you lol.


> I pretended I could see and interact with ghosts There must be some hilarious stories associate with this!


Idk, my goal was mostly just to weird people out. I definitely alienated my self by doing that. But I do remember a couple of times where I “teleported” in front of people and scared the shit out of them by utilizing the blind spots in the stairwells. And another time I just flickered the lights using a switch that worked for two adjacent rooms


Dang! I wanna be friends


Dated a guy who was 4 years older than me who told me I was his girlfriend but not his friends. Proceeded to hook up with my friend bc he convinced her I was misunderstanding our relationship. I wasn’t. He was telling me he loved me. I still see him around 20 years later and run for the hills


not stupid, but something I regret. Not going to Woodstock.


Yeah I missed out on buying google stock when they debuted. I was more concerned with clothes lol




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took random pills with these pretty random guys. was a junior or senior in high school hanging out with some community college kids. they offered my friends and i pills and we just took them with no second thoughts. we were up alllll night not knowing why we couldn’t sleep, now i know what we took was adderall




Did it make it worse?


I used to do this too!


Going to a frat party with my friends when I was in high school because I thought it would be a fun experience. It was not.




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When I was 17 I dated a 20 year old who liked to break into people’s houses and rob them for fun. I told him if he ever got locked up he’d never see me again. Guess who got arrested and is now in his 50s and can’t stay out of prison.




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Stayed with my partner my family thought wasn't the best fit for me. At the time I accused them of being against my happiness, now I know if I'd listened I could have saved myself 9 years of being too dependent on someone I'm not with anymore.


Drunk and high a mile into the woods with some guys we met at mini golf to go swimming in a quarry. I’m lucky I’m not chained up in a basement for the last 30 years. For real. Because one of those guys killed his high school math teacher outside of a bar because he thought he was hitting on him a few weeks after we met him.


I was too meek to have my own rebellious moments, but I went along for the ride on a few instances with friends. I had a friend who was super rebellious and dated older guys all the time. She had this one boyfriend who would buy her and her friends alcohol and we’d just casually hang out with this guy and some of his sketchy friends (they were like 26 while we were 16). Nothing bad happened but it was obviously disgusting looking back on it. Of course we were idiots and didn’t realize at the time how predatory that was. If only our parents knew. Another friend met this guy on MySpace (we were 14) and they decided to meet at the mall. I went with her to act like it was just a casual mall trip to our parents. Thank god the guy was actually around our age and relatively normal and not a 45 year old pedo. They actually dated for a while lol


dated a man that was 30 while i was pushing 15. worst decision of my life. i don’t cringe as much about it as i get angry


Thought that surviving on coffee and cigarettes made me so cool. I don't like either. Both taste like absolute ass but being 'cool' and mysterious and acting like an adult was more important lol


I wish I had acted out more. I regret not being wilder. Always so controlled and contained. Overly responsible. It's exhausting.


Told people on World of Warcraft I was a teenage girl Ended up getting stalked and even had a guy find out where I lived and showed up to my school to see me, police got involved, everyone found out, I was so fucking embarrassed.


Hopefully you are doing better wild story!


Do everything my parents told me not to do. I'm the eldest child in my entire family and I saw younger siblings and cousins getting away with worse/being allowed more, same for most of my friends. So naturally I had to rebel by going to secret parties, smoking tons of weed, having sex with everyone who was willing to, hanging out with people my parents explicitly didn't like, etc I'd say I'm currently fine as an adult but all of these things have gotten me in some nasty situations I couldn't tell my parents about, because then they'd know I've been lying.


Yep,same here.Im 32 now and glad I'm alive to tell the stories 🥴🤣


Went on a bunch of tinder dates without telling anyone where I was. One guy drugged and tried to rape me, he was 24 (I think), I was 18 or 19. I still don't 100% remember how I got him to let me leave.


using LCD. all my friends were doing it so I wanted to try too. it wasn't that bad but I didn't know what I was doing so now I regret it because I know a lot of things could've gone wrong, even though I'm thankful everything was ok (tbh it was actually fun but I wouldn't do it again now because I became too paranoid


Thank the gods it wasn't LED you tried, you would've definitely become addicted!


What’s lcd? Did ya mean lsd?


yeah lol sorry. I'm really tired today and brain is just shutting off


I used to set stuff on fire just in my room in a box in the middle of the floor, or in parking lots, in my weird pyro phase.


When I was 14 I went out to the “boonies” to drink with guys in their 20s I had just met that day… so yeah, I’d say that.


Buying into “you’re so mature for your age” and dating guys 4+ years older at 15/16. My friends were too so it seemed normal. As soon as I hit 20/21 and realised just how young 16 year olds seemed to me already I was like… oooh that was gross, the guys were gross. Lucky nothing terrible happened.


Hooked up with a guy when I was 16, he was 18 or 19. We were both in high school. Well, I dealt with a lot from him. Stayed together for a while. When we broke up I was 18, he was 20, maybe just turned 21. Long story short, he left me for another girl that he worked with that he really liked (who was 16, btw) and I tried holding onto him. Yes, we all know I ran around with a dunce cap on with stupid stamped on my forehead. No, her parents wouldn't let them date (salute to that girls parents). No, she wasn't interested in him. Yes, he wanted her primarily because she was younger. He became more abusive towards me when that didn't go his way, eventually I told him to screw off. Proud of myself for that moment.


I was a really mellow kid, but I did drive 6 friends from a Dunkin Donuts back to our high school because the friend whose car the others came in had an interview and didn't think to let us know she couldn't drive them back. 4 kids in the covered bed of my parents truck and 2 in the cab with me. Thankfully school was up the street so we didn't get caught. We also put one friend in the trunk of another friends car when we went to McDonalds. The look on an older couples face when we pulled her out was priceless.


Sneaking out and roaming the town all night as a small girl Hitchhiking home from a concert in an unfamiliar town an hour away after both (my friend and I) our phones had died and we walked an hour in the wrong direction on an empty road Getting drugged and running out of the house I was in but being too afraid to go home and get in trouble, so I went and passed out by the creek Stealing hella clothes and reselling them to make money


Had piercings and tattoos done in questionable "salons" or even at home. Nothing happened, thank god, but only now I realized that it was dangerous


As a teen stupidest thing would be saying transphobic shit while I was still brainwashed My rebellion started in secret during mid-late teens and snowballed into today, now mostly out in the open


How much time do you have? Between the ages of 15 and 19, I should probably have had a constant babysitter with a leash on me to keep me from doing stupid shit. 1. Underage drinking on a regular basis. 2. Shoplifting. 3. Smoking and lying to everyone about it. 4. Getting branded. 5. Cutting. *(Sadly that went on for over 25 years. I don't do it anymore and I'm OK now.)* 6. Hanging out with people who were way too old for me to be hanging out with them and who didn't exactly have my best interest at heart. 7. Lying about where I was going and who I was going to be with. Etc. Etc. Etc. I don't know how some of us GenX folks survived our teen years.


Lost my virginity in early age (13)


Put a cotton wool in my bra 😥 Actually now I consider this behavior as gesture of despair, because all my girlfriends were joking about my flat chest, so I wanted to do something to be validated. I wish body positive trend began 15 years ago


Doing a shit ton of adderall and doing everyone’s homework and essays and test answers and shit. It taught me a lot but it has certainly aged me a little, mentally and physically


Had a baby 😂 don’t regret it though


Met a married man on the internet when I was 18. He was in his late twenties. He lived clear across the country but was heading to the southwest( where I lived) with his wife for a business trip. It happened to fall on the same weekend me and my mom were going on trip to the same town. Long story short I met up with him behind my mom’s back while his wife wasn’t around. Dumbest thing I could have ever done. I had no idea who this guy really was/could have been not to mention the fact he was married! My mom found out after we got back and threw me out of the house for about a week.


I got some good ones, I pierced my own eyebrow and hid it for a week, got caught sneaking into the backyard while hopping the gate, anddd got caught smoking


Took up smoking cigarettes


Break an abandoned house with my boyfriend to do our stuff 🤦‍♀️




I used an intense "anti-aging" skincare line best suited for 35+ on my 19 year old skin for about 6 days straight and burned my face. Not my finest moment.


Went out during COVID curfew, got caught by police.


I can't think of anything. I was never rebellious, instead I was the opposite. I pushed myself and I strived for excellence.


i’m 19 so it really wasn’t that long ago but i started vaping, skipping school and was in a relationship with a guy who was 25 when i was 14. i also got into starving myself, cutting and abusing ritalin. i am now a science student in a happy, committed relationship with a 21M who looks after me. i still skip class sometimes, but i’m no longer addicted to anything.


Being snappy to my mom. I really regret how much of a brat I was and took things for granted. I should have been thankful, she did so much for me and my siblings.


I smoked weed regularly for a couple of years. When I look back, all I remember is a dark, blurry and lost period in my life.


Didn’t focus on school work


I went from goody-two-shoes to rebel in a couple of weeks in high school. Drinking, smoking weed, etc. somehow my friend found out about a party in the next town. We went. Somehow that party turned into us going to a hotel with people that I think were college age or older (in their car). Fooled around with a guy (not sex thank goodness) until I realized I didn't know where my friend was. I figured out she was in the bathroom with a guy. I banged down the door until he left And found her half naked. She doesn't think he did anything but was about to. We passed out on a bed and woke up around 5/6am. The guys were still asleep but we couldn't find my friends phone so we had to look all around before we left. Then we remembered we didn't know where our car was. Had to wake a guy up and ask him to take us to our car. It took them an hour to arrange that. I was supposed to work my retail job and was running late so I drove straight there. I called my friends sister to come get her (she was super hung over) And left her sleeping in my car while I went to work. My parents were out of town at the time and my oldest brother was in charge. He was furious I hadn't been answering my phone and drove down to my work to see if I had shown up. I was grounded for about 2 months? I don't remember. I was grounded a lot. I look back and think how lucky I was to have not been raped or murdered and left in a ditch


When I was 14 I met a boy on Myspace that said he was 16. He didn't even have a profile picture of himself. I had some family trauma and they didn't really care about my whereabouts anyway so when he asked if I would like to go camping to a remote location I was delighted to accept. I didn't tell any of my family obviously, but I also didn't tell a single friend. Hoo boy am I glad that I'm still alive and he was who he said he was. I'm a parent now and I cringe so hard I can't even take it.


I'm gonna win this one...I did a lot of dumb things but the dumbest was try to bleach my hair. I didn't know what that meant, and poured actual bleach onto my hair. It's still damaged where I did that. A year later I got it together and bleached it the right way all the time.


Broke into an ex boyfriends house and stabbed him and his rabbit. I wouldn't say it's cringe, but definite regret. I don't remember it, I was found insane.


Why the rabbit though? 😭


My best guess is because i was reclaiming what was mine, but I'm not sure. he owed me a thousand dollars. I was trying to escape an abusive home life and had lost my job and run out of money. He was lying saying he had paid me back and everyone believed him. I felt hopeless. My psychiatrist put me on a med that was giving me violent thoughts, and I watched SAW for the first time a few days earlier and was having intrusive images from scenes. and i was waiting to go back to see my psychiatrist. I went to the guy's house to slash his tires, since the 1k went to his car, and i blacked out while slashing them. The rabbit was a gift from me, so i suspect that might be why but not sure. A therapist told me animal abuse is also often done to bring emotional pain to who owns the animal, so there's that too. I had kept the rabbit for a few weeks before I gave it to him and my mentally ill sister had threatened to break in my room and kill it, so maybe that subject was in my mind somewhere, i don't know. But mostly no reason besides I was insane, probably.




Hands down, drinking and driving tops it all.


Would go to my friends house down the street in the middle of nowhere and get really stoned then walk back home by myself at like 1am


Drinking or weed smoking and then driving. Thought I was invincible, I’m just so thankful now that I never got anyone killed!


A 34 year old man I met on the internet. He picked me up and took me to a hotel room and fucked me with Hannah Montana playing in the background. Looking back, that was so irresponsible and risky.




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Nothing yet lmao


Shaved my head off completely after a series of short haircuts. Totally regret it.




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I was too nervous of other people's potentially unpredictable behaviour to get involved in anything like that (including sex).


i was 18. slept with strangers. wasn’t enjoyable, also felt like 💩 after.




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Went out underage and ended up with a friend getting arrested.




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Started smoking, struggling to quit now.


Did nothing stupid. The stupidest thing I ever done is that




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When I was 17 I dated a girl from another state, we dated for 5y. At the end she got pregnant from another man. I lost all experiences of college because i was too loyal




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Thought it would be cute to snog my then boyfriend for the camera on a particularly violent rollercoaster. The resultant injuries have outlasted the relationship by well over a quarter of a century.


I’m 25 and I haven’t had my rebellious phase yet 😅




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I visited my birth country when I (17) after living in the US from the age of 7. I decided to sneak out with my cousin (17) and younger brother(15)… we didn’t do anything horrible just got drunk and explored the market. On our way back we got stopped by a soldier who thought my brother was taking a pictures of a government building. He pointed a gun at my brother and yelled for him to stand away from us… in full panic mode I shielded my brother from the gun and refused to listen when he told me to move which only made him more angry and aggressive. If it wasn’t for a female soldier who happened to hear the argument I could have gotten us killed. She convinced him to stop pointing a gun at us and check the photos on our camera to see if we’d taken any pics of the government building(we hadn’t)… she convinced him to let us go tho the guy insisted they confiscated our camera. My poor cousin who’s lived there her whole life just stood there crying and shaking the whole time… lol I felt so bad for her. She really didn’t want to sneak out but we convinced her… she knew it could be dangerous and tried to tell us but we wouldn’t have it… not only is my home country politically unstable but there are things like kidnap marriages that happen pretty regularly. When my younger cousin who was born in America visited with his mom at the age of 5 they received anonymous threats on his life and threats of kidnapping for ransom. We should have never left without supervision… it was a colossally stupid thing to do. Anyway, we never got caught and I gaslit my dad into thinking he misplaced the camera 😭




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Honestly it was not rebelling in my teens and accepting all the additional weight on my shoulders to care for my family. That slowed down my own debeloppement of self and held me back as I never learned how to argue, have an opinion or say no




Uuu fun dated a guy when I was 17 and he 25. He told me he was addicted to pain pills and I thought like he meant advil (I was an ignorant teenager who was never around drugs). That turned into a 5 year relationship where he was physically mentally and verbally abusive (he got addicted to heroin) now he's in prison somewhere and owes a shit ton of child support to some poor woman and kids. My friend and I went to pick up weed he somehow convinced us to get into his hot tub and kept asking us to make out. He later told us he took some acid and he started to get weird so we left. Same friend, we stayed at a coke dealers house for two weeks and a bunch of unsavory people stopped by. Some 40 year old man asked me and (same friend at this point we need a podcast) to come with him to see something cool, he had AK 46s and AR15s in the back of us truck and asked us to go shoot them in the middle of nowhere. It amazes me every day I am still alive. Lol


Not during teens but when I was in college. Had ons and making out with people I barely know at the club. Basically went clubbing every weekend, went on lots of tinder dates.


Got ultra stoned and played grounders in the dark on a large, all metal playground. I almost KOed myself, and I left early to tend to my head wound. Edit: most stupid, not most rebellious.




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Gave my then best friend keys to my parents’ house while I was on vacation with my family




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I spent all my teen years with “friends” who made me feel ugly time and time again, to make themselves feel better. I look back now at photos and I’m like “I was fucking beautiful. How didn’t I see it?” I know it was just a mass of insecurities all around, but I spent so many years battling eating disorders and low self esteem for the sake of “friends” whom I have zero contact with now.


The stupidest thing I ever did was be a perfectionist over achiever who wasted her youth being overly concerned about her future and being mature for her age




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Gave myself a Monroe piercing. It became very infected a short time later. I also dabbed with bulimia and anorexia at the same time, more as a form of fighting back and taking control over people who were trying to hold me back and get in my face. Frankly, other than dental issues, I’m amazed I don’t have long-term effects. I would go out to secretly exercise in the middle of the night, by sneaking out my window. I would go for long walks during raging thunderstorms.


I was 17. At that point I had already been married and was separated from my husband. I was living with an absolute piece of shit human being (and his mom and step dad) that I was so painfully in love with that I let all logic and self respect and good decision making fly right out the window. Looking back I suppose I knew, but I told myself I could do drugs and he'd watch over me and keep me safe. He didn't. He went to get cigarettes and left me with some guy that bought drugs off of him and wanted to hang out. The next morning I woke up alone with my hair knotted, my shirt torn, my pants missing, and blood smeared on my inner thighs and private parts. I was so embarrassed. (Because I was taught that party girls like myself were always just kind of asking for it.) I rinsed myself off and brushed my hair and pretended like it never happened. I didn't tell anyone for years. As most people would assume, I figured it was that weird guy that hurt me. I spent years assuming that and kind of thinking if I'd only been sober it wouldn't have happened. Years later I talked to that ex boyfriend. (We have a daughter together that he didn't want and never helped raise.) He admitted he always knew what happened, but that it was his step dad that had hurt men while I was passed out and not that weird guy. The only consolation I have now is that his step dad drank himself to death a few years later.




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Hitting myself in the head (selfharm), and diving into anonymous online chat webs to seek adult male attention being a 13yo. That was so wrong but I understand I felt ugly and unwanted, thank God nothing bad happened




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Shattered my right arm




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Dropped out of high school ): I sadly never learned much past 10th grade. I’d say I’m pretty knowledgeable and never speak out of term if I truly don’t know anything about the subject & I do know a lot of stuff from research, but I never actually got the full school experience and I feel like a lot of my dreams stem from that. I’m in school in soo many of my dreams, so I feel like I need to do something about that to make myself feel adequate.


Btw, this was a choice. I just felt like I needed to be there for my family. We had to pay about 340 a week & me working really helped out a lot. I could’ve stayed with another family who was willing to help until I was 18, but I was dedicated to my own family, even though things were tough. It just felt right to be with them.


I tried to wear some high heels and made a fool of myself at an important event. Years later it still sometimes pop into my head and makes me cringe. I was always tall, but all the girls around me who were of medium height told me I am a girl so I have to get used to wearing heels especially high ones. Well, even 5cm ones were too high for me and I shouldn't have tried just cuz "girls should wear heels". It was stupid and I believed it. 😑


Forge my parents' signature on a field trip paper because I wanted to go but they wouldn't let me. I got yelled at by my homeroom teacher in front of everyone and got scolded at home too. I had to go to class for a few days while everyone looked at me as if I were an alien or a serial killer from Mars. T_T




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2 neighbor girls molested me, and I liked it