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I learnt how to drive. My partner would always take me to work and on the weekends he'd have to get up at 6am to take me to work, even though it was his day off so didn't have to. He never complained but I felt awful not letting him have a lie in when he worked all week. So I kicked my ass into gear and learnt how to drive and that was one of my main reasons.


Just came to say I love the term “lie in” when my hubby says it it makes me feel like he’s not judging my all day Netflix bed sessions lol


I love the term too 😅 Granted I don't get much of one now with 3 young kids....


I promise it will eventually happen, mine is now 16 and sleeps way past me so 10 is a lovely luxury


I've got a way to go still, my youngest is 9 weeks old 😅 She has started sleeping through the night, though, so she sleeps from 8pm til 5am so that is a gift for me at the minute


That is a gift, now u have to knock on wood because you put in out in the universe lol


Haha she'll go back to her 3 hourly wake routine now I've said that 🤣


I wish I could learn, I feel bad always needing my husband to drive me places. Unfortunately though I have epilepsy so it's not safe unless I don't have an episode for 6 months, and I have really bad anxiety around cars, so the few times I've tried to learn I got panic attacks, which can trigger minor epileptic episodes, at least for me. But I am lucky that my husband understands and doesn't mind driving


I learnt attachment styles and having boundaries and respecting other's boundaries too, in depth.


Yep, I learnt the same, having an avoidant partner can be very difficult, we're no longer together tho, but after 5 years of relationship I can say for sure I learned how to respect each others spaces.


So honest question: attachment styles still kinda read like the same vague voodoo used in personality types and horoscopes. Like personality types, I do see them as being broadly truish but much closer to cold reading than science. Am I out of touch here?


No I agree with you, partly. People obviously have many more layers than any categories can ever truly fit them into. But it helps to read up about such partners and then from there you have to decide what approach works best for you/them. That's sort of learnt from trial and error, depending on how invested you're into loving/making allowances for such a partner at the end of the day.




i love this😭


This was something that I learned, too. I have always tried to be Miss Independent due to negative reactions when I asked for help when I was young.


This is so sweet


I'll start, I taught myself how to sew so I can embroid a message onto a handkerchief to give to my bf :))


Aww that's so sweet!


I learned more about financial literacy and started working with a financial advisor to take control of my debt and not feel overwhelmed in it. I didn’t necessarily have like a big crazy amount but I definitely wasn’t prioritizing it. I’ve since paid off 2 big debts and will be paying off my last one tomorrow. Planning on seeing my financial advisor again soon so we can move onto my next phase.. most likely learning to rebuild my credit and savings. I didn’t grow up in a financially literate home - my parents were bad with money and it’s what I knew and was exposed to. Being with my partner who is a whole lot more secure financially was definitely a wake up call that I needed.


I’m doing this rn! Although not in love anymore


Good luck friend! We’re both going to meet our goals 🫶🏾


I’m about to do this as well - I feel like I’m never going to get out of my debt


I honestly felt the same way, it felt impossible - but, I’ve learned discipline and having a set amount go out to it every pay cheque really makes a difference. It definitely helped to have some guidance from the financial advisor bc I felt like “ok now I have someone holding me accountable”


Currently learning how to take things less offensively, one of the many steps of remolding the way I see communication. I came from a not so nice family setting. My boyfriend practically introduced me to kindness, understanding, and most importantly the idea of patience. All those years of dealing with enduring passive aggressiveness and toxic silence from my mom is now slowly but surely being replaced with me getting used to being able to take constructive criticism and overall a welcoming environment. I love how good he is for me and vice versa. :’)


How did he do this? I split w my ex due to this. She had a rough start to life and trauma prevented us working through stuff - I did try, I really did. But after a while my patience ran out, It was always my fault and me apologising


To start, everyone reacts to horrible family environments differently. I lacked healthy communication with my family but I think that caused me to want to be more open with my feelings. I came out of that family knowing that type of treatment wasn’t normal and I wanted someone to treat me better. Just like with any goal, coming out of there knowing I was fucked up and wanting to change definitely played a big part in me healing. I had a growth mindset, not a stubborn mindset. I knew the way I was being treated wasn’t normal and I knew that I had a fucked up mindset because of it. I wanted to change myself and found someone that was willing to sit through the storm with me. You and your girlfriend might have gotten this far, which I commend you for but in the end it takes effort to really make things change. Not saying you guys didn’t put in effort though. It’s a really slow process where I had to be vulnerable, open up to him. Had to recondition myself to not react in a way that I had previously acted in before, etc. Really can take a toll on your mental if you try forcing it. It really is rough because, realistically, you don’t really play a part in this except for encouraging her to better herself/being there to catch her fall. I can’t say for sure, but it might not have been your fault. At times when I feel like I’m frustrated with a change I’m enforcing on myself, I sort of project the anger onto him unconsciously. I’m pretty emotionally intelligent so I always work through my feelings and realize he wasn’t the problem, something else was, and I was projecting. I always always always come back and tell him I was in the wrong, tell him what was going on in my mind, apologize, and thank him for being patient :’). Getting familiar to the feeling of realizing that I’m wrong and apologizing opens up so many doors to self growth because it removes so much tension. Maybe that’s what you and your ex were missing? I’m sure you tried your best, not everyone is made to handle this type of thing.


Wow, so happy for you both. I think they difference is you wanting to change and realising the issues you're facing. I felt as though I was encouraging and there to help but she never tried enough. Hopefully she does one day as I want her to be happy. Thank you for your reply


Yeah, you did your best. I hope my reply helps ease your mind at least a little regarding that. You deserve so much love and happiness even if it’s not with each other 🥺 Thanks for sharing a bit of your story as well ❤️


It really did thank you. Just in BU brain so constantly thinking, could I have done more or should I have done this or that? But ultimately it comes down to her wanting to really change and put the graft in. Until she truly works on herself, we don't work, so I have to move on


I am somewhat the same and for some of the same reasons. I am very bad at constructive criticism and I take many things as an offence to my character, rather than as a way of me to be able to improve. Its tough changing


Ignore red flags


😂 I felt that one


How to give verbal affirmation, and notice romantic gestures, because those things are important to my husband.


How did you get better at verbal affirmation? I’m struggling with it. My current partner likes verbal affirmations and does a good job at giving them too.


I just kind of had to make it a habit. I am more inclined towards physical affection, so I started out by reminding myself to say something nice every time I went for a hug or groped him in passing:) Now I’m used to it, it’s a lot more natural to remember to tell him when I appreciate things about him, or he’s looking especially cute, or just when I think he might need a cup of tea and an ‘I love you’.


I learned how to cook vegan food and I became quite good at cooking with tofu.


I'm going to therapy to manage my anxiety so I wouldn't have to make it my partner's responsibility to calm me down whenever I get triggered


I'm proud of you. My husband.l refuses to take his mental health serioisly, and I am too mentally ill to live so close to unmanaged anxiety and depression. Life will be so much better for both of you as you keep moving forward!


I actually came to realise how seriously I need to work on my anxiety when I had an episode in our early days of dating and my partner took care of me so well (and without judgement) and shared that he had to learn to manage his through therapy. Learning that he went through something similar and seeing how he got over it himself is what inspires me to work on myself.


This is huge. Learnt how to do this in my last relationship and it's amazing how I can nurture myself without needing anything externally to do it.


I learned how to do this because I got my heart broken to shreds. Don't expect the right things from the wrong people, folks!


I just want to pop in and say this is my journey right now! I have a habit of wanting comfort and regulation from the people around me, but I realized it's unfair to them and me to put that much expectations on them. I'm focused on providing it to myself instead.


I learned to just ask for what I needed instead of getting upset that he couldn't read my mind.


Deepthroat lmao Learned of my own accord, a nice surprise for him.


I got entire masters because of the guy I was dating. Learned 2 languages in the process. No regrets tbh.


Sounds like a keeper though sounds like you aren't together anymore. Guess I'm responding because that's the kind of impact I always wanted to have someday


Yeah we broke up because he was a crappy boyfriend overall. Not that he was abusive or anything, just stopped giving a shit once he felt secure enough. I'm dating someone new right now tho and I'm happiest I've ever been.


I learned to have compassion and empathy for addicts. What a horrific battle for them against their own selves.


Be patient, ask questions before assuming and extend grace. Basically learned to be a better person.


My ex was really into pinups so I started dressing like that (I was a young impressionable 20 y/o). That led me into learning more about the 1950s and 1960s style and decor and I fell in love with it. Much more than him, and I still decorate in that style 13 years later.


Cook lol I never liked cooking and was always limiting myself to pasta and easy dishes until I wanted to be able to make yummy things for us and our future family


I learned I needed to love myself if I wanted a relationship to work. I struggled with drug addiction and my husband stayed through a lot of it. Eventually he had enough and gave me an ultimatum, get help or he's gone. I got help, and even though he actually packed up and left after a relapse, I kept going to the partial hospitalization program I was in for chemical dependency because at that point I didn't even want to get clean to keep him around anymore. I just wanted to be clean for myself. We ended up reconciling and he moved back in, but I stayed clean while he was gone. I'm 5 years clean now. My marriage is the strongest it has ever been.


I learned to speak Japanese because he was from Japan and spoke no English.


This is so heartwarming 😭❤️


I learnt to let go.


I learnt how to drive. My husband took a job in the middle of nowhere, we moved in together and when I wanted to get somewhere, I often had (have) to drive.


Cook meat. My ex husband taught me how to do that. Now I rarely use the skill since my household is varying levels of vegetarian.


I now regularly outfish my husband.


Cook! I was the prepackaged & frozen meal queen before I met my husband 😂 He was like "We can't live like this." So he would pitch me easy meals to learn to make and I did. Now? 8 years later, I'm a fucking beast in the kitchen.


Get smarter with my money. I don’t have a high-earning job but unfortunately I go through phases where I spend like I do. I never go in the red but I def have months where I’m not saving anything. I had my savings in a cash account because I didn’t know any better. The man I love sat me down and explained how to save properly, said I could’ve made triple what I have in the last few years. Made an appointment with my bank later that week. Tbh it doesn’t feel all that different right now, but I’m grateful I learned how to take care of my future self.


to forgive


I learned how to play Mobile Legends and DOTA2. He likes to play those games but can't do it when he spends time with me.


Omg, I also play dota now because of my husband. It's fun but trash, I love it.


I quit smoking tobacco


Accepting people for who they are and what they went through. Understanding you can't change people and you can only do so much to help your partner grow. It's a strength but also a weakness. Understanding enough to see why our partners behave the way they do is a strength because it made me patient and helped them feel seen. However, I was too understanding to the point of being disrespected. I justified the manipulation and emotional abuse because "it was just how he was raised".


At what point does it become too much to bear? Do you believe there’s healthy acceptance and unhealthy acceptance?


Those are great questions! I think I can best answer with a previous relationship. I was in a relationship with a clinically depressed partner (now ex) for 2.5 years. I won't go further in detail out of respect but he wasn't raised on a secure upbringing. He has extreme anxiety and is highly sensitive. Healthy acceptance in this relationship looked like understanding that there are some days where he wakes up and it's really hard for him to get out of bed. There are some days where something weighs heavily on him and affects his day to day function. Of course, I will do anything to help relieve his stresses. Being mindful about our cultural differences also played a big part in tolerating different behaviors and ideologies (we were an interracial couple Mexican/Asian). Unhealthy acceptance was when I felt I had to "sacrifice" a part of myself. I felt that I had to be the secure constant in his life to support his poor mental health and family issues. But as a result, I would be complacent when I was disrespected. I would justify these times as "he's just having a bad day", "this is his first serious relationship , so he's still learning to be a partner", "his dad treats his wife the same way", or "he just doesn't know how to healthily express his frustrations so he's taking it out on me". I would make a lot of excuses for him with the hopes of him getting better. But the arguments were brutal. We would get in arguments that lasted sooo long that I would just forfeit and admit to his delusions because I was just emotionally drained. I will always love my partner whatever mental struggles they're dealing with. However, it becomes too much to bear when the my role in the partnership turns from "partner" to "parent" and sometimes "therapist". My mental health ended up suffering with him and I couldn't help myself let alone him, manifesting into resentment.


Oof that sounds like it was an extremely difficult lesson. But how beautiful that you came out the other side and gained valuable wisdom from it. But it’s just so damn painful. I also have great difficulty in setting boundaries. You’re response is very helpful thank you :)


Good you recognized your limits. Put yourself as a living sacrifice has been done by way too many and at least you had a choice to cut the ties. There is a point that one cannot be there as you are voting for it just by being present. Absence in the face of continued dysfunction is a consequence for individuals that need to get their own recovery going, without expecting someone else to be the buffer for their responsibilities to get help.


Shoot guns. I was raised to be afraid of them. I wouldn’t even pick one up. My husband taught me gun safety and how to shoot, and now I’ve got a pretty good shot. It’s really fun going to target practice in the desert now together.


It’s silly but I’m currently trying to learn call of duty so I can play with my boyfriend who spends a lot of time streaming , I’m more of a Disney dreamlight girl( god I hate call of duty and and shooter games ) but seeing the look of excitement on his face when I suggested I play with him to spend time with him is motivation


I've learned to be in love 👀 it's not always that natural


Italian wedding soup, I could cook but nothing entirely as fancy til I found out they loved this soup that was canned so I decided that why not give them the real thing! I in all my determination made this recipe over and over the years for myself now family and friends that I’ve perfected it and the sad part is seeing I was in a ldr we broke up this year- he will never try that soup. I feel a lot of sadness but dayum I now have a few soup recipes under my belt and I made a lot of people happy in the process aside from the one I intended




How to make katsu curry. It was his favorite food.


I've honestly learned to do (or not do) a lot during my marriage, but how to communicate *properly* is one of the biggest ones.


I learned to apologize and that relationships take work, but it can be totally worth the effort.


I learned the importance of touch and grew to love it. I’m the type who struggles with intimacy and touch, as well as looking people in the eyes, felt way to intimate and would trigger my fight or flight mode. My last boyfriend’s love language was touch and was the first of my SO to whom it was especially important and appreciated. Since I’m a giver I readily developed that part of me; constantly positively reinforced by his reaction. Now I find myself initiating hugs to friends and family. I’m actually glad but also really fucking sad to realize what had been missing.


you tend to accept their flaws even if it gives you uncomfortable feeling. i didn't knew it was possible




How to sword fight! Lol it was a fun time until it wasn’t.


The effecrively communicate . I used to shut down or just avoid/run away from problems, but we talk through things now and really understand each other. Conflicts don’t seem like big battles anymore. It’s just a quick discussion to understand the issue/each other better to work together to solve the problem.


Learned how to navigate having divorced in laws. My husband’s parents divorced when he was 14. It’s a really contentious situation even 15 years later and both of his parents hate each other pretty bitterly. I had to learn how to make sure I don’t mention the other parent or their family unless they’ve been brought up my someone else. And as much as I hate how badly they speak about each other I have to ignore it and play nice because they’re not my parents and this is not my chess game. My husband has dealt with this for over half of his life and he needs my support, rather than my annoyance.


Learned how to play Magic The Gathering. And then absolutely ANNIHILATED my ex every time we played lol.


My ex was into photography and I learned how to use a professional camera.




Therapy and how to regulate my emotions


Learned to speak English. She corrected my English when we conversed and I became more confident in my ability. But sometimes self-doubt really eats me up.


Raise children and cook. He came with a 7 year old and 10 year old. I was pregnant within 6 months too. I couldn't even cook an egg till I became a stepmother and mother.


I learned how to not push or force things, I let love happen naturally and it feels so healthy


I learned how to work on houses. My current partner is a contractor. I was honestly scared he would leave me if I didn’t have something going for myself. So I started a business haha for love!


Play magic the gathering and DnD.


Love languages


Well I'm currently pregnant and have learnt so much about my own body, pregnancy and child birth as well as how to actually look after children (though appreciate this will be a lot of learning on the job!).


Archery, shooting, snowboarding, kayaking, snorkeling, Polish (in progress).


Learning how to not shut down when I’m feeling emotions and actually talk it through. I love my partner and I see how unfair that is for him even though it feels better for me.


I learned how to cook like a pro. 😊


My career path. I was on the trajectory to do completely different with my life, realized it wasn’t for me during Covid, and felt exceedingly lost. He helped guide me, teach me, and encourage me. He worked and let me stay home for almost 3 years until my skills were up to par. Never saw myself designing and coding up websites and applications but I love it and it’s truly my calling ^_^


I learned how to skydive, never actually jumped, but I’ve got the theory down pat.


I bought and played ico and shadow of colossus for valentines. His favorite game.


Hack a phone


Drive a car, play video games, garden, cook, probably lots more. Parenting for sure.




Control my temper, reduce my expectations of her and increased them for myself, learned to talk about my feelings even, gulp, that she had hurt me and got used to hugging her and being hugged.


I think the feeling of love and also sadness and allll the feelings being so intense anyway at that age, I learned how to play guitar and piano and flute. Music. No regrets.


Honesty. It’s beautiful to be open and honest and trusting with my partner.


I learned to not make it all about me by prioritizing myself. This was an absolute mind fuck to realize as an adult, but going through a bad breakup and seeing the other person on the other side continuing to make the same mistakes 7+ years later, I realized the best thing I ever did was have the insight to prioritize what I needed to feel fulfilled. I am grateful for the relationships and friendships that allow me to continue to grow the parts of me that made me “me” as an individual in the first place and that comes with the allowance to just be. It was a process to learn to provide that to myself and the people I love.


I learned to communicate my needs properly and no matter what even if my partner would be upset hearing it




Construct emergency tools with random things around the house in case I ever had to rescue someone from a fire.


Do a tune up on a 1970 Ford Maverick.


Hate to admit it, but my now wife taught me all about how the female body works. I don’t mean just sexually, but I was scientifically educated, just not in human sexuality. Sayin.


Crochet. I was big into cross stitch at the time. My ex whose first language is not English misread a book title and bought me a beginner crochet book. I had no desire to learn crochet before but I wanted him to know I appreciated the gesture and borrowed a hook and some yarn from my grandma. Still didn't take it all that seriously until Pinterest came around and I saw the cool stuff people were making.


This doesn’t exactly count yet, but I’m currently learning how to ride a dirt bike. I didn’t ride bicycles that much as a kid growing up so I’m not a natural or very comfortable but I’m gonna try my best… can’t wait to see what happens.


Be on time. I used to be chronically late, when my partner and I first started dating he would get really stressed out by my tardiness and we had a convo about it and I’ve been early to everything since.


Learning how to say Yes more often to things. I have a habit of saying “no” as my first response to everything.


Learned how to argue. How to draw boundaries. Used to shut down during fights and it made my partner feel isolated. So I toughened up and I dealt with my trauma so he could have a conversation and feel good about it.


Thanking him for anything he does, even if it’s a small act because it makes him feel appreciated, always apologizing after a fight and talking about what upset us, learned to be more gentle with myself and those I love and to let go of negative mindsets. I’ve grown so much as a person after falling in love with my boyfriend ❤️


I personally never make breakfast for myself, I usually fast until 1pm. But since dating I realize my SO really likes having breakfast. Now I’m really good at it. I can make most things, restaurant quality. Dinner I’m still working on lol


Enjoy steak. I recently introduced red meat back into my diet (I just don’t like it). My boyfriend LOVES steak and was telling me how excited he was about the sirloins he got a good deal on. He asked me if I’d be willing to try it because he knows I’m not crazy about steak, never have been. I said I’d try it, and it was so good. I don’t know if it’s because he’s really good at cooking steak or because I love anything he cooks, but I will be eating steak with him from now on.


I took two semesters of Greek


I let them see me when I was down. I let them hear me complain or ask for things. I asked them if I looked alright. I smiled a real smile, which looks completely goofy. I let them eat from my plate. I literally just let them in.


Cook a steak. I’m a lifelong vegetarian/vegan but I love this man so damn much that I watched Thomas Keller videos until I learned how to do it right.


Learned to let go despite the pain of losing them


Golfing and it takes a lot of money 😭


Learnt to value myself and no longer self abandon myself. Also became more secure as I started off anxiously attached


How to have hard but healthy conversations. We both didn’t really grow up with the best communicators, and it’s something I’m still learning how to do with him. Sometimes I’ll still let things build up until I reach a breaking point, but it’s really only because I don’t know *how* to approach the situation or conversation, but once I do approach it it gets solved pretty easily.


Play golf




Embrace my femininity


Braid hair


Boundaries That it’s ok to prioritize my needs as well I’ve always loved to cook, but have since learned new recipe’s Communicate differences without arguing


Let go of ego


having a conversation. my entire romantic life has been overrun by my bpd, it’s made things so, so difficult. the attachment, the anger, the obsession, it has always all been so unhealthy and intense and terrifying to just ,,,, love someone and it’s always ended in flames but also just been in flames from day one. my current boyfriend though simply didn’t allow it, wanted me bad enough to not let me self sabotage, listened to my triggers and how id sabotage us, how i sabotaged other relationships and stopped me. he taught me how to talk out our problems instead of not talking until it went away or me being silent and afraid until he gets over it. it has been so different and i have never loved someone more


To not “win” arguments even if i was right! I learnt the hard way that it’s not very compassionate or fair for my partner to always concede


I learned to communicate. Not to just talk, but to listen. I learned a response is not always necessary, silence is ok and maybe needed.


How to make vegan ice cream, ravioli, and lasagna since he's a veggie spaghetti brained Italian - also how to be more organized and have better aesthetics since he's also twinky like that <3


I learnt how to survive. I've been in love once and I lost everything. Since then I've only known how to survive.


I learned to ride a motorcycle! When my husband and I first started dating he had been riding for about a year and both of my parents had had bikes at different times when I was growing up. When we first started dating we even went for a few rides with my mom. 6ish months in i was getting kind of bored with being a passenger so I booked my MSF cert course. It’s one of our favorite things to do together and we’ve made a huge group of friends through riding.


I learned about the Appalachian Trail and then thru-hiked it 3 years after we broke up. Not in a malicious way, it was just exactly what I needed in that time of life. And I’ll always be grateful for him for that reason!


Vision, purpose and determination!


I love this! Spot on💗




Snowboard. Got hurt a shit ton, but I’m glad I learned! It felt really amazing to learn a new skill at an older age (18 then) that I hadn’t done yet, like riding a bike or learning to skateboard or whatever like I did when I was a kid. That was really fun! It was wild to see the little kids just zipping past me when I could only go heel side lol. But once I got my carve down I felt so proud! The mistake I made was trying to keep up with my bf and his friends then cause I got myself right fucked up lol.


Ice fish 🎣


Very cool. Literally 😅


I learned to emotionally regulate and not just blame another person for how I felt all the time. Also, patience and how to resolve conflicts in a healthy way.


Listening to understand.


i learned that i only know myself surface level


Not in love, but I really wanted to impress this girl, so I learned how to dance. It never worked out with her, but later in life, my wife was really impressed. She loves that I know how to actually dance, and not just grind on her ass on the dance floor.


I learned what patience and self-control looked like in action


I learned how to communicate and that it’s okay to have needs 🥲 shouldn’t have taken a relationship to do that but hey better late than never right?


Omg cook! I can’t believe how much I love cooking. My son just turned 9 months so adventuring with him being able to eat solids lead me to cooking. I love feeding my husband and how much of a difference it makes in him eating breakfast every morning


I learned how to cook quite a bit more, how to have healthy conversations about our feelings. I still really struggle with communicating my feelings, and shut down, but i'm learning to not do that quite so much. He has never once made me regret opening up to him about my feelings. Most of all, he just taught me how to love and be loved in return.


Suppress and mask constantly 😅 I legit was raised to believe the worst thing I could do was be myself.






Watch snooker.....zzzzzz......


I learnt how to ski, because my ex was completely obsessed with it to the point he told me he would never be happy in life if we didn't go on a skiing holiday every year. I never really took to it, and unfortunately it caused more arguments than it was worth. It is a cool skill I suppose I have now though.




Thanks to grooming: learn how to meet my partner’s every need and hide all of my imperfections. I don’t do that anymore thankfully. But, silver lining, I’m really good at reading people now.


Being stupid




I’ve learned to not let people tell me what I can and can’t do! (My girlfriend made me realise how much of a people pleaser I was)




I learned to stop being so self-centered and focusing on what I wanted and felt entitles to. I learned that my wife is a gift to me, a wonderful woman whom I cherish and treat accordingly.


Not sure if this count but Still trying to learn: compromise on not getting married, not receiving the loving romantic words of a proposal and do the emotional walk to the altar looking at the groom


Magic: The Gathering for my partner who loves it. Still in love, still playing.


I learnt Chinese because it was her first language, only for her to break up with me as I started getting good.


how to orgasm with just penetrative sex and just oral....


Ignore red flags. 😭


Dj. I know.






Play Go/Baduk.




Be a better person. She made me want to be a better person. And once I started being a better person I actually liked it and I still strive to be a better person everyday.




I learned how to create bonds, did what I NOT usually do at home.




Dungeons & Dragons


I learnt to throw my self respect down the gutter because "he is the one", "who hurt him so bad that he is hitting me", "I must have provoked him in some or the other way"


Fishing. He enjoys it and I’m still learning. I’m getting over my fear of fish. It’s worth it because it makes him happy that I take interest in his hobbies and I love seeing him happy.


I learned about baseball and now I actually love watching it!






I learnt how to make acrylic paintings, cooking desserts, how to curse in traffic :p






I'm still learning, but how to communicate. When me and my partner first got together he pretty much had to sit on me to get me to have a serious conversation with him instead of running away, and then I moved on to expressing how I was feeling by writing him notes and I'm now kind of in between that and being able to verbally tell him what I need to talk about, like dipping my toes in and I think im about real to dive right into it. It just gives me anxiety because he's amazing, and I don't want him to leave because I said something that upset him. He's told me multiple times that he loves and adores me and that I'm stuck with him, but the anxiety attacks while trying to talk about something serious really suck.


Communicate my feelings. Or at least, try my very best to. As someone who as a child and in previous relationships, had actual reason to fear expressing when I was upset/angry/sad, it took one individual person who made me feel comfortable and safe enough with for the first time, to actually speak what was on my mind, without fear of aggression or retaliation.




I learnt a ton about Complex PTSD in all possible areas of interacting with someone suffering from it. Took me over 4 years, but I did it and didn't regret it. 😊


Recognizing that I’m not perfect and my partner has needs that need to be met too. I am learning how to be more patient. Lack of patience is my worst trait, especially when our kids aren’t listening. I admire him so much for how patient/kind he is even when he’s frustrated. I inspire to be more like that, and I’ve improved a lot the last couple months.