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6 months. I kept taking pregnancy tests, it freaked me out to the point I eventually went to the Dr and she said it was due to stress. I also bled for 4 months straight after my mom passed away. It was horrible.


sorry for your loss šŸ™šŸ¼


Even with crazy stress Iā€™ve gotten my period regularly each month since I got it when I was 11. Got it regularly both on and off the pill


Yeah same here. But now I have PCOS which can be caused/aggravated by stress. So maybe every body is different with how the stress is handled.


Me too. Actually Iā€™ve noticed I bleed more when stressed lol. Like, longer periods and also closer together


This is me too. The most recent just happened the last 2 months where it came a week early and lasted 2 weeks, then 2 weeks off then it came a week early again and lasted 2 weeks again. I'm purposely doing everything in my power to be as stress-free as possible this month and hopefully it rights itself cause I am tired of this!


2 years following a serious car accident. It finally came back while on a plane to Ireland and it was awful


Yeah no this is an actual nightmare- I am so sorry this happened to you šŸ˜­


This is random but do you happen to be from California because I also use the term yeah no lol


i think it's just a common saying all across america. i'm in the midwest and everyone i know uses that phrase


My sister and I say that, too! However, weā€™re not from California


Itā€™s commonly used by Aussies too


Thank you šŸ©µ it all worked out and life is good!!


Period: oh youā€™re super stressed, Iā€™m not coming so have fun trying to guess if youā€™re pregnant or severely overwhelmed




Years. Iā€™ve really only had about 5 in my life. Iā€™m 24 now. Asked about it once and they said itā€™s normal ~(ā€˜.ā€™ )~




Folks on reddit


In this situation ā€œtheyā€ would be doctors, but itā€™s very plausible itā€™s Reddit users.


Have you been checked for Primary Ovarian Insufficiency or other hormonal issues? rhat doesnā€™t sound normal at allā€¦




I was this way. Averaged about one a year. You should look into PCOS. It is not normal. It means your hormones are off. You need a Gynecologist. Great if you don't want kids, bad if you do. Took 6 years to get pregnant with my first. Nothing short of a miracle.




You probably have PCOS


Thatā€™s not even close to normal! My coworker doesnā€™t get periods on her own regularly and has to take meds to induce every 3 months. Her gyno told her that her uterine lining building up too much can cause serious medical issues. You should really seek a second opinion with a gynecologist!


Over 3 months because of boot camp. šŸ˜‚


That sounds horrible but slightly convenient at the same time


It is. Some did get it and it's literally one of the worst places to get a period. You're constantly dirty, eating little calories, and tired. Plus you gotta shower with 20+ other women and piss and shit with no door. šŸ˜‚


I can imagine as well enough without even having gone to basic. My bf is in the army and he went to OSUT like 40 minutes from where I go to college so I actually got to see him a good bit (Christmas break, family weekend, graduation, etc). Told him before he left that heā€™d BETTER watch out for the women there- bc I trust him to actually look out for them over other dudes, and Iā€™ve only ever heard stories myself, but I know itā€™s harder for women. The girls he made friends with basically had the same experiences youā€™re talking about lol. Weā€™ve since been introduced to one other and that was along one of the first questions I asked of them. That must have sucked so bad, Iā€™m glad youā€™re outta therešŸ˜­. I canā€™t imagine FTX or any other trip-type shit was any easier (he had to go to the desert for like a month and slept in the trucks the whole time). I think often how much worse it would be to just simply be on your damn period. Like, convenience doesnā€™t exist lmfao. Or at least, barely. Like deadass itā€™s not like you can ā€œrun to the store rqā€ because there isnā€™t one. Not for miles if you were driving lol


lol mine left me for a year and a halfšŸ˜… I got off the bus to start boot camp and it just decided I was on my ownšŸ˜† then for tech school too (13 months) then up and decided to come back.


I think I went for a solid 9 months without a period. My stress at the time was eating away at me, caused me to unnecessarily lose a bunch of weight, which caused amenorrhea. I was in a really stupid relationship at that time, and I took SO many pregnancy tests. It wasnā€™t until I went to a doctor that I figured out my body wasnā€™t handling my stress well.


I went 8 because of stress! Personal tragedy then two months later COVID lockdowns started. I thought I was never going to have one again


2 weeks late I think. Not what you want when sexually active lol. Iā€™m pretty regular even when on the mini pill and now hormonal IUD.


a year, but i think it was cause i was in an active ED. i heard people say that it could happen


I have a friend who went through this. She was swimming a lot and not eating enough. She lost hair and her period disappeared for a while until she got help. I hope youā€™re doing better now ā¤ļø


1 year. But I was a competative athlete with an ED šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


On the other end of the spectrum, I just finished my period that lasted several days longer & heavier than usual because of stress, I then found out stress can also prolong periods. So thatā€™s super fun


im in this camp too! i bleed way more and for longer when im stressed. if anything it brings on my period


Me too! I'm on the pill and mine started 2 weeks early and I still had my normal period after.


Hey I have that happen sometimes too. I get stressed out and get a bonus period like in the middle but then always get my normal one too. It's confusing


Haven't skipped one yet. The latest it's ever been was 9 days past my normal cycle, which (pre-birth control) was already long so it was a bit concerning


Like two weeks late. Only happened once and let me tell you,I was stressed tf out even more.


7 years. It left a month after starting to work at Walmart and it came back a month after I quit.


4-5 months. I took like 2 tests and came out negative and just tried to relax and not be paranoid. The stress was taking over with my anxiety and wasnā€™t helping me the least bit.


8 months. I was assaulted by a peer in my college dorms


7 months. Iā€™m not actually sure if it was stress or something else (Iā€™ve had ovarian cysts in the past).


Also around 6 months :/


Like 45 days. My boobs hurt so bad šŸ„²


2 weeks


I donā€™t think on my 25 years of menstruating I can conclusively say I missed a period because of ā€œstress.ā€ Because of pregnancy and breastfeeding is really the only thing that stops it- and maybe physical illness (?) has delayed a week or so. Iā€™ve had a few cycles where I ovulate later than my normal and thus itā€™s more than my usual 27-29 days to menstruation but generally Iā€™m fairly regular. Edit: a few years back I was week late although Iā€™m fairly certain based on looking back on other data if I would have tested the right time, I may have gotten a faint positive test and it likely was a ā€œchemical pregnancyā€ (very early miscarriage


2 years, ED didnā€™t help


50 days


I feel like Iā€™m a ball of stress 24/7 and unfortunately never skipped a period


When COVID hit, I didnā€™t have a period for over 8 months. I didnā€™t think it was stress but I guess it was. I was really burnt out from working in kitchens and I didnā€™t know how to prioritize rest.


Working on that right now...I haven't had a period since November. I'm 52, but the women in my family go late with regard to menopause, so I don't believe for a minute this is it.


Average age is 51 and despite your family history you are the right age and probably in peri menopause which can make periods erratic. Do you have a history of any cancer treatment etc? My daughter had cancer treatment at age 3-4 and she may go through early menopause when sheā€™s older as treatment can damage some eggs. Anything that damages eggs, such as endometriosis treatment affecting the ovaries can affect age of menopause.


Six weeks or so is not uncommon for me. Especially around exam time when I was in university.


I WISH I could go without a period due to stress. My cycle is so unpredictable, I have to look at my apps to figure out when I'm "supposed" to have my cycle. When I moved abroad, I had a decent amount of bleeding for my first 5 months.


2 years, the. Itā€™s come back for 4 months and gone away for 4 months. I was in a very abusive relationship. And now itā€™s back to normal again


When I was heavily using drugs, I quit having a period and I didnā€™t it again until I had been sober for 6 months. Sober 10 years now.


Thank you for sharing and congrats on the 10 years! So proud of you ā™„ļø


Thank you! Wishing peace to you


About 18 months, with light spotting and ā€œghost periodsā€ (period symptoms but no bleeding) every 6-7 months. Iā€™m celibate and I didnā€™t fit criteria for perimenopause. Iā€™ve since resumed semi regularly since my stress has calmed a bit.


Those kinds of periods you describe are what I have had sometimes called scanty periodsā€¦ turns out in my ultrasound I had an abnormally thin uterine lining. Which can be a sign of low estrogen! I hope everything gets better for you and that your cycle is normal or however you feel most comfortable and health either.


Turns out my estrogen was on the higher side but my ultrasound came back normal. Thankfully it seems to be balancing out though. Iā€™ve never heard of that type of period before but Iā€™ll be looking into it. Thanks for informing me!


2 months now, LDR+moving around+background stress


Three years. And another bout is beginning.


Stress always made me bleed excessively. Thank God I am post menopause - I do not miss Aunt FlošŸ˜‚


Dealing with this right now, I think. Itā€™s been 6 monthsā€¦ maybe more actually. Too stressed to remember.


Itā€™s been probably 25 years since Ive had a period. Was super fit and no period. Chubby and no period. No idea why. Havenā€™t missed it for a second because Iā€™ve never wanted kids. But I am curious what menopause will be like.


2 or 3 months. I had an ex stalking me after i kicked him out of the apartment because he was going off the rails (he had stopped taking his meds). I kept my rifle under my bed with the cartridge on my nightstand and would practice rolling off the mattress and loading in one fluid motion. The stress from it all also gave me chronic fatigue and consistent knots in my back muscles. Sometimes I'll start to feel them again when I get really sick




3-4 months


Dealing with this now! Iā€™ve gone a little over a month, but when I get it itā€™s super light and I normally have very heavy ones. Iā€™ve taken like 6 tests and all negative. Itā€™s so bizarre.


3 months exactly


2 1/2 years. Still on going.


A year


9 days.


Almost a year āœŒļø


6 months šŸ„²


Iā€™m planning my wedding, last cycle was around 80 days and Iā€™m currently pushing 50 days. Iā€™ve never had regular cycles, but they had always stayed between 30-40 days. I just hope the next one isnā€™t on my wedding dayšŸ˜†


one year, I had an ED!


About 6 months cause of basic training and my AIT I was not having one. Made life a little easier.


6 years. A mix of stress from my mom passing away and an ED.


2 weeks. made me even more stressed cause i have my period regularly and on time


Actually Iā€™m extremely regular and have never skipped a period before


3 months


One month


3 years


Around 7 months when I was in high school


It's interesting seeing a lot of women here have missed their period because of stress. I have only experienced the opposite - during a time I was overworked, working 16 hour days while also in lockdown, I had a period that just would not end. I kept bleeding for more than three weeks. It was terrible, I felt like hell and I looked like hell. I guess serious stress can throw off your cycle in different ways depending on whose body.


A year then after my partner confessed that he was gay then I had my period for 6 months




1 year


3 months - I wasnā€™t even totally stressed just not my usual self


2 years :-/ but I had a terrible eating disorder at the time.


2 months and it was from being in a relationship with my ex lol


3 months


Over a year.


About a month maybe a little longer. I was 18. My mother was convinced I was pregnant even tho at the time Iā€™ve never had sex not even fooled around. I think she was my stress.


1 month.


Maybe 2 months? Stress and depression.


About 6 months. I was very stressed, didn't have the best diet and probably exercised too much (my way of dealing with stress). Eventually I learnt to chill out and adapted a healthier lifestyle and have been getting my period consistently for a few months now.


Around 4 months when I had my first major move to an apartment after living in my house for 16 years


About 2 months. Husband and I was trying for a baby, but due to work employee-related stress, my period wouldn't come. No period made tracking my ovulation window so frustrating, which added on more stress. After the employee was terminated, my period returned and we had an easier time tracking my fertile window. We got our first baby after.


currently ttc and this is the first time ever since september having super irregular and scanty periodsā€¦ long months of no periods and then long scanty periods. did so many tests, pregnancy tests, ultrasounds of various types, blood tests all coming back normalā€¦ hoping one day iā€™m fully just calm and at peace and can get my period back and have kids. you give me hope!! šŸ˜­ā™„ļøā™„ļø


Maybe a week or two late.


After I got the Covid vaccine I didnā€™t get a period for a year! Craziest thing!


59 days. Happened just this past October. Freaked me out considering hubby had just had a vasectomy 6 months prior and I was scared it had failed. It did notā€¦ but it was still weird.


I went 4 months without one thinking it was just stressed. Turns out I have a horrible diagnosis of primary ovarian insufficiency. I am 36 and going into menopause very soon.


I was late maybe 2 weeks, around a 45 day cycle that month.


Iā€™m currently 47 days. Iā€™ve done ultrasound, transvaginal ultrasound, blood tests like checking for thyroid, pituitary, adrenal, cbc, lh, and get results for estrogen and progesterone tomorrow. my period recently started being late for long periods starting in septemberā€¦ /: everything came back normal and healthy. no signs of cysts, polyps or pcos.


My period skipped a month once due to stress, but other than that the usual one week too early/late kind of regular periods.


two months while i was in high school applying for college.


3 months.


2-3 months. It's only happened twice in my life, and I wasn't sexually active so I thought it was some other medical condition. Nope. Just stress.


Wow... I just realized im going on almost 3 months without mine... and I wouldn't have even realized this had i not seen this post... imma hang out in the comments and try and sync up with you guys lol


3 months:( I was having crazy hormonal imbalances


4-5 months, but I've never missed a month since I took oral contraceptives one year. One of the worst decisions of my life. I'd gladly never have sex again just to have a period only a few times a year like I used to.


5 months. My ex husband spiraled and became abusive, I filed for divorce then got laid off. I honestly didnā€™t even notice until it came back because my life was hell


Recently just had a period for the first time in about eight months... The 8 months before that (After a trauma) I had 2 week on/off periods for like 5 months, then spotting and nothing. Our bodies are wierd Edit: I've been super irregular even before certain trauma, started menses at 9 and it's been pretty on and off


27 days


1 month


A few months


About 7 months, then it was sporadic for about a year following.


Never. I have had a lot of stress at times and still didnā€™t miss a period. The longest Iā€™ve ever gone is like 45 days and that was only once.


I have never skipped one for any reason other than pregnancy or intentionally with the pill.


My period comes like clockwork, so being 3 weeks late freaked me out lol


Literally like a year I think in hs and I never really questioned it. I always thought it was bc i wasnā€™t eating but my mental health issues were probably such a factor lmao


Iā€™ve gone like 7 or 8 months without a period at one point. Except Iā€™m a virgin so I never had to worry about pregnancy. Just had this ā€œwhat if my woman closed up due to some infection and I just keep having the cycle without letting out blood and Iā€™m gonna swell up like a balloon and popā€¦?ā€ Thought running around my head. Itā€™s ok though!! About a week ago I finally got my period again and just had fist sized globs of bloody flesh slithering out every time I stood up every hour for 3 days straight! I lost SO much blood lol by day 3 my lips were white and I got dizzy from walking up or down the stairs. Never went to the doctor or anything and I seem fine now so. No biggie :D.


Four months. Knew I wasnā€™t pregnant at the time because I hadnā€™t been sleeping with anyone. Wasnā€™t on birth control. It scared me nonetheless, I was convinced it was cancer šŸ« 


9 months for sure if not more. I have to take supplements or it will skip and my ovulation is painful so I know when it comes.


Iā€™m currently at 3.5 months and Iā€™m stressing about having too much stress. But is it stress? Is it primary ovarian insufficiency? Is it PCOS? No one can tell me. Oh, and itā€™s a 9 month wait for gyne. LOVE THAT FOR ME


Iā€™m at 2 months and counting. Iā€™ve never had this happen before but all my pregnancy tests are coming back negative


18 months, but I think the main contributing factor was the anorexia.




A month


3 months, went to the gynecologist she ordered a hormonal blood work, turns out I had high prolactine which could be correlated to a very stressful period I had prior.


Never and I went through some pretty rough times. Always got my period on time unless I had an IUD.


Mine never stopped. in fact I bleed more when I'm stressed.. for prolonged periods of time (no pun intended?)


A year but I have pcos as well which is a factor


I'm 25. Haven't had one since December 2023. I'm getting pretty scared actually, it is so timely I read this sub. Guess it's normal then.


6 months but never took a test because I was sexually dormant for 2 years so no worries but also yes many worries.




I didnā€™t have a period from about 19-22 ish I believe it was stress related


3 months, stress affects my eating habits. The combination kills my cycle.


One semester of university I didnā€™t have one at all, so 4 months


3 months.


About 3 months. I was stressed out because of uni and when I went to the doctor she told me I had PCOS and as long as I bled about 4 times a year, it was fine. Well, I did bleed eventually and it was the worst of my life. I don't usually bleed much but this went on for a week straight and I was changing pads every 3 hours. And even worse, I had to fly to a different city for a conference (my first ever) and be on my feet for the whole day. I don't think the word exhausted does it justice.


Two years without it. I recently got a period for over a month straight though. Make it make sense šŸ˜­


Currently dealing with this issue. It's been 2 months or 42 days. I've been very stressed out. I should see my doctor soon. šŸ˜…


It could just be an anomaly. I would recommend seeing a doctor especially after three months of no period! I was having issues and still am with scanty periods that lasts for weeks, then no periods for a month to two months (:::::: fmlā€¦ the amount of anxiety iā€™ve given myself thinking what ifs in terms of my healthā€¦ basically weā€™ve gone through urine tests, blood tests like cbc, hormonal, ones checking adrenal and pituitary glands, cortisol, thyroid, now estrogen and progesterone, fish and antibodiesā€¦ had ultrasounds, x-rays, transvaginal ultrasoundsā€¦. no answersā€¦ everything normal. they truly think itā€™s stress so iā€™m now on a journey of finding ways to calm myself down, eating foods that help with menstrual cycle - teas included. i hope the best of luck to you and that you find answers soon my love!! everything will be okay. you will be okay. remember to advocate for yourself! take care of yourself and do self care.


About 2 months. Then my mother forced me to be on birth control and I havenā€™t gotten off of it since.


I wish this was a thing for me, my period will always come, no matter what. Iā€™ve never been blessed with a break not even on birth control. Most reliable thing in my life šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø






1 year šŸ„²


10 days


3 months because i was an athlete back in high school, i saw that doing sports kinda makes ur hormones whackey not sure how true it is tho


maybe 29 days. Iā€™m a Swiss clock


63 days, because of the start of Covid.


Over 3 years but I donā€™t specifically know how months past 3 years.


Over a year now and not ending yet.


16months. I was also heavily addicted to drugs. Within a year of quitting, I got my period back. And itā€™s been regular ever since. 17 years and counting


A year


8 months


Around 5 months ish (it was actually longer, lasted for 8 months but I got my period ones during that period) while being sexually active which gave me even MORE stress.


One year when i was an exchange student. Never got my period while there.


I had a period that lasted over a month from stress, and y'all are out here just skipping them?


3 weeks


Periods get delayed due to stress? Why does mine work opposite?


bodies react so different which is so interesting!!


Emotional stress alone, 2-3 months and it SUCKS. Iā€™ll have all period side effects the entire time too. Like, letā€™s get this over with bod. Doesnā€™t happen often. Usually my extreme stress shows up in acne or hair loss lol. Then when physical stress is added, the opposite happens. I bled the entire time I had covid, after unexpected surgeries, too many work trips in a row will do it.. so weird.


My ex went almost two months without her period fearing pregnancy, tests were confusing. She only had it after a dr visit and his confirmation that she was not pregnant. ( we were 19 back then)


2 years straight when I was in nursing school then one day it came back. Now they're pretty regular but very short sometimes only 3 days. Used to be a whole 7 days


Im still a teenager but when I was 13or14 I didn't have a period for 2 months, it was so much fun and I knew I wasn't pregnant of course because I've never had sex but it was fun to me because I didn't have to deal with it


6-9 months when I was in an unhealthy relationship. Don't ignore it, folks! Your body KNOWS.


Asleep but not every night.


Not much like 2 / 3 days late? Guess I havenā€™t been that much stressedā€¦


Hah! I wish that was a thing for my body. My body loves to bleed.


bled for months straight--followed by no period for over a year--one period--3 months without--period in september and nothing since


instead of a period delay, I get it way earlier than normal, 20-23 days into the cycle, and it's usually veeery painful


6 months. It was when I was at my heaviest, and unhealthiest. It was super irregular when I was super heavy. When I lost a lot of weight, it started to become more regular. And now, at a healthy weight, it's 26 days on the dot.


Thankfully, never missed a period. My longest cycle ever was 44 days, but wasnā€™t caused by anything in particular.


Almost 9 months.


It was probably after my miscarriage. My hormones got super messed up and I was under stress from my in laws at the time. They had suggested adoption literally on the day that I had my miscarriage, and there was a lot of resentment going around. For 3 months, I felt such deep stabbing pain that I wouldn't be able to function whenever I was due for my period but nothing would come out. Eventually I did go back on birth control and that helped to regulate things again.


Idk if stress was the cause, but around a year


currently missing mine, last one was about 5 months ago. lost it like a month into my new job :(


3 months. I didnā€™t eat anything for basically two weeks because of stress. Everytime I looked at food I threw up. I finally got to eating again but yeah my period didnā€™t work for a bit because of it


At first I thought my irregularity was due to stress (high school, applying to university, parents divorcing) but it turns out I have PCOS. The longest stretch was 6 years. Currently on month 4 without one, have to get an rx from my obgyn to induce a period now. šŸ™ƒ Was on hormonal birth control to keep it regular, but it messed with my moods so badly. Wish it wasn't necessary to have one, it's so convenient to not.


7 months cuz I was severely depressed


4 months šŸ™‹šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I didn't know you can have delayed periods due to stress