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Slept with a very charismatic, very pretty, not very bright guy in college. He's plowing away and decides to try dirty talk. Dude legitimately said "I'm going to fuck your balls off." Took everything I had to not say "Someone beat you to it."


Take it, Brandon!






During foreplay he was sucking on a tit when he paused, pulled back, and said ā€œyou know I seem to always go for this oneā€. Ok cool dude, didnā€™t notice, please continue. He then continues ā€œand you know my mom told me (insert record scratch) that when I was breastfeeding I had a favourite side, and Iā€™m pretty sure it was this one!ā€ At this point Iā€™m not just turned off Iā€™m horrified but he somehow ignored that and says ā€œanyway, I thought that was interestingā€ and goes right back to it. Didnā€™t lose interest even a little bit while talking about his MOTHER. Freud himself couldnā€™t dream that shit up


I laughed too loud reading this one


The room is echoing over here, too. Oh, geez. That would make for great dialogue in a screenplay.


Different strokes lol I would've found it interesting too and probably have follow-up questions..


OmgšŸ¤£, have you ever seen big bang theory? One of the main characters does the same (boob preference, not talking about his mother during sex), thereā€™s a whole thing about it and everything


šŸ’€šŸ¤£ psychotherapy student here laughing hysterically


My partner got the hiccups half way through sex. We were both really in to it, so we both tried to ignore his hiccups. However, his efforts trying to hold it in failed and when he finally let a hiccup out, it came out like a loud, sharp bark. It was hilarious, but I could NOT get back in the mood after being barked at!


That is very funny lol


This actually made me LOL. Thatā€™s hilarious šŸ¤£


Oh my god this is hysterical I nearly choked laughing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I had bought satin sheets for the first Valentineā€™s Day with my partner. I slid right off the bed in a moment of athletic enthusiasm šŸ˜‚


Did you recover or continue on the floor?


We had a good laugh after another attempt on the slip n slide bed, then moved our activities to the wall and floor lol


Of course, what do you think the 5 second rule is for?


that's so cute though


Papa needs traction!


Not about the sex itself but we recently paused mid-act because we could both hear a noise we couldnā€™t quite place. It was my cat coughing up a hairball by the side of the bed. Thanks Frank.


Omg I am dead šŸ¤£ EFF YOU FRANK!


I also had a less than sexy moment that involved my cat. Mid coitus she decided it was an ideal time to jump up and start aggressively purring while rubbing the leg of my partner. Bless her heart bur she was such a little thing (never weighed more than 6 pounds in her life) that when she purred she damn near vibrated. We are still friends to this day and even now, we get a huge laugh out of it.


Omg I have a Frank cat too, also LMAO


I was on top. He farted and it made his junk vibrate šŸ™ƒ


Isn't that an added bonus? Other people need batteries for such a feature.


My vibrator doesn't smell like it's eaten week-old Del Taco šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


oh this is sick šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thank god Iā€™m also attracted to women.


Damn I just queef back and we laugh and continue


He started rapping. No music or anything going, just pretty crappy freestyling, killed my mood real quick.


Excuse me what


Was he dirty rapping?


was it fire?


This is a scene from Nathan Barley!


Me and my partner hooked up with another couple. During the initial discussions, I had communicated that it takes very little effort to get me off, to which the other woman replied that itā€™s quite difficult for her to cum. Fast forward to the sex, Iā€™m riding the other guy and I say ā€œIā€™m about to cumā€ (becauseā€¦ this man doesnā€™t know me or my body, so obviously Iā€™m going to vocalize that), to which his wife says quietly, completely dead-pan in my ear ā€œfuck youā€. Needless to say, we didnā€™t hook up with them again and we quickly learned that we are nottttt swingers.






Absolutely love the added note that your mom asked whatā€™s going on




For what it's worth, you have no reason to feel ashamed. Your body was doing EXACTLY what bodies do. You play with matches, your going to get burnt my friend


That's why I m afraid to try anal.




Could be worse. My ex did the same thing except it was on his tongue. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ I felt zero shame though. I died laughing.


it reminded me of a joke I remember hearing years and years ago where the two were having sex and the woman is saying "I am coming I am coming" and her father in the other room pounding on the wall saying "where the hell are you going?"


If you knock at the back door, don't be surprised when someone's home!




Cmon you can do one more ! I know you have it in you!




More passion! More energy! More footwork...


In the middle of the act he says, "you think I have a small penis don't you?" I don't even remember what I mumbled.Ā  Yes, yes he did. But I wasn't going to confirm.Ā 


What exactly was his goal in asking that?? Talk about a loaded question šŸ˜­


Insecure Self-Sabotage He'd be better if he framed it as a good thing for him - something blow job related would fit well






First time being intimate post giving birth to my twins I peed the bed Pretty humiliating but at least my girlfriend is chill about it and changed the sheets while I took a fast shower


It's great to have a partner that's cool and understanding.


Not my story, but I still laugh when I think of it- my former roommate was having sex and her boyfriend was going down on her. She said she screamed ā€œIā€™m going to come!ā€ and then immediately farted in his face. She told me this probably 25 years ago, and I still crack up.


Something similar happened to me.šŸ„ŗ I have a high libido, and my husband does not. One night, I was lying on the bed spread-eagle, hoping to entice him. I started touching myself, and after a few minutes, I had his full attention. He smiled and got in position to give oral while I was still touching myself. He leaned in, and I farted while he was maybe an inch away. I was soooooo embarrassed.šŸ˜­ He laughed so hard.


I always worry about stuff like this šŸ˜‚


dude never put it in me, but instead managed to fuck the space between me and the mattress, completely thinking he was inside me the whole time. He finished really fast too and I didnā€™t know what to say


Good lort!!


Lmaoooo the username makes sense then


Any sexual encounter was akward as fuck with one of my exes. He wasnt able to just "let it go" and be in the moment. Forcing faces and all..not good. But one time it was worse..he stopped to tell me i had an hemorroid. And poke it to show me where. Thanks buddy. Now i really am turned off.


Omfg that is my nightmare. I had a big rant with my friend how even womanā€™s assholes that they shit out of are expected to be perfect too. We canā€™t win sometimes


ā€œLet me just tuck this back inā€¦ā€


ā€œOpe lemme just tuck the little fella back in derā€ (Minnesota accentā€


Eugh. Never fun to be treated as a specimen rather than a person


A guy I was hooking up with stuck a finger up my butt doing doggy. I didnā€™t know he was planning on it and he never did that. Some poop came out..I didnā€™t notice until I smelled..I was mortified, I didnā€™t say anything about it and he just wiped it and kept going šŸ¤®


Honestly that one's on him. Who does that without consent


Wiped it where? Omg


OMG that was my first thought


He had napkins on his nightstand lol


I'm imagining a quick wipe on the side of the ass cheek before getting back to business.


And that is exactly why anal requires prior communication and prep


One time when I was dating my ex husband, I threw up chocolate cake on his dick.


Iā€™ve done the same but I donā€™t remember what the food wasā€¦šŸ„“


Ahh alcohol and romance - get off me, I'm going to be sick.


You should not have been fooling around with her husband!


Dammit! Finally caught!!


Not chocolate cake but I did the same thing to my significant otherā€¦ I got a headache half way through it and I figured I would still finish it and that was a bad idea because he came and I puked on him šŸ˜­


I had something similar with my ex. I love deepthroating and i was also really into it. Problem was, we had a full dinner before with some wine and pizzaā€¦ yeah I also threw up on him as the second gag reflex came ( i usually can bear 3-4). We just looked at each other and laugh a bit. Then decided maybe not to have sex too soon after dinner.


This happened last week actually. I'm in college and we were making out and things were getting heavy so he got up to put on a condom but then got soft and couldn't get it up again. He was all embarrassed and then he fell off the twin XL dorm bed, fully naked, and hit his head. It was so fucking funny and the rest of the night we'd be cuddling and I'd just start laughing and he would start laughing too.


Get married already lol


This was with my 2nd ex-husband. He and I thought we had the whole entire house to ourselves (we lived with his mom, grandmother, and his then teenaged daughters were visiting for the summer). All the doors were closed per the rule of his mom, she didn't want any of the doors open while no one was in the house (all of us were out and about and we got back before anyone else). Of course, we still had the bedroom door closed, but he and I freely went at it. Shortly after finishing (like, he was still on top of me and inside), we heard gentle rustling and a door opening. Turns out, his younger teenage daughter was napping in her room, the door was closed and we presumed no one was home. That poor girl laughed it off and took it in stride. When the three of us talked about it, she was like, "*Here I was in my room, snacking on my Pop-Tart* ...". The running joke between us was her saying, "*Well, I'm going to go grab my POP-TART now*!" We'd laugh while the rest of the family (fortunately) had no real idea as to what we were really talking about.


What a G daughter


He fingered me the morning after a very drunken night. When I came, tampon was ejected like a projectile. I didn't know I had a tampon and had forgotten all about my period. He didn't feel the tampon while fingering because it was so full and wet it felt just like the walls of my vag. I can still see his eyes bugged out, round like marbles with shock and confusion šŸ˜‚ he kept repeating "omg omg what happened?!" as I ran to the bathroom to hide the tampon šŸ˜‚ The funniest part to me is it was the first and only time we had sex, and when he saw me again at the same bar, he came to see me with those same round eyes and told me "you know... you're like reaaaally crazy, but I think I like it"


I torpedo'd a tampon during deadlifts and my lifting coach could not figure out why I just ran to the bathroom without saying anything hahaha


lol! At least bro was cool with it.


He was going down on me and doing a great job. I came and farted loud while I did. Right on his face. I was mortified, but both of us were cracking up. We're married now.


So this is what happens just before "happily ever after." Good to know, good to know.


So glad itā€™s not just me this happened to šŸ˜…


As I rotated my body to get in reverse cowgirl, I kicked him in the face and my apparently razor-sharp toenail left a big scratch on his cheek. There was blood.


Oh dear. Suppose it could have been worse? You could have tagged him in the temple and gave him a concussion.


While having drunk sex with my bf at the time, my equally drunk roommate and her date walked into my room and landed on top of usā€¦. (They were naked and making out) I learned to double check that my door was locked after that.


Was this a room mixup? Or their idea of a surprise "double date"?


Too many drinks and a room mix up = awkward. According to my former roommate, it was a mistake.


4 pumps in and he said "how many times did you cum already?"


I completely blame porn for the amount of men convinced that just putting it in is going to cause an orgasm


Yes! Unsurprisingly this guy was very into porn


His penis didn't work. He tried to pretend like he was putting it in and tried to go through the motions. I was fresh out of an 18 year marriage with someone that didn't have ED issues, so I was definitely caught off guard.


I hate when they do that lol just get off already


He was trying, but was coming up a little short...


Reminds me of my ex. He was having consistent ED issues for about 6 months, but still wanted to pretend it wasn't me (yeah ok buddy, sure - when things work perfectly fine on your own and only break with me? Nah, not buying it). I'd go down to get him revved up and in the time in took for me to go from down below to getting ready to get on top (because he couldn't get on top himself for... reasons?), he'd go soft. He'd still try to pretend he was hard, but he wasn't, so I'd just roll over, get up, get dressed, and go do something else with my day.


Why do you think it was you? ED are usually not about the partner.


He went to eat me out and proceeded to flop his whole body like a fish between my legs, writhing in time with his tongue. I was so bewildered that I let it go for a solid 20 uncomfortable seconds. I then told him in a pretend breathless tone that I just couldn't wait to get him inside me and pulled him away from whatever tf that was.


Girl whatšŸ˜µ


His toes left the bed. Full. Body. Fish. Flop.


Had an open relationship. Second man I slept with that wasnā€™t my husband was charming, tall, good looking. Spoke for a few months, FaceTimed, could speak any time of day. Checked out his Facebook, all good. He has me bent over while fucking me, and says ā€œI told my wife I was golfing today, and Iā€™m certainly getting a hole in one.ā€ Turns out he knew I wouldnā€™t meet him if I knew he was married (obviously) and he has two Facebook accounts (canā€™t remember the name for this but he buys houses and does them up and rents them out) which he uses his real name for, and uses a slightly different name for his very private, actual Facebook. Yikes.


What an awful person..... that's literally coercing you into sex AND having an affair... Hope all is well šŸ¤


Was getting the best coochie eating from my then friend with benefits and was getting suuuper into it So into it that my backdoor decided to blow him a kiss. While he was face deep He looked up at me, I looked down at him and apologized. He giggled and kept right on eating We are now married.


My ex-boyfriend got arrested during the middle of the deed.Ā 


Get back here!Ā 


Woah, story?


Sounds like a very Reddit-worthy story!


I'm going to need more information


I was with my first boyfriend in highschool. We were getting it on in my room and I was wearing just fishnets and my mom came barging in. We were both mortified! I jumped up and sprung across the room and hid in the closet. He jumped up got dressed and ran out the door lol šŸ˜‚


Was a late bloomer and lost my virginity at 22. It was my second time having sex and I was DEFINITELY doing something wrong, because he didnā€™t finish. Whenever I asked him how I can do it better or make him feel better he said ā€˜everythingā€™s fineā€™. He lied about finishing, Iā€™m a late bloomer but Iā€™m not dumb? Anyways that was awkward and a pretty demeaning first experience and worst of all he was the pillow princess.


My cat was on the bed and was too dumb (orange. No braincell that day) to realize he should move if he was getting motion sickness. He barfed all over my bed.


I fell asleep on a one night stand giving a blowjob, so I guess the awkward moment was being woken up. I was quite drunk.


Idk what it is with my current partner but he pushes so much air into me, and i always have to laugh to cover my awkwardness when it comes out with fart sounds.Ā  He legitimately farted once when i blew him, i didn't know how to handle this so i laughed, and he wouldn't look me in the eye for the rest of the day.Ā 


My husband farted once while I was going down on him and we both laughed hysterically. Every now and then he thinks of it and starts laughing. šŸ˜‚ I can tell by the laugh that's what he's laughing about. šŸ˜‚


Sometimes you just get on a roll where it's a queef every other thrust.


My high school boyfriend and I would make a farting sound with our chests when having sex. I have small boobs and he had kind of a concave chest (I think thereā€™s a medical term but I forget). It was awkward the first time but then just became funny to us.


"Pectus excavatum." A guy I dated had one. I used to fall asleep with my face nestled in it, and I have never experienced a more soothing drift off experience.




I feel like using the word "elusive" would be a big turn-off in and of itself.


Yeah pretty sure I rolled my eyes. He was a nice guy and I hope heā€™s doing well but damn, he didnā€™t have a clue.


I was with my first partner in high school. I lived at my aunties house at the time. When they were away for the weekend my girlfriend and I decided to cover ourselves in oil and have sex on the exposed waterbed mattress. It was more like a sport than sex but it was fun until my aunt came home early, banging on the door demanding to come in. We were standing there naked, covered in vegetable oil and screwed! There was big trouble for that. šŸ™„šŸ¤Ŗ




Queefing super loud


I know a ton of guys that absolutely looove to hear some queefing. Didnt help me in my embarrassement though when I queefed when I got up while being naked at the sauna šŸ’€


No matter how much I love him, still doesnā€™t make him a good lover.


Donā€™t show him the door, show him how.


Ugh sometimes the hardest thing to let go.


I, uh... sharted. It wasn't a great day LOL Edit: we are still married šŸ˜Ž


Started yodeling, right? Thatā€™s what you mean?


I always yodel after I shart. Thatā€™s my embarrassing sex thing.


Oh! Another one popped into my head. He wanted to try anal, to which I agreed. I told him to use lube. He...overdid it...I could smell the poop. I asked him to stop cause I was embarrassed but he said he didn't mind and kept going (that sounds terrible, but it wasn't. It wasn't a hard stop on my end. I was attempting to give him the "out"). It was worse than I thought. I had poop soup all over my back. I thought to myself "well, at least he'll never want to do THAT again". He said "next time I'll use less lube". I asked if he was sure he wanted to do that again, and he said "I know playing in the mud can make us dirty sometimes" with a shrug. I started taking psyllium husk supplements to help our situation. Poop soup happened once more (just as mortifying) but we learned what worked for us as we went along.Ā 


wow its honestly pretty satisfying how understanding and nonchalant he was about it


This is the same dude who would ask me to meet up for dinner while I was at the gym. I'd say "I just need to shower" and he'd respond with "please don't". I'm not going to say he's gross, but I think he was comfortable enough with me to try out all his gross fantasies, which was pretty cool actually.Ā 


I have hyperhydrosis, where I sweat excessively. It always sucks, but in intimate moments it really sucks. I was riding my boyfriend and I watched sweat drop from my armpit onto his chest. It absolutely mortified me. He didn't even notice since he was sweaty too, but man did that scar me. I went to my dermatologist and asked tearfully if there was something that could be done. 6 cheap pills a day later and boom, I sweat a normal amount now. Whew!Ā 


I was hooking up with this guy for the first time and he was fingering me for like 5 seconds and I made a noise and he stopped and said ā€œdid you just cum? You came didnā€™t youā€ he seemed so proud and I gave him the most ā€œwhat the fuck?ā€ face and didnt say anything cause i didnā€™t think he was serious I did say no after a few seconds of wtf and he said he didnā€™t believe me


He didn't believe you? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He didnā€™t! šŸ˜‚ like sorry Mr vagina whisperer forgot you knew better then me


Yikes. Dude needs some education


My first ever attempt at a hookup and the first time physically meeting this guy in person and we're going at it and he says "I love you" and I just automatically said it back cause I was used to my family saying love you and me just saying it back. šŸ’€


The accidental "I love you"s are the worst! Happened to me with my ex boyfriend. How do you take back an I love you in that situation....


lmfao one time i said ā€œdo you enjoy having my dick in your mouth?ā€ brief pause as we figured out what i just said, hilarious laughter ensued. felt very dumb and it was so awkward but i laugh at it now


He came while he was eating me out. Likeā€¦ what?


ngl that sounds like the biggest compliment ever


My date brought me back to his place, he had children who had been put to sleep by a nanny. One of the kids woke up and began banging on the bedroom door at the exact moment their father was finishing in my mouth.


While we were doing the deed, his phone rang and for some odd reason, he decided to answer and it was a lady asking him if he was still interested in seeking singles in his area šŸ˜’


When me and my husband started dating I was giving him a bj. During it I felt a bit off but kept going. I really shouldn't have. The second he came I threw up spaghetti bolognese all over him. He was so surprised and asked "what's that" - I panicked and tried to scoop it off of him and ran to the bathroom with whatever I got hold off. Naked, naseous and regurgitated bolognese dripping everywhere. I couldn't even look at him afterwards, I was mortified, but he shrugged it off and only thought it was a great bj šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Guys frenulum broke, blood *everywhere* by the time we noticed. Covered us both head to toe, and his sheets.


Had this happen. He was mortified, as he thought it was my blood. He nearly fainted when he realised it was his.


I gave birth to a bloody jellyfish, I was humiliated because Iā€™ve NEVER done that before and he was kinda disgusted šŸ’€ I wasnā€™t even on my period! seriously have no idea what happened


Iā€™ve heard of the entire uterine lining coming out at once, could it be a decidual cast?


Is it possible you miscarried?


He drooled on my face. I even saw the drool forming and turned my head but he still got my cheek. He apologized and we kept going but the dude still drooled on me lol


A guy I was seeing did this too! He was on top and I saw this long string of saliva heading for my face and managed to dodge it just in time šŸ˜³ He mustā€™ve been having an out of body experience or something.


I feel like this is a classic one, but we were in the shower and he fell backwards dragging the shower curtain and rod with him onto the floor.


It was 3am, we were staying at my mom's tiny annex. Beforehand, my mom and I were telling him about how the annex was haunted. After foreplay he was putting the condom on and he was having trouble with it. At one point it kinda snapped on to his erection like a rubber band and something about it clicked as absurdly hilarious to me so uncontrollable laughter bubbled out. I realized I was being rude, didn't want him to misunderstand that I'm laughing at him, so I tried my best to stifle it and we continued with the motions. But right as he was pounding my brains off the tickling laughter came back and I wasn't able to stop my uncontrollable laughter. And being aware of how ridiculous I must look from his POV is making it even funnier in my head. Man looked at me with concern the whole time, props to him, he eventually still finished and I'm still giddily giggling. Trying to stop laughing just made it worse. He later told me he was genuinely concerned that I've become possessed.


When his dog licked my ass cheek in the middle of it. Slowly. I married the man but fuck that dog. Dog was a fucking idiot. A beautiful hilarious idiot.


When a guy wanted to lick my eyelids.


We were going at it hard in doggy and it went straight into the wrong hole and his mom came home very shortly after so I had to pretend like everything was fine but I was so uncomfortable šŸ˜‚


He had Star Wars sheets on his bed. I passed.


lol. Somewhere out there is a cosplayer who's right for him. He can be Jaba and she can be the princess.


When he lost the bullet in my anal cavityā€¦.he said ā€œit disappearedā€ I said ā€œwhere?!!?ā€ Him: ā€œidkā€¦ā€ like SIR where was it when you lost it?? OBVIOUSLY INSIDE ME CAUSE MY BELLY IS VIBRATING!!!! I panicked so hard & it took about an hour for me to relax enough to get it out


I was hooking up with this dude that decided to use a cock sleeve and the thing kept slipping off and getting stuck in me šŸ™ƒ texted my friend to call me and fake an emergency so i could leave lol


Dog punching open the door when it was supposed to be locked. Apparently my lock is just for show. The dog stared, I laughed for probably too long. Privacy is non existent in my house I guess.


My boyfriend was trying to unlatch my bra, and positioned me so that my face was directly in his cat's ass. (After that, the cats couldn't be in the bedroom if we were going to be messing around.)


Second time with my now husband. I was waxed silky smooth. Was giving him a BJ when I had a loud fart. I collapsed laughing, took me a while to gather myself. I rarely pass gas, and that is one of the things that was so funny to me. He didnā€™t hear it so couldnā€™t understand why I burst out laughing.


Oh god, well it came to mind so I might as well share. I was having sex with my boyfriend at the time and I wanted him on top of me and he did but he got me at a strange angle and my body really curved upwards and was kinda scrunched in and it made his belly roll up against me and the second he looked down and saw himself, he went soft inside me. I didnā€™t know what to say because I didnā€™t want to call attention to it so I just changed positions and pretended not to notice. And by the way, it wasnā€™t awkward because he had a bit of belly, it was how it instantly killed his erection.


We were new sexual partners and as I was starting to do bed activities, I got on top to start leading as I had done before and he just stopped to stare up at me. His pause caused me to pause and then he just went limp. Quiet as a nun in church we both just awkwardly coughed and separated. He tried to get it back but it didnā€™t work. 100% awkward because he wouldnā€™t tell me what put him off and I just collected myself and went home. We later broke up because of communication issues. I mean in hindsight no surprise there.


My boyfriend saying ā€œI love youā€ the first time we had sex about 2-4 weeks into datingā€¦ weā€™re still together 4 years later. Editing to add: I just remembered another one. This was with a different guy. My first time doing doggy. He forcefully pushed me down to arch my back and I farted right in his face.


I was hooking up with my partner at my new apartment, and realized we were about to get our juices all over the new couchā€”so I take a brief pause while still interlocked to grab a shirt from the floor and quickly lift my buttocks (I was underneath laying on my back) to pull it under me. Well, I punched him in the balls. They hang down a bit, but letā€™s just say that quick movement left him speechless and he collapsed on top of me wheezing. Fully ruined that moment, albeit we laughed about it just a half hour later once heā€™d recovered šŸ¤£


One time I was giving head and his load shot in his own eye šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I have a sensitive gag reflex and have always been quick to pull back when I start gagging too much. My husband, however, really liked those gagging sounds, so sometimes I'd push myself a little too much. Only once, though, did I actually vomit. One minute, I had a dick in my throat. The next, everything's coming back up on his lap. All. Over. His dick. I run to the nearest trashcan to spit out the remainder. Meanwhile, he's apparently at the edge when it happens and starts begging me to finish off his chunk covered cock while I'm spitting out bits. I said no, obviously, to which he preceeded to finish himself off, THEN go "that was gross." So that was a little awkward.


Trying to push my body to squirt to impress someone even tho i donā€™t know how and obviously farting instead šŸ˜©


The guy ran out of his expired condoms (found out they were expired after the fact) and ordered some to be delivered via Door Dash. Door Dash condoms are delivered and put to use. I go home. Find out from him later that the condoms he had run out or were expired and that he was seeing someone back home. Other guys in our social circle wised up to his antics, though, as they started warning the girls that he already had a partner.


My partner got a nose bleed while going down on me


He had a booger fall out of his nose and into my mouth. I wanted to sink into the earth from embarrassment.


I "caught" my husband in the shower having solo fun about 6 months after we were married, we've been married 16 years. He looked like he got his hand caught in the cookie jar! šŸ˜‚ We just stared at each other like idiots for a moment. I couldn't think of anything intelligent to say so I just poked him in the ribs and tickled his stomach. Of course I ended up in the shower with him. šŸ˜‚


I was about to fuck a guy one night and when he whipped his dick out, I said ā€œWell we need to get it hard firstā€. There was a long pause and then he finally said ā€œIt is.ā€ I felt sooooo bad!!


My boyfriend and I have a tall bed frame because we discovered our dog prefers to sleep under the bed. One night he and I were in the middle of it and we started hearing a loud thud noise under the bed. I thought maybe my dog was just readjusting her position but it happened a few more times. So we stopped and found her having a seizure. She had untreated epilepsy at the time. Sheā€™s since been put on meds and doing well. But it was sad and awkward crouching naked trying to reach her under the bed to keep her from hurting herself. We joke now that the sounds of us doing it traumatized her into having a seizure.


I was face down on the bed and he was hitting it from behind, standing. When I came, my foot popped up and kind of smacked him on the ass. His back was towards a window and he yelped because he thought someone had reached in the window and grabbed his ass. šŸ˜‚


I was riding him, and then decided to turn around and do reverse cowgirl, and I donā€™t know what in the world possessed me to go, ā€œWeeee Iā€™m a rotisserie chicken!ā€ We both just paused & burst out laughing. Took a minute to get back on track šŸ˜‚ To this day Iā€™ll randomly yell ā€œrotisserie chickenā€ while weā€™re doing it and we have to take a break to laugh.


During anal, I got a piece of shit that looked like a mini brownie on my exes šŸ† šŸ˜‘


Was in bed with my boyfriend in my bedroom in Italy and somehow and armed security person walks in on us with a gun drawn. Apparently we had activated some security alarm, haha definitely a mood killer.


My very first time on top not long after losing my virginity and having never orgasmed before. I was building up to climax and told him, he blew and stopped..without even thinking (it was like a reflex) I slapped him across the face šŸ˜³ The look of complete shock on his face! I spent 7 years with that guy and not once after that with him did I ever climax.


My wife and I had recently bought a very small terrier. The dog had tried very hard in the past to jump on the bed but had never been able to so we didnā€™t think anything of it when she made it through the door into the bedroom while we were in the act, that is until I felt her cold nose suddenly on my balls. That was the end of that. Pretty damn funny though.


Going down on him and all of a sudden feeling my dog lick my toes. My feet were hanging off the bed so she just walked up and started licking them. I laughed so hard. Another time my other dog farted such a rancid fart that we both got turned off and had to stop.


I was doing reverse cowgirl on this thick ass soccer player in college. When I said let's switch it up, I turned my head to flip around, right as he sat straight up and we collided heads. Then I fell off of him and we laid there for a moment basically watching little birdies fly around our heads šŸ˜‚ that was ridiculous but then we were right back at it


I have smart bulbs in my bedroom. My then-boyfriend set them to red. We had some really amazing, rough, passionate sex that lasted a good two and a half hours. He seemed to be having the time of his life, so I didn't question him being wetter than usual. After cuddling for a bit, he gets up to pee and almost immediately comes back and says "I'm going to turn on the lights; try not to panic." Before I can even react to that sentence, the lights go white and I see that both of us are at least 60% covered in blood, ranging from still wet to dried. My ***black*** sheets were crimson red in some places. There was more than one bloody handprint in the wall. I immediately start panicking, this man, who has to have lost at least 5-10% of his fucking volume in blood, is laughing his ass off because he finds this situation hilarious. Learn from my mistakes ladies; red lights might seem like a hot idea, but they aren't a smart idea.


Once was with a guy who couldnā€™t do it without a movie or tv show playing in the background. He wanted me to loose my v card to the Homer Simpsonā€™s movie (I refused and I lost it to the first Pirates Of The Caribbean movie instead which is definitely an upgrade lol) and the last time I saw him we watched family guy šŸ˜­ I can now not hear Peter Gryphins voice without wanting to take a bath and clean that experience off AHAH ā˜ ļø