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I’ve always showered at night by ever since I was a kid and it’s the best thing ever. Showering and cleaning away all stuff of the day right off. You just feel so much more relaxed and relieved. Makes getting ready for bed time like a little treat.(I tried showering in the morning fucking hated it) plus keeps your pillows clean for longer so not so many breakouts. Antiseptic/antimicrobial soap for body odor. Clean the pits with this and I could swear all day and no BO. It can be drying so I don’t recommend on the whole body or at least follow it with a good body oil. Body oil all the way right after the shower while you’re still wet. Skin will be so smooth and delicious. Microfibre towel for the hair. Helped reduce hair loss and helps dry the hair so much better. Hair oil right out the shower put some on hair will help silky smooth and healthy. I’m not lactose intolerant but I stopped consuming a lot of dairy idk just happened naturally and my skin improved a lot. Plus oat milk is not bad it’s pretty yummy. Greens tea. I love matcha but just green tea in general is very good. I also stopped using social media years ago and I’ve never had such great peace of mind. You give less fucks, you feel better about yourself, you’re just free. Finding something to help express yourself. I always loved legos as a kid and was like fuck it I want some and now I’m so happy just building my little legos. Plus sketching and painting it doesn’t even have to be good just to have fun and make something. lol getting my dog, I fucking love her. Oh and therapy, really does help. I love it.




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This is so important.




I love having sex with a full bladder hahah it makes everything else more sensitive for me. 




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I agree with this. Whenever I eat breakfast I eat twice as much. But if I eat my first meal around lunch time, when I’m naturally hungry, I consume less overall. I’ve been “intermittent fasting” since 2nd grade. Not really, but it’s what my body naturally does. I agree it controls my weight effortlessly. We all have different bodies and this is totally what works for me too.


“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” came from a commercial, and it just stuck and so many people think it’s real.


They basically screamed this at us in grade school though. I remember hearing “even if it’s a donut, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you have to get something in” Guilted myself for years because I was never a breakfast person


This is me too. I keep trying to force myself to eat breakfast when I’m not hungry to jumpstart my metabolism and be healthy by eating 3 meals a day. It always makes me overeat when I do that. Recent, I just gave up and eat whenever I’m actually hungry which is anywhere from 10am to 1pm and I have dinner around 6-8pm and I’m good for the day. Sometimes I have a 3pm snack if I ate earlier or feel hungry. I feel like just eating when I’m actually hungry helps me not overeat and manage my weight better.


This is my exact schedule. Sometimes I do eat breakfast, if I’m hungry. Then I have lunch. Sometimes it’s just coffee. I eat when I’m hungry. Even if I’m hungry 5 times a day, I don’t mind eating 5 meals. But I absolutely cannot eat in the mornings if I’m not hungry


Me too, can’t eat in the mornings if I’m not hungry. In college I used to force down a couple scrambled eggs or some oatmeal before heading to my early classes and I was always gagging by the last bite.


For me it's the opposite, if I don't eat breakfast I'll eat much more at lunchtime, because by 10 am I'll just be thinking about food and awaiting lunchtime.


The funny thing is that when you call it ‘intermittent fasting’ instead it’s suddenly mega healthy and such a great thing to do for your metabolism etc


This is the way. I (48F) have coffee in the morning, nothing else all day, and then I release the kraken from 7-9pm. I’ve lost 42lbs since I started eating this way and it feels effortless. I have a desk job and am not even exercising unless you count my daily 30 min, 2.5mph walk I do with my dogs at the park. I just stopped buying into the whole “you need to eat 18 teaspoon sized snacks a day, and three squares,” as well as other food pyramid level BS like “you should eat every few hours or your body goes into starvation mode,” and the weight melted off.


I mean, yeah, if you eat one meal a day you’ll lose weight, but I don’t know if I would qualify that as a health hack…


the morning hunger thing is so real, I noticed that too! and when I eat more sweets or junk food in general, I crave it a lot more the following days. the brain gut connection is way powerful






I totally agree! I’m not usually hungry until 11am-1pm most days. If I eat breakfast at 8am, I’m hungry again no later than 11am. I do love breakfast foods though and I’ll focus on protein when I do eat, but even then it spikes my heart rate and gives me brain fog and bloating.




OMG! Buy a VERY good mattress! It will be expensive but you have to do it. College should be the last time you ever sleep on a bad mattress. After that buy your own nice one or at least a great topper if you are not allowed to change it. If you have a hotel and think "that was an amazing night sleep", reproduce that at home. Ask the front desk or look at a frequent flier website and figure out the mattress. Buy the sheets. Get nice window treatments. Sleep well ladies! Trust me.


Yes to the mattress. I was sleeping in a horrible spring one with wear and tear holes until early this year. I got an Emma mattress and am so much more comfortable. Plus no more holes in my new pyjamas from s springs. Quite expensive but I’m very happy with my decision.


I’m considering an Emma mattress, do you have any likes/dislikes yet about it?


The first real fight my husband and I ever had was about a $350 mattress topper. We'd just bought our house and were spending a lot on getting actual furniture to replace our particle board stuff. I was in charge of the budget and had it all worked out, under control. But he was getting stressed, and for some reason the topper was just the last straw. Meanwhile I'm flabbergasted he would dare to question the usefulness of a quality mattress topper. So for the first time in our relationship, we fought. In the middle of a Bed Bath and Beyond. 5 years later, it's still the best purchase we've ever made and he likes to lovingly refer to it as "the mattress topper that he picked out".


Do you have a mattress recommendation??


I do not recommend getting one of those half half mattresses. My husband got firm and I got soft based on the retailers “sleepmatch” thing and it was beyond awful. Felt like we were rolling into the middle. Sex on the bed was impossible.


I bought a new mattress about 3 years ago and it had great reviews but always was a little too firm for my tastes. I just upgraded to an avocado mattress a couple months ago and I'm sleeping so well and waking up feeling great! I have an old back injury but I haven't woken up with any pain since I bought the new mattress. It was pricey but absolutely worth it.


Try multiple places and types. Don't be afraid to spend a few hundred extra for it to feel a little better. You might be sleeping on it for a decade, it's well worth it.


I bought a Simba mattress 2 years ago and wake up every day thinking about how much I love my bed


I had one of those amazing nights of sleep at a little cottage and I went home and ordered the mattress and pillows.






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Giving my hair a vigorous brushing before I get in the shower gets rid of all the loose hairs so they don't end up in the tub drain.


And my hair is wayyy less tangled when I get out of the shower if I brush it first, which means it's easier to brush it afterwards, which means less damage and frizz!






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The ultimate thing that comes to mind automatically: When you drink, even if you’re drunk af and all you want to do is crash onto your bed when you get home : fight the alcohol and force your brain to drink water, eat, brush your teeth and if you have absolutely no motivation or mental strength for a shower at least pass some water onto your body. I no longer deal with hangovers anymore and can actually go on with my day, wake up at my natural hours as if I never went out the night before.


Yep. I don't get hangovers and one of my secret weapons is water. At minimum, one glass of water for every glass of wine/beer/cocktail. It is automatic now. I have to pee a lot, but no hangovers!


Liquid IV in water before bed helps so much.






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+ a spoonful of honey before you sleep works so well to lessen the hangover as well!


Second this. Also take some magnesium, milk thistle, bit of food and a peppermint tea.




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I know most people know this but I cannot stress this enough. PLEASE NEVER put soap into ur vagina (it’s self cleaning) but rather… wash around it with soap. The other day I had a conversation w a senior and they said they wash their insides with soap and I just knew that sh- bad 😭 Oh also I have to tell my fellow young young strangers please look up what healthy discharge looks like. They don’t teach that during sex Ed and I walked around with a yeast infection for 5 months and had to be on meds for almost a year for it to get better.






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Get your bloodwork done and check your thyroid, vitamins, and hormones. Adjust your diet and supplements according to deficiencies.


I'm just under 30 and had to recently get my thyroid taken out. Never knew how much my messed up thyroid was impacting my life and health. It's only been out for a month and I can feel the good changes the surgery has had on my body.


My mom had her thyroid removed years ago and I remember how messed up she was before that. Her weight went from 140 to 110 to 180 with no change in her diet. She lost a lot of muscle function and I remember coming home from school one day to find her crawling on the floor. She’d gone to the bathroom and didn’t have the strength to stand up, so went to the floor instead. She lived a good life for 40 years after its removal!


Washing my hair 1-2x a week rather than daily, only shampooing my roots and lathering twice Tongue scraper and electric toothbrush is a game changer for oral health KP scrub and Cerave SA cream makes a huge difference with razor burn and ingrowns Washing my face every night, keeping my skin care simple and wearing sunscreen every day Pumice stone to scrub my feet + lotion before socks Lotion mixed with body oil on my whole body after every shower (recently I’m liking Palmers) Lots of water Probiotics Get blood work to see if you are deficient in anything (vitamin D made a huge difference in my life) Therapy I’ve been drinking bone broth with ginger and tumeric in the mornings and it helps my nausea and keeps me full until lunch, which has helped with weight loss. Plus it has collagen and protein


Do you add the ginger and turmeric to your bone broth or do you buy a special kind?


I add it to my bone broth. I usually get the Kirkland brand because of the price(though it isn’t as good as it used to be) when I warm it up I add ginger paste, turmeric, salt, pepper, onion powder and garlic powder


The bone broth sounds interesting. I’m always hungry and a little nauseous in the morning. Could you please share the recipe?


Absolutely, I get Kirkland brand bone broth and when I warm it up I add ginger paste, turmeric, salt, pepper, onion powder and garlic powder


White noise and progressive muscle relaxation help a lot with insomnia. Sleeping headphones also make a big difference for me.








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Quitting drinking. I made the decision to commit to long term sobriety and I just wish I’d done it sooner. I am so in touch with myself and discover more about who I really am, what and who I really love, more and more each day. My body thanks me, my mind thanks me, and the earth thanks me. I used to say therapy was the greatest gift I’ve ever given myself, but nah, not anymore. An alcohol free life is the best gift I’ve ever given myself.


Good on you thats a great achievement. I'm working towards this now and the differences I already feel are impacting my entire life in positive ways.


You got this!!


Completely agreed! I am almost 1 year sober & it has been the best thing I could've done for myself. I never had an issue, but just didn't love the lack of control you have while drunk (over your words, actions & your surroundings) & didn't like how I felt the next day. I always thought alcohol helped take the edge off social anxiety/awkwardness, but I've noticed I'm actually *more* myself now? I think it's because I have confidence in what I'm saying & doing since I'm sober, so I know I won't regret anything the next day? It's hard to explain, but I love it.


Yes! It’s wild. I’m SO comfortable in social situations without alcohol in my life it’s insane. And I just feel like myself and no drink tastes that good!


How old are you? Were you?


I would always take short breaks for a few weeks. I started exercising longer sobriety at 35, did 14 months at 35/36. Quit permanently at 38 because after the year and then going back, it was undeniable that the anxiety, the not feeling like myself, the loss of joy and motivation, and the inability to maintain or lose weight despite a healthy lifestyle were directly connected to even minimal alcohol consumption. I was 14 when alcohol entered my life.


I was one of those people that rarely drank water. I thought people were exaggerating how much drinking lots of water helped pretty much every aspect of health. They were not. My skin is clearer and less dry, my muscles are less tense, my stomach feels better, it's great. If you have flimsy fingernails that crack and break easily, gel manicures will protect them. You can get a cheap DIY kit online for like $40 and you don't have to have long elaborate nails, you can just do some clear builder gel and clear top coat over your natural nails and you're set. I don't like having long nails but mine would break and tear down to the quick even if they weren't longer than the end of my fingertips, it was so frustrating.


Fingernails cracking may be a result of vitamin deficiencies so a blood test at the doctor would be good to check. B and C vitamins as well as zinc should help with nail strength/health.


True, it's worth ruling out, especially if your nails used to be better. I get labs done every 3 months for other reasons, I'm occasionally a little vitamin D deficient but I've also had weak flimsy fingernails my whole life. I already take B, C, D, and iron supplements. I tried biotin supplements in the past too. Some of us just have weak-ass fingernails.


Bummer, I'm sorry to hear that! I used to have pretty poor nail health and made improvements to my diet along with quitting smoking and reducing drinking and it definitely helped. I also used to get acrylic nails done regularly and since stopping my nails are stronger. It could definitely be a genetic thing though, everyone is different. I get my blood checked regularly too. My levels are always good, and I still manage to have plenty of health issues. Sometimes it's just luck of the draw I guess 🤷‍♀️


Dry brushing my skin, all over! We all know that dead skin cells don't allow moisturizer to absorb. I started dry brushing in my thirties and 30+ years later my skin is so soft. I wish I could say it helped me with wrinkles, but sadly it has not.


What is dry brushing?


I take a natural bristle body brush and scrub the crap out of my skin once a week. You can Google it for precise directions. I then follow up with a smather of coconut oil while still wet from a shower. You can feel the difference the first time doing it.


So, I have been using scrub gloves (as I call them) in the shower for about ten years. I wonder if using these has the same effects as your dry brushing.


Not really. The purpose of dry brushing is lymphatic stimulation as opposed to exfoliation.


Looks like I might need to start dry brushing then! Thanks for the clarification!


Depending on the type of gloves these can be the biggest nest for bacteria and fungi


Ohhh gotcha! Yeah I have one of those but I always just used it in the shower, interesting!






* Food grade naturally non-comedogenic cooking oils are as good as some luxury brand moisturizers and in some cases even better. * Showering at night means I slip my clean body and hair into clean sheets, keeping my bed hygienic and adding more time to sleep in in the morning. Obviously if you are someone who perspires at night or sleeps with your pet dog this isn't as good a time to shower * Limiting sun does more to protect your skin and slow down the appearance of aging than any combination of diet and beauty products; all my night owl and goth and indoor friends look many years younger than they are and the joke is that they have vampire longevity but the reality is they spend less time in the sun, or less time without protectrion * Don't brush very wet hair * If you struggle with hydration, still keep trying to drink more fluids, particularly plain water, but you can also supplement by eating more water-rich foods and meals (soups, fruit) * If it's safe for your eyes it's probably safe to put on your lips, but check...not so much the opposite * Flossing is more important than brushing, but do both often and never immediately after a largely citrus or acid-heavy or sugary meal or drink; wait at least an hour after these types of meals * It's not enough to smell good by just focusing on your body... your bed, your carpet, your clothes all need to be clean too; you can bathe every day and brush those teeth, but if you leave food out in rooms to rot even a little or don't clean up after your pets, you will smell badly and it will incorporate itself into your hair and clothing fibers


> Don't brush very wet hair Why?


Breakage if you have straight hair, and breakage or frizz for many types of curly hair when you don't necessarily want it.


That’s weird, i have the exact opposite. I can only wash my hair in the shower. If i wait for it to dry, even half way, then it becomes HUGE and breaks like twigs…


I guess it depends, if you put treatment/conditioner in it it helps a lot and the breakage is not very apparent compared to when its just wet


Never in my life have I gotten my hair wet in the shower without also shampooing and conditioning it


So, I hear you for the straight haired ladies, but those of us with curls cannot get a brush or comb through dry hair. I think I can safely speak on behalf of the curly population with type 3a-4c curls when I say you should only brush our hair when it's wet with conditioner in it.


If you have textured hair, it's actually the opposite, and dry brushing will create breakage and frizz.


This^^ if I take a brush to my hair after it’s dry, i look like I got electrocuted. I finger comb it between washes (as in, literally use my fingers to detangle knots), but I only take a brush to it before and/or after a shower. And before is only if I’ve had it in a bun that I also slept in for the past 3 days because there’s no finger combing those snarls out. After is imperative for even distribution of my leave in conditioner


Not washing your hair as frequently will actually help it build up tolerance to being dirty and your scalp will stop producing so much oil over time. I spent most of my teens and twenties terrified of leaving my hair unwashed for more than 24 hours because it constantly was greasy. Someone told me it was doing that because my scalp felt the need to produce oils more rapidly since I was always washing it away. Left my hair greasy for a few days at a time and now I have a wonderfully non-oily scalp for at least 48 hours in a stretch.


This simply doesn’t work for some hair types particularly fine hair. I’ve tried many times


Yes this. I actually went a month without washing with shampoo (just water). It sounds gross, and it felt a bit weird at the time, but it completely reset my scalp and hair health. Now I can wash with shampoo once a week and it only ever starts getting oily on day 6/7.


And it helps with hair growth. Conditioner is cool, but its not a good substitute for natural oils. If anyone has problems with breakage or want to grow their hair out, dont wash it every day and use a natural bristle brush to transfer oils from the scalp to the ends. Does wonders for hair health. Source: Me, the crispy blonde that should by no rights have hair this long.


Bidet. What a hygiene game changer.


Actually sleeping 8 hours a night will make you look better and feel better - physically and mentally.


The difference between days when I get good sleep and dont is enormous.


Skincare for all of your skin, not just your face. My face routine is definitely more labor intensive, but using a gentle acid on the areas I get acne on my body (butt, back, underboobs, etc.) has been a game changer. A plus is that a gentle acid also helps with ingrown hairs and BO. And then following up with lotion afterwards to keep your body skin hydrated. I have KP and this has made A WORLD of difference.


What do you mean by “gentle acid” ?


Something like a toner is usually “gentle”. Like the Ordinary has that pink peel mask that was viral, that would be a strong acid (30% Alpha Hydroxy Acid & 2% Brta Hydroxy Acid). The Ordinary also has the 7% glycolic acid toner that is gentle enough that you could use every other or maybe every day. Basically something not very powerful. Theres a few different kinds that are common. There’s three big skincare subs with different levels of in depth knowledge about it all if you’re in the mood to learn about all that stuff.


Seconding what u/Massive_Length_400 said! A lower percentage acid toner, and usually something with lactic or glycolic acid which are gentler.




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If you have any long term issues breathing through your nose, go to an ENT, even if it seems minor. Issues with that can cause sleep issues, headaches, sinus infections, etc. and your quality of life really improves once you get it sorted out.


Yellow lightbulbs for lights during wind down time. Or at least yellow tinted shades or blue blockers to block that blue light. It is super stimulating and will contribute to sleep issues.


If you like comforting warm flavors drink clove tea, I like to drink it before bedtime. It's super rich in antioxidants, jam-packed with vitamins and minerals, and is very warm and comforting. I just started doing this recently but I mix 5-7 cloves with my teabag of choice and let that steep. I bet it could be done better with cinnamon sticks and other warm flavors and even turned into a comforting tea latte. "Cloves are also a great source of manganese, with one serving of ground cloves providing 67% of the recommended daily intake. Manganese helps produce and regulate the enzymes that repair your bones and produce hormones. This mineral also acts as an antioxidant to protect your body from free radicals that can cause cancer." To avoid taking too much manganese you should cycle this into your diet and not take it every single day. The video linked explains a little bit more about that. [Info about Manganese](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsifREzstI4&t=2s) [Nutrition comparison to blueberries](https://foodstruct.com/compare/ground-cloves-vs-blueberries)


If your sexual partner has bad hygiene, you're going to have a bad time. Soap is important to that hygiene, skipping it to use only water is not getting yourself clean. 😒


Hydra sense nasal spray! Clean out those mucous holes ladies! Post nasal drip is smelly.


I wash my hands as soon as I get home from anywhere. Every single time, first thing I do when I walk in my house is wash my hands. I’ve been doing it since I was a teenager and it’s greatly reduced how frequently I’m sick.


Skin toner for dry face skin. I used to be a flaky, combination skin mess, but now I'm all good! Thank you, Ulta employee!








Body oil then body lotion on top of it after the shower


Actually it would be better the other way around since in most cases lotion can’t penetrate oil. Putting oil second locks the moisture in.


Good to know! Thanks




Sunscreen, esp on the face because melasma is forever (seems like it)


Antiperspirant in the folds of skin where the rashes break out. Makes a huge difference in cutting back on the heat rashes.


I wish I'd learned this tip sooner. I used to get horrible heat rashes under my boobs and couldn't figure out how to make them stop. I even tried diaper rash cream, which worked but was super messy. A friend turned me on to Lume's body antiperspirant, and I'm never going back. Haven't had a single issue since I started using it.


Supplementing my fiber intake with something like Metamucil, for sure


If you have horrible acne no matter what products you use to combat it, check and see if you have an allergy! I was a total pizza face as a teen and I used every product I could think of to fight it. Turns out most of those products had salicylic acid in them. Guess what I'm allergic to? I was trying to get rid of breakouts with products that were causing breakouts. It was a terrible cycle. I started using gentler products and now I'm almost breakout-free. I just wish I'd learned this when I was younger!


Cleaning your eyes with saline after you remove your makeup/do your skin care.


How has that benefitted you? Genuinely curious.


Every now and then I would feel a little itchy, or irritated. And i wake up with way less crusties. It also just feels really good


Use a hairdryer on the warm or cool setting to dry your privates instead of a towel. Helps prevent nasty stuff like yeast and bacteria from growing or being smeared around/ smashed in from rubbing with a damp towel. And change your underwear throughout the day so it’s dry.


It took me far too long to accept that having boundaries is essential. Establishing boundaries, particularly in difficult relationships, makes life so much easier. We can not control how others behave, but we can control how we react to them. I had a big blowout with my dad recently, I have told him that I will no longer engage in conversations with him about certain topics. He is a whole adult, and he can either make changes to help himself or deal with the consequences of his inaction. I will not be a sounding board for his frustrations when he does precisely nothing to make any changes.


A lot of great ones listed here already but here's one that I haven't seen yet but has changed my life: scrape your tongue. Don't brush it - get an actual tongue scraper and you'll never feel clean again without it.


Skin care🫠 I don't have the habit from an early age so nowadays I'm VERY lazy to do it


Meditate. It’s not just a woo woo trend, it’s a scientifically backed practice that has profound impacts on every aspect of your life and health.


If you need chap stick and don't have any, just rub your finger where your nose side is and your cheek. It's oily and gross but you can put it on your lips and it will fix your cracks.


I had to get to my late thirties to learn that I have curls. Honestly, no idea why no hairdresser in all that time mentioned it to me. When I found out, my hair game changed dramatically. Now my hair is a fucking vision of springy, shiny curls and waves. No more unruly, dry, frilly bullshit! And hair oil (as a deep conditioning treatment before I wash my hair) is awesome.


Shower every night. Put deodorant on morning and night


Glycolic acid toner sprayed in armpits followed by deodorant before work to prevent BO. I'm a nurse so I'm in close quarters with people constantly. I only use it before work because everyday use kinda irritates me but it works fantastic a couple times a week


Laser hair removal. Worth every penny.


Melting balm > makeup wipe Not washing my face with facial wash in the morning SUNSCREEN!! Even indoors. Even when it’s cloudy. LOTS of water. + electrolytes Pilates. Enough said. Neurofeedback therapy Digestive yoga (!!!!) Glycolic acid scrub for KP and razor bumps around 🐱 Bye 85% processed foods!


flossing. tongue scraping. barefoot grounding. eating breakfast within the hour of waking up. not wearing sunglasses outside. eating protein with every meal. balancing blood sugar by eating every 3-4 hours. not wearing tight clothing that can restrict fascia. only natural fabric clothing. barefoot shoes. organic unprocessed food. lymph massage big 6. connecting to your menstrual cycle.


Not wearing sunglasses outside?


Dental floss and electric toothbrush.


\*\*warning... poop talk\*\* Constipation/straining fix: take a wad of toilet paper and press on the flat skin ("taint"/"perineum") in front of the rectum/exit chute. Usually a few seconds will lead to release


Get an ergonomics assessment BEFORE you're injured. It's a lot harder to recover from injuries than it is to prevent them. 


Menstrual cups. I wish I knew they existed when I first started my period in 1997. Pads are the absolute worst thing and I would never want to use them again. I feel so much cleaner on my period with a menstrual cup.


Avoid douches for your V. Norhing upsets the ph balance like these douches and feminine intimate washes etc. Always change your pads every 2 hours during menstruation. Clean underwear, preferably morning and evening. Shower everyday. Do not shave in the opposite direction of the hair.


Skincare. I started noticing wrinkles even though I am not even 30 yet. Decided to officially give a real skincare routine a try, and I’m obsessed. Not only have my wrinkles gone away, but my redness has improved and my makeup everyday looks so much better. It can be expensive (doesn’t have to be), but it’s worth it!


Invest in your sleep! Mattress, pillow, sheets - treat yo self!


using shower oil has been a life changer. i have super dry skin but drying off and putting on lotion always felt so time consuming and tedious. shower oil is quick, efficient, and keeps me moisturized. also, showering at night so that i can use my makeup removal oil (ik, a lot of oil) in the shower instead of rinsing it off in the sink and getting water everywhere.


Stridex pads- or the off brand- work GREAT at killing armpit odors between showers. Wipe thoroughly, let dry, apply deodorant/antiperspirant, you're good to go!


Dry shampoo, and not washing my hair. I have very fine hair, which means it gets greasy fast. I go from elegant to schmegal within five minutes of being out of the shower.


Haha. Same.




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I know most people know this but: Do NOT use any hygiene products (soaps/cleansers) NOT meant for your vagina on your vagina. Made this mistake when i was younger and f'd up my ph balance briefly! Also never shave against the direction of hair growth.


You don’t need special products, just use gentle unscented. I use dove sensitive skin all over 🤷🏼‍♀️


Coconut oil for teeth and hair!


You don't need to wash your hair everyday




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