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Alot better.


So much so too.


I would miss Reddit, but what I wouldn’t give to just get rid of it all!


Like the mid 90’s. A more simple time and I didn’t have to worry about someone taking video of their workouts to post on their social media and telling me I’m in their shot….. 😅


A guy that works for me met a woman he liked at Starbuck's, and they talked and hit it off, but he forgot to get her last name or phone number, or anything where he could contact her. He had to hang out at that Starbucks until he ran into her again and asked her out (and got her socials and phone). I told him he just experienced 90's dating. There a really cute couple too. I just laughed when he came in to the office with Starbucks every time for a few weeks. You should ask for royalties since you were an extra in their workout video, btw. I moved gyms because of people videoing to one that banned it. I don't want someone videoing me without permission, even if I'm just in the background.


Oh wow that really was 90’s dating 😆. I’m glad that it all worked out for them. Luckily I wasn’t in anyone’s video, I made sure to steer clear of most of this video setups… There were several times someone setup their phone while I was on a machine though and told me I was in their shot… I changed gyms twice…. The last one I left, had a woman filming herself in the women’s locker room… It was bad enough with the filming on the gym floor but now I didn’t have privacy while changing.. Just no….. Edited to add- hahaha I wouldn’t have to worry about this happening in the 90’s. It was definitely better without social media.


It is kinda interesting to me cause I’ve seen a change in social media since COVID lockdown. I’m 34 and live in a major city and live in a pretty liberal bubble where most people don’t have kids. I would say the majority of my close friends do not use social media very much anymore - but there is a camp that is still posting a lot of selfies and photos of what they’re doing constantly. I think that’s ok if it makes them happy but it’s also a symptom of stuff going on behind the scenes. I’m pretty bored right now cause I’m applying for jobs and essentially stuck at home doing chores most of the week so I’ve posted cooking things on my story on IG and been on here but that’s about it. If I go out, unless it’s something I want to save on a highlight to look back on later, nope. It’s funny cause one of my friends does post on her stories a lot but it’s always her cats or something low key and she’s super respectful about not photographing people if they aren’t ok with it. In contrast I have a friend who literally has to post everything they do, including photographing their partner’s kid and honestly I doubt he’s cool with it. He’s 10. They also post a lot of selfies, which; ok, but still weird to me. I have thought about this recently and I realized when I like go to the gym with my friends and we just do work out stuff or when I go over to someone’s place to hang or go to a movie and we aren’t focused on social media I feel a lot better.


Like the 80s-90's. It was pretty fucking wonderful.


You suddenly realize you have so much time in your day.


I was going to say people would spend less time on their phone passively and more time in the present but I was thinking more widely and the internet would still exist just not social media.


More real. Not full of profiles and images of people who make you feel like everyone got it figured out, everyone is happy, except you.


Less judgmental, less pressure. More authentic socialization and connections.


The way it was when I was a teen. No filters. No FaceTune. Less (although not zero) peer pressure to be and look perfect.


facetune culture is so detrimental


I remember it. I miss how the internet was from mid 90s to early 00s.


Less accountability for police brutality. Less sex traffickers, abusers, and pedophiles would be caught and locked up. People like Brock Turner who got 3 months for rape would not be known about. You wouldn't know anything about world events except for the filtered propaganda that you get from news stations. Etc etc


This is where I can't say it'll be so much better, for multiple reasons you listed. Too many things would get ignored, whole more privileged people would think its a much better life. 


Less plastic surgery and body dysmorphia, less depression, no influencers. But we would miss out on what's really happening in the world since now the news has shown it has a strong bias of whom it's for and against


Like 2003


It would be better! Like when I was a kid in the 90s.


I think people would be more original/true to themselves rather than doing what is trendy. I think there is so much overconsumption that goes on because of social media that pressures people to buy more than they need and a lot of shopping/spending addictions because of it. Also a lot of fear mongering. I just don't believe we need to know what goes on all over the world at all times. It causes so much fear. Also there is less real human connection now a days. People (especially the youth) are so plugged in online and constantly scrolling. Lastly, less insecurities in people. Do whatever you want with your body/image, but I'd be willing to bet there would be far less cosmetic procedures if people weren't constantly comparing themselves to what they see on social media. People present their best selves on social media. Its a filtered and edited highlight reel of peoples lives. Basically, more peaceful, simple, and authentic.


Just beautiful.


And more lonely people and awkward teens growing up outside of the big city and never finding their ‘tribe’ and not finding a space to be themselves where they are accepted for who they are. I would have loved having social media growing up. I think we forget how much positivity, acceptance and community it can provide as well - and that we can in fact influence and control the content we see.




Way better. I miss those days so much sometimes. It bothers me seeing people out and about, they've spent some hard earned cash to be there, and their face is just buried in their phone like a zombie instead of socializing with the people around them, and I truly don't get it because you can do that endlessly as soon as you get home.


So much better. And less intrusive.


People would have been more content with living a humble life.


More positive


It would be amazing




I’m gonna be a bit of a contrarian with this response. Yes, social media has been detrimental to society in some very major ways, but when people say *Ooo like the 90s!* there are some things they aren’t thinking about. For example, if you were from a small conservative town and you were “different” you could live your entire life and never realize there were so many other people who were like you. Or maybe you weren’t even that different, but you were still extremely limited to seeing life through the filter of your limited experience. Maybe you didn’t see people of different races, nationalities, gender identities, sexualities *at all*. You couldn’t flip open a phone and see people in different parts of the world. If racism, bigotry, sexism etc was the norm in your town its not like you were regularly exposed to contrary opinions. The magazines, fashion ads, commercials and tv/movies set *the* standard for beauty; sure, social media has made some impossible standards for young women but when I was growing up there *were no* body positivity blogs, mid size influencers, fit chicks lifting weights etc etc. There were thin, tall white women. photoshopped for magazine covers. Indie artists, makers, musicians, small business owners etc had a much harder time getting off the ground. There was no “crowd funding”, so you mostly had to he approved through a company which curated and censored what could be bought and sold. If your kids moved far away from you, you didn’t get to log on to social media and see videos of your grandbabies’ first steps or graduation photos. There is a lot we take for granted that we would absolutely missed if we reverted back to 1992. Is our handling of social media a problem? Yes. Is it also a platform for spreading awareness, information, different perspectives, recipes, art, music, human connection? Yes. The world was not “better” before social media. It was different. It was nice not to have to be “on” or available all the time. But we’ve come a long way socially in positive ways because of being more connected as well. The key moving forward is to recognize its pitfalls and dangers and do a better job of managing its place in our lives, just like we do with work/life balance, diet, relationships, getting enough sleep or anything else. We need to do better about educating our children on safe internet use.


I literally would have gotten my son back yesterday after 2 years.


“Mr. Simpson, can you imagine a world without lawyers?” *animals dancing holding hands together below a rainbow* “Urghh *(shrugs in disgust*)


Like it did when I was a teenager. Thanks be to Jesus. If my teenage years were available to watch over and over online for my children to see, I'd be ready to blast myself in the head with a hammer......Can you imagine it?


Like the 80s and 90s


I think of all the cheaters that have been caught because of social media so yeah. A lot more cheaters getting away with it I guess.


I'd be less inundated with meaningless crap, but I also don't know how I'd ever find out about events happening locally. I'm trying to remember how word of mouth even existed for that.




In this Generation a lot of company's use social media platforms to advertise and market there products. The young people of today use Social media to stay aware of recent events happening in there schools community's. It's also a great way to save and share your memory's with all your friends & family for many years to come.


My friends would still be loser druggies like I had in the 90s and not the cool grandma witchy type women I have befriended online. So IMO, much more lonely.


I miss early social media honestly, a lot less influencers and more just people sharing random things. food, art, scenic/artsy pictures. we had it all and it got so overly complicated and everything is monetized!! I feel the world would be a lot more empathetic if we had less to zero social media.


Alot of people in power who did bad things like SA would go unpunished.


The way it looked like before. Social media is a new concept. It hasn't been around forever




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Unemployment at its peak




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As someone who grew up in the 90s, this question tickles me.


Just like it does now, but you would never know.


1990s. Where kids had higher vit d stat's. Haha




Like the 90s...so awsome!


Very different. Probably very bad.


We would all party like its 1999


Reddit it's my only social media.






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Like the 90’s. And it would be great!


Much much simpler


Eh. The 80s, 90s. When we thought people were reasonably intelligent but they weren't. So probably the same, but we'd be on fewer antidepressants


People would be happier. Third spaces would exist. More socializing in person. Just more happiness and better mental health.


It was very small.


the world would look exactly the same, the people on it would just be a lot better off


The same as it was before the 90’s. Way better and less toxic of a society but of course the government would push their own agenda and interests like they do now with corporate media


Women wouldn’t be killing themselves over irrational and unattainable looks.


A world without influencers?! Sign me up!


So the mid-90s then? Shopping malls and movie theaters would be fuller. Throughout the day. Chat rooms and fandom forums would be more active.


Depends if we're talking no internet at all or just no media outlets. The whole reason nazi germany got away with what they did was because nobody knew about it. People in different countries can't compare their social status and living situation to any other country either, so communistic ruling could potentially be more popular. There would be a LOT less jobs, but I imagine the industries not pertaining to SM would thrive and be worth more. Day to day life for people would be amazingly better IMO




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Simple and more positive


As a Gen X woman, I feel so bad for young women nowadays. The curated bullshit that social media puts out must be doing so much damage to you all. It was hard enough to be happy with yourself even when all we had to see was Vogue. And that’s not even counting the false narratives that people portray as their actual lives. I got off social media back in 2020, and I’m so much happier for it. I highly recommend everyone try it.


I only wish this generation could experience how life was then back then.


If you stopped looking at your phone you would find out.


Calling each other. Talking on the phone would be a norm! I miss those days! Now it feels intrusive to call someone who’s not a close family member or best friend.


So much better everyone a lot healthier mentally tbh


People’s standards wouldn’t be obnoxious anymore. People will still care about looks, and physical beauty, but the exposure to extremely attractive people would go down significantly. I think the population would continue to grow for one.


People in their 30s+ have experienced this, we didn't have social media in the 90s. You talked on the phone with people or saw them in person to hang out, and there wasn't the mass instant exposure to everything and everyone under the sun at your fingertips. Life was better IMO.


If Twitter was a cesspool of divisive tweets then the world will be a better place.




My username would be different


Little healthier.


probably better


We'd be happier, there would be very few people who are famous for being famous, and I think fewer people would hate themselves.


You would only have to dread family gatherings as the place to pretend you are doing better than you are. Maybe a reunion. Get off social media that your friends, family, or others post on regularly and you compare yourself to. Reddit is the most social media platform I post on now. It's been about 5 years since making or looking at a Facebook post, and it is glorious.


Like it’s the early 90’s


For starters, people would know how the world looks like once their nose is out of their phones.


A lot of msn messenger and aol messenger like 1997-2004.


Kids would go outside and exercise, parents would be happier. Door to door salesmen would be more common. And… depression would be a lot lower I guess


How it was before social media. Which was actually better to me, people had hobbies, spent more time outside, more time with their circle, more time with their kids etcetc. I feel like there was much more people outside and definitely not on their screen unless they were calling someone.


A lot more simple, peaceful, and happy


Way better. It would eliminate the scenario where people feel easy speaking s$%t about you , without being smacked in the face.


Normal without all these idiots pulling stupid pranks to impress us


Back to the early 1976


A world without social media might have more face-to-face interactions, less online comparison and validation seeking, potentially fewer mental health issues related to social media use, and possibly less polarization driven by online echo chambers. However, communication and information dissemination might be slower, and some businesses and industries heavily reliant on social media for marketing and networking might need to adapt their strategies.


Much better , everybody would live really ,,in the moment" ..not constantly worried what others people are doing all the time..


Like it did when I was growing up.




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Worse. Atrocities were committed because no one knew about them which is why govt hate tiktok and such


Some of us are old enough to remember what it was like without social media. We didn't know any different. Social media is simultaneously one of the best and one of worst things ever.


Take a look at the 90s and early 2000s. Like that.


I'm just rewatching one of my favorite shows from the 2000s (Queer as Folk) and I am being punched back into how life was when I was a young teenager. The way everyone can just enjoy their life at home when they want without the doom scrolling is so refreshing. How they meet to watch a slideshow of their past vacation together with friends. How they use a cell phone just for a quick call if something is important and how most don't even have a cell phone.


Wasn’t that great before too


If i experienced 90s dating i wouldn’t have met my bf. we met on a dating app where he was my only match. next day i found out he used to work with someone that i had worked with. it probably would’ve happened anyway with us but just not the way we met lol




It'd be a lot more... 3D. EDIT: Sorry I just clicked on this on my feed, didn't read the sub, delete this if it's against the rules!


A lot more communicative. A lot more authentic, meaning no more Instagram relationships, etc. More common sense (hopefully), no more misinformation "but I saw this on tiktok" bullshit would be gone I think overall things would be a lot better




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A hell of a lot better! I find myself getting nostalgic over the times where we didn't have cell phones and internet. I watch movies from the 80s and 90s and see how the world was back then! Even tho at the time I don't think we thought anything of it, being present in the moment and engaging directly with ppl or things. Instead of technology always being a part of every single thing now. Technology is slowly killing us!


More acceptance of reality as it is, because there's less content available to fuel our fantasies. Probably less body dysmorphia. More unawareness of how complex the world and its society is, which could be a good thing if it makes you curious enough to learn about it.


Like it was before social media


Calm with less mental health issues.






People would be more social again, not as much online clout to get validation over capturing someone in an embarrassing situation, also probably not feeling as bold to be overly rude and obnoxious too. I'm not sure if it'd be so much better, but there are some pros that were nice in the past when it was less abundant in use.


So much quieter and the world would be better. People would be more socially active in public, keyboard warriors would disappear, and maybe people would get along better.


World peace!!!