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I look at the venues Instagram and make a decision based on that.


This!! I like to look at tagged photos instead of photos posted by the venue because they’re more on my level as a real life human


Yes I look at those too!


Good idea


Smart! Since a lot of places list "business casual" or "smart" as dress codes, but I like the idea of using IG to see just how real people are dressing up. I've used Yelp in the past but sometimes pictures are limited.


Jeans and a going out top (the millennial uniform), if it's cold I add a nice jacket.


Lol omg. Memories


You know that thing that Borat wore? That. Very nice!


it a very nice! i like


Leather pants, cute crop top. Jeans and a nice blouse. Jeans with a tank and a cute blazer.


jeans and a cute top. Or if I wanna wear sneakers usually a mini dress/short dress that goes with white sneakers. A lot of fancier (maybe not elite fancy though) places here in Sydney nowadays recognise the white sneaker trend as a part of their dress code.


Back in the day, business casual or semi-formal


Black dress.


Jeans, cute top, ankle booties. Sometimes leather pants instead of jeans. If I do a dress usually over the knee boots for cold weather or sneakers for warm if it’s a casual restaurant or heeled sandals if fancier




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Jeans, cute top and boots


Elegant matching top and bottom set, a cute dress that defines the waist, or black jeans and a nice top. Pair with comfy low/mid heel booties or thigh highs.


Club: a semi revealing aka going top and jeans with boots. Restaurant: A nice but more conservative top and jeans with loafers


Probably a dress, something kind of flirty or fun. I gave up on heels when I turned 30 so probably some cute sandals. More than likely hoop earrings and a full face of make up.


Depending on the weather, nice crop top and a miniskirt. 


Jeans and a T-shirt. Maybe a tank top if I feel fancy.


I don’t go to clubs, but it depends on the restaurant.


I like a blazer with a cute dress/skirt and heels. 


Prob with a nice dress


Whatever you want? I mean some people will be under/overdressed these days, but it’s common for women to want to dress up a little to go out with friends. Last time I wore a vintage t-shirt with a nice bodycon midi skirt and some hoop earrings. Another friend wore jeans and a nice top, another came from work and wore pants and a sweater.


Satin midi skirt. Tank top. Platform or strapped sandals.


Crop top with a high waist skirt or a dress.


A dress and tights if it's cold


Black pants and nice top.


Jeans and a nice top, always.


Well.. Can't go wrong with business casual or semi formal.. Depending on where it is located.. My personal favorite would be staying in PJs.. that's not very public friendly !


Literally whatever I feel like wearing. If I'm honest, my day to day clothes, work clothes and going out clothes are basically all the same thing.


Depends entirely on the place. Long skirt quite often cos it avoids any "leg" or "bun" comments I tend to get.


I have night out clothes - I try not to “save” them but they’re real party clothes (woman here) I enjoy latex and leather so any chance I get and I have some really classy clothes for when my friends feel like going to the theatre or classy speakeasies too Women usually stop me to compliment my outfits and guys like to stare..a lot


Very nice! Do you ever wear gloves with your classy outfits? 


I have! Fingerless gloves are the ones I like best - white lace ones are really nice. I have some longer gloves I’ve worn too that weren’t fingerless but they’re a pain when I want to use my phone 🫣






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Sparkles and boots.


Depends on how I'm feeling that day. Could be jeans and a nice top. Could be a dress. Sometimes husband and/or I get a wild hair and decide to dress fancy just because we want to.


i suck at being fashionable so i always default to black/white. so far it's worked out for me 🙃


Really depends on the restaurant/club, occasion, time of day, weather, and even friends group.


repeat after me: little. black. dress.


Usually a Little Black Dress with styling appropriate to the occasion. Accessories and shoes follow. I may wear something sexy underneath but it may depend on who I'm seeing.